Chapter 28: Pretty Much the Truth is Out Finally

DJ got us falling in love


Chapter 28: Pretty Much the Truth is Out Finally


After a long heated discussion with Chaerin about Taemin being a jerk over Minji, I decided to just drag her to the two to congratulate them on their special stage. But boy I wasn’t prepared on what I am about to witness neither was Chaerin.


“Oppa, why are you being like this?” Kikwang gripped her hand tightly forcing her to be by his side. While I was restraining Chaerin from marching towards there and slapping the guy till he sees sense.


“Yah, hyung, you shouldn’t treat a lady like that in public.” Taemin replied mockingly. I should really remind him of manners. Don’t provoke a mad guy or you’ll end up being beaten. And just like I said Kikwang’s fist collided into his left jaw. However right it maybe, punching Taemin in front of me was unforgivable crime so me and Chaerin’s roles were reversed, she’s the one restraining me now.


“You should be dead.” Taemin said.  Now it’s getting interesting. Until Chaerin’s grip is cutting the blood flow of my wrist thus my hand turning to blue.


“Chaerin, your grip.” I whispered.


“Kibum, Gio is alive. Take Minji away.” She said and I immediately looked for the guy who kidnapped Minji and lo and behold he was there walking free and smirking.


“I know. Hello, Minji. We meet again. I miss you my dear friend.” He said.


“You can’t touch her. I’ll kill you.” Taemin said in full vindication. That’s odd because: One, he has amnesia so it’s impossible for him to remember Gio nor his life status meaning he was supposedly dead yet still alive at the moment. Two: Gio’s relationship to Minji. So that means he remembers her all along playing the ‘Amnesia-card’. My gut was right about this!


“Lee Kikwang, I heard you took care of me pretty good that I ended up in coma. Funny because I remember it wasn’t you who did that.”


“WHAT!” Both me and Chaerin said at the same time but it was muffled because TOP sunbaenim’s hands over our mouths. He muttered, “Quiet. I need to know the truth. Taemin will be beaten up later for not telling he remembers Minji but if Kikwang got something to do with this, that guy is dead.” We both looked at TOP sunbaenim with confused eyes.


“G-G-Gio, what do you mean?” Minji asked. My thoughts exactly. No not really. What the hell is happening is what my thoughts are.


“Don’t listen to him, Minji.” Kikwang said, his voice slightly quivering while Gio laughed.


“Minji-ah, don’t you remember? Of course you wouldn’t. I drugged you at that time. The person who beat me up and saved you from me was no other than the person shielding you from me right now. Lee Taemin.”


And with that folks, we are utmost baffled and both TOP sunbaenim and I lunged for Kikwang’s throat.




My first instinct was to get Minji the hell out of here. She was taken away from me once by that evil friend of hers, second because of Kikwang and I’m not letting her taken away for the third time. I held her hand tight as I could so I could be assured that she’s there. I don’t care if my amnesia ploy will go up in flames but as of now, I need her safe. Far away as possible from these two guys.


“YOU BASTARD!” Kibum hyung said as he lunged for Kikwang’s throat. TOP sunbaenim’s eyes shouting for murder as he grabbed Kikwang’s collar. Gio seemed to be moving towards us and I took that as a sign to get her away.


I dragged her from different flights of stairs just to lose the guy. When we arrived at the parking lot, fans screaming my name was deafening in reality yet it was like a silent world of a mime movie playing in my head. I looked for our van.


I saw manager hyung taking out some shirts for Onew hyung’s next schedule.

“Taemin, what are you doing here? You should be in the dressing room and why are you with Minzy-yang? You know these could spark the old rumors between you two—“


“Keys.” I said, my voice was dripping venom.




“KEYS!! I NEED THEM RIGHT NOW!!” I shouted. Time is ticking and for all heavens know Gio is catching up on us.


“Here.” Hyung threw at me and I caught it. I put her in the front seat then I went to the driver’s side. I put her seat belt on then mine. I started the van.


“Yah, Taemin! Where do you think you are going and with Minzy?” Hyung asked but I have no time to answer that question. As of now, her safety is my priority. Career, my life, are pushed back to second place.  I gripped her hand letting her know I’m here and never letting her go.




“TELL ME AGAIN WHY IS THERE A FIGHT IN MY STUDIO?? AND OF ALL OCCASIONS ON A CHUSEOK SPECIAL?? FOR GOODNESS SAKES, YOU ARE ALL PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS!!!” The director shouted at us and our managers bowing 90 degrees over and over to apologize for our actions. Well technically, Seunghyun oppa and Kibum’s actions. Our unnies arrived at the scene and Bom unnie kinda punched all three of them just to make them stop fighting.


So, now, Kikwang is being taken at the hospital because of severe beating coming from them, not to mention Unnie’s final blow on him. To be honest, I’m quite curious on why would Bommie unnie punch Kikwang that damn hard as if his whole face is going to come off and a final whisper on his ear.


“I am sorry. We were having a heated argument over what he did to Minzy and it got into a physical fight. We are sorry for our actions.” Seunghyun oppa said as he bowed.


