Chapter 59

Our Love Story

Hayoung's point of view

"Would you like some coffee?" Mr. Soh asked in the small homey kitchen. Sitting on the floor, my hands on the cold surface of the table, I agreed. Eying the black and white korean daily newspaper that Mr. Soh read frequently, I was glad to see that some things never changed. Looking around the similar yet partially changed living room, I felt out of place and a bit awkward.

"Here we are." Mr. Soh placed the mug in front of me, taking a seat across the table. Carefully taking it, I blew on it slowly as I indulged on the warm goodness. " It has been so long Hayoung... Seeing you so suddenly like this, is anything wrong?" Concern showed in the crease of his brow. Shaking my head, I smile the best I could. " Of course not! I was just....visiting. I suddenly felt like coming home." Trying to act as normal as possible, I was relieved when he relaxed his shoulders. " That's good. I thought something happened."

"Should I have not come?" I asked earnestly. Perhaps I lost my place here once I decided to leave. " Of course not!" He said in disbelief. " How could you say such a thing. This place has been your home for the past ten years, and I dont plan on changing that, and neither should you." Without warning, a smile appeared on my face. "Anyways, the children will be thrilled to have you back! Hae-Sung and Ju-Nam kept asking about you. It broke my heart to see them cry when I told them you no longer lived in the Orphange."

Hearing Hae-Sung's and Ju-Nam's name made me suddenly remember Yong. A trouble maker to all the teacher, he would rebel against something but for some strange reason.. he liked me, or at least I thought so. I began to wonder how he was doing.

" How is Yong?" I ask lightly. Suddenly, Mr. Soh's eyes became mysteriously sad, a dullish melancholy taking over his expression. "A couple of months ago, Yong was adopted by a new family. They wanted a younger boy but they changed their mind after they saw Yong. We thought Yong had finally found a family, but a few weeks ago, the young bride's husband died in a car crash and being unable to support Yong....she brought him back here."

" is he?" I asked, my voice trembling. Shaking his head, Mr. Soh sighed. " The boy is worse then ever. Runs away and gets into fights with the other children... the teachers are starting to give up on him." Biting my lip, I stare at the group, becoming ashamed. While I was spending my life worrying about myself, I never thought about the other children's misfortunes.

"But perhaps this is a sign from God." Mr. Soh said cheerfully. "What do you mean?" I asked, curious of what he meant. " You being here, perhaps this isn't a coincidence and you were meant to come. To help Yong." His smile was hopeful and pleading. " I promise to try my best." Approving, he placed his hand over mine. " Me and the orphanage are glad to have you back."

Before I could say anything, the phone suddenly rings. " Wait one moment..." Mr. Soh disappears into the kitchen, picking up the call. " Yes..." Most of the conversation inaudible, I could only pick up some key words. Coming back, he had a smile on his face. " Service at the church is almost over. The children will be coming soon for dinner. They will be so happy to see you." Standing up, I glanced at the kitchen that seemed too bare. Noticing my observation, Mr. Soh spoke. " Hannah, the cook, her husbnd has fallen ill, so she's been at the hospital since last month. We have been looking for a replace but...."

"Let me do it." I offered. "What? Of course not, your the guest, how could I?" He said. "Please. It's the least I can do. Besides, I havent cook so long, Im worried I've become rusty." Chuckling, he contemplated the idea. " Alright, but if you only want to. " Nodding, I headed towards the kitchen, and opened the first cabinet to the usual placement of the aprons. Seeing my pink striped apron, I pulled it out and tied it around my neck and back. " What are you planning to make?" Mr. Soh said, obviously glad to have meal not from a take out box. "A secret, now please excuse me. " I said lightly with a grin. " I have twenty children to feed at the moment."


Kwangmin's point of view

The car stopped at an old gas station on the side of road, parking on the gravel. Minho got off, grabbing the pump and determining what fuel to use when Youngmin got out of the car and closed the door behind him. Sighing, Sung Mi looked at him walk away towards the other side of the road, pitying him. " He must be really hurt..." She said sadly. Staring at my brother, his face was strangely unemotional. Perhaps shock had taken its toll on Youngmin and his emotions.

"You should talk to him." She turned around, facing me. "Im not sure he wants to talk to me. This is partially my fault too..." I said guiltedly. " That's not true. If you didn't do that then the press right now would be devouring both Hayoung and Yoo Jin. Besides, he's your brother and he needs you right now. You know how much he cares for Hayoung." I knew that better then anyone....

