Chapter 14: Taemin's Ally & Kikwang's Sudden Confession

DJ got us falling in love


Chapter 14: Taemin’s Ally & Kikwang’s sudden confession

Minjae followed Taemin. He found Taemin inside the isolated room holding his chest. He looked at Taemin with his arms crossed over his chest as he leaned to the door,

“So, hyung, are you addicted in kissing our maknae?” Minjae asked.

“When did you get here?” Taemin said as he composed himself.

“Answer me first, hyung.” Minjae said. His voice all serious as he walked forward to Taemin. 

“I thought you are the maknae? Why are you using informal manner in addressing Minji?”

“Age-wise, yes, I’m the maknae but when it comes to relationship department, she’s the maknae. I know you are a player, so if you are not serious about her, get lost.” Minjae said now looking at Taemin face to face. ‘So, he’s a mysterious guy huh? He is hiding his true self by teasing Minji.’

“Why do I need to be get told by you?” Taemin said as he taunted Minjae. 

“Oh, let’s just say, I want to be the only person that could hurt her.” Minjae said.

Taemin grabbed Minjae’s shirt, his eyes flashing dangerously, “If you lay a finger on her, even if it’s just a strand of her hair or eyelashes, you’ll say goodbye to your career before it even started.”

“Why are you so agitated, sunbaenim? What is she to you?” Minjae asked. 

“She’s my personal slave, got a problem with that?”

“Tut, tut, tut. Not that answer, sunbaenim.” Minjae said as his face now is purely amused on what Taemin answered. Taemin slammed him on the wall. “Now, you are getting violent. Going this far for your slave?” Minjae said while in the back of his mind, ‘Or shall I say, the girl you are falling for?’. Taemin is now loosing his cool but yet resisting punching Minjae.

“What answer do you want to hear, huh?” 

“Let me tell you something about Minji, sunbae. I already kissed her before you kissed her a while ago.” Minjae said as he his lips.

Taemin’s grip tightened and Minjae smirked. “When?”

“Last week.” Minjae said cockily.

“Tsk. Weak. I claimed her lips before you did.” Taemin said as he slackened his hold over Minjae.

“When?” Minjae asked.

“48 days ago.” Taemin answered. 

“So you really are addicted to her lips or shall I say you are in love with her.” Minjae said cheekily. 

Taemin looked at him dangerously. If looks could kill, Minjae should be dead a thousand times and back. “What?” Minjae said.

“What did you say?” Taemin said. 

“You know hyung, you really are a blockhead just like Minji said. The tension between the two of you is undeniable. You are angry by the facts that another guy equals me is teasing her, the thought of Minji being hurt by me and I kissed her. Just admit it. You are possessive over her by telling me she is your slave. I don’t care what is your relationship with her at the moment but all I can see you have fallen for our maknae.” Minjae said as he fixed his shirt.

“No, I’m not.” Taemin said.

“Both you and Kikwang hyung are caught by her charms yet you two deny it. All I can tell you is Minji isn’t like other girls. Guys fall for her when they get close to her and when they did, it’ll be too late. Too late because they have fallen for her deeply and all they can do is make her fall for them. Like you are now. The biggest challenge yet is how to make Gong Minji fall in love. A challenge that every guy who have tried went home crying over rejection. Thats why Kikwang hyung never tried to confess.” Minjae said. Taemin just looked at him confused.

“Your playboy days are now over. Hyung, if you ask me, I’ll choose you over Kikwang hyung. That guy gets on my nerves. Just give me a call if you need help with Minji falling for you or at the very least, when you finally accepted that you have fallen for her. Trust me, it’s not your hormones playing with you.” Minjae said and went out of the room.

Taemin was left speechless. 


Did I just enjoy that? No. Bad Minji! You did not enjoy that. He’s only teasing you so that you’ll mess up on your scene later. Yes, that’s right. That’s right. Aish, he even bit my lower lip. I’ll get him for that!’ Minji thought. She started to stand up but her knees are still weak, she fell down again.