“I am not saying sorry for my actions because I haven’t done anything wrong.” Typical Kibum. Very typical. Seunghyun oppa put his hand on his head and made him bow. It was a funny scene and I have to try to silence my laughter.


“All of you are banned from this show for three months.” The director said with finality.


“Aish! He totally deserved it why am I getting punished?” Kibum said in annoyance when the director went out of the room.


“O-o-okay what the hell is going on? Are you guys keeping things from me?” Dara unnie asked with her arms crossed and looking at us with one of her eyebrows up. Oh goodie. We have one unnie that is really pissed off.




I don’t know where we are going but as long as it is far from Gio’s grasp, it’s fine. I don’t want to lose her again. Memories of losing her is painful enough and her pushing me away out of her life because of the lying bastard she calls her best friend makes it more heart wrenching than as if getting a coronary. Lying about having amnesia seems like an easy way out from that from that twinge and the moment I was contemplating about it, that jerk face appeared. However, when I held her in my arms the night I woke up I kept thinking of second thoughts. Seeing her cry made me think that I hurt her that much to go to that jerk just in order to spite me made me go to that point though if I did well enough she’ll be back. I hope.


I looked at her and she was sleeping in the passenger seat. She’s worn out from the shock and drama at the studio. I saw an inn and drove there. I rented the available room and made sure that the innkeeper kept quiet about this. I carried her to the room and carefully laid her on the bed. I sat by the chair and begin thinking of what happened.  I blew my cover. When she wakes up, I don’t know how I will answer her questions. No matter what I say, it’ll be a lame excuse. I kept thinking on what will I do to make her understand and believe me. I shake my head in attempts to get the pessimistic thoughts out of my mind.


My phone keeps on vibrating so I checked on it. I have been ignoring it for what the past 6-7 hours? I checked on missed calls of my hyungs, her unnies, my manager. Then, an incoming call from an unknown number came. I answered it and a deep and rich voice resonated from it.


“Taemin. This is TOP. I know Minji is with you. Come back after you two calmed down and we’ll explain everything regarding what happened. As for Gio, you won’t be worrying about him anymore. He is now on a plane heading for the US. He is going for his treatment.”


“Sunbaenim..” I said.


“Take your time for now and maybe clear the cloud of misunderstanding that’s been looming between the two of you all this while.” He said in hush tones then hung up. 


I went out of the room in case she wakes up. She’s had enough of surprising events to day and I don’t want to add on it. Giving her space to breathe and calm by herself is good for now.




“So you guys know that something like this is happening and you didn’t bother to tell me any of it?” All of us just bow our heads down in defeat as she drill us more questions. What really pains me to see is the hurt that Dara noona has in her eyes.


“So now my maknae is missing with their maknae because of this? After all the heartaches they are causing not only to me but to themselves?” She continued to say. Silence hung heavy around us.


“Seunghyun of all people should have told me or Bom or Chaerin. But no, you just have to keep me in the dark. Don’t you dare speak, Kibum. I have enough of this. Just don’t talk to me. Seunghyun, you must find Minji at the end of this day. She must be in our dorm tonight.” She said and I mumbled to her, “I will, noona. Please don’t be mad.”


“If Minji stays intact mentally, emotionally and physically. I’ll forgive you all. Bom, take me to Kikwang’s hospital.” Dara noona went out of the room.


“I’ve never seen her like that. Usually it’s Minkki who does that for unnie.” Chaerin said.


“Noona is just shocked, Chaerin. She’ll come around.” I reassured her.


“Sunbaenim, did you contact Taemin? Where are they now? Should we go pick them up?” Key asked.


“Yes. However, they will come back when they are ready. Those two need some time alone to figure things out and where do they go from here.”


And I really hope they do.




I feel hot. Why are there so many covers? My jacket is stifling me. Jacket? I didn’t wear a jacket. This is not my perfume. This scent is familiar. I opened my eyes and I panicked for a second. This is not my room and definitely I am not in Seoul.


I looked around to see if anyone is around but I am alone. I closed my eyes and replay the events that happened that led me here.


GIO! I hugged my knees to my chest. Gio is still alive. He can’t hurt me right? 


“The person who beat me up and saved you from me was no other than the person shielding you from me right now. Lee Taemin.”


Taemin. Lee Taemin. Taemin saved me? Not Kikwang oppa? What the hell? What is the truth? He doesn’t even remember me.


 “I told you, I’m not always there to protect you, idiot.”


“This is the third time I save your life.


“You should be dead.”


“You can’t touch her. I’ll kill you.”


“Are you my girlfriend for a week or something? Did you know I’m just playing a game? “


I rest my head on my knees trying to grasp the situation or thinking on why the hell would he lie to me about this or when will Gio catch me again when the door opened slowly revealing him trying to peek if I’m awake or not. I stared at him as he entered the room, assessing me with his eyes if I’m okay.


“How are you feeling?” He asked as he walked to the desk and stared at it as if it’s the most interesting piece of art in the world.


“Confused. Numb. Angry. Take your pick.”


