Chapter 4: Master and Slave Contract?

DJ got us falling in love

What. Am. I. Going. To. Do.’ Minji said to herself over and over again as she paced. ‘The devil’s spawn has already called. What does he want from me? Blackmail is such a b*tch. Of all people, why does it have to be him?’ 

She walked in circles for already an hour until the store clerk said, “Miss, I’m sorry but can you please sit down? You are making us dizzy and our work harder.” Minji blushed and muttered “Sorry.” She then sat down.

It’s been an hour since he called. Why isn’t he here yet? Why is he prolonging my agony? Let’s get this done already!’ She pounded her hand on the table that caused the part time workers and the manager to jump out of shock. Minji muttered another apology and bought banana milk. ‘I’m making a fool out of myself because of him!’ She thought and drank the banana milk while waiting.


“Where do you think you are going?” Jonghyun asked. “Nowhere, hyung.” Taemin answered. “You are not going anywhere.” Jonghyun said. “Why are you acting like this hyung? I just need to get some air. Stop worrying. I’m not the type to get in a scandal just by getting air.” Taemin said and he went out.

“Seriously, hyung. Stop worrying about him.” Minho said.

“Minho, how could I not worry? He became like that because of what happened.” Jonghyun answered.

“You know if you continue doing that, he’ll drift away from us. Let him be.” Minho said.

“You know he’s doing these things because he’s avoiding it. He should face it like a man and get over with it.” Jonghyun said.

“Jonghyun, let him be. It’s time for him to learn his own way. You shouldn’t be nagging and restricting him. It’ll make him want to avoid it further. Just relax and be like Kibum over there.” JinKi said as he pointed to Kibum who is cooking while he surfs the channels on the TV.

“The nagging Kim Kibum has mellowed out when it comes to Taemin because he knows that what you are doing isn’t right. So, hyung, relax. He won’t be caught just like you and Shin Se Kyung years ago.” Minho said as he started reading the new book he has.

“Minho, I forbid you to say that name.” Jonghyun said. 

“Now, who’s the mature one?” Minho mumbled.


Taemin entered the convenience store and saw Minji sipping her banana milk. 

“I’m impressed. You are early.” He said while smiling.

“Let’s just get this over with. What do I need to do to shut you up?” Minji said.

“Relax, Gong Minji.” Taemin said while eyeing her up and down.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Minji asked. 

“Oh, nothing. If you want me to shut up, you just have to sign this.” Taemin said while smirking at her. He handed her a paper. She read it and, “SLAVE CONTRACT!!! What the heck are you thinking?!?” 

“Just what you have read, you just have to be my slave for a hundred days. You have to obey whatever I order you to do.” He said.

“There is no way in hell I’m signing this!” Minji said and was about to walk away when, “Then, would you like me to you back to your dorm and tell your unnies where you are disappearing to every night?” he said.

“Then, tell them. As if they’ll believe you. You have no evidence that I’m going to the club.” She said. ‘Beat that! Like they’ll believe you. Haha. I have the last laugh. Why didn’t I think of this sooner? Maybe I’m the person who could say things at the right note in a spur of a moment.’

“Okay, let’s go. I’ll have to show them your fake ID plus the security camera footage I got.” Taemin said as he showed her the fake ID and his phone with the footage. Minji’s face was drained of blood as she saw the evidences. ‘He’s really evil.’ She sat down again and looking at him with pure loathing. “I hate you.”

“And I love you too, Gong Minji.” He said while smirking. Minji suddenly said, “Before I sign this, I have some restrictions. I will not obey an order that is erted, will hurt my reputation, my family and friends and for revenge. If you order that, this contract will be null.”

“I’ll agree to your terms.” He said. Minji signed the contract. They shook hands as if it was a business deal. “Did I mention that I really hate you?” Minji said. Taemin pulled her close to him and said, “Yes, you did. Now, be good to your master, Minji or you’ll be punished.” 

She immediately pushed him back. “Now, let’s go. I’ll walk you back to your dorm.” Taemin said. 

“You are not walking me to my dorm.” She said fiercely.

“Yes, I am. I’m your master, remember?” He said.

“When the 100 days are over you are so getting it from me! You evil spawn!” She said. 

Taemin got closer to her and he kissed her. She struggled from his hold even protesting but that only gave him more leverage over her. When he finally broke the kiss, she stood there, shocked. “That’s why I told you to be good or you’ll be punished. You got your first kiss stolen by me. That’s cruel don’t you think?” He said smiling darkly. Minji slapped him. “You can walk me home, master.” She said with pure loathing. 

