


The manager chained Hongbin to a tree while the latter didn’t say a word and just stare at the floor.

Ken was also not uttering any word, while at first he was convinced of what the manager was doing now he was regretting it , he was feeling pitiful he should have said something, but N hyung seemed of the same advice so maybe ….

“Ken look for him for some minute I …. I have to pee i’ll be right back ……..KEN don’t leave him or free him understand ?”

Ken nodded and stayed silent till the manager was enough far

“he went to the bathroom already before, he really has a bad bladder uh” tried to joke Ken not receiving any reaction from the visual.

“can you promise you didn’t do anything?”

“why would I hurt any of you?” asked Hongbin with a tiny voice

“I don’t know you tell me, as if you never said you would kill me if you had the possibility”

“idiot” snorted hongbin

“yah don’t get angry at me, N didn’t say no to this”

“but he … I get why he wouldn’t take my defense… I did the same to him at the mansion, this is how N felt when I accused him, I can’t really judge him about his doubt toward me , I did make a huge mistake threating him like a psyco .. maybe he will forgive me”

“so you are not trying to put resistance because of N hyung? now you are really stupid”

“my god Ken can you just go I prefer to be alone”

“but if you are not the culprit you should be scared to be alone” side eyed Ken not leaving Hongbin gaze

Hongbin just huffed rolling his eyes, he really had enough

“then you should be scared I could have a gun that could kill you, no ?”

“pff you are tied”

“you don’t miss anything Sherlock”

Ken was about to retort when the manager returned .. but he went near Hongbin with something in his hand

“what’s that ?”

“something to make him silent” the manager chuckled tying the rag on Hongbin mouth


“so the other will not hear him”

Ken didn’t understand till the manager pointed him a black dirty gun

Hongbin started trashing and trying to scream but with no avail he couldn’t do anything

“manager hyung I didn’t do anything “

“little cute annoying Ken you will not be missed by me, but it’s sad you will be the first to go when you were the one who made THIS possible”

Ken immediately started thinking and the word of the ghost made sense “it was you all along , but how ??seungho ….”

“yep it was me, the one who tried to kill that retarted of your friend that night, but he fall from the stairs and he saved himself thanks to his clumsiness”

“but the jijimbang you weren’t there”

“I know some of the people in the village, I owned them money and I said I would have it when you all would be dead, but I still give them some to block you inside ”

“I don’t understand you were with seungho all the time”

“ahahah actually no, the idiot was convinced that N was the one who killed his mother …hahah... Damn that plan was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO perfect, all of you are so predictable I knew that if you would watch an horror movie N would call himself out and he would do anything to not watch it ”

“you killed that grandma to make N take the blame”

“NO obviously NO she was an incident N should had been the one who was electrocuted, I throwed the bucket outside so that old man would be out and I had an excuse to make you go down there”

“the old man didn’t …. The company don’t know where we are ?”

“when the landslide happen I just used my phone to do some call and tadaaam… yeah they just think you are having the time of your life there”

“you must be joking we didn’t do anything bad to you”

“I had enough of ALL of you, your bickering. If only that night you would actually die under the water you would have helped me so much BUT OBVIOUSLY, YOU ARE ALL TOO ING LUCKY TO JUST DIE”

“the car incident was also your fault ??!!! but why ?and how?” Ken was crying he was scared but incredulous everything just looked like a bad dream, he didn’t want to die, he still had to make up with Leo and N and see if Hyuk will be okay, and his family and Hongbin how could he suspect him he felt so stupid .

“it was easy you were all sleeping then I put the car on without break and bammm ……ooooo Ken don’t cry you will make your menager-nim rich, I’ll just have to make another story up and change the one I had in mind before …… I actually wanted to make it seem like a group suicide, that story would have sold everywhere interview, variety show , they will pay me tons of money just to talk about it and your depression and how the stress ruined all of you , now… now I will simply tell that one of you had psychological problem and that we tried to help him with this trip , but everything went wrong”

“how can you kill people for money”

“it’s easy tho .. I’ll kill you then Hongbin , then I will say you freed Hongbin and he killed you , … and when another one is alone I will kill him too … like I said easy”

“you will not be able to kill everybody the police will be here before”

“then I should not waste any more time”

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Chapter 33: Hello! Really liked the world building you've done here. Great job of building on the elements of horror and suspense!
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for the update! It was really interesting.
Chapter 32: Oh.. this ending... And how I should wait for update if you finished it like that. What will be happen to them???
Anyway, thank you authornim
Chapter 2: I just started to read this ff. To luckily me, you updated this, so I find the story. What I can say. It's actually a very good idea and I'm really want to know how will you interpretate it. Thankfully it's already 32 chapters, because I probably would have been waited for any chapter from the firsts.
kfanz2010 #5
Chapter 27: Oh dear!! What happen to baby Hyuk?!! They lost in the forest and one of them getting injured?!
Chapter 27: Omo is that a gun shot???? ;;;;
Chapter 25: please update authornim!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: awwww... N-eommaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 25: new reader here..^^ i like this story..keep updating..i will wait, authornim ^^
hahahaha with the looks of this story, I already feel sorry for our faint-hearted leader, N-jumma....
Brings me back to MyDol days when they had an abandoned school mission. XD