Chapter 29: Do all things get resolve in the end?

DJ got us falling in love

Chapter 29: Do all things get resolve in the end?


I was paralyzed with those four words that came from her lips. It echoed all throughout my being. I looked at her with eyes of disbelief and surprise written on my face. She was just looking straight at me with eyes that pierced my soul with clarity. I couldn’t move. So does she. We were just looking at each other for I don’t know, eternity. Our silent trance was broken when we heard a deep voice and three knocks on the door.


“Minji-ah, Big Seunghyun oppa is here. I need you to get back home. Dara noona is ready to kill someone if she doesn’t see you.” I opened the door and there he was. All intimidating and commanding respect.


“Taemin-ssi, thank you for protecting our maknae and we do owe you an apology for not believing you. We’ll talk later.” He said and he scooped her out of bed. Before I knew, it they were both gone.


I sat down and think things through. “Gio is gone. Kikwang hyung is out of the picture. Minji. Gong Minji is in love with me.”




A month later.


The two of us haven’t spoken to each other. A month passed already. I don’t know if I should call her. I always start to text her but ended up not sending it. Seriously though, I don’t know what the next step in our relationship is. Both our companies are preventing us to see each other. They made sure our schedules never clash. Stupid fools. They made sure that we were both busy.


“Hey, Taem. Stop fidgeting and just call her.” Jonghyun hyung said to me. I simply shrugged. I need to think. I know I should talk to her personally like meet her but I’m in freaking Japan.




“Kibum oppa asked me to go where?” I asked Chaerin unnie. She was packing my things in a neat order. She’s already sorting my underwear and swimsuit. She doesn’t even look at me and told me to dress up and make sure that what I was wearing wasn’t attracting attention. She just gave me a first class ticket going to Tokyo, Japan.


“All set. Come on!” She said and she’s dragging my suitcase and me with her. I looked at her with my face grunged up into an annoyed look. When we reached the parking lot, she loaded my suitcase onto her car and shoved me to the passenger seat. She drove to the airport. Before I know, it, we were flying to Japan. We were up in the air when she finally talked to me explaining her bizarre action.


“I’m doing this so you two can meet. I know that both companies are meddling with our schedules trying make the two of you drift apart. I mean you two have gone on a dangerous path that both harmed your lives. Also, the fans know the relationship between the two of you. They are trying to defuse the bomb of scandal. So we decided me, and SHINee that you guys need to meet without both the companies knowing.”


I was about to retaliate when she gave me this look to shut up.


“Whatever happened between the two of you in that inn, you guys need to talk about it. If you will go forward being together or just be friends.” She said. I just looked at my window, contemplating on what I will say to him.


I got my feelings across. He already knew what I felt about him and I know he reciprocates the same but why do the both of us are in a standstill?




“Taemin, I need you to come with me.” Kibum hyung said. He was all decked in club outfit. That’s odd. I mean that’s odd for him to bring me into a club when we are at the midst of resting before our concert two days from now.


“Okay. Let me just go get changed.” I said and changed my clothes. The fact Kibum hyung is waiting for me is definitely odd.


Our manager was waiting outside the car. Both of us just rode the car while our manager is looking at Kibum hyung with eyes that could definitely kill.


“Hyung, you better look at the road. You owe me this so just put a blind eye on it. I’ll take the blame for this.” Kibum hyung said. I know better than to ask so we all sat in silence.


We entered the club and the waiter led us to a private booth. Kibum hyung spoke in Japanese asking the waiter if they are already there. The waiter said they have not arrived. They? Who are they talking about?


Hyung ordered some drinks and he massaged his temples. It’s a habit he does when he’s impatient. The drinks arrived and the waiter whispered something to Kibum hyung. He just nodded.


“I’ll be outside, Taemin. Don’t this up.” He said and that left me puzzled both by his cussing and leaving me.


Then, she entered the booth.




“No one is to enter this booth except the two of us. Understand?” Kibum said to the waiter. He also asked to provide security outside the booth. He massaged his temples meaning he’s stressed and on edge.


