
My No.1 Stalker

It's been two weeks since I went back to my previous house. And it's been two weeks since I started avoiding Hwara. Ne, I'm avoiding her. That's the only way I can think of. I'm sure she already noticed it. Things are getting awkward now. And I'm still getting used to it.

"What are you doing here?" Yoona asked.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" I answered.

"I-I am but, this is so unusual. What brought you here?"

I shrugged. "I also don't know. I have nothing else to do so, I went here. It's not a bad idea, right?"

She nodded, still confused. "N-Ne."

Awkward silence. I looked down. Think, Donghae. Think of something interesting.

"... Yoona," I said.


"... I want to let you know that... I'm serious doing everything to move on."

"... I know it will take you a long time. But I will definitely wait... You don't have to make it fast. I can wait. You have two weeks and I know that's not enough. If you want more time, just tell me. I'll ask you mom to give you more time."

I looked at her. "Two weeks. I think I'll be able to move on in two weeks. I told you, I'm serious. All I have to do is to focus and continue to avoid Hwara. That will help, I guess."

"You're avoiding her?"

"That's the only way I can do."

"... Well, that surprised me. I never though you would do that."

I smiled. "If it can help, then why not?"

"... I really wish you'll succeed."

"... I will. Don't worry."

She nodded. "I'll expect that from you."

I stood up. "Kaja."

She raised an eyebrow. "Where?"

"Just come with me," then I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the house.

I drove to a place where there are only few people. I've visited this park just last week. And I admit, this place is really nice. It's a place where you can relax and think clearly. Yoona and I sat on the bench. 2pm. The sun will set a few hours from now.

"Why did you bring me here?" Yoona asked.

"I know you'll like this place," I answered.

"How did you know?"

I shrugged. "Mollayo."


"... Yoona."


"... You'll help me, right?"

She looked at me. "Of course I will."

I nodded. "Good. Gomawo."

"... You're really weird today. What happened?"

"Nothing, don't mind me."

"Even though you're a bit weird, I like it."

I smiled. "Tch."

After a few seconds, she put her head on my shoulder. "Oppa... Neomu saranghae."

"... I know."

"And I really hope you'll feel the same way."

"I'm halfway there."


"... I think I'm halfway there. You should be happy with that, right?"

"A-Are you sure?"

"... Ne."

She looked at me and smiled. "Gomawo."

"No problem."

I went home after driving Yoona home. Eomma and appa welcomed me. We all sat on the couch. I think they'll tell me something important.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Remember that we left and went to Japan to fix something there," eomma said. "And we succeeded on convincing a businessman there to be our company's partner. So your appa and I are planning to go back and start another company."


"We want you to go to Japan after we finish building the company," appa said.

What? "You know I don't want to leave Korea."

"But it's for our company. No one can run our business but you."

"Then why build another one? I'm okay with managing the company here. I can't cut myself into two and leave the half here while the other is in Japan. Mianhae, but I won't leave."

"Donghae-ah, you have no choice," eomma said.

"That's always your line. But I'll tell you this, I won't do that. If you want another company, then run it yourselves."


"... Araso," appa said. "I think I can handle this for a year or two. But after that, you'll take over."

"But jagiya-"

He cut her off. "I'm sure he'll change his mind soon. Don't worry."

I stood up. "I have to rest now," then I went straight to my room.

Japan. Aish I don't want to leave. I've never left Korea, even once. Ugh. Never mind. There are more important things to focus on. I'll just ignore my parents first.

I went to my office earlier than usual. I sat on my chair and opened my laptop. Papers are all over my table. I think I forgot them last Friday. After an hour on working on the papers, someone knocked.

"Come in," I said then closed the folder I'm holding.

Hwara entered the room and put a pile of papers on my table. Is she here to add more load in my schedule? "Director Shin said that I should give you these papers."

I nodded. "Araso."

"I'll go now. Annyeong," then she turned around.


She looked at me again. "Is there a problem, President Lee?"

"... Is it okay if you'll stay a little longer?"

"... Wae?"

"I want to tell you something."

She nodded. "Araso."

"Have a seat."

She did what I told her. "What is it?"

"... Gomawo."

She looked confused. "Huh?"

"I know you already noticed that I'm avoiding you. Mianhae for not telling you my plan. I thought you're going to ask me why I'm doing this. But you didn't. Thanks. I don't know what will happen if you did."

"Gwaenchana. I really think you need to space out a little."

"Ne. But there's no need for me to do that now."

It looks like she got what I said. "... So, you already did it?"

I smiled. "Almost there."

Her smile widened. "Jinjja?"


"That's great! I think you just have to spent more time with Yoona. That will definitely help."

"I know. That's why I'm already thinking of beautiful places to bring her to. Any suggestions?"

"Hmm.. Let me think."

I nodded. "Araso. Take your time."







"That's really great!" Hyejoo said.

I nodded. "Ne. At first, it really surprised me. Then it started sinking in."

"I wonder what happened," Seohyun said.

"Maybe he's really serious. That's why he suceeded this early, " Hyejoo said.

"Ne. President Lee is that kind of person. He's really serious. If he wants something, he'll do anything to get it," I said.

"But he didn't get you."

I glared at her. "Yah. That issue's totally over. Stop it."

She nodded. "Araso, araso."

"So, I guess everything's alright now," Seohyun said.

"Ne. It's finally over now," I agreed.

"That's why we should stop this now and go outside to eat. I'm already hungry."

"Your treat?!" Hyejoo and I both exclaimed.

"Araso, araso. My treat."

"That's great!" then we all stood up and left.

Today's a great day. I hope the next days will also be great.



Thanks to my 34 subscribers!!! SARANGHAE!! Comments!:))

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sososossossoooo LOVE this story, I almost cried when this story ended... :(<br />
how bout a sequel..??? <br />
^^<br />
once again, love this story!! XD
Sweetness Overloadddddd. Sequel? :D
sujusyndrome #3
Nice job with this story! It was really amazing and your concept of "stalker" was really great and it flowed well with the story. Hope you'll do a sequel because I love how Hwara and Heechul's love story went to a marriage. Keep it up!
i love your storie about heenim ^^ Hwaiting!!!
YES!! They're getting married at last~!! <br />
<br />
<br />
Will you make a sequel????? ^^
I'm sad that is story is going to end soon.....<br />
T_T<br />
Hiks hiks...<br />
I really love your fic so much!!
please make this story long ^^
sujusyndrome #8
Nice Story between Hwara and Hee! Keep it up!