I just freaking saw a vampire.

Behind The Mask

Hyunseung's POV:


Knock Knock Knock!


"Ugh" I groaned to the knocking. What time is it right now? I lay back on the bed not bothering to wake up nor look at the clock until the knocking appears again. "MWO?" I shouted.


"You have to get ready for school now. You're going to be late" Yoseob said. He sounded really sorry though. Great. You made a friend feel sorry. I got up from the bed and ran to the door before Yoseob leaves. I swung the door open and stared at Yoseob. He jumped a little and stared back at me.


"I...I'm sorry for shouting at you" I apologized while scratching my head. Yoseob chuckled and and knuckles my chest softly. "Just go get ready okay?" He said and went downstairs. I brush my hand through the spot where he knuckled and his hand felt..a little strong.


I wonder why. His hand movement is slow but when his knuckle contacted my chest, it's like a small dictionary is being thrown at you. This is when I started to get curious about Yoseob.


After getting ready, I got down and grabbed some pieces of bread. "I got to go. Annyeong" I said as I put a piece of bread in my mouth. Yoseob said goodbye to me and hugged me before I left for the freaking school.


On my way to school, it's pretty quiet around the street. I don't think people want to go out right now after the news about the vampire. Seriously. Who would be dumb enough to believe such things happen. Pfft.


Once I reach my school, the girls again gathered around me fangirling about me. This time I ignored them and walked my way to my class.


"Okay class, today we're going to learn about...." The teacher said as he scribbled down on the chalkboard. For not getting caught like yesterday, I have to concentrate. Even though I hate it. Just for the sake of my precious time.


Through the corner of my eyes, I saw a figure flying down and landed on a three. I ignored it and pretended it as a monkey. The "monkey" leaned back on the air and hanged upside down on the tree with his knee folded to hold himself onto the tree. Just then I notice that the "monkey" has big sized body.


I turn my head to the window and saw a boy hanging upside down on the tree. He smirked as he pointed at me and he drew an invisible line across his neck with his thumb. His smirk turned into a smile which showed his teeth and long fangs. I sighed and look back to the front.


Wait...fangs?! I turn my head back to the window and found the boy was gone. It wasn't what I thought it was right? I didn't just see a vampire right? I guess it was just my imagination? Heh..yes.


"Mr. Jang! Stop daydreaming! Detention for you today" Mr. Fong said. What. The. Eff? Detention for daydreaming? What kind of school gives teachers permission to give the students detention whenever they want? This is just not fair. "But-" I said but he cut me off.


"No buts. You have to clean the trophy room for today" He said and turned back to scribble junks on chalkboard. The trophy room? Yah. Do you know how big it is? Stupid Mr. Fong. Making me do all those dirty jobs. I wonder why the school even bothers to hire a janitor when they already have me who clean after Mr. Fong instead of the school.




The last school bell struck and everyone got their stuff ready and left the classroom. "Bye Seungie" One of the s said and blew me a worthless kiss. I slap the kiss away before it goes spreading all over my body. I got up and swing my bag over my shoulder before leaving the room.


Just like that the time past very fast. I took a glance on my wrist watch and it shows 7.30pm. Have I really cleaned that long? I rubbed the drool on the corner of my mouth and knew I was sleeping all the time. Who says I'm gonna clean?


And again, I left the school lights on and left the school. I put on my headset and my music player to help myself relax. I also danced along the walk. I quickly turn my head over my shoulder to check if there's someone behind me and I found myself looking at the cold empty street.


I shrugged and turn back to the front before continuing my walk. Thump! I heard a thump behind even though I'm still listening to my music. "AH!" A voice drowned my music for a second. I pulled my headset down and turned around and saw a boy sitting on the floor grabbing onto his leg.


"Are...Are you okay?" I ask him. He look up at me with pain written on his face and reached his hand out. I think I saw him before. Was he the guy from my imagination? Nah, that can't be. It was just my imagination over that vampire things.


"Do you think you can help me?" He said. I nodded and reach my hands towards him. Once he grabbed my wrist, everything started to popped in my mind. The scene where the girl is being by a vampire. I studies his face and saw his human-like face turning into a monster-like face. The same face I saw yesterday.


I widened my eyes and quickly pull my hand away before he pulls me first. "AH!" I shouted and put my other hand on my wrist. I slowly open my hand and saw my wrist being scratched by him. Damn he has long fingernails. The cut wasn't just any cut. It's twice as large as the normal cuts. Not to mentions, there's three of them.


Before the creature charge towards me, I run away from the spot as fast as I can while holding onto my wrist. My heart beats faster than usual. It's the first time I felt like this. I was very scared. It's the first time I've seen a vampire too. Wait not the first time. Second time. I don't think I can tell Yoseob what happened.


BAM! I shut the door and leaned back on it. I slowly slid down and panted really hard. "Hyunseung can you stop-" Yoseob said as he turn to me from the tv and gasped. "Hyunseung. What happened?" Yoseob asked in worries. He got off the couch and got to my height level.


I hid my injured hand behind and shook my head. Yoseob let out a short sigh and pull my hand revealing the scratches. He studied the scratches a little and after that, his eyes were widen. "You have to get this treated fast. Be right back" Yoseob panicked and left.


Soon after, he came back with a bandage and a strange looking bottle. He pulled my hand and look at me. "Now you have to endure this no matter how hurt it is" He said and placed a hard item in my mouth. He uncorked the bottle and slowly poured the liquid on my arm.


"What do you mean- ARGH!" I shouted and knew exactly what he meant. That liquid freaking hurt! It's like acid being poured on you. I bet acid is more hurt than this. Although it was little, but it hurts REALLY much. I bit the item hard to endure the pain.


Yoseob put the bottle down and he slowly bandage the scratches. "Done" He said as he patted my bandaged wrist. Now I got even more curiousity in him. What happened? Or more importantly. What is he?


"Here. Take this with you" Yoseob said as he put a necklace around me. Is he like...has a crush on me? I took a look on the necklace and then look back at him. "A sword necklace? Why do I have to take this?" I asked as I hold the pendant up. "It's for your safety. You're not gonna be safe without this because it is coming after you"


What the hell does he mean? Who is it? Why is it after me? "Press this little button when you're in contact with the creature. This might seem useless to you but it's very powerful. So don't play around with it okay?" Yoseob convinced. The Yoseob now is really making me more curious. I stared at him awkwardly and nodded. "Good" He said and patted my shoulder before he gathers the stuff and left to put where they belong.


I look at the pendant carefully and thought about it. How can this little pendant help me? How can this little pendant be so powerful? I don't even know what world I'm living in right now.



Sorry for the long update >.< Was totally into the drama Lie To Me xD It's so awesome!

Anyways, how's the chapter so far? :D Hope you enjoy this chapter<333

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ps_loveU #1
I love it very much!!! TOO AMAZING XDDD
THIS SHOULD BE FEATURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( I hate everyone who didnt upvote for this. Jk (dont kill me everyone)
noisygurl #3
Omona!!!. i luv this fanfic vewy MUCH *thumbs up* ^^
Chapter 27: Omg. So sweet. Junseung forever
Chapter 27: Love it~~~ HEEEEE!!!!
Im not so into this kind fantasy ff but i love Junseung~~
Good job authornim~
(And yeah i read that Kiseob ff too, but why it's discontinued~~ T.T)
seungie89 #6
Chapter 27: I laugh , cry . I love your story more than junhyung love hyunseung ! Its was so amazing . Seriously , this is the best fanfic ever ! ;) i love you author ;) from : hyunseung's fan :D
Chapter 27: New reader. How sweet. They're back together. I love Junseung. Nice story. Glad to have read it
@Bapbabygirl; Omg you did? :'D I'm... touched T^T I'm glad you like it!

Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed the story :D
So it's 1 am an I stayed up all night just to make sure they got Back together. Love this story!!!
@OnASnowyDay; Glad you like it ^^ Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed the story :D