“Relax. It’ll be alright.” I said as I took his hand to assure him. He looked at me.


“Chaerin, this should work. Those two always are both confused and now they are just frustrating couple. I mean how can they be so dense when they know each other’s feeling? Like why aren’t they together and a freaking month not talking?” I just gave him his drink.


“They will be. Relax. They got this. Bottoms up, Kibum. To hell with company rules!” I said and we both smiled.




“It has been a while, oppa.” She said as she sat down. I looked at her rather drinking her image so that I can be full of her. I missed her so much that it hurts. I want to hug her, kiss her and never let her go. But, we both know there is something we need to clear and we don’t even know what that is.


“It has been a while, Minji.” I said and we both fell silent. We just sipped our drinks. I don’t even know where to start.


“Where do we go from here, oppa?” She asked.


“What do you want to do?”


“Honestly?” She looked at me.  I drink that image of her being all lady like and mature, not to mention her being business like.


“Honestly.” I said in return. She sighed and closed her eyes in for a minute or two. Then she looked at me with determined eyes.


“I want us to be friends. I know it sounds so stupid after all that has happened between the two of us. I know that you know how I felt about you because I said it last year. I still do—“  I was looking at her with surprise and I bet I am behaving like a gaping idiot right now but hey, it happens.


“You still do? I mean love me?” I asked. Yes, officially I am a freaking, sodding idiot.


“Will you let me finish oppa?” She asked me clearly annoyed that I interrupted her somewhat rant, explanation of her decision.


“Go ahead.” I replied. She smiled and sighed again. “Where was I again?” She asked.


“You still do love me.” I answered with a smirk escaping from me.


“Still a douchebag, I see. Stop being a cocky. I want us to start as friends because we started on the wrong foot. We first met in a club where I was dancing illegally because I wasn’t of age, then you started to blackmail me into doing stupid chores. We started by hating and torturing each other. The foundation of a relationship isn’t steady. Do you get my drift?” She explained. It makes sense that she would say that. We were really immature a year ago and happened.


We were both silent for a while. I was thinking hard.


“Deal. Let’s start over but with only one condition.” I said. I wish to the heaven’s above that she wouldn’t see my eyes full of mischief. It’s just that it will at the very least calm me.


“Let’s hear it.” She said as she uncrossed and crossed her legs again. So business-like. Damn. Chaerin noona is rubbing off of her. Well, it’s kinda hot. I’m a guy, that’s my only explanation and, I love the girl.


“Just me, okay? Give me the assurance that you’ll only look at me.” I said.


“Oppa, that defeats ‘the whole let’s start as friends idea’.” Her voice stern.


“Then, would you like me to see other woman then?”  I challenged.


“Fine.” She agreed. She offered her hand to me, and introduced herself again.


“I’m Gong Minji. My screen name is Minzy. 2NE1’s maknae. Nice to meet you.”


I took her hand and shook it. “I’m Lee Taemin. SHINee’s maknae. Nice to meet you. I believe I’m older than you so please call me Oppa.” We smiled but I pulled her to me until she was seated on my lap and my arms encircling her waist and put her closer to me.


“O-oppa?!?” As expected she was startled. I smiled, then proceeded to do what I have been meaning to do since she said she still love me. I stole a kiss from her.


She was surprised but I missed her so much that I put my all to that kiss and well damn me for all the things I’ve done because she kissed me back. We were both lost in our own world.


“I guess you two have made up or something.” A female voice resounded our booth.

We both stopped kissing and looked for the owner of the voice.


“Seriously, Chaerin. Made up or something? That’s the best you can come up with?” Hyung said as he finally grace us with his presence.


I set Minji back to the couch and she was blushing like mad that it makes me want to kiss her again and never stopping.


“We decided to be friends.” She said meekly.


“Friends with benefits?” Hyung said without thinking and it earned him a smack on the head by Chaerin noona. He looked at her with murderous eyes.


“What?!? Kissing like that would lead to that, Chaerin. You and I know that.” He said and Chaerin noona looked at him and she was blushing. That’s something new. 


“Kibum, shut up.” She said to him.


