Catching Up

Forever You And I (Sequel to 'Maybe I Love You')

Jiyeon's POV:

After M Countdown we all decided to go to my dorm to catch up with each other. We all decided to go home and change first before meeting up at my dorm. I can't wait! It will just like old times.

Skip an hour or so

Waiting....... Waiting...... Waiting....... Waiting....... Aish what's taking them so long?! *ding dong* Ooh, someone's here! I opened the door to be greeted by Boyfriend. "Annyeong~ we brought meat!" Hyunseong oppa said holding a tray full of meat. I laughed at his shikshin-ness. I let them in and thye headed to the kitchen to start on the meat. Not long after APINK showed up.

"Annyeong~ we brought some kimbab to share with everyone. We remembered how we would always eat kimbab when we were together," Chorong unnie said smiling. I let them in and they joined Boyfriend in the kitchen. And before I could even close the door, as if on cue, B1A4 showed up.

"Annyeong~ we brought cake! We know how much you girls love your cake," Jinyoung oppa said holding up a big red velvet cake. I smiled and let them in as well. After getting all of the food ready we all gathered around in the living room and ate just like old times.

"So what's up with all of you? I haven't see you all besides through my computer," I said eating my rice.

"Well, me and Naeun are doing great," Kwangmin said putting his arm around his girlfriend. They're just too cute. 

"That's great to know, but I meant outside your relationships," I said laughing. Kwangmin looked away awkwardly and continued to eat with his head down.

"Haha, well the day after you left, Jiyeon-ah, We were all so depressed, especially a certain blondie over there," Minwoo said pointing at Youngmin oppa. He just blushed and kept eating.

"Oh, I know right? That guy was crying up a storm for like a week! You know how hard it was for me to sleep at night?" Kwangmin said breaking out of his awkward state. I laughed. I hugged Youngmin oppa to comfort him. He just wrapped his arm around me and calmed down.

"Well enough with the sad stories. How was training and everything?"

"OMG YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN THIS PERSON! HE FELL EVERY TIME WE PRACTICED! HE'S SOO CLUMSY!" Gongchan said holding Jinyoung oppa. Jinyoung oppa just looked away as his face started to turn red. Everyone started to laugh their heads off, including me. 

"Yah, I told you not to tell anyone!" Jinyoung oppa said pushing Gongchan over. Everyone was still laughing. Gongchan just stuck his tongue out at him and continued to laugh with the rest of us. 

After a lot of laughing everyone finally calmed down. "Wahh, I didn't know you were like that, oppa," I said smirking at him. He just glared at me and sulked by himself.

"Well, enough about B1A4. Us girls got to meet Beast's Kikwang oppa for our music video shoot!" Eunji unnie said squealing, followed by the rest of the girls. I jumped out of Youngmin oppa's grasp and squealed with them.

"Oh my gosh I saw that! You girls are so lucky! Kikwang oppa is soooo cute! He's like the total package!" Then I heard a cough behind me. I turned around and saw Youngmin oppa glaring at me with his arms crossed.

I laughed awkwardly and hugged him again. "You know you're always number one, oppa. Even Lee Kikwang is less than you," I said with a little bit of aegyo in my voice. He wrapped his arm around me protectively and smiled.

"Pshh, of course he is."

"Aish, this boy and his jealousy. Jiyeon-ah, you know how in your debut you had a dance with one of your male dancers right? He was jealous because he couldn't dance with you," Jeongmin oppa said pointing at Youngmin oppa.

"Y-yah, hyung!"

"Ehh, oppa, it's just work," I said lightly hitting his chest. He just nodded and smiled at me.

After a lot of laughs and catching up we calmed down and watched TV together. Youngmin oppa and I went out to my balcony and stood by the railing. I was standing in front while Youngmin oppa gave me a back hug and leaned his head on my shoulder. He sighed and kissed my cheek. "I really missed this. Three years is way too long."

"I know right? Not being able to see you in person was like torture." I turned around and looked at him. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He lowered his head and gave me a passionate kiss. It was a kiss filled with the longing for each other in the past three years. I gladly returned the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

After a while we pulled away and hugged each other like it was the end of the world. 

Youngmin's POV:

It felt so good to be in my baby's arms again. If only time could freeze so that we could just stay like this. I missed everything about her. Her kisses. Her hugs. Her cooking. I mean, seriously, the girl makes awesome food. 

We hugged for what seemed like forever then we heard a knock by the door. We turned and saw Kwangmin standing there. Way to ruin a moment, bro. "Umm, sorry to interupt, but you have some visitors, Jiyeon-ah."

"Oh jinja? I'll be right there." Jiyeon grabbed my hands and we walked over to where the door was. To be honest I didn't want to leave, but I followed her anyways. We got there and I saw SHINee sunbaeniems. Jiyeon scream and let go of my hand. She ran towards them and jumped up to give them all hugs. They all picked her up and spun her around.

Umm, I thought only I did that. She looked so happy with them. More happy..... then when she's with me. That's it, I'm freakin' jealous.

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kwangminshypika #1
I'm glad she picked Youngmin♥ c:
Best fanfic ever!! I knew she would come back to youngmin..they had 2 your story!!
lov4ever #3
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
merviin_kimchii #4
waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh , so sweeeeet <3
shesazn #5
omg! i love your fanfic! i was like soo mad when i read youngmin kissing another girl. LOL. (:
@AphoticAngel<br />
thats up to you to find out ;)
0.o.........................OMG!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!! SHE'S WITH YOUNGMIN!!!! WOOT WOOT *does sandeul's and baro's sprout dance* <-this doesnt even have anything to do w/ the story BUT IM TOO HAPPY SO I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KYA!!!!! N OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMJIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! ONEW AND TAEYEON!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY GOT MARRIED!!!! KYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
oh n one question, she didnt continue her life as an idol?
That was a good advice! Usually old people (no offense halmoni) give the opposite advice when it coms to love life
Update soon! ^^
taemielli #10
Please be youngmin oppa~~ i know that onew sacrificed a lot.but youngmin hurts a lot too.<br />
Update soon~~