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Behind The Mask

After Hyunseung showed me around the school, it was time for...lunch? It's what the humans said right? Right. Lunch. But some people said Brunch instead of Lunch. So which one is it? Brunch or Lunch? Maybe they're the same?


Anyways, I followed Hyunseung to the ca....cafeteria? Aish why can't I not know what humans knows? I knew tons of stuff but I never knew about Coke, tie and school stuff. I wonder what else I don't know. They are one real updated humans.


Hyunseung brought up a tray to me and I followed him to get some food. The food seems really tasty but I have no appetite in those. I walk slowly while eyeing each one of the food and nothing seems to fit my appetite. Cake...too sweet. Ramyun...too hot. Sandwhich........I don't feel like eat it. Just because it has two slices of tomato that looks like blood, doesn't mean I like it. It taste nothing like blood.


I bet coke is better than blood. Hehe...Coke. "Don't you feel like eating?" Hyunseung asked. I turn to him and thought for a little. Do I feel like eating? Do I?


Without even answering him, he sighed and put some food on my tray. I look at him with the 'uhh..' face and he kind of know it. "If you don't have money to buy, tell me" He said and walked away to his table. "Hey Seungie! Come sit here" A blonde shouted. And he's a boy.


Hyunseung smiled and nodded before walking towards the table. Once he sat on the chair, the blonde guy put his arm around his neck and pulled him closer, smiling and talking. I bit my inner cheeks to prevent myself from losing control. I glared at the hand of the guy and attacked it without even touching it. Just by one look, he'll feel his hand being burn. Not a serious burn of course.


"Ow!" He shouted and released his arm immediately after he felt the burn. "G-Dragon? What's wrong?" Hyunseung asked as he look at him from his bowl of food. So G-Dragon is his name. What a strange name. I have a better name than him; Joker. I don't know why but I like that name.


That G-Dragon dude caught me staring at him and turned his head to my direction. 'It must be that boy who attacked me,' He thought. I let out a small laugh and smiled at him pretending nothing happened and waved at him awkwardly. '' He thought while returning a glare. I frowned at that.


Hyunseung turned to me and said, "What are you doing standing there? Come" He gestured my to come. You want me to sit with him? No thanks. Even if he's the last one person living in this world, I wouldn't sit with him. I stomped towards Hyunseung and grabbed his arm.


"No, we're not sitting here" I said in a serious tone. I threw a glare at G-Dragon last one time before pulling Hyunseung out with me. "Yah! Where are you taking me?" Hyunseung said while trying to struggle free from my grip. I inserted a little strength in my grip and heard a hiss right after.


I soften my grip a little after knowing what I did. "Sorry" I mumbled.


After walking through people, we reached somewhere I found when I had to find the bathroom. It took me long enough to find the bathroom. And I kind of discovered this place where nobody knows. Pretty awesome huh?


I let go of Hyunseung's wrist and sat on the clean grass. Hyunseung eyed around the place with questions in his eyes. "Where is this?" He asked. "This? My secret place. I discovered this place while finding the bathroom" I replied. I look up at Hyunseung and saw a smile crept on his lips. So cute.


He closed his eyes and breathed in the fresh air. "It's pretty" He said. A growl soon escaped through Hyunseung's stomach, asking sadly for food. Hyunseung widened his eyes and blushed a little from emberrassment. I chuckled and held out a bread covered with plastic.


He look down at the bread accepted it with a smile. "Thanks" He said. "No, thank you" I said and smiled at him. He's the very first person that I've smiled to. I could see soft pink colour took over his cheeks right now. He plopped down on the grass and never look at me.


He softly slap my arm and said, "Don't you ever look at me like that". He shyly open the plastic and took a bite on his bread without looking at my direction. I playfully rustled his hair and chuckled. "You're cute, you know that?" I said. He rolled his eyes to me and then quickly look to the other side.


"I know" He muttered. I never knew you are thick-skinned. That doesn't matters anyways.


The bell soon rang, breaking my most precious time with Hyunseung. We got up from the grass and walked out from the secret place. "I think you should give this tray back to the cafeteria" Hyunseung said. I nodded.


After putting where the tray came from, I walked to the class that I would have next. Mathematics. I'm not good at counting but since Hyunseung has the same class with me, I'm definitely not gonna miss this class.


"Okay class, tomorrow we will be having test from the first topic until the topic I taught. Be sure you study well for your test" The teacher said as he scribbled down something on the chalkboard. A test? What's a test? Are they cheking us up? No. Noo. I don't want to be checked!


"What's a test?" I whispered Hyunseung nervously trying to make sure it wasn't the test I'm thinking about. He furrowed his eyebrows and look at me. "You don't know what's a test?" Hyunseung asked. I could sense him being a little annoyed in his voice. I shook my head.


He let out a sigh and shook his head. "A test, is something that teachers use to check your knowledge" (Sorry if it's not really the answer xD) He replied. I made an 'o' on my lips and nodded. So that's what he meant. I let out a deep sigh, feeling relief. I thought the 'test' is the test where they examine your body. Uggh creepy.


"You really didn't know what's a test?" He asked. I stared at him a little and try to search for an answer. "Umm..No I was just wondering" I asked as I gulped, hoping he accept that. He nodded and turned back to the board. I just came here and the teacher wanted to know my knowledge already. I don't freaking know anything about what humans learnt about Maths.


All I knew was...Plus, minus, times and divide. That's all I knew. That's it. What teacher was writing, I also don't know. What am I going to do now? I don't think I can do it.


The test doesn't really matter right? Wait..I think I got everything under control. Just you wait, test. Just you wait. I'm gonna beat the crap out of you. I know you probably are laughing at me right now for being unable to answer the questions. I'll prove it to you that I'll answer every question correct.



TEEHEE<33 How's everybody? =v= and How's this chapter? :D

Junhyung will be having a test and OOOOOHHHH jealousy~~ xD Want to know how Junhyung got himself ready for the test? You might find out the next chapter or the next next chapter ;D

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ps_loveU #1
I love it very much!!! TOO AMAZING XDDD
THIS SHOULD BE FEATURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( I hate everyone who didnt upvote for this. Jk (dont kill me everyone)
noisygurl #3
Omona!!!. i luv this fanfic vewy MUCH *thumbs up* ^^
Chapter 27: Omg. So sweet. Junseung forever
Chapter 27: Love it~~~ HEEEEE!!!!
Im not so into this kind fantasy ff but i love Junseung~~
Good job authornim~
(And yeah i read that Kiseob ff too, but why it's discontinued~~ T.T)
seungie89 #6
Chapter 27: I laugh , cry . I love your story more than junhyung love hyunseung ! Its was so amazing . Seriously , this is the best fanfic ever ! ;) i love you author ;) from : hyunseung's fan :D
Chapter 27: New reader. How sweet. They're back together. I love Junseung. Nice story. Glad to have read it
@Bapbabygirl; Omg you did? :'D I'm... touched T^T I'm glad you like it!

Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed the story :D
So it's 1 am an I stayed up all night just to make sure they got Back together. Love this story!!!
@OnASnowyDay; Glad you like it ^^ Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed the story :D