“Friends don’t kiss like that and don’t at all. I have an idea what lead the two of you to the decision of being friends. Whatever you decided, stick to it. It’ll be a greater reward if the two of you do.” She said as she pulled Minji to her.


“We have to get back. We are kind of in a bad situation.” The older ones said. It meant that the managers are pissed off and they might go to the higher ups and rat on us.


“I’ll call you.” I said to Minji. She nodded. “I’ll answer. Promise.”




2 years later:



December 21


[BREAKING] 2NE1’s Minzy and SHINee’s Taemin are dating!!


D*sp*ch has released their exclusive report and a series of photos of the two on dates. According to the media outlet, that the two maknaes have been seeing each other since July. Taemin was spotted getting out of his car on the night of December 7th near the 2NE1’s dorm. He picked up Minzy and went to a movie date. He sent her home and the two lingered outside for about 15 minutes holding each other’s hand and hugged before saying goodbye.


Back in January, the two were seen together during the Big Bang’s 8th anniversary concert and and were acting a little too much cozy with each other. Though both their respective agencies denied the rumors and said they were just good friends. Many were shocked about the sudden closeness of the two. We are still waiting for their agencies response.




“They are so slow in uptake. So funny. They have been together since last year’s November. Stupid reporters.” Sohyun said as she was reading the news while getting her hair done.


“Those two are so good in hiding their relationship.” Gayoon replied.


“Well, it’s about damn time that they were caught. Those two are so lovey dovey with each other. They better not break up.” She replied to her unnie.


“Well, they won’t. After what happened to those two.”



December 21


[UPDATED] 2NE1’s Minzy and SHINee’s Taemin are dating!!


D*sp*ch has released their exclusive report and a series of photos of the two on dates. According to the media outlet, that the two maknaes have been seeing each other since July. Taemin was spotted getting out of his car on the night of December 7th near the 2NE1’s dorm. He picked up Minzy and went to a movie date. He sent her home and the two lingered outside for about 15 minutes holding each other’s hand and hugged before saying goodbye.


Back in January, the two were seen together during the Big Bang’s 8th anniversary concert and and were acting a little too much cozy with each other. Though both their respective agencies denied the rumors and said they were just good friends. Many were shocked about the sudden closeness of the two. We are still waiting for their agencies response.


UPDATE #1: SM Entertainment representatives confirmed that Taemin is dating Minzy. According to the representatives, “The two of them were close friends and progressed into being a couple. They are carefully dating each other. Please watch over them.”


UPDATE #2: YG Entertainment confirmed that the two are dating. Representatives told the media outlet, “The two of them are dating. Minzy asked CEO Yang Hyun Suk for approval. Minzy told Big Bang and 2NE1 members. Please watch over them.”



Fan #1: They just verified this now?!? It was obvious in the concert. No one can deny their relationship. [+80] [-20]


Fan # 2: It’s good that the two are together. I kinda like them. [+90] [-13]


Fan #3: Why her?!? Can it be just Krystal or Na Eun? I can accept Na Eun she’s his virtual wife in We Got Married. Ugh. [+87] [-95]


Fan #4: Goddess Minzy is TAKEN!?! NO FREAKING WAY!! She has US!! Her Oppa fans!! NOOOO!! [+105] [-50]


Fan #5: They are perfect together. I mean Taemin is kinda childish and Minzy is the mature one but has a playful side. Perfect. [+110] [-50]



SBS One Night TV Entertainment Show:


“Dara, what do you say about Minzy dating SHINee’s Taemin?” Yoo Yoon Seok asked candidly.


“Yah!! Maknae-ah! I was supposed to go first?!? Just joking. She was blooming these past few days. Like any girl in love. Taemin-ssi, take good care of our maknae. We love you.” Dara said as she closed the segment of their maknae’s dating life.


“This Yoo Yoon Seok.”


“This is Park Sandara.”


“We bid you good night and we’ll see you next Sunday.”


KBS Entertainment Weekly:


MC: “Luna-ssi, did you know that Minzy is dating SHINee’s Taemin?”


Luna: “What brought this (question) on?”