“Sassy aren’t you?” He said finally sitting on the chair facing me.


“Where’s Gio?”


“TOP sunbaenim called saying he left for US to get the treatment he needs. He won’t bother you anymore.”


“Where are we?”


“In a motel in some remote area.”






“Go back to Seoul now. I’ll call Seunghyun oppa to fetch me. Your job is done. Go.”




“Why? We don’t mean anything to each other. Go now.”


“I said no. Leave it at that. What do you want to eat?”


“So now you suddenly care about me? What the hell? Do I look like a freaking doll oh wait I’m not pretty enough to be a doll. Do I look like a toy you can play with?”


“Why would you even think about that?”


“Are you seriously asking me that? Oh for the love of what’s holy, seriously, Lee Taemin?”


“I’m asking. It’s not a bad thing to ask something I don’t know about.”


I went out of bed and stood up quickly. I feel faint and my knees went weak that I fell down or supposedly but he caught me.


“Don’t touch me.” Yet he gripped my shoulders tighter then he crushed me with a bear hug as if he won’t let me go.


“Minji, stop being so stubborn.”


“Am I your toy, Lee Taemin? A toy that you can hurt at will? Do I really look like I don’t have feelings?”


“I don’t see you like that.”


“Why did you lie that you don’t remember me?” With that question, he stilled, muscles suddenly tensed.




I woke up for the second time in the hospital. This is becoming a habit and I didn’t like it one bit. I focused my eyes on the girl at my bedside.


“You are awake.”


“Dara noona?”


“The one and only.”


“What are you doing here?”


“Waiting for you to wake up so I can say my piece of mind.”


I was silent for a while and I can see her fury in her eyes.


“Kikwang, you stupid son of a b*tch if I ever see  you near Minji again, I’ll squash you like a bug, like a cockroach and every piece of your bones will be pulverized. As for the thing you did to Minji a while back in the club, you have no idea what I have in store for you. As a matter of fact what happened to you right now is not up to par. And the fact that you lied that you saved her when you didn’t,--“ She the stood up and slapped me so hard I can’t even remember what words she said last.


“Taemin is much more deserving to have her than you. If those two never get back together, I swear you can’t leave this hospital intact with your organs.”


For the first time, I feared for my life and it was Dara noona, the sweetest noona who I am scared of.




“I didn’t lie.” I said.


“Get out.” She feebly pushed me away but I held her tighter, closer to me if that’s possible.


“You did not lie, you just purposely forget about me or more so saying tried to forget me. But I stuck on you and I didn’t get the message. So now, I get it. Get out. You finally saved me from Gio, congratulations you are freed now. Get out of my damn life!”


“Get out of your life?!?” I asked because it sounds incredulous. She still trashes our of my touch and I let her. I kicked the chair out of my way just to vent my anger on it.


“Did you seriously think that I did all of this with my own free will? You don’t f”cking know how it feels to get your heart smashed into many pieces seeing you with another guy let alone crying in my arms because that certain guy hurt you in my hospital bed! You don’t even know how it feels to be at arms’ length with you yet unable to touch you, make you know how I felt about you all this time! So shut up. Shut the hell up, Minji because you don’t know anything how I’ve been through because of you and here I am forgiving you for saying things like that. I am not getting out of your life, I am staying in it! For the hell of it, Minji, what will it take to get in your head that I love you more than my life and that I even risked it thrice already?”

She stood there with her eyes looking at me in disbelief.


“I don’t even get why you are angry at me when I should have been angry with you. Here I am saying that I love you and you don’t even respond to me. A guy wouldn’t risk his life to save a girl he doesn’t  like much less than love. For all I know, you still love Kikwang hyung. Fine! Go back to him. For all I care. I’m done. Done with you.” I can’t help it, saying this out loud. I was going to get out of the room, my hand already in the door knob, when I heard her say:


“I love you, you idiot.”




Hi guys! You probably posted comments on when I am going to update, all I could say is yes. I am planning to finish this story. I don't start an ongoing fanfiction that I wouldn't end. I am not a person who has free time all the time that I was before. I have work and it keeps me up and makes me tired enough to go crash onto my bed. Also, aside from that, I am an admin for a fansite, so basically, I write whenever I can. So just sit back and relax, okay guys? I won't leave you guys hanging, I assure you all of that. ^^


Keep the comments coming though, it keeps me energized. ^^






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Chapter 29: and i'm here to reread this story again <3
Chapter 5: Aaaakkhhhh andwaeyooooo aaaakkhhh
Chapter 3: Aigooo,,
L.o.v.e to kikwang..
Right minji stay way from taemin.
And just love kikwang..
Flowergirl_18 #4
I really love this story ^_^
k-pop_navia #5
Chapter 18: Omg nooooo !!!!
k-pop_navia #6
Chapter 13: Omg i love it!
Chapter 29: Omg. I love them kkkk. I cant even take my eyes from this story omg. Fighting for your next story authornim
minchubz #8
Chapter 29: nice fic... thank you for sharing :D
monica7_nicamo #9
Chapter 29: