Lost Memories

Forever You And I (Sequel to 'Maybe I Love You')

Onew's POV:

Youngmin came out with a sad expression on his face. "Well, she's awake," he said softly. I stood up and smiled. 

"Jinja?!" He nodded. But then he looked at me with sad eyes.

"But she doesn't remember anything. Not even her own name." My smile quickly faded. Everyone else was just as shocked as I was.

"She doesn't remember anything? Not a single thing?" I asked to clarify. Youngmin nodded. "Where is she now then?"

"The doctor is checking up on her. He said he'll inform us about everything when he's done." I nodded and frowned. If she can't remember anything.... then she can't remember our relationship. Then....... she can't remember me. I lowered my head. Just then the same doctor appeared in front of us. 

"How is she, doctor?" I asked running up to him.

"Well, she is suffering from amnesia. She doesn't know her own name. The only thing she can remember is her family," he said fixing his glasses. I was right.

"So, will it wear off?"

"Well, considering that her case is so heavy, it will take a while to wear off. But give her some time and it will definately go away." I sighed in relief.

"Well, is there anything we can do to help her recover faster?"

"Remind her some things about her past and what she's doing now. Have her do things that she likes. But don't cause her too much stress. But other than that her memories should come back slowly on their own." I bowed to him.

"Kamsamnida." He nodded.

"Well, I think you kids should go home now. It's late and she needs rest. You all can come back tomorrow." We all nodded and bowed to him. We all agreed that we would meet here tomorrow morning. I looked down the hallway one last time. Princess, please remember......

Jiyeon's POV:

In her dream

I was in that white room again. I was walking around. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I yelled. Just then the room transformed into a park at night. I looked around and saw a girl yelling at a guy. The girl looked like me, but I couldn't make out who the guy was. His whole face and head was a blur. I looked closer and I heard me yell, "Don't you baby me! Is this what you've been doing for the past 3 years? Coing around with other girls? Am I not important to you anymore?!" Just by the voice I could tell it was me. But who was the guy?...

The guy grabbed my hand and then screamed, "Of course you're important to me! I love you so much! Don't leave me!" The voice sounded familiar, but I still can't make it out. Just then I saw myself slap the guy really hard on the face. I jumped at the sharp sound. What was this all about? Why am I slapping a random guy?

Just then the scene changed and I was falling from the sky. I was screaming until I landed on a soft bed. I looked around and it was an unfamiliar room. I stood up and walked out of the room. I was walking around until I heard someone crying. I followed the sound and saw a girl and a boy sitting on a couch. The girl was me again, but I still couldn't make out the guy. "Someone like you.... deserves someone better," the guy said looking at me. I could tell it wasn't the same guy from before. His voice was different. 

"Oppa...." Then the guy pulled me into a hug. I was standing there just watching the whole scene unfold.

"Don't cry by yourself anymore. Whenever you need to let it out, just call me and I'll run here at the speed of light....... Lean on me." Just then a huge wind blew around me and I lost sight of everything. It was like I was in the middle of a huge tornado. I was screaming my head off, but no sound was coming out of my mouth. It was like the life was getting out of me. 

Then everything stopped and it was calm again. I looked around. I was outside, but I couldn't tell where. I looked around and I saw people around me. No one noticed me. Then I saw another me walking towards me. But then that other me just walked right through me like I wasn't even there. I stood there confused and looked in the direction the other me was going in. I saw she was about to cross the street when a truck was speeding in her direction. I ran to go save her, but before I could get to her another wind picked me up and spun me around again. Again I was screaming, but no sound came out of my mouth. 

Then I landed hard on the ground. I groaned in pain as I stood up. I looked around. It was just an empty space. I was the only one there. "Princess....." I looked around for that voice that said that.

"Who's there?" I said looking around.

"Baby...." a different voice said. I snapped my head around to look for the source of the voice.

"Now who's there?" I yelled even louder. Then both voices started talking back and forth and I was spinning around trying to look for the sources of the two voices. They started to get louder and talked faster. I covered my ears and closed my eyes. "Stop it! Stop it!!!!" I screamed at the voices. I felt like crying. 

But before it got to a point where I couldn't take it anymore I woke up. I sat up and looked around. I was in my hospital room again. I sighed and held my chest. I took deep breaths to calm myself down. I relaxed and laid back down in my bed. The scenes kept replaying in my head. Why was I in all of them? I just shook my head to get them out of my head and went back to sleep.

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kwangminshypika #1
I'm glad she picked Youngmin♥ c:
Best fanfic ever!! I knew she would come back to youngmin..they had 2 kids..awwww..love your story!!
lov4ever #3
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
merviin_kimchii #4
waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh , so sweeeeet <3
shesazn #5
omg! i love your fanfic! i was like soo mad when i read youngmin kissing another girl. LOL. (:
@AphoticAngel<br />
thats up to you to find out ;)
0.o.........................OMG!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!! SHE'S WITH YOUNGMIN!!!! WOOT WOOT *does sandeul's and baro's sprout dance* <-this doesnt even have anything to do w/ the story BUT IM TOO HAPPY SO I DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KYA!!!!! N OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMJIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! ONEW AND TAEYEON!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY GOT MARRIED!!!! KYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
oh n one question, she didnt continue her life as an idol?
That was a good advice! Usually old people (no offense halmoni) give the opposite advice when it coms to love life
Update soon! ^^
taemielli #10
Please be youngmin oppa~~ i know that onew sacrificed a lot.but youngmin hurts a lot too.<br />
Update soon~~