Getting out of the car, I made my way towards him, hesitant and nervous. " A...are you alright?" I asked, realizing how stupid that question was. Surprisingly, he didn't answered. We just stood there for a long moment, silent, when he finally spoke. " Why... why did she do it?" I had never heard him so dejected and...lifeless. " Why would she do this to us?" He asked again. " To protect us." I said softly. Turning around he face me. " I've been thinking about it and the only explaination that made sense was that she felt as if it was her fault for what happened at that conference."

"But it wasn't-" He tried to speak but I cut him short. " Do you think she thinks that? You know how Hayoung always tries to fix things by herself, regardless if it ends up hurting her." Frowning, Youngmin touched the bridge of his nose, a habit that comes out only when he was truly frustrated. " I... I'm sorry about what happened at the press conference." I said quietly. "You meant it, didn't you." His remark surprised me. " Y...yeah." Flustered, I kicked a stone down the small hill below us. " Well, then don't apologize. What you did, it avoided an even worse situation so I'm grateful in a weird twisted way." Something in what he said sounded sincere. Suddenly, an almost sad, regretful chuckle left his lips. " Even when we were pummeling each other's faces, she said to understand one another and forgive each other." Joining his chuckle, I sighed. " Always trying to find the good in people, even in someone like Marie..."

"Let's go!" Minho said from the distance. "Let's bring her back." Youngmin said, a slight smile on his face. " Yeah." I agreeded while staring at the dropping sun in the horizon disappear below the wild golden cat tails.


Hayoung's point of view

There was something nostalgic about being here, in this kitchen. As if I was back in the past making dinner as usual, it felt as if I was the same Hayoung six months ago. Clearing away the thoughts of anything related to my life in the city, with the twins, or my mother, I peeled at the carrot skins, diced the onions (tearing heavily), and shreded the ground beef. " You promised to stop thinking about them." I said to myself as I dumped the ingredients in the boiling pot. Forcing myself to only think about the beef curry I was making, I continued to peek and slice when I heard the sound of children outside. Quickly sliding the last potato squares into the pot, I washed my hands and headed towards the gate.

The sound of tiny footsteps and laughing voices made a tingle in my spine that reminded me of when I used to one of those teachers that used to take the children to and from the church. " Oh!" A child I recognized said when she saw me. " Hayoung Unnie!" Hae-Sung ran towards me, hugging my legs. Laughing, I bend down, kissing her forehead and giving her a hug. " It's really you!" She said, her face bright pink with happiness. Suddenly a crowd of children yelled and exclaimed in excitement. " Where were you noona!" Ju-Nam demanded, crossing his arms. Quickly thinking of what to say, I cleared my throat. " I'll tell you but you guys have to promise not to tell anyone!" The group of children jumped up and down, swearing not to tell a soul. Bending down, I whispered, while dramatically looking around. " I was sent on a very special mission to travel to a very far and unknown world that not many children have been to."

"Where's that?" Ju-Nam said eagerly, a few kids echoing him. " I went to... the moon!" As if a pack of wolfs, the children gasps and howled in excitement. Laughing, the teachers and Mr. Soh approved of the ridiculous story when I caught sight of Yong and Sung-Mi's brother Youngchul coming up the road. Both their faces, surprised and shocked, froze in place. " Hayoung?" Youngchul said slowly, not believing what he was seeing. Waving at them, I smiled when Yong broke from his grasp and ran towards the house, pushing past me.

"Yong!" Mr. Soh said firmly, but he was already gone, slamming the door behind him. " It's fine." I said, trying to stay cheerful. " Let's give him some time."


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I LOVE YOUR FIC!~ I'm just now getting around to read it. a little late, huh. Please update~
Jo twin <3 <3 Exciting story - 44 subscriber - Subscribes NOT ANYMORE XD
NicoleBF #3
ill start reading it excited!!!...
this is really good! keep writing! update soon! ^^
almightyLA #5
Thank you! I hope I get more readers like you ~<br />
I just started reading and it's quite good. love Boyfriend! I love the storyline~
almightyLA #7
Yeah it's been a pretty hectic month but I plan to catch up to my story so stay tuned!<br />
i feel sad 4 kwangmin, his love is onesided<br />
that's so sweet of youngmin! it is cliche but its so sweet that his like a personal knight for hayoung! <br />
damn......*sniff* too heart breaking BUT I LOVE IT!<br />
stupid marie! ya think u can win sum1's heart just by playing a trick on 'em?!?! HA U MUST'VE CAME/COME FROM A STUPID FAMILY!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA UR MAKING ME LAUGH W/ UR STUPIDITY!!!!
almightyLA #10
I did :) I suppa love it :) II posted it on chapter 1 :) check it outtt.