Forgotten Feelings

Forever You And I (Sequel to 'Maybe I Love You')

The next day

Jiyeon's POV:

I woke up the next morning and opened my eyes. I almost got a heart attack from what I saw. Youngmin's face was right in front of me. How did he get here? I thought he was sleeping next to Kwangmin and Minwoo. I shot up and held my chest. It was beating like crazy. I looked at Youngmin again. He looked so peaceful sleeping. His face was still handsome. Aish, what am I saying? Jiyeon, you're with Onew now, not Youngmin. I looked around and saw that no one else was awake yet. I pouted. I looked at my phone to check the time. It's only 8. I wonder if Onew oppa is awake yet. I quietly got up and snuck out of the auditorium. I made sure no one else was around and dialed his number. After 2 rings he picked up. "Good morning, princess," he said groggily on the other line.

"Oh, oppa, did I wake you up? Mianhae." I heard him chuckle.

"I don't mind. I'll pick up your calls even if it's in the middle of the night. So what's up? Are you having fun?" 

"Yeah, it's nice being in my old school again. I missed it here. Are you doing anything today, oppa?"

"Ani, today's my day off. Too bad I can't spend it with my princess." I giggled at his cuteness.

"Aigoo, oppa, you'll be able to see me later today when you pick me up. We can go to my dorm and I'll cook you really good food. Sound good?"

"Sounds great. What time should I pick you up?" I thought for a second.

"Umm, 6 sounds good to me."

"Arasso, see you then. I'm going to let you go have fun. Bye, princess. I love you." I smiled.

"Bye, oppa. I love you, too." I hung up and looked at the picture of me and Onew oppa on the screen. I smiled and kissed the picture. Well, I should go wake up the others. 

Youngmin's POV:

"Bye, oppa. I love you, too." My heart broke even more at those words. She used to say that to me, but now.... I guess I should move on. She sure did. I bet she doesn't even remember everything we went through together. I bet she threw away everything that reminds her of me. I mean, she's wearing a new couple ring, while I'm still wearing mine. I looked at the rings on my finger. Even if I move on, I'm never taking these off.

Skip to later

Now we're outside and we're going to play a big game of hide and seek around the school. I don't know why the principal is choosing all these kiddie games. In order to make sure everyone is safe everyone picked a partner. Of course all of the guys went to APINK and Jiyeon, but mostly Jiyeon. She nicely turned them down and walked towards me. She smiled at me and said, "You want to be my partner?" I pointed myself.

"Me?" She laughed.

"Of course you, babo." I nodded and smiled. She giggled and stood beside me. I could see all of the guys that asked her walk away in defeat. I smiled. That's right, she's with me. In your faces!

The principal then separated everyone into the hiding group and the seeking group. All us idols were in the hiding group. We set off to go hide. Jiyeon and I went towards the music room since no one seemed to be going in that direction. "Youngmin-ah, you want to go hide in the music room? There's a small room in the back that only I know about, since, well, I'm the only person that ever step foot in there."

"Sure no one will be able to find us there," I said nodding. She smiled and led me to the music room. We walked in, making sure no one was following us, and closed the door behind us. She led me to the back of the room and revealed a small door that was hidden behind the big bass drum. "Woah, how did you find this?" I asked amazed.

"I was bored one day and decided to look around the room. I accidently pushed this over and saw the door. As far as I know, I'm the only person who knows about this. I cleaned it up a bit this morning since it was a little dusty," she said opening the door. "It's a bit of a squeeze since there's some instruments in here, but I'm pretty sure both of us can fit. You go in first and then I'll push the drum in front again."

"Are you sure we can get out afterwards?" I asked cautiously before getting in. She put her hands on her hips.

"Of course we can get out. I'm going to push the drum forward a bit so that we can have room to open the door afterwards. What, you don't trust me?" she said raising an eyebrow. I shook my head.

