Loved Again.

Behind The Mask

So..this is it. I hate the feeling of impatient inside me that kept begging me to make Junhyung appear again so I...........had to end *SOB* TT_TT Even if I don't want it to! But, don't worry..This chapter will be quite long. I guess..

Anyways, I made a new fic and the first chapter will be updated after I finish this fic. Please do view, read, comment and subscribe thank you :p You don't really have to subscribe tho, unless you're interested in it. ---> 5 Seconds To Kiss You, Infinity To Love Me.

Do check it out! ^^ And, Enjoy~ I'M GONNA MISS YOU ALL TT.TT <3333333333333333 *Throws Love* Hope the ending is good<3



"You ready?" G-Dragon asked as he patted my back.


I blew out the nervousness in me and nodded while looking at the boys heating up the dance floor. "Hell yeah I'm ready" I said under my breath. "Remember what I taught you alright?" G-Dragon convinced. I didn't look at him and nodded again.


When the music stops, the dancers got into the backstage. G-Dragon patted my back wishing me a good luck and pushed me out through the entrance along with my dancers. Oh, have I ever told you that I'm entering a dancing contest? No, I haven't. If you're wondering why I entered, is because dancing helps me forget some things for awhile. That's why I joined instead of dancing by myself. Audience's cheering is what keeps me happy for the moment.


The lights were turned off so that we could standby on the stage and look good before our dance. The lights were finally and the music started straight away. When the music starts, it's like as if it's controlling my body. My body started moving to the music and so are the dancers. (


After the dance, we ended with a pose and people started cheering really loud. Our pose stayed like that for a few seconds and we bowed to the audience before going back into the backstage.


"WOOO YEAH BABY! You did great!" G-Dragon cheered. We did a low five (or how do you call it o.o) and G-Dragon grabbed my hand and pulled me into a brotherly hug. "You great back there, Seungie" He said. "Thanks" I said and chuckled a little.


As we released the hug, I noticed a bouquet on a table just beside us. There's a note on it. I took the note up and it reads : 

You did great Seungie. Keep up the good work!



Who is this dude? I flipped the note hoping to get more clue about this J guy but there are nothing at all. "Y-Yah, who sent this?" I turn to G-Dragon and asked. G-Dragon came closer and thought for awhile. "Ah! A guy with shades came just now with this bouquet on his hand. I asked who is he but all he said is, Jun. That's all" He replied.


"Jun.." I repeated the name curiously. My eyes were widen when I realized who he meant. "Where is he?" I asked hurriedly as I grabbed onto both G-Dragon's shoulder. "He just went out after your performance" He said. I didn't have time to answer him so I just patter his arm saying, 'thanks' and went out through the back door to search for him.


Yong Junhyung, I know you're back. I looked both way and spotted a man turning to his left through the gate and I know it's Junhyung by the look of his back. I followed his trail and ran to where he made his turn but when I reached there, he was nowhere to be seen. "Wha..?" I panted.


Was it my imagination? I mentally slapped my forehead as I leaned against the gate thinking it might be another person whose name is really Jun. But it looked almost real. I just couldn't make it clear..




RIIIIING! The school bell went.


No, you didn't read wrong. I'm standing in front of the school gate right now. Sigh..Yoseob received a call from the school saying that I'll be expelled if I don't go to school for one more day. I can't deny Yoseob too. If I get expelled, Yoseob would do something horrible to me that would make me remember for the rest of my live.


Wonder how I know it? Well, it's easy. I did a mistake when I was small and Yoseob did whatever it takes to make me remember the horror. And I was scared of him for a month. I didn't even dare to rebel until he said sorry AFTER a month. Brrr..thinking about it gives me goosebumps.


Anyways, when I walk into the school ground, many pairs of eyes were on me. The fangirls came covering my surrounding again and they kept asking about why I was absent. They even asked about Junhyung. Well too bad, you'll never know what had happened to him. He's mine!


I didn't give a damn about them and just walk past them casually. The classes has already started since I went to school a little late. I didn't bother to go to my classroom so I just headed straight to music class.


"Alright class, let's take our attendance shall we?" The teacher said. She cleared and started calling out for every student. "Jang Hyunseung" She called. I responded by raising my hand. She smiled and looked back into the list. She continued again and stopped at a certain name.


"Yong Junhyung?" She called. But no respond were given. "Yong Junhyung~" She called again. She kept repeating his name until I shush her by saying, "He's not here!" I said with a little hint of anger inside my voice. She didn't bother to ask and nodded. Sheesh. Do you have to repeat his name so much just to torture me?


After taking the attendance, she called me up to sing a part of the song so that we could start the class. I wonder why I have to do this. It doesn't even concerns about how to sing. Gee.


I took the mic and when the teacher start playing the piano, I started singing the song. A song that's like a letter to someone. Someone who I love. I could even imagine him sitting there watching me as I send this letter to him. Yong Junhyung, this is for you.