“That’s a good slave. I’ll let you off for that slap on my face for now.” Taemin said while touching his affected cheek.

They walked silently. When they arrived at the apartment complex, Minji said sarcastically, “Thank you master for walking me home.”

“You are welcome. By the way, I forgot to include in that contract, don’t fall in love with me.” Taemin said and went off.

Like I’ll fall for you, blackmailing playboy.” Minji said then she entered the apartment complex.


“When are going to give it a rest, Bommie unnie?” Chaerin said.

“I won’t rest until you tell me you and Key are dating. Then, I’ll torture you to tell me which base are the two of you in and—“ 

“YAH!! Unnie!! Why are you saying such shameless things!!!!” Chaerin said turning red.

“AHA! So you two are really dating!!! I caught you!!! You are turning red. Lalalala!”

“I’m turning red because you said shameless things!” Chaerin fired back.

“Bommie, they’ve already kissed so shut up you are giving me a headache.” Dara said.

Bom is in shock with Dara’s sudden revelation and Chaerin just pinched Dara and said, “Dalong!!”

“I’m back!” Minji said as she entered the dorm and Bom hugged Minji. “Chaerin and Key already kissed each other. I caught Chaerin lying that she isn’t dating Key.” Bom said like a person tattling some secret.

“Really, unnie? Whoa! So she finally revealed their relationship.” Minji said.

“You already know about the two of them?” Bom asked with a puzzled look.

“I just deduced her actions to that conclusion, unnie. Key sunbaenim will call her at night, they talk, then unnie will smile like she never smiled before, laugh then they say good night. In the morning, unnie will call him to wake him up. Everyday they do that and occasionally if unnie gets away from your interrogations, she will meet him.” Minji explained and Bom looked at her like she’s a genius.

“Why am I the only one who doesn’t know about it?”

“Because you question her every single minute and not bother to observe her actions. Besides, if you don't question her like you are interrogating a criminal at a police station, she'll tell you without pressure.” Dara said and Minji just nodded. 

Bom just retreated to her room. “Dara unnie, I think we shocked Bommie unnie too much.” Minji said.

“Let her be. She’ll get over it. Anyways, you should be careful. You’ll be next in her list because of your not so friendly relationship with Kikwang.”

“Unnie, Kikwang oppa and I are just friends. Why are all of you saying we are a ‘thing’? That’s like .” Minji said with a disgusted look.

“Anyways, you are next. May it be Kikwang or some random guy in our field of work.” Chaerin said. As Minji walked to her room, ‘If Bommie unnie sees me with that evil spawn, I’ll hear her nagging about him. I could hear her now, ‘Minji-ah, Lee Taemin? Seriously? You’ve tamed him? Way to go maknae!’. No, that won’t happen. I should be discreet about meeting him and whatever he wants me to do. Why am I in this situation? Aish!’ She shook her head furiously that earned her puzzled looks from her unnies.


Taemin was walking back to their dorm the remains of Minji’s strawberry lip gloss off his lips while smiling when he heard a familiar voice. “Taemin.” He looked at her and his expression became angry. “What the heck are you doing here?”

“I just want to ask what the heck are you doing to yourself?”

“What I’m doing to myself? Care to elaborate Luna?”

“I know that Sulli hurt you but what you are doing to those girls is not a good thing to do. It’ll backfire to you and you know it.”

“Stop it with all those sermons. I’ve heard it from Jonghyun hyung and I especially don’t want to hear it from you.”

“You wouldn’t hear these from me if you stop playing with those girls. What you are doing is not a revenge to Sulli. You are making yourself more pathetic. Why don’t you find a girl that you can settle with and be happy?”

“The last time I heed that advice of yours, I got hurt again by that another friend of yours.”

“That was my lapse of judgment of introducing Suzy to you. I’m sorry. I really thought she wasn’t like Sulli.”

“You better get home, Luna. It’s almost your curfew at your dorm. I would love to walk you but I don’t want to see that friend of yours, so just go.”

“Taemin, please as one of your closest friends, I don’t like seeing you playing those girls. Do you want to see me hanging with a guy like you?”

Taemin just looked at her. ‘No freaking way any guy would mess with my best friend.

Luna hugged him, “As I thought, you care for my well-being and I have always cared for yours. I want you to think of that thought whenever you play with girls. I’m like your sister and you are like my brother. I sided with you when Sulli and you broke up.”