"Ani, I'm just making sure it's safe." I turned my back and climbed in. I sat down and Jiyeon soon followed me inside and closed the door. She pulled on a cord and a small light came on. I looked around. It was just a small room. No bigger than a small walk-in closet. There were a couple instruments, but I doubt anyone used them considering the amount of dust in here. "So how long do you think we'll be in here?" I asked turning my attention to Jiyeon.

"Hmm, who knows? I guess the others will call us when the game's over, because I doubt anyone will find us here. I mean, no one comes over here."

"But that adds more reason for them to come here," I said hugging my knees.

"Then why do you think we're in here? Plus I moved the drum so that no one can see the door." 

"Of course, the genius child Oh Jiyeon has the best ideas," I said joking. She laughed. I smiled being able to see her smile.

Skip 2 hours

Jiyeon's POV:

2 hours have passed and no one has found us yet. No one called either. Youngmin and I played games with each other the whole time. Now I'm just listening to music. I turned over to look at Youngmin and he was peacefully sleeping. I moved his hair out of his face and stared at it. His face isn't as chubby as it used to be. It didn't look as bright as it used to be. And he doesn't smile as much as before. Is this what I did to him? Did me breaking up with him cause him to become like this? Now I felt so bad.

Just then his head rocked and it landed on my shoulder. I was shocked, but I didn't move. I looked at him and found myself lost in his handsomeness. His blonde hair was shorter now, but it still looked great. I knew he was handsome, but I didn't think he was THIS good looking. How come I never noticed it before? I guess you don't notice something until it's gone.

I felt my heart start to beat faster and I quickly looked away. I held my chest and it was still beating like crazy. I looked over at Youngmin and he was still sleeping. I looked away again. My heart still felt like it was going to explode out of my chest. So this is how it felt to be with Youngmin. Ever since I went out with Onew oppa my heart only beat for him, but.... not like this. 

I looked over at Youngmin again. "If only I believed you earlier. If only I wasn't so stubborn. We would still be together. My heart would still be beating for you. And you wouldn't be like this. You would still be smiling. You wouldn't have gotten this skinny. You would still be smiling, but not that fake smile of yours. That real smile that made me fall for you in the 4 years ago. If only my head wasn't so thick. If only I opened my heart more for you. Then my feelings for you wouldn't be forgotten. Please forgive me.  Mianhae, oppa. For hurting you this much. Jeongmal minahae," I mumbled while looking at his face. A single tear escaped my eyes as I knew he didn't hear any of that.

No One's POV:

Truth is Youngmin did hear all of that. He woke up, but he didn't want to show it because Jiyeon already started talking. He felt like crying when he heard her true feelings. That and she called him oppa for the first time since the break up. 

'I didn't know you felt that way. Gwenchana, baby, I forgive you. I always did,' Youngmin said inside his head.

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kwangminshypika #1
I'm glad she picked Youngmin♥ c:
Best fanfic ever!! I knew she would come back to youngmin..they had 2 your story!!
lov4ever #3
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
merviin_kimchii #4
waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh , so sweeeeet <3
shesazn #5
omg! i love your fanfic! i was like soo mad when i read youngmin kissing another girl. LOL. (:
@AphoticAngel<br />
thats up to you to find out ;)
0.o.........................OMG!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!! SHE'S WITH YOUNGMIN!!!! WOOT WOOT *does sandeul's and baro's sprout dance* <-this doesnt even have anything to do w/ the story BUT IM TOO HAPPY SO I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KYA!!!!! N OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMJIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! ONEW AND TAEYEON!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY GOT MARRIED!!!! KYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
oh n one question, she didnt continue her life as an idol?
That was a good advice! Usually old people (no offense halmoni) give the opposite advice when it coms to love life
Update soon! ^^
taemielli #10
Please be youngmin oppa~~ i know that onew sacrificed a lot.but youngmin hurts a lot too.<br />
Update soon~~