
My No.1 Stalker

Taeyeon and I went to the mall. Since it’s Sunday, the restaurant’s closed and we’re shopping for things now. Hmmm. I think I need new clothes. I’m already out of decent shirts. And I guess I have enough money to buy a simple dress. Dress. Never mind.

“Look at this one,” Taeyeon said. She’s holding a long, black dress. It’s strapless and I think she likes it. “What do you think, huh?”

I shook my head. “Mianhae, unnie. But I think that dress is a bit long for you.”

She nodded. “I knew it,” then she returned it to where she got it. “You? Is there anything you want to buy?”

“Mollayo. I don’t know what to buy.”

“Yah. You’re tall enough and you have a great figure. I’m sure all the dresses here look good on you. You should try one. Then decide.”

“Never mind, unnie. Maybe I’ll just buy new pants.”

She nodded. “Araso.”

“Kaja. Let’s eat first.”

“May I join you?” someone asked.

We both turned around to see Donghae. “Donghae?” Taeyeon said. “What are you doing here?”

He looked at her. “I’m here to buy a new tuxedo. Then I saw you. What a small world. So, may I eat with you, girls?”

She looked at me. “It’s up to her.”

I nodded. “Araso. I guess there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Donghae smiled. “Kaja.”

We went to a restaurant and sat on a round table for four. I sat next to Taeyeon and Donghae sat across me. I just looked down, avoiding eye contact with him. There’s something in his eyes that’s one of my weaknesses. That’s why I should not look at it.

“What do you want? My treat,” Donghae said.

“I only want black bean noodles,” Taeyeon answered.

“Ummm… I think ramen’s enough,” I answered.

“Araso,” then Donghae said our orders to the waiter. “So, today’s your day off?”

“Ne,” Taeyeon said.

“Good. I think I’ll visit Hwara every Sunday. Is that okay, Hwara?”

I nodded, still looking down. “N-Ne.”

“Now, I’m starting to believe you. I think you’ve already moved on,” he sighed. “Should I be happy? Or not?... Mollayo… But honestly, I’m hurt.”

He’s hurt? “Wae?”

“Because that means you don’t love me anymore.”

Aniyo. Do you really think that day will come? “Oh.”

“I want to ask you one thing. Who’s that guy I saw at the restaurant? The tall guy with long hair? Is he your friend? Why is he always with you? Is he a new waiter?”

I thought he’ll ask me only one thing. “He’s my friend. He’s also appa’s good friend.”

“Why is he always at the restaurant? It makes me think he’s your stalker. He also visited your house before.”

Taeyeon answered for me. “Mr. Kim promised to eat there every day. And the other reason is that he likes Hwara.”

I glared at her. “Yah!” I whispered to her.

“Jinjja?” Donghae asked.

I finally looked at him. “Ne. H-He already confessed to me.”

“He did?” Taeyeon asked. Oh. I haven’t told her.



I took a deep breath. “Last night.”

“Hwara,” Donghae called.


“… Are you dating him?”

Should I tell them now? “N-Ne.”

“Jinjja?!” Taeyeon exclaimed. I saw her smiling. “Yah! That’s great! So, you dated last night? Aish! You’re hiding too much things from me. Tell me. Where did he bring you? I can sense that he’s a romantic guy.”

I looked down. “Ne. He’s quite romantic.”

“I knew it.”

“Hwara,” Donghae said my name again.

I looked up at him. Aish! His eyes are telling me he’s hurt. I really hate those eyes. “What?”

Seconds passed, then he answered. “Do you like him back?”

You know the answer, Donghae. “Mollayo. I still have to know him better. I should know if he really likes me or if he’s just fooling around… I just don’t want to get hurt again.”

“Hwara, Mr. Kim’s a weird guy,” Taeyeon said. “But it’s obvious that he’s serious. I’m sure he won’t do something that will hurt you so don’t worry.” Looks like she said those things on purpose.

I nodded. “I hope you’re right, unnie.”

“By the way, the wedding will be on December,” Donghae changed the topic into something worse.

December. That’s two months from now. “Wae? Are you planning to invite me?”

“… If it’s okay.”

Hell no! That’s not okay! “Araso. I’ll wait for the invitation.”

He nodded. “Araso. I’ll tell that to Yoona.”

Then, our food came. We all ate silently.

I went straight to my room and buried my face on my pillow. Then I heard appa knocked. Aish! I shouldn’t cry.

“What happened, Hwara?” appa asked.

I stood up and walked towards the door. I opened it. “Come in.”

But he just stood there. “What happened?”

I looked down. “… I meet Donghae at the mall.”


“… He already knew I’m dating Heechul-oppa… And he’s hurt.”

“So is that the reason why you’re also hurt?”

I nodded. “Ne.”

He sighed. “You’re really my daughter. We’re both losers when it comes to love. You got that luck from me so I deserve a ‘thank you’, right?”

“Tch. Thanks,” I said sarcastically.

“No problem,” then he tapped my shoulder. “Everything’s going to be alright, Hwara. Time will come that you’ll find a better person than Donghae. Well, I think you already found him.”

I looked at him. “What?”

“You already met him.”

I rolled my eyes. “Are you talking about Heechul-oppa?”

He nodded. “Ne.”

“Appa, I only see him as a friend.”

“Everything starts there.”

“What do you mean?”

“Your eomma and I started as friends. Then we became lovers. You and Donghae also started as friends then look, you became lovers. So guess what will happen to you and Mr. Kim after a few weeks. Just give him a chance.”

“Araso, araso. Let’s see what will happen.”

“Good. Oh, by the way. Mr. Kim called this morning.”

I raised an eyebrow. “So?”

“He said he’s not going to the restaurant tomorrow.”

Absent. “Wae?”

He smiled. “Interested to know?”

I glared at him. “Just tell me.”

He shrugged. “Mollayo. He didn’t tell me why. So that’s it. I’m going downstairs now. Just call me if you want something.”

I nodded. “Araso.”

“Remember what I told you. Give him a chance.”

I pushed him towards the stairs. “Araso, araso. Go now.”

He chuckled. “Ne,” then he went downstairs.

Give him a chance? Mollayo. Let’s just go with the flow.



To my 13 subscribers, GAMSAHAMNIDA!!! Sorry if i only update a chapter.:))) On Sunday, I'll post two or three chapters.:))) Thanks again!!!

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sososossossoooo LOVE this story, I almost cried when this story ended... :(<br />
how bout a sequel..??? <br />
^^<br />
once again, love this story!! XD
Sweetness Overloadddddd. Sequel? :D
sujusyndrome #3
Nice job with this story! It was really amazing and your concept of "stalker" was really great and it flowed well with the story. Hope you'll do a sequel because I love how Hwara and Heechul's love story went to a marriage. Keep it up!
i love your storie about heenim ^^ Hwaiting!!!
YES!! They're getting married at last~!! <br />
<br />
<br />
Will you make a sequel????? ^^
I'm sad that is story is going to end soon.....<br />
T_T<br />
Hiks hiks...<br />
I really love your fic so much!!
please make this story long ^^
sujusyndrome #8
Nice Story between Hwara and Hee! Keep it up!