between us


“between us”




N was quick by Ravi’s side

Ravi was looking at Hyuk body incredulous with big eyes full of tears and fear, he couldn’t believe it , Hyuk was alive but he was shot …. It wasn’t an accident, someone tried to kill him

“F*****k, are we sure it’s the only wound …or… ”muttered N trying to stay focused and composed as much as he could taking silent but big breath in and out even if the smell and all the blood was freaking him out , the makne being near death was also freaking him out, but he was not letting his fear take the best of him , not again , not now when he is indeed needed , he looked at the bleeding shoulder , he could see the bullet, it wasn’t deep , and that’s probably why the makne was still alive .

Not hearing any answer or even word by Ravi, N did to not leave his eyes from Hyuk

“Ravi are you listening to me ?”

“i…ii… i’m sorry hyung…can you repeat? ” Ravi was trying hard to not let his tears fall, but he wasn’t really successful, and some tear were soaking his face  .

“I was asking if you checked if he had any other wounds… that .. you know could have other bullets .. ” he felt sad that he had to act cold without comforting Ravi in any way, but still , Hyuk was his priority.



He looked at Ravi one more time “okey we need to take him out from here and like Ken sayd we will bring him to the bar”

“ye…yeah…first  you will help me put Hyuk on my shoulder , then you will climb over and so you and Ken will have no problem raise Hyuk…. Hyung we need to be extra carefull”

“I know that , don’t worry …” N gave Ravi a conforting squeeze on his shoulder before putting his hand around hyuk’s waist.

Hyuk was a little heavy and bigger than N ,but he was more fragile than glass right now, Ravi offered his back and N rested Hyuk on it.

“okey be carefull”

N with the help of Ken immediately surfaced from the glich and turned back looking at Ravi who walk up trying to make Hyuk more near to N and Ken and luckily for them the menager also finally arrived helping rising Hyuk and then putting him on N shoulder piggyback him.

N was shaking a little bit , he could feel the heat of Hyuk blood on his back and the frail breath of the wounded boy.

“are you sure ?” Ken was looking at him

“don’t worry , it’s better if we don’t change now I want to go as fast as possible back to the car”

They all nodded and were going when ”wait what about Hongbin and Leo ?”

“Ravi and N will take Hyuk back me and Ken will try to find the other”


N and Ravi arrived immediately after 10 minute of half running half fast walking.


 The bar was closed , but it was only 19:00 but since it was Wednesday it closed earlier

N didn’t know what to feel, why was everything turning badly like this… again, this time he was the one who caused everything… in this right moment they would probably be near home, everyone would be safe in the car

“Hyung wait a sec….”

 Ravi started running toward the car , N didn’t understand what Ravi was planning, maybe he wanted to see if the employed were still around….

Ravi seemed to have found what he was searching for and started running back toward N with…a shirt ?.... “Ravi I don’t get what”

“do you remember this hyung?’” Ravi put the shirt on his hand enveloping …and while N was thinking about what the younger wanted to do ..*CRAAASHHHH*

Ravi had just broke the window of the bar and tried to open it from the inside putting his harm inside the broken window to push the full glass open, he made it.

“wait in front of the door I will open it”

Ravi entered the bar and immediately went toward the door kicking it with all his strength till the hinges broke down ..

N was frozen with mouth wide open .

He alleyways thought Ravi looked like a tough , but part from silly joke now and then he never thought to be able to see his dongseng breaking in a store like this.

“come on hyung let’s find stuff to help Hyuk”

N closed his mouth and regained his sense entering the bar.

They immediately started searching the aid kid and a place to lay Hyuk down, which at the end turned to be the counter were N laid Hyuk gently on it.

“found it” came Ravi voice from the end of the bar where he found the emergency aid kit

“perfect we should clean the wound, so we need water, then we take out the bullet and put some gaze on too”

The rapper nodded and opened the aid kit shuffling to see what was inside , but any one could tell that he probably didn’t know what he was doing.

Ravi hand were visibly shaking so N decided it was the best if he was the one putting hand on hyuk wound ,

“Ravi take some bottle of water over there okey … don’t worry okey” Ravi nodded and in less than a minuted he passed him some water and gaze to clean Hyuk wound , N tried to be as delicate as he could but still wanted to be fast .

“Ravi pass me something that could be used to put out the bullet”

Ravi found some strange scissor that had two flat plate at the end , he passed it to N hoping it was the right tool, N nooded and watched the wound , he was scared.. he was able to clean the wound without much trouble but….

“N hyung you can do it”

“no I can’t I thought I could do it but I can’t”

“N hyung”

“my hand are shaking too much I can’t please you have to do this in my place , I will hold Hyuk and you will do it”

“okey” Ravi understood and didn’t waste time to change place with N

Looking at the wound without all the blood that there was before he could see clearly the bullet, he was relieved it wasn’t as deep as he thought it was , but nonet less he grabbed the scissor and immediately grabbed the bullet.

He pulled it out slowly receiving from Hyuk a grunt and the boy started to move .

N kept on Hyuk a strong hold to keep him to make his situation worse ..

for Ravi and N the time was stopping on second seemed an hour, Hyuk was also whimpering “be strong Hyukie ….be strong … a little bit more” N was whispering but his word were loud in Ravi heart and he finally bought the bullet out .

Ravi felt light “I did it” he took loud heavy breath and he started crying while putting the gaze on Hyuk shoulder.

“You did a great job Ravi  now we should find a telephone, but also keeping an eye on his wound , I think he will need stiches but I don’t think we can go that far so I think we will need to change the gaze ,but we need to call an ambulance and ask them if we can do something else and…I really need to go help the other find Leo and Hongbin , I don’t want something like this or even worse happen to them ”

“hyung you can’t go alone ”

“no need” both jumped at Ken voice, who standed near the broken door panting with a pale face

“ken what are you doing here ? why are you crying ?” Ravi was already imaging the worse his eyes started to water in fear “don’t tell me …”

“no ” mumbled Ken breathing hard , he seemed to have run a marathon.

“we found them , but Leo and the manager are fighting ”

“what ?!why?!!”

“we think Hongbin could be involved with what happened to Hyuk , and the manager want to tie Hongbin , bul Leo hyung is against the idea and ….”

N didn’t wait for Ken to finish and “Ravi , you need to stay with Hyuk, if you can see if the telephone is working , but don’t leave him alone okay ….. I have a better idea put something toward the door so you are protected okay?”

Ravi didn’t have the strength to argue and just nodded and N let Ken showing him the road and both started running.

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Chapter 33: Hello! Really liked the world building you've done here. Great job of building on the elements of horror and suspense!
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for the update! It was really interesting.
Chapter 32: Oh.. this ending... And how I should wait for update if you finished it like that. What will be happen to them???
Anyway, thank you authornim
Chapter 2: I just started to read this ff. To luckily me, you updated this, so I find the story. What I can say. It's actually a very good idea and I'm really want to know how will you interpretate it. Thankfully it's already 32 chapters, because I probably would have been waited for any chapter from the firsts.
kfanz2010 #5
Chapter 27: Oh dear!! What happen to baby Hyuk?!! They lost in the forest and one of them getting injured?!
Chapter 27: Omo is that a gun shot???? ;;;;
Chapter 25: please update authornim!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: awwww... N-eommaaaaaaaaaaaa
Chapter 25: new reader here..^^ i like this story..keep updating..i will wait, authornim ^^
hahahaha with the looks of this story, I already feel sorry for our faint-hearted leader, N-jumma....
Brings me back to MyDol days when they had an abandoned school mission. XD