“Jonghyun hyung called you didn’t he? He’s the only one who knows that you have a way with me.”

“No, he didn’t call me. Stupid. I’m worried about you. If only I could introduce you to a nice girl who wouldn’t hurt you.”

“Stop worrying about me. I know what I’m doing. Just let me do what I want.”

“Taemin, stop playing with girls’ hearts. You’ll get hurt again.”

“My heart is broken beyond repair anyways, Luna. No one could damage me anymore. Just worry about yourself. Go now, you’ll get scolded by Victoria noona.”

“I’ll let go of this matter for now because I’ve said what I needed to say. I want you stop playing girls.”

“Go home, Luna.”

“I’ll praise the girl who could make you smile, tame you and stick with you.” Luna said and went home.

I’m sorry Luna. I know you are worried about me. But, no girl could repair me anymore.’ Taemin thought as he looked sadly at his best friend’s retreating back.


Minji’s phone was ringing nonstop however the maknae is still fast asleep. Bom who heard her phone ringing entered her room. 

Sheesh! Maknae is destroying my beauty sleep.’ She looked who is calling Minji early in the morning.

Evil Master? Who the heck is that? Why is this person calling Minji early in the morning?’ Bom was about to answer the phone when “Unnie, give me back my phone.” Minji said half-awake. Bom gave it back to her and said, “Answer your calls. Your ringtone is destroying my sleep.” She then went out of Minji’s room.

Unnie became weird after we shocked her last night.

“Hello?” Minji answered her phone while yawning. 

“My slave is really easy-going. She is answering her master’s call after the third call. Should I just blurt it to your Chaerin unnie that you went to a club?”

“Morning, master. What do you want this early in the morning?” Minji answered sarcastically.

“Come to my dorm right now and cook me breakfast.” Taemin said sleepily.

“Are you in your right mind?!?”

“If you don’t come here within 15 minutes, the footage of you going to the club will be sent to your unnies.”

“I’ll go now master but just curious, how would you explain to your hyungs that I’m coming over?”

“They are not here. They have schedules.” He said then he hung up. Minji sprawled again on her bed. As she was about to fall asleep again, she received a text message. ’10 minutes left.-Evil Master’ 

“Aargh! He is really evil!!” Minji said as she got up again and went to the bathroom to take a quick bath.


Minji arrived at SHINee’s apartment complex. As Minji went on the elevator going up to SHINee’s dorm, she was grumbling and regretting why she ever signed that contract and being in that club. ‘Seriously, Gong Minji, what the heck is wrong with you?!? You got yourself into this mess. Aish.’

She approached the door and rang the doorbell.


Taemin just finished taking a bath when he heard the doorbell. ‘Oh, she’s finally here. She’s about 5 minutes late. What would be her punishment be?’

He opened the door and what happened next is screaming.


Lee Taemin. Topless. Only wearing a towel. Hair dripping wet. Cannot process.’ Minji thought. 

“Kyaah!!! Put some clothes on! You ert!!!!” Minji screamed at the top of her lungs only to be silenced by Taemin’s hand, pulling her close to him and closed the door. Minji looked up to see his face as she struggled from his grasp, she saw a genuine expression that she hasn’t seen him made for years, his smiling, innocent face. Not the evil smiling, ‘do-as-I-say-pretty-please-or-you’ll-never-live-again' one, but the enjoying smiling one. She immediately shut up and just looked at him in awe while Taemin finally laughed. 

“Your expression when you saw. Priceless!” Taemin laughed as he released Minji. Minji dropped the groceries she was holding as she looked at the guy who was supposed making her life more difficult than before.

This isn’t good. My heart is beating fast. Bommie unnie, Kikwang oppa, what did I get myself into?

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Chapter 29: and i'm here to reread this story again <3
Chapter 5: Aaaakkhhhh andwaeyooooo aaaakkhhh
Chapter 3: Aigooo,,
L.o.v.e to kikwang..
Right minji stay way from taemin.
And just love kikwang..
Flowergirl_18 #4
I really love this story ^_^
k-pop_navia #5
Chapter 18: Omg nooooo !!!!
k-pop_navia #6
Chapter 13: Omg i love it!
Chapter 29: Omg. I love them kkkk. I cant even take my eyes from this story omg. Fighting for your next story authornim
minchubz #8
Chapter 29: nice fic... thank you for sharing :D
monica7_nicamo #9
Chapter 29: