It's you again?

My No.1 Stalker




“Did he tell you why?” Taeyeon asked.

I nodded. “Ne. His parents told him to end our relationship. And he obviously obeyed them.”

“Aish! He’s his parents’ pet. Doing what he’s told to do. Tch. Good thing you’re finally over. Nothing’s going to happen to your relationship if he’s like that.”

I sighed. “But honestly, I still love him.”

“Well, a person like him is easy to love but difficult to forget. I understand you, Hwara.”

“… Tell me… How will I move on?”

“Mollayo. But if you really want to forget him, you’ll succeed.”

“Araso. Maybe I’ll just work hard. I might make this restaurant famous. Then appa will be very proud of me.”

Appa went out from the kitchen. “Hwara, I’m already proud of you.”

“I know. But still I’ll do everything to make you happy.”

“Tch. Araso, araso. I’ll just buy something. Stay here,” then he left.

“Hwara,” Taeyeon called me.

I looked at her. “Ne?”

“Are you busy tomorrow?”

I shook my head. “It’s Sunday. Aniyo. Wae?”

She smiled. “I’ll meet some of my friend tomorrow. And I want you to come with me and have fun. I’m sure you will forget everything that happened yesterday.”

“I’ll be out of place if I join you.”

“Who told you? I’m bringing some guys. Just choose one from them then I’ll-”

Someone interrupted her. “Aniyo.”

We both looked at the guy who said that. He looks familiar. He went towards us and looked at Taeyeon.

“Yah, Taeyeon,” he said. “Who said you have to do that? There’s no need for you to recommend your friends to Hwara.”

Taeyeon nervously laughed. “M-Mianhae, Mr. Kim.”

Then he looked at me and smiled. “Annyeong haseyo, Hwara.”

“A-Annyeong haseyo,” I remembered now. He’s Heechul, the guy I met yesterday. “Excuse me. What are you doing here?”

“Ummm,-” then he grabbed our menu. “Of course I’m here to eat.”

“Araso. Then what’s your order?”

He scanned the list. His eyes settled on one spot. “Just give me a mixed seafood noodles,” then he passed the menu to me. “I’m on a diet.”

I nodded. “Araso.”

“Give it to me in five minutes,” then he sat at the corner, near the window. He looked at me and winked. What’s with this guy?

“He’s weird,” I blurted out.

“Ne. He’s also a playboy,” Taeyeon said.

I looked at her. “Jinjja?”

“Ne. He’s dated a lot of girls and brought them here. And I saw how he dumped all of them. Let me see… Ummm. He already dated 16 girls this month, and then dumped them all.”

“16 girls?!”

“Ne. He’s a real playboy.”

“I think he has some problems.”

She nodded. “I think you’re right.”

I gave her the menu. “I’ll just get his order,” then I went to the kitchen.

After three minutes, I went towards Heechul’s table with his noodles. I put it on his table.

“Enjoy your meal, sir,” then I turned around.

“Wait,” he stopped me.

I looked at him. “Is there anything else you want to add, Mr. Kim?”

“Sit down.”

What? “E-Excuse me?”

“Sit down, please.”

“Mianhae, but I still have-”

“I said sit down!”

It shocked me. He shouted, causing the other customers to look at us. Aish! This is embarrassing. This guy’s really crazy.

He suddenly smiled at me. See? He’s weird. “Have a seat.”

I sat down. “Waeyo?”

“Feed me.”

Is he joking? “What?!”

He smiled again. “Just kidding,” then he picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

“What do you want?” I asked, a bit pissed off.


I glared at him. He made me sit here just to watch him eat? “What?”

He didn’t answer. He’s enjoying his food too much. Aish! I’m starting to hate this guy. I stood up. I’m really not in the mood to ride with his jokes.

“I’ll leave now,” I said.

“Hajima,” he said.

I took a deep breath. Relax, Hwara. “Yah, Mr. Heechul. I’m working here so please stop bothering me.”

“Taeyeon’s still there. Just sit down a little longer, araso?”

I shook my head. “Aniyo. Even though you’re appa’s friend, I won’t do what you’re asking me to do. I’m not being paid here just to watch someone eat… Just enjoy your food alone,” then I finally left.

I went towards the counter and grabbed a rug. Someone patted my shoulder so I turned around and saw Taeyeon.

“Waeyo?” I asked.

“I know Mr. Kim’s a bit weird but please be patient. He goes here everyday to eat because of your appa. In short, he’s one of our loyal customers. So please, be kind to him.”

I sighed. “I’ll just avoid him if he’s there.”

She nodded. “Good,” then she moved closer to me. “Are you free tomorrow?”

I nodded. “Ne. It’s Sunday so I have nothing to do.”

She smiled. “That’s great! So let’s meet at the amusement park.”

“Araso,” then I went back to work.

Amusement park. This place is for kids. Aish! But I have no choice. We went to the bump car and now, we’re waiting for our turn. It’s time to ride the roller coaster. And I need to escape!

“Hi,” someone said.

I looked a Taeyeon’s friend. “Hi.”

He smiled. “I’m Jiro.”


“So Hwara. I heard your boyfriend broke up with you last Friday. Is that true?”

Aish! Taeyeon, why do you have to spread the news? “Ne.”

He smiled again. “Waeyo?”

Why is he asking me about it? Are we that close? “Um, excue me,” then I looked at Taeyeon and tapped her shoulder. “I’ll just go to the CR. If it’s already your turn, then go. You don’t have to wait for me. And you know I’m afraid. Araso?”

She nodded. “Ne. Go now.”

“Gomawo,” then I left the line.

Hmmm. I really don’t know where the CR is. I’m not going to this kind of place again. I might get lost… Wait. I slowed down. Someone’s following me. Aniyo. It’s just my imagination. I sighed. I shouldn’t have accepted Taeyeon’s invitation.

Finally, I found the CR. I was about to enter when someone pulled me. Suddenly, I’m inside the men’s room. Jiro pinned me to the wall. What is he doing? Is he the one who’s following me a while ago?

“Yah! Let go of me!” I said.

He just smiled. He moved forward.

“Yah!” then I tried to push him away but he’s much, much stronger than me.

The door opened. A familiar guy entered and pulled Jiro away from me. Then after a few seconds, he punched Taeyeon’s friend.

“Don’t do that again,” he said then he pulled me out of the CR.


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sososossossoooo LOVE this story, I almost cried when this story ended... :(<br />
how bout a sequel..??? <br />
^^<br />
once again, love this story!! XD
Sweetness Overloadddddd. Sequel? :D
sujusyndrome #3
Nice job with this story! It was really amazing and your concept of "stalker" was really great and it flowed well with the story. Hope you'll do a sequel because I love how Hwara and Heechul's love story went to a marriage. Keep it up!
i love your storie about heenim ^^ Hwaiting!!!
YES!! They're getting married at last~!! <br />
<br />
<br />
Will you make a sequel????? ^^
I'm sad that is story is going to end soon.....<br />
T_T<br />
Hiks hiks...<br />
I really love your fic so much!!
please make this story long ^^
sujusyndrome #8
Nice Story between Hwara and Hee! Keep it up!