Am I?

I Love You But You Love Him

A/N:Double update for today 




'Does he know?' Wait what Kai I  thought you move on'

'Yeah I do. Yeah right' Kai thought. 


"Kai?" Chanyeol asked


"What about him?"


"Do you like him" 

'No I love him' Kai thought


But then he looked at Chanyeol. Whose eyes were double than the original. 

Wait did he said it out loud. 

"Is it true Kai?"

The voice was so familiar. It was the first voice he heard other than his this morning. 

He turned around but how he wished he didn't. He saw Baekhyun with Minseok. Minseok was shocked and Baekhyun. 


His tears could not keep themselves locked in baekhyun's eyes. They really needed to go out and let the world to see. 

"Baek baby I" Kai don't know what to say he was speechless. He looked down and close his eyes. 

'Am I still in love with soo, of course you just said it right but Baek-' Kai's moment of thinking was cut when Baek asked him again. 


After minutes of no response. Finally Baekhyun said something. 



"Am I just a r-rebound?" Kai's eyes widen. 


'Is Baek just a rebound?'




"Am I?" Baek asked again. 


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Lulyhan #1
Chapter 36: Ofc Baekyeol <3
Chapter 36: Confused at the ending ey?
Chapter 19: interesting :3

Nahhh~ Kaisoo and Chanbaek are okay, I guess :( /heartbroken chansoo shipper/

Nice fanfic btw. :)
Chapter 33: My otp is chanbaek but in this story i support kaibaek whyy
Chapter 32: omgg spanking
Chapter 31: drama drama drama
lilymelody #8
Chapter 30: Feel bad for baek but Kai..please say the truth like the real truth of your feelings..thank you for this awesome update><
aliayana #9
Chapter 30: wow,, wow,, thanks for the double update,,
can't wait for next chapter,,
baconvirus0627 #10
Chapter 30: The story is in its !! Soo ..... authornim why do u always love to put cliffhangers?? Update soon cant stop myself for wanting an another update!! :))