" I believe dreams for you and me,

  You are the long waited rain in my draughty day,

  You soaked my heart and gave me courage,

  You make me fly and smile again,

  Coming into my arms and giving me happiness silently just like a rainbow after a shower.

  I wanna make a love "


Tear formed a little in my eyes when the students started clapping. It's like as if I could see Junhyung sitting in his seat smiling and clapping for me. It's like as if it's...real.






It's break time right now and I'm walking around the school just to kill time. Thinking about eating in the cafeteria reminded me of when Junhyung took me to his discovered secret place and that leads to where we had our second kiss and where we started going out.


I shook the thought off trying to get my spirit up again. "Hey beautiful" someone spoke and a hand turned me around. "What do you say we, have some fun?" He said as he tilted my chin with his finger.


I smacked his hand away and spatted, "Get a life already Doojoon! Stop disturbing me!"


He let out a soft chuckled and grabbed my wrist pulling me to who-knows-where. "Yah! Let go of me!" I shouted while trying to escape from his grip. But he didn't let go. My wrist is getting hurt and I don't want bruise on it. I felt a little anger inside me and I shouted, "YAH!" With that, I pulled Doojoon back and kicked on his leg. He let out a painful groan and finally let go of my wrist.


"You're only lucky I didn't kick your useless thing, ert. Now get lost." I said as I rubbed my wrist. Doojoon ran away admitting he lost. I blew my fring away from my eyes and sent Doojoon some daggers before going out to the school ground.


I was about to enjoy the peaceful day when until another person ruined my moment again. "Hey beautiful" Someone said.


"I thought I told you to-" I thought it was Doojoon so I spatted at the person when I turn around but he wasn't Doojoon at all. My mouth hanged open and I couldn't talk at all. It's like as if I'm dreaming. "Jun.."


"Mind giving me a tour around the school?" He said as he raise the corner of his lips up.


Tears started rolling down my cheeks one by one. He came back..Junhyung came back. 


Without saying a word, I wrapped my arms around his body really fast and wet his uniform with my tears. "You miss me that much?" Junhyung joked. "Why did you come back just now?! You know how long have I waited for you?!" I shouted as I look up at him.


All he did is chuckle as a respond. "I know.." He whispered. His hand reached for my cheeks and wiped the tears with his thumb. "Pabo, you should have known I've been watching you since the day I went by now" He teased.


"That means.." I said and Junhyung continued my line for me. "Yes, the message, the box, the flower. Is all from me" He said. "But I lost your-" I was about to tell him about the ring but I stopped once he raise his hand up showing the back side of his hand and the rings are placed on his ring finger and the small one. ""


"I took it when you were pushing Yoseob" He said. "You know how worried I was?!" I shouted and pouted. He chuckled and said, "Oh, so you were worrying for the ring but not for me?". I smacked his chest and said, "Of course not. You are number 1" I smiled and leaned my head closer to his, giving him a peck on the lips. I miss the kiss.


As I lean my head back, Junhyung stopped me by putting his hand on the back of my head, pushing me into another kiss. It wasn't just any kiss. It's a special one. "I miss you" I whispered as we parted. "I miss you too" He whispered back and smied.


I smiled back at him, showing how happy I am to see him. "So..coke?" He suggested. "Sure. You're treat" I said as I walk away from his embrace. "Aww, come on. Why me?" Junhyung whined as he follow me. "Cause it's your fault. You made me miserable for the past week" I stated.


"Why not you buy coke for me?"




"Tie my tie for me?"




"Buy me a phone?"


"I don't have enough money you pabo"


" about a kiss?"


"Tsk, fine"





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ps_loveU #1
I love it very much!!! TOO AMAZING XDDD
THIS SHOULD BE FEATURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( I hate everyone who didnt upvote for this. Jk (dont kill me everyone)
noisygurl #3
Omona!!!. i luv this fanfic vewy MUCH *thumbs up* ^^
Chapter 27: Omg. So sweet. Junseung forever
Chapter 27: Love it~~~ HEEEEE!!!!
Im not so into this kind fantasy ff but i love Junseung~~
Good job authornim~
(And yeah i read that Kiseob ff too, but why it's discontinued~~ T.T)
seungie89 #6
Chapter 27: I laugh , cry . I love your story more than junhyung love hyunseung ! Its was so amazing . Seriously , this is the best fanfic ever ! ;) i love you author ;) from : hyunseung's fan :D
Chapter 27: New reader. How sweet. They're back together. I love Junseung. Nice story. Glad to have read it
@Bapbabygirl; Omg you did? :'D I'm... touched T^T I'm glad you like it!

Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed the story :D
So it's 1 am an I stayed up all night just to make sure they got Back together. Love this story!!!
@OnASnowyDay; Glad you like it ^^ Thanks for reading and commenting! I hope you enjoyed the story :D