‘Damn it! Damn you, Lee Taemin! What did you do to my knees?’ She tried to stand up again and this time it was successful.

Your punishment for calling me a blockhead and remember you are my slave. You are mine and I don’t want any guys teasing you or hanging around you.’ Taemin’s voice echoed through her head.

Yeah, right. There is no way in hell I am yours. ert master. You’ve kissed me twice now. You’ve stolen one, the other one is the price I have to pay for kissing you last night. Still a ert. Lee Taemin, you ert!’

On the other side, the two was still watching Minji. They didn’t even realize Minjae disappeared.

“That was hot! Our maknae is really grown up! Now, I get it why he's a playboy.” Jonghyun said as slapped Kikwang’s arm. After hearing no response from him, Jonghyun looked at him. Kikwang was shaking. Kikwang suddenly walked up to Minji. 

I’ve got a feeling something bad is going to happen. Better stick around. Just in case.’ Jonghyun thought and he followed Kikwang. 

Kikwang put his hands over Minji’s shoulders. “Oppa?” Minji said as she was startled. “What are you doing here?” Minji asked and Kikwang was still silent however his grip became harder. 

“Oppa, it hurts. What’s wrong?” Minji asked as she tried to take Kikwang’s hands off her shoulder. 

“Tell me, why are you kissing Lee Taemin a while ago?” Kikwang asked with his voice grave.

“O-o-oppa!” Minji managed to say as she was in pain in Kikwang’s hold.

“Tell me, Minji. Right now!” He finally lost it.

“Oppa! It hurts! Stop it!” Minji said. Jonghyun took Kikwang hands off from Minji. 

“What the hell is wrong with you? You are hurting her.” Jonghyun asked but he was shoved off by Kikwang. Kikwang put his hands again on Minji’s shoulders. “Answer me Minji!”

“Oppa! What the hell! He’s teasing me.” 

“Teasing you? You closed your eyes while he’s kissing you. You enjoyed it. Are you falling for him!?!”

“Oppa! You are my best friend. You have a right to voice out your opinions about my actions but you have no right to hurt me nor you have no right to make my decisions for me. All you can do is watch me make a mistake or not and comfort me at the end. Why are you acting like a jealous boyfriend!?” Minji shouted as she pushed him with all of her might. 

Her Big Bang oppas told her to never let another guy manhandle her in any manner. They made sure of that by practicing every scenario possible when she was a trainee. What’s happening now is one of it.

“Just answer the question, damn it!” Kikwang said.

“Cool your head first. I don’t want to talk to you with you being like that.” Minji said and walked away but she was pulled back by Kikwang and was now hugging her back. In a faint whisper, “I don’t want you with Taemin. I want you to be with me.” Minji’s eyes widened at the sudden confession. Jonghyun just muttered a small, “oh!” 

“Yah!!! Why are you hugging Minji?!?” SeungRi shouted. He was angry. He pulled Minji out of Kikwang’s embrace. “You don’t have a right to hug our maknae even if she is your best friend!! YG Family gets that right!” 

SeungRi dragged Minji away. “Stay away from her, Kikwang. I mean it.” 

After witnessing Kikwang’s confession to Minji, Jonghyun went to find Taemin.


Minjae was freely strolling around the set when he bumped into someone. ‘Whoa! She’s really tall!’ Minjae was ogling at her and was then snapped out of his starefest. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking. Where do I find that guy? He has to put his toes in line for this one. I am not going to turn a blind eye on this.” Sooyoung muttered.

“Noona. I mean sunbaenim! I’m Minjae, a trainee from YG Entertainment. I’m visiting my noona, Minji, here. I’m a big fan of yours.”

“Oh. Hi, can I talk to you later? I’m in the middle of finding my dongsaeng who is stupid enough to get himself in trouble.” 

“Is that dongsaeng you are looking for, Taemin sunbaenim?” Minjae asked his voice changed from a starstruck fan to a business like voice.

