Meetings with Yoseob.

Behind The Mask

I walk mindlessly to Singing class with mindfull of thoughts. As I got to the doorstep, nervousness started to strike through me and held onto me. My hand shakily reach for the door knob and turn it slightly. Before opening the door, I took a deep breath. In and out, washing away all the nervousness in me. Here I go..


I push the door open and walk in casually like I always do, stuffing my hand in my pocket and walk to my seat. I took a seat on an empty table and leaned back against the chair. I noticed someone is looking at me beside. I turn to him and realised it's.....Hyunseung. Both of us widened our eyes and quickly look away from each other's gaze. Awkward..


I slowly turn back to look at Hyunseung secretly and I kept ended up being caught. I gave him and awkward smile which he returned. "About just now..I-" I wanted to apologized so that I could know his thought about that...kiss, but that stupid teacher interrupted me.


"Alright class, let's start our lesson now. Let's do some warm-up for your throat" The teacher said. All of the students stood up followed by Hyunseung and me. The teacher sat down in front of the piano and started to play music and the students started to sing.


I followed them too. I don't know what they do in the warm-up so I just followed their mouth. I couldn't help but keep looking at Hyunseung and then back at the front again and again. I just somehow can't take me eyes off him. He's so beautiful. More than an angel.


After the warm-up, the students sat back down to their seat and listened to the teacher. "As usual, let's start the lesson with our vocalist, Jang Hyunseung" The teacher announced. Hyunseung bowed his head and stood up from his seat. He walked towards the teacher and faced the crowd.


He said something to the teacher while the teacher nodded. He bowed to the crowd and grabbed the mic that was given by the teacher. As the music starts, he started to sing.( ) OMFG HYUNSEUNG IS SOOOOOO AWESOME DAFKJHELKJGG] [A/N: Highlight to know the hidden message from me ;D It's not really a message tho]


My jaw dropped hearing his beautiful voice and seeing his beautifully emotional face. He never turn his gaze at the others. He only looked at my direction. If I'm not wrong, he's looking at me. He ended the song with a wonderful note and everyone in the room clapped. I was too busy admiring him that I didn't bother to clap.


We locked into each other's gazes almost every single second while he's singing the song. It's like as if he's singing the song to me. So wonderful. "Yong Junhyung" The teacher called out sounding a little annoyed. I snapped back into reality and looked at the teacher with a questioning eyes. "It's your turn" She said.


I shyly bowed my head and stood up. I walked towards the space where Hyunseung stood just now. I took the mic and told the teacher what song I wanted to sing. She nodded and played the song and I started to sing. This song is for you, Jang Hyunseung. ( ) RAWR!<3333333333 I'm gonna go crazy soon xD


Singing love songs is just like singing to someone you love or someone you care. Mostly both of them.


That's what I heard during the hunting for target. I was sitting in a cafe drinking a cup of Latte and over-heard the conversation between two girls. I never cared about it until now, I know what it meant. I sang out with my feelings and looked deeply into Hyunseung's eyes even though we're not so close at the moment.


Once I ended the song, the boys started to clap their hands while the girls starts squealing. I bowed to them and returned the mic to the teacher before moving back to my seat. "You did pretty well for your first try, Junhyung" The teacher praised me. I gave her a small smile and bowed my head in thanks.


He nodded before proceeding to teach us about singing. 'His voice is amazing.. ... ....Am I falling for him too like how the girls do?' Hyunseung thought. I couldn't help but smile at his thoughts. So cute, asking himself tons of questions.




The bell struck announcing that it's the end of the school. We stood up and bowed to the teacher until the teacher walked out of the class. I packed everything up and went out of the class. As I walked to the hallways, I say Yoseob talking to Hyunseung. Hyunseung nodded and walked away. I wonder what they're talking about.


"There's no point in eavesdropping, Junhyung" Yoseob said as he turned to me and smiled. He walked towards me and grabbed my wrist. "Let's have a meeting" He said and pulled me to who-knows-where.




"Do you like Hyunseung? Not the friend-like but the like-like, if you know what I mean" Yoseob questioned. What's with the sudden question? This is not Yoseob.


I put my palm on his forehead measuring his temperature. "Are you okay?" I asked curiously. He sighed and shoved my hand away. "Just answer me. Honestly" He said with a hint of annoyed in his voice. Do I like Hyunseung?.. I hesitated for awhile before answering him. "No..But, I love him" I said.


He had a little smirk crept on the corner of his lips. Not an evil smirk of course. "How much?" He asked again. I furrowed my eyebrows thinking why is he asking these kind of questions. "Are you jealous?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow. "Ew, no. Just answer me" He said.


"My love for bigger than you can imagine..I can't really describe my love for him.." I answered. And again, he questioned me. "Would you do anything to protect him?"


"Yes, even if it takes my soul away.." I replied confidently.


He smiled. "Just promise me something. Never hurt him. Hurt him, and the dagger goes right" He said as he pointed at my chest where my heart is located in. "And promise me another thing. Don't fool Hyunseung into your act. I know she sent you here just so you could track down Hyunseung and his blood off. And I don't want that to happen. Just love Hyunseung with your heart. Not with your lies. Or else...You'll know what happen" He added.


He smiled at me and turned around walking away from me. He can be as cute as all the people thinks but he can also be scary sometimes. "Wait!" I called out for him. He turned back and faced me as he hummed in response. "So..we're cool?" I asked hoping he nods.


"Maybe...and maybe not" He replied and grinned before skipping away. What kind of answer is that? I took a look at the sky and sighed. I guess it's time for me to go home. By the way, if you're wondering, we were in a cafe. I stood up and payed for the drinks before leaving the cafe. Maybe...and maybe not. I wonder what he meant. 



roar c: I was bored so I decided to update this 8D Hope I did Yoseob's part scary enough Teehee<3 xD

Anyways, as a Bonus, Watch these 8D : 

1) Junhyung dancing and singing to "3 Bears Song"

2) Hyunseung's cute dance in Thailand , AND

3)Junseung's touch 8D

I don't know why, but I felt like giving Bonus xD Enjoy<3 And do drop a comment :D

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ps_loveU #1
I love it very much!!! TOO AMAZING XDDD
THIS SHOULD BE FEATURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( I hate everyone who didnt upvote for this. Jk (dont kill me everyone)
noisygurl #3
Omona!!!. i luv this fanfic vewy MUCH *thumbs up* ^^
Chapter 27: Omg. So sweet. Junseung forever
Chapter 27: Love it~~~ HEEEEE!!!!
Im not so into this kind fantasy ff but i love Junseung~~
Good job authornim~
(And yeah i read that Kiseob ff too, but why it's discontinued~~ T.T)
seungie89 #6
Chapter 27: I laugh , cry . I love your story more than junhyung love hyunseung ! Its was so amazing . Seriously , this is the best fanfic ever ! ;) i love you author ;) from : hyunseung's fan :D
Chapter 27: New reader. How sweet. They're back together. I love Junseung. Nice story. Glad to have read it
@Bapbabygirl; Omg you did? :'D I'm... touched T^T I'm glad you like it!

Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed the story :D
So it's 1 am an I stayed up all night just to make sure they got Back together. Love this story!!!
@OnASnowyDay; Glad you like it ^^ Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed the story :D