Oppa~ Help Me!

Forever You And I (Sequel to 'Maybe I Love You')

Jiyeon's POV:

Ughh, I barely got any sleep last night. I couldn't sleep considering Youngmin and Onew oppa were running around in my thoughts the whole night. Every time I closed my eyes they would both be staring at me and yelling at me to make a choice between them. Why does my love life have to be so complicated? I mean, why can't it be normal like other people's? Why can't I just find one guy and fall in love with him and have my fairy tale happy ending like those Disney princesses? It's not like this is one of those crazy fan fictions or something.

I got up and walked to my bathroom. I splashed water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. "Come on, Oh Jiyeon. Get a hold of yourself. You can get through this! Hwaiting!"

2 hours later

I CAN'T GET THROUGH THIS!!! It's only been two hours and I think I've gone completely insane. I mean, pictures of Youngmin and Onew oppa talked to me. They kept telling me to choose one over the other. I think I really lost it this time. And there's only one person who can help me. I picked up my phone and called the one person who I can talk to at a time like this. He picked up and I cried into the phone, "Oppa~ I think I really lost it this time! Help me~"

No One's POV:

Not long after Jiyeon's phone call her doorbell rang. She opened the door and hugged Taemin as much as she could. "Oppa, I think I've gone completely insane!" Taemin laughed in response.

"Come on, let's sit down and you tell all of your problems to oppa." They proceeded to the living room and Taemin sat down. Once Taemin's touched the couch Jiyeon started to flip out.

"Aish, oppa, I don't know what to do anymore! I mean, ever since I started dating Onew oppa everything was going great. I mean I completely forgot about Youngmin and I was really happy. But ever since I saw Youngmin again everything's been so confusing. I mean, I think my feelings for him are coming back, but I'm not sure. And I don't know if I want to go back to him or not, because I'm not sure of my feelings for him yet, and I don't want to hurt Onew oppa. I mean, he's sweet, caring, and he loves me so much. But Youngmin was my first love and I don't think I can ever forget him. And now that I've seen him again it's getting so hard to forget him and focus on Onew oppa and- aish! Oppa, help me~" she said all in one breath. Taemin just stared at her in awe that she could talk that fast. "Well, oppa, say something."

"Mianhae, but I didn't get any of that," he said jokingly. Jiyeon pouted and hit his arm.

"Oppa, now's not the time to joke around! I'm seriously really confused about all of this. I don't know what's right and what's wrong anymore. Oppa, eoteokke?~" 

"I thought we had this talk before. Like last year."

"I know, but now it's even more complicated! I mean, pictures TALKED to me." Taemin widened his eyes.

"Oh, this is a problem." Jiyeon nodded.

"Exactly, and I can't think straight anymore. Oppa, do you know what to do?" Jiyeon said looking at Taemin for any sign of hope. Taemin thought for a minute.

"Well maybe, no.......... Or maybe you could, no.......... Or maybe, no that won't work........ yeah, I got nothing," he said slowly. Jiyeon's shoulders deflated in despair. Then a lightbulb went off in Taemin's head. "I got it!" Jiyeon's face beamed as he said those words.

"Jinja, oppa?! Well, what is it?" she said with overflowing happiness.

"Okay, I'm going to say a name and you give me your reaction." Jiyeon's smile disappeared.

"Ehh, oppa, that's how I found out I liked Youngmin. And look at where I am now." Taemin sighed and thought again. Then he clapped his hands.

"Then let's do something similar. Go get a picture of Onew hyung and Youngmin.... Oh, and you couple rings. I'm going to try something different." Jiyeon hesitated for a second, but followed his instructions anyways. She brought down all of the stuff and layed them out on the table. 

"Okay, now what, oppa?" 

"Okay, I'm going to ask you a question." He picked up the picture of Onew and held it up along with the couple ring. "Okay, now when you're with Onew hyung what do you feel?" Jiyeon thought about it for a second.

"I feel happy... and safe. Like nothing can hurt me. He gives me that warm, comforting feeling. And if I take his ring off it doesn't feel right. I just need it."

"How about your heart? Does is beat faster when you're with him?" Jiyeon thought for another second and nodded.

"Yeah, it beats faster when I kiss him, or hug him, or just anything related to him." Taemin nodded and put the stuff down and exchanged it with Youngmin's stuff.

"Okay, now onto Youngmin. When you're with him, or when you were with him, how did you feel?" Jiyeon was lost in thought again. 

"Umm, I don't really know. When I was dating him, everything about him made my heart flutter. But now when I look at him, he looks sad and pitiful. It's like I just want to comfort him, but I don't know. Like at the reunion, every time I was close to him my heart would flutter a little bit, but not as much as before. I don't know what it means, but I don't feel for him like I did in the past anymore." Taemin nodded.

"How about the couple rings?"

"Those? Umm, before I wouldn't go anywhere without them. It was like some sort of good luck charm for me. But now.... I feel like I don't need them that much anymore." Taemin nodded and put them down. 

"I think I got it, but you're going to have to figure it out for yourself," he said with a smile. Jiyeon's mouth dropped wide open.

"M-mwoh?! Then what was the point of calling you? You didn't help me at all, oppa!" she yelled at him.

"But I did." Jiyeon just looked at him confused. Taemin just smiled and patted her on the shoulder. "Think about what you just told me, princess. Your answers are right in front of you. You just don't know it yet." And with that he left a very confused Jiyeon alone in her dorm. Her eyes travelled from the door to the items on the table in front of her.

"I don't know it yet?"

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kwangminshypika #1
I'm glad she picked Youngmin♥ c:
Best fanfic ever!! I knew she would come back to youngmin..they had 2 kids..awwww..love your story!!
lov4ever #3
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
merviin_kimchii #4
waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh , so sweeeeet <3
shesazn #5
omg! i love your fanfic! i was like soo mad when i read youngmin kissing another girl. LOL. (:
@AphoticAngel<br />
thats up to you to find out ;)
0.o.........................OMG!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!! SHE'S WITH YOUNGMIN!!!! WOOT WOOT *does sandeul's and baro's sprout dance* <-this doesnt even have anything to do w/ the story BUT IM TOO HAPPY SO I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KYA!!!!! N OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMJIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! ONEW AND TAEYEON!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY GOT MARRIED!!!! KYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
oh n one question, she didnt continue her life as an idol?
That was a good advice! Usually old people (no offense halmoni) give the opposite advice when it coms to love life
Update soon! ^^
taemielli #10
Please be youngmin oppa~~ i know that onew sacrificed a lot.but youngmin hurts a lot too.<br />
Update soon~~