Doing what's right

My No.1 Stalker


I don’t like what’s happening now. And I think I should back out while there’s still time. Honestly, I don’t want to marry Yoona. But I’m too scared to go against my parents. Now,  I know what I should do. If I really love Hwara, I should do everything for her.

“Yoona,” I said.

She looked at me. “If we’re going to talk about Hwara-unnie, mianhae. But I’m not interested.”

“Yoona, listen to me first.”

It took her seconds before nodding. “Araso.”

I took a deep breath. “I know you know that I’m really not in love with you… But I’m trying to. I’ve been trying it for almost a month now. And honestly, nothing’s happening. So I guess… I guess I should end this relationship now.”

Her eyes widened. “WHAT?!”

“Our relationship will not work. It’ll only cause more problems if we marry each other. So if you don’t want to-”

She slapped me. “… Don’t you dare break up with me.”

I looked at her teary eyes. “But Yoona, this isn’t right. You love me but nothing will happen because I love somebody else. Please understand that there’s no way I’m going to like you.” I know those words are painful but I really want to end this now.

“I don’t care, oppa. This is what our parents want. And you have no choice but to obey them.”

I shook my head. “Aniyo. This time, I won’t. I’m going to do what I want now. And nothing can stop me.”


“Mianhae, Yoona. But I think we should really break up.”

She started crying. “Aniyo, oppa. You can’t do this to me!”

“I love Hwara. And I’ll do everything for me to get her back… Mianhae, but I can’t stand this nonsense anymore.”

She hugged me. “Oppa! Don’t do this to me, please. I can make you fall in love with me. I’m better than Hwara-unnie. So please, give me another chance. Just don’t leave me, oppa.”

I sighed. “I’ve already made up my mind, Yoona. My decision’s final… I’ll talk with eomma and appa about this. And I’m not going to do what they will say. I’ll go against them from now on.”

Her hug tightened. “Please, oppa, I’m begging you. Just leave unnie alone. She doesn’t love you anymore so don’t waste your time on her.”

“I don’t believe she doesn’t love me anymore. I’m her first love and that will never change,” then I pushed her slowly away from me.

“Oppa, please.”

“… Mianhae.”

She wiped away her tears. “Wae? Do you think she’s better than me, huh? She’s nothing, araso? And we both know that. She’s just a poor girl trying to hit on a rich guy for her to improve her standing in life. Don’t be blind, oppa. She’s only using you.”

I shook my head. “She’s not that kind of person.”

“Well, that’s what you think. I really don’t know what that girl did to make you fall in love with her. Tell me. Did she give you a potion? What did she do?”

“She made me love her and she did that effortlessly. She didn’t push herself into my life, like what you’re doing now. Please just understand. I love her very much.”

“I’d rather see you suffer than to see you happy with her. Remember this, oppa. I’m not going to leave you with unnie. There’s no way I’m going to do that,” then she left.

I’m done with Yoona and now, it’s my parents’ turn. I have to talk to them now.

“Is there a problem?” appa asked.

“I’m backing out,” I simply said.

“Backing out? What do you mean, Donghae-ah?”

“Let’s cancel the wedding now. I’m not going to marry Yoona. I already talked to her about this but-”

Eomma interrupted me. “What the heck did you just say?! You’re asking us to cancel the wedding? Donghae, are you already out of your mind?”

“Ne, I’m out of my mind. So please, just let me do what I want this time. I think it’s already time for you to just leave me alone.”


“Eomma, please. I don’t want to hurt Yoona.“

”Then continue with the marriage! We’re not going to cancel that, we should not cancel that. Accept it, my son. You have no choice but to follow everything we ask you to do. Also think of the consequences if you continued to rebel against us. I’m sure you still love that poor thing that’s why you’re doing this. But there’s no way you’re going to be with her again.”

“I really don’t care what you say, eomma. I’m old enough to decide what’s right or wrong, what I should do and not do. It’s you who have no choice now.”

“Donghae, listen. The marriage is very important for our company. Do you think our company will make it this far without any help from the Im family?” appa said.

“Mianhae, appa. But I don’t care about the company anymore. If you want it back, then get it.”

Eomma stood up. “Wae?! Are you going to choose that Hwara over us? Do you think you can live alone without any support from us? Donghae. You’re going to suffer with her! And I know you don’t what that to happen so don’t dare come back to her.”

I shook my head. “Aniyo. I don’t mind living in hell with her. As long as she’s beside me, I don’t care about anything else.”

“There’s nothing you can do, son. We’re not going to give you what you want now.”

I stood up. “Eomma, did you ever give me what I want? Did that ever happen? I’ll tell you this. You gave nothing but instructions on what I should do. You gave me nothing but headaches. You gave me things that I really don’t like. Now, answer me, eomma. Is there a reason for me to thank you?”

She slapped me. That’s the second one I received today. How lucky. “Remember this, Donghae. You owe me your life. So don’t ever tell me that I’m not a good mother to you.”

“You’re really not, eomma.”

She glared at me. “What?”

“A good mother gives freedom to her child. She understands what her son is going through. She supports him in everything he’s doing. A good mother doesn’t want to see her child suffer… I hope there will come a time that you’ll realize this.”

She started crying and hitting me. “How dare you?! I gave you everything! And now you’re doing this! Is your respect for us already gone?! I raised you as a good person but just because of that girl, you became like this!”

I caught her hands. “Eomma, listen… Mianhae. But I’m begging you. Please allow me to choose the girl I want to marry. I really don’t want to be with Yoona.”

“Donghae,” appa said. “If you still want to have things you have now, better do what we want you to do. If you continued to insist your freedom, pack your things now. You’re not going to be my son anymore.”

I looked at him. “You’re going to disown me?”

“That’s the only thing I can do for you to come back to your senses again.”

It took me seconds before answering. “Araso. If that’s what you want, then disown me. I really don’t care. I just hope that you’re not going to interfere with my life again,” then I let go of eomma’s hands and walked away.

“Donghae!” eomma shouted. I stopped. “Are you really going to turn your back on us?!”

 “It’s not me who’s going to do that. It’s you,” then I left.

For the first time, I made it.



Soooooorrrrrrryyyyyy!!! I only posted a chapter today. I'm currently facing my hell weeks in school. Ugh. Finals. I really hate it. Anyways, thanks to my 19 subscriber!!! Hope you'll like this chap, although it's shorter than the other chapters. So, yeah. Donghae's against his parents now. He's starting to do the right thing now.


@PrinceKyuHae, Hmmm... I know Donghae's willing to give up everything just for Hwara... But let's see.:)))

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sososossossoooo LOVE this story, I almost cried when this story ended... :(<br />
how bout a sequel..??? <br />
^^<br />
once again, love this story!! XD
Sweetness Overloadddddd. Sequel? :D
sujusyndrome #3
Nice job with this story! It was really amazing and your concept of "stalker" was really great and it flowed well with the story. Hope you'll do a sequel because I love how Hwara and Heechul's love story went to a marriage. Keep it up!
i love your storie about heenim ^^ Hwaiting!!!
YES!! They're getting married at last~!! <br />
<br />
<br />
Will you make a sequel????? ^^
I'm sad that is story is going to end soon.....<br />
T_T<br />
Hiks hiks...<br />
I really love your fic so much!!
please make this story long ^^
sujusyndrome #8
Nice Story between Hwara and Hee! Keep it up!