MC: “The two of you are friends right?”


IU: “Answer him.” (laughing)


Luna: “You answer!”


IU: “No, you!”


Luna: “I know. It was on the news today. We both were surprised and happy.”


IU: “Those two are good friends. It’s about time that they dated!”


All of them laughed.




Myeongdong, 10 pm, Christmas Eve


‘Doesn’t that couple look like Taemin and Minzy?’


‘Isn’t that SHINee’s Taemin?’


‘Taemin oppa?’


‘It’s 2NE1’s Minzy!!!’ 


People started to crowd the couple and the two was just smiling and bowing to them. Then they started running away.


“I told you this is a bad idea!!” Minji hissed at Taemin. The latter just laughed at her.


“I mean seriously, the last time you were here, you were with a different girl.” She said at him while running.


“Seriously, right now? You are jealous right now? By the way, at that time, it was restricted and people are cursing and watching. It’s much more liberating right now!!” He said as they continued running. This time, Minji was laughing hard.


They turned to the next alley. They catch their breath. “Are they gone yet?” She asked meekly. He turned to look sideways. “I think so.” He smirked. They took their leave only to be busted by their managers catching their breath, glaring at them.


“Seriously! You two will be the death of me!” The two managers said at the same time. The two said, “SHHH!!” Only it’s too late. People are swarming again and with their phones whipped up recording them.


Minji and Taemin’s faces mirrored each others ‘Oh dear, we are caught.’


They both smiled and Taemin whispered at her and then she smiled. Then they both bowed to public traditionally as would be married couples do after getting married to their parents.


“Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!! Please watch over us.” They said in unison. Their managers shaking their heads in agony, thinking how would they explain to the management about this incident and the amount of PR damage control it would take.


As the couple are being escorted to their van, Taemin winked at the people and said, “Uhm, thank you for all the memories. A gift from us, One of my hyungs is dating someone.” Minji nudged him hard to shut him up but it spurred the prankster within him more.


“So is one of her unnies. So good luck finding who it is. Happy Christmas!!” He said. “We are so dead. I am going to arrange our funeral.” Minji whispered but he just kissed her.


“Well, before we get killed I am going to take many kisses from you and I will say I love you many times.” He said. “Devious prick, I love you.” She said in return with a kiss. With a blissful smile, Taemin closed the door to the van.


People who were recording the scene gushed and uploaded it to their own SNS accounts.




“That idiot! Oh, he’s going to get it.” Kibum said in annoyance. They had a get together after successfully wrapping up their 5th concert tour. Some artists such as 2NE1, SNSD, Big Bang, f(x) and Super Junior were in attendance. They were watching the video uploaded by the netizens a while ago and was trending in Nate and Naver. All of them were laughing at the video. Taemin and Minji slipped out of the party without their knowing till now.


“Uhm, Kibum I think Taemin just outed your relationship, right that 2:16 mark.” Minho said trying to contain his laughter.


“LEE TAEMIN, YOU ARE A DEAD MAN!!” Kibum and Chaerin shouted at the video.




So guys, I don't owe you anything now. I finished it. Freaking finally. Sorry for the damn wait! I was way too busy!! Anyways thanks for being with me in this ride! Thank you! 


Btw, I'll be on hiatus in writing for now. But you can expect oneshots but just not ongoing ones. ^^ Till the next story! By the way you can read other stories well mostly are oneshots at ^^








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Chapter 29: and i'm here to reread this story again <3
Chapter 5: Aaaakkhhhh andwaeyooooo aaaakkhhh
Chapter 3: Aigooo,,
L.o.v.e to kikwang..
Right minji stay way from taemin.
And just love kikwang..
Flowergirl_18 #4
I really love this story ^_^
k-pop_navia #5
Chapter 18: Omg nooooo !!!!
k-pop_navia #6
Chapter 13: Omg i love it!
Chapter 29: Omg. I love them kkkk. I cant even take my eyes from this story omg. Fighting for your next story authornim
minchubz #8
Chapter 29: nice fic... thank you for sharing :D
monica7_nicamo #9
Chapter 29: