Sehuns past.

When Fire Meets Ice

"Jaehyun.." I heard Kikwangs voice on the other side of the door. I quickly wiped my tears away and let out a heavy breath. "Come in.." I breathed out.

The door slowly opened to reveal Kikwang and Sehun. They both walked into my room, closing the door behind them. Kikwang sat beside me on the bed while Sehun sat in front of me.

"Don't take what my hyung said seriously. He's just frustrated right now." Kikwang said while he patted my back. I gave him a small nod in return.

"Hey.." I heard Sehun whisper. I looked at him. "It's not your fault.. This is all the girls fault." He said, looking at me.

I softly smiled and nodded at him.

"Who is this girl anyways?" Sehun asked.

"Her name is Moon Jaemin. She was the smirking girl in the video." Kikwang explained.

Sehun slowly nodded and soon, a disgusted expression was on his face. "That girl was ugly."

I widened my eyes at Sehun while Kikwang gawked at him. Me and Kikwang looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Sehun looked at us weirdly.

I held onto my stomach and stopped laughing. "You and Jongin said the same thing. That she was ugly." I said to him.

A small smile crawled onto Sehuns face. Kikwang soon stopped laughing, wiping his tears away. 

"So you're cheered up now?" Sehun asked me. I nodded and gave him a smile. He nodded.

"How about we go out today? Let's give hyung some alone time in the house." Kikwang suggested. 

"I'm not really in the mood to go out.." I sighed. "Too much problems in life right now.."

"Come on. It'll be fun! Please.." Kikwang brought his hands together and pouted. He looked like a cute puppy dog. 

I looked away, trying to resist his cute face. He just kept bringing his face closer to me. 

I sighed and gave in. "Alright.." He cheered and wrapped his arm around Sehuns shoulder. "Bonding time!"

Sehun rolled his eyes and pushed Kikwang away. I chuckled at Sehuns behaviour.

"Let's go then!" Kikwang cheered and grabbed mine and Sehuns hand and dragged us out of my room. My eyes were wide open. Kikwang is too excited! I kept hitting his arm, signalling for him to let go and to stop. Once we were out the front door, Kikwang let me and Sehun go.

"So, where should we go?" Kikwang asked with a big smile on his face. Sehun pointed to the house with his thumb.

Kikwangs eyes widened. "What? Why? Didn't you guys agree to go out?" He asked Sehun.

I cleared my throat which caused Kikwang to look at me. I pointed down at our clothes. "You might want to let us change first." 

Kikwang looked down. We were all still wearing our pajamas. Kikwangs cheeks slighty turned pink and he chuckled nervously at us. 

"Sorry." He apologized before dragging us back into the house to let us change. 

Since Sehun didn't have his own clothes yet, I decided to let him borrow one of Jongins outfit. Sehun refused to wear the outfit since he was more of a tshirt and jeans kind of kid but I threatened to push him out of the house . In the end, Sehun had no choice but to wear the outfit. I tied my hair up in a high bun and wore one of my favourite outfits. I took a backpack and filled it with a few snacks and the usual items I can't leave the house without. 

Me and Sehun wore our shoes and walked out of the house to see Kikwang already there. Kikwang was also dressed up in a casual outfit; his usual look. He gave us a big smile once I closed the front door behind me. 

"I already told Hyunseung hyung we were going out. He asked to bring home take-out later." Kikwang said. I nodded. 

"Let's go then!" Kikwang cheered and grabbed my hand. I felt myself slightly blush.

The 3 of us got on the bus that went to Myungdeong. The bus was full of people so we ended up standing. Kikwang was still tightly holding my hand and I held Sehun close to me by his shoulder. I held onto the metal pole tightly to stop myself from falling. The bus made a sudden stop which caused all the people in the bus to stumble forward. I  felt an arm wrap around my waist to stop me from stumbling forward. Sehun grabbed onto my hand to stop himself from falling. I looked behind me and saw that Kikwang was the one who had wrapped his arm around me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me. I nodded, feeling my cheeks warm up. I turned to look forward again.

I felt someone breathing on my ear.

"You know, you're blushing." Kikwang whispered into my ear. My face warmed up even more as he backed away and pulled me closer to him, causing my backpack to be touching his chest.

I looked down and saw Sehun looking at me weirdly. I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes and turned away again. I chuckled silently. 

Soon, the bus was stopped at Myungdeong and half the passengers on the bus got off. Once we were off the bus, Kikwang stretched while I fixed my clothes and backpack.

