Jealousy makes happiness.

Behind The Mask

WOW! WOOW! WOW! 61 SUBCRIBERS?!<33333333333 LKASJDLAKNEROINDLSKNGVSGKM Thank you all so much for subscribing :'D This is the first time ever I have so much subscribers T_T I LOVE YOU ALL!<33333 *bone-breaking hugs to everyone*



Hyunseung's POV

I got into the classroom then to my seat and settle myself down. Nervousness keep spalshing through me more and more whenever I take a step closer to my classroom. But now I'm relief that Junhyung isn't in the class right now..or else I might forgive him too quick.


I heard someone rapping through the corridor and I knew it was someone I know and wished that it wasn't Junhyung. And guess what? Junhyung stepped into the classroom and stopped as he spotted me staring at him. Thank you so much whoever didn't grant my wish.


We both froze on our place while staring at each other like as if everything in the world is frozen. I took my eyes off his gaze and awkwardly look away, facing the back of my head at Junhyung. I heard footsteps getting closer and closer and then followed by the screech made by a chair. Without looking to my right, I know it's Junhyung because I still remember his presence.


"Seungie.." He called out softly. I didn't respond. In fact, I acted like a who ignores people. It hurts to pretend he's not here but I need to give him some punishment right? Even if I don't want to. "Seungie.." He called again, this time I could hear sadness in his voice. His hand slowly reach for mine and grab them while squeezing it slightly making me flinch a little but he didn't notice at all.


"Please, listen...I know why you're upset. I know why you left and ignored all my messages. You're angry aren't you? Yes, what you heard might be correct, but I-" He confessed as I slowly turn my head towards him, looking into his eyes. I finally can hear his reasons for lying to me but that damn stupid freaking teacher has to spoil the moment by ordering everyone back to their seat as he walks in.


Junhyung sighed angrily and look at me once again before standing up and leave my seat. I wanted to hold onto his hand more longer but after a slight squeeze on his hand, I decided to let him go. He looks a little surprise from what I did and I could see a little happiness in him. Yes, just a little. Mostly are worries. He cleared his throat awkwardly, probably trying to hide his happiness from the squeeze I gave him before walking away to his seat.


Once he got to his seat, I secretly look at him through the corner of my eyes and I could see him smiling like an idiot cheekily to himself while touching his palm. Maybe he's smiling like that just for only a squeeze? How cute. A smile crept on my lips almost immediately and I accidentally let out a snort that no one can hear me. I secretly look back at him and caught him staring at me. I quickly hide my smile and slapped myself metally on the forehead thinking why am I laughing.


Soon the class started and I didn't even know why the teacher suddenly becomes lazy and wanted us to do some readings since it's English class at the first period. "Mr. Jang" The teacher called. "Ne" I replied after him and shot my head up and look at him from my paper that's full of doodles.


"Can you like, bring some books down from the library for the students to read? I'm kind of busy right now" The teacher said without moving his eyes out of his phone. Yeah right. Busy watching  videos. I can see it with that smile of yours, dude. "Ne" I replied and stood up from my seat.


I was about to leave the room when until the teacher halted me. "'ll have to go with Junhyung" He said as he gestured Junhyung to follow me. Junhyung smiled a little and bowed his head and stood up. "Wait, what? Why him?" I asked. Junhyung frowned at my question. "If you don't want to waste your break time just to show him around the library again, then go. No more complaints" The teacher demanded.


I sighed, blowing my fringe up. "Whatever" I mouthed. Junhyung once again, did a victory dance in his head and caught up on me. How do I know? His face says it all. I put on my poker face and continued walking to the library not bothering about Junhyung.


Once we got to the library, we spread up and search for English story books from the English section shelves. I go for the left shelf and Junhyung goes for the right one. Thanksfully, there's many books with many pictures, but thick in the shelf. You do know how the students in my class hates reading English books.


I started fish for the books and suddenly someone puts an arm around my shoulder making me stumble towards a little. I turn to the person wanting to shout at him or her but I realise it's G-Dragon. "Skipping class again?" I asked. G-Dragon didn't reply but chuckle. Yup, he is alright.


"What's with these?" G-Dragon questioned and takes a book to scan around the book. "Lame reading..and man, you reek of drugs!" I said as I fan the smell away from my nose. "I do?" G-Dragon asked as he puff some air to his palm and smell it. He tilted his head in question and then did it again. "Oops, my bad" G-Dragon said after realising it's a true fact and did an eye-smile.


I roll my eyes to the other shelf while G-Dragon blabbers about the matter that his girlfriend dumped him or something. I could see Junhyung pulling and putting the books back on the shelf fiercefully. I knew it's jealousy since he kept looking back at us. I made a little smile that no one can ever see through. His jealousy sure does make me happy.


"Well, I guess I'll see you later!" G-Dragon beamed. He waved at me as he let his arm off of my shoulders and walked away from me.


"What's between you and him?" Junhyung asked with a hint of angriness in his voice once he walk towards me. I didn't look at him but only look at the books in front of me. "Oh, nothing..we're just friends. Why do you care?" I replied bluntly. Junhyung opened his mouth again wanting to speak but I shush him by cutting him. "Let's go before teacher gets angry" I said as I walk past Junhyung.


It's really hard to be cold towards him if you ask me. It's totally difficult. I wonder when will I want to forgive him..Pabo, you once again, did something stupid without even thinking. Aigooo~



Mian if this chapter is boring..again Dx I'm a little rush because I have to sleep T.T Going to school and do nothing there even after exam D: But I'm not going after tomorrow HECK YEAH!

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ps_loveU #1
I love it very much!!! TOO AMAZING XDDD
THIS SHOULD BE FEATURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( I hate everyone who didnt upvote for this. Jk (dont kill me everyone)
noisygurl #3
Omona!!!. i luv this fanfic vewy MUCH *thumbs up* ^^
Chapter 27: Omg. So sweet. Junseung forever
Chapter 27: Love it~~~ HEEEEE!!!!
Im not so into this kind fantasy ff but i love Junseung~~
Good job authornim~
(And yeah i read that Kiseob ff too, but why it's discontinued~~ T.T)
seungie89 #6
Chapter 27: I laugh , cry . I love your story more than junhyung love hyunseung ! Its was so amazing . Seriously , this is the best fanfic ever ! ;) i love you author ;) from : hyunseung's fan :D
Chapter 27: New reader. How sweet. They're back together. I love Junseung. Nice story. Glad to have read it
@Bapbabygirl; Omg you did? :'D I'm... touched T^T I'm glad you like it!

Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed the story :D
So it's 1 am an I stayed up all night just to make sure they got Back together. Love this story!!!
@OnASnowyDay; Glad you like it ^^ Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed the story :D