"I hate the bus." I heard Sehun mumble. I turned to face him and saw him frowning. I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"Deal with it. I don't know how to drive yet so everytime we go out, we have to take the bus." I told him. Sehun pouted at me. It was so cute! I smiled at his pouting face. 

"Okay. Let's start walking around now!" Kikwang grabbed my hand and dragged me with him. I held onto Sehuns wrist to keep him from separating from us.

Many people were walking around and shopping with friends or family. I saw a mother and son in the distance eating ice cream together and laughing. I sighed. I really miss Jongin. I looked down at Sehun and saw him looking around, his eyes beaming. It was as if it was his first time coming here. 

I squatted down beside him and made him face me. I held onto his shoulder. 

"Sehun, have you never been here before?" I asked him. Sehun bit his lip and slowly shook his head. I looked up at Kikwang and saw a confused look on his face.

I turned to look at Sehun again. "You really haven't been here?" He shook his head. I patted his head and stood up straight again.

"He hasn't been to Myungdeong before?" Kikwang asked me. I shook my head. Kikwang nodded.

"Is there any place you want to go Sehun?" Kikwang asked him. I looked at Sehun, waiting for his answer.

Sehun shrugged and put his hands in his pocket. I sighed and looked around. We could go shopping for Sehuns clothes..

"How about we shop for your clothes?" I asked Sehun. He looked around at the stores and slowly nodded. "I'm fine with anything." He replied. I smiled and nodded. 

The 3 of us headed to the same clothes stores I had taken Jongin too. Just like how Jongin was, Sehun hated all the clothes I had picked out but was fine with what Kikwang picked. We didn't buy as much clothes for Sehun as we did with Jongin, but Sehun seemed to be fine with the amount of clothes we bought him. That's right, we. Me and Kikwang shared the money to buy Sehuns clothes. 

We were now at a burger restaurant, having a snack. Kikwang and I sat beside each other while Sehun sat in front of me. 

"Sehun, aren't you going to eat?" I nodded at his untouched food. He slowly nodded and picked up a french fry. He took a small bite of it.

"Sehun, are you not hungry? If you're not, don't force yourself to eat." Kikwang told him. I nodded in agreement. 

Sehun shook his head. "I'm fine." He gave us an assuring smile.

I looked at Kikwang while he looked at me. We both shrugged and continued eating. I glanced at Sehun and saw him blankly looking out the window into the streets. I noticed a small sigh come out of his lips. I put my burger down and leaned over the table, closer to Sehun.

"Sehun-ah." I whispered. He snapped his head towards me. "What?" He asked.

I leaned back to sit properly in my sit and let a sigh come out of my lips. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

He looked at me oddly. "What do you mean? Nothing is wrong." He softly said.

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Just because I only met you yesterday, doesn't mean  I don't know you already. What's wrong? You can tell me. I'm your umma." I said. 

Sehun looked towards Kikwang. "Just ignore Kikwang." I told Sehun. Sehun nodded.

Kikwang 'coughed' and nudged me on the side. I glared at him and nudged him back. Me and Kikwang kept nudging each other while we had a glaring contest.

"It's about my umma." Sehun suddenly said, looking down at his food. Kikwang and I stopped nudging each other and turned to look at Sehun.

"What do you mean?" We asked him in unison. 

Sehun sighed and turned to look at us. A sad look on his face.

"My umma.. She wasn't really the best umma. She treated me badly.." Sehun whispered, looking down at his food once again.

I looked at him, confused. What did he mean by that?

"What do you mean Sehun?" Kikwang asked. 

"My umma treated me as a ghost.. She acted like I was never there. It started when I turned 3 years old. My appa left my umma and me because he said I'm quiet and always just staring off into space. He said I was a weird kid. So he left my umma and me for a different woman. Since then, my umma pretended I never existed. She would always act like she lived in the house alone and she would always ignore me. All she ever did for me was enroll me into school. That's it. She won't feed me, she won't hug me, she won't tuck me in at night, she won't smile at me, she wouldn't take me out. She acted as if she never had a son." Sehun had tears rolling down his face as he told us his story.

I felt tears forming in my eyes. How can a kid have such a painful life? That's the reason why Sehun has never been to Myungdeong. His mom never takes him here. I felt someone holding my hand and I looked to see that it was Kikwng. He squeezed my hand and gave me a small smile. I nodded.

"That's the reason why I chose you as a mom. Jongin was my only best friend in school and everyday we were in class or during break, he would always tell me how much his umma loves him and treats him the best. I felt envious." 

I felt a tear fall down my face.

"That's why I faked that letter. I ran away from home and wrote the letter myself. I faked the letter so I could become your son.." Sehun looked up at me, sobbing. "Mianhamnida.." He whispered.

I stood up from my seat and walked over to sit beside him. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me. I hugged him tightly while I rested my chin on his head. I felt Sehun wrap his arms around me and hug me. He cried into my chest.

I his hair. "Don't worry. You don't need to apologize. I'm happy your my son and you're away from your horrible past." I whispered.

I felt him nod. I looked towards Kikwang and saw a small smile on his face. I smiled back. 

'I'll go get the food for Hyunseung hyung and let's head home now.' Kikwangs voice appeared in my head. I nodded and he stood up and walked away to buy the food. 

I could still heard Sehun softly crying so I continued to his hair. After about 5 minutes, I couldn't hear anything anymore. I pulled away from Sehun and looked down to see him sleeping. I smiled and kissed the top of his head. Kikwang came back with the food.

"Let's go." He said. I pointed at Sehun and brought my finger to my lips, signaling for Kikwang to be quiet. 

Kikwang nodded and put the food on the table. 'Give him to me.' He said in my head. I nodded. 

I stood up, carrying Sehun. Kikwang turned around and I gently placed Sehun onto his back. I made Sehun wrap his arms around Kikwang neck. I placed his head to rest on Kikwangs shoulder. Kikwang smiled and held on Sehuns legs. I grabbed my bag, took the food and held onto the shopping bags.  We then left the restaurant and started walking towards the bus stop. 

I looked at Sehuns sleeping face and smiled. "I'll treat you well Sehun. I'll give you a better life and be the best umma ever.." I whispered.

Kikwang turned to look at me. I looked at him. He smiled and made a kissy face. I chuckled and pushed his face away. I looked at him and saw him smiling. A small smile crawled onto my face as well.


Once we got home, Kikwang quickly took his shoes off and carried Sehun into the living room, gently placing him down on the couch. I followed them and dropped the shopping bags on the floor and placed the food on the coffee table. I took my bag off and threw it on a chair. Kikwang stretched his arms out, grunting.

"Sehun is pretty heavy for a kid." He whispered. I chuckled. "I'll just go check up on hyung." He said and headed towards the stairs.

I looked down at Sehun and placed a pillow underneath his head. I took off his hat, shoes, and jacket. I kneeled down beside the couch and swept his bangs out of his face. I smiled at him. Suddenly, Kikwang ran down the stairs holding a piece of paper.

"Jaehyun! Look at this!" He shouted. I looked at him angrily, placing a finger to my lips. 

I stood up as Kikwang ran to me, holding the paper out. I pointed at the paper with a confused look on my face. 

"Just take it!" He hissed. I raised my eyebrow and took the piece of paper from him.

I turned away from Kikwang and opened up the folded piece of paper. My eyes widened. I turned around to look at Kikwang and saw a worried expression on his face. I looked back down at the piece of paper and re-read the big red letter written on it.

"Phase three.." I whispered to myself before dropping the letter, causing it to slowly fall towards the ground.

I turned to look at Kikwang and saw him burying his face in his hands. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He dropped his arms to his side and cried into my shoulder.

"Hyung.." I heard him whisper. It hurt me to see Kikwang like this.

I patted his back, attempting to calm him down. I looked out into the distance, an angry expression on my face. You're going to get it Moon Jaemin. Just wait.


Was this chapter too short? I hope it wasn't.

Hyunseung!!! Where are you?! Oh my gosh!


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alexanadiney #2
OMFG. this was so perfect omg i love it so much. Probly one of my new faves (': beautiful job authornim!~
Chapter 30: Awwh that was really cute but I wanted her to keep the fire power! D: but it was still a really cool fic! x)
Chapter 30: Awwww I love this scene :o3 Makes me become emotional :o3 !_!
Chapter 1: I love this story so much . I've read many fanfics but I can't seem to find one that I like more than this one . I've read this fanfic like 5 times and I've cried every time . I know I'm weird but its just so good . It's like a drama that you love and you just watch it over and over but you never get tired of it . This is a great story an I just love it !! Thank you so much for writing this fanfic . It's seriously amazing !!
Chapter 5: aww yoseob is a good boy me like it xD
wondermickey #8
Chapter 30: omygash. i love this. <3 :3 sequel pleeeaassseeee
I like yoseob his funny xd