“Did you see him?” Sooyoung asked.

“Yes, I’ve seen him. Noona, can you do me a favor, let hyung realize that he’s fallen for our maknae instead of stealing kisses?” Minjae said and started to walk away. Sooyoung tugged his shirt, “What did you just say?”

“Taemin sunbae is officially not a playboy anymore. He’s fallen for our maknae, Minji, however, he’s stupid not to realize this when the tension between them is so obvious. Didn’t you notice it too?” 

“Come here brat. I already know that. Come and help me get those two together.” Sooyoung said as she dragged Minjae with her. 

‘I’m with Sooyoung noona! Sweet! I could only dream of this before. I could die peacefully now.’ Minjae thought.


“Are you alright?” SeungRi asked Minji. 

“Yeah, I’m fine oppa. Don’t worry, you all taught me how to handle guys.” Minji said with a smile.

“Whatever. Since, Big Bang will be on break for the remainder of your shooting your sitcom, we will tag along.” SeungRi said. Minji was about to tell something but SeungRi cut her off. “That’s final, Minji. We won’t let you go near any guys. Especially now that you are nearing your birthday. It means that the dating ban will be lifted.”

Minji looked at SeungRi. “Oppa, aren’t you overreacting? We are just practicing our lines.”

“Maybe. But just in case, I was not sent here for nothing, Minji. It’s to observe Kikwang’s actions. It’s already fishy enough that he got you this gig. Trust me, it took Seunghyun hyung’s powers to hush that fact around the media.” 

‘That’s why he's here with Minjae. I thought it was suspicious.’ Minji thought. 

‘I don’t want you with Taemin. I want you to be with me.’ Kikwang’s confession echoed followed by Taemin’s taunting.

‘How can a guy do that just for his friend unless you are special to him.’

‘No. He likes you. He was jealous when you dragged me outside.’

Minji shook her head in confusion. ‘What will Taemin do if he knew Kikwang oppa confessed to me?

She saw Taemin walking. They looked at each other and his voice echoed through her mind again, ‘Your punishment for calling me a blockhead and remember you are my slave. You are mine and I don’t want any guys teasing you or hanging around you.’ 

Jonghyun dragged him away in the dressing room.

‘What did I just say? You are officially crazy, Minji!’ Minji started to whack her own head.

“Yah, maknae, what are you doing to yourself?” SeungRi asked. 

“Nothing, oppa. I’m just officially crazy.”

‘You can’t be with him, Minji because he’s mine. I’ve hurt you before and I’m willing to do it again.’ Sohyun thought as she watched Minji in the corner.


‘That’s Taemin oppa. Wait, why is he being dragged by Minji?’ Sohyun thought as she passed by. She was going to deliver lunch for Kikwang as per order by Yoseob since she lost the Guess the song game back at their company.

“What? Have something to say to me?” Taemin asked.

“Did you plan this?” Minji asked.

“No, it was just an opportunity waiting to be grabbed.” 

“Why did you take it?”

“I didn’t. My manager did.”

“You could’ve just said you don’t want the part!!” Minji said raising her voice. Taemin was enjoying seeing Minji angry. Unknown to them, Sohyun was watching them bicker. Tears fell from Sohyun’s eyes.

‘Is he two-timing me? Is that why he won’t answer my calls? Am I just a fling?’ 

Sohyun formed a fist with her hand. 'You are still mine. I can't give you to anyone.'


Sohyun watched them and jealousy took over her. ‘How can they be so close? Minji you said you don’t like him when I asked you. Why are you contradicting yourself?’

“Whatever. He doesn’t like me, period. Don’t torture me with the ‘amuse me’ phrase.” Minji said as she walked away from him. Taemin just smirked.

‘Silly girl, how can you be close to him?’ Sohyun thought. As Minji was nearing the snack table, Sohyun pushed a pile of boxes near where she is and is about to fall on her. 

She was shaking hard. ‘What did I just do?’


“Oppa, how’s Minji?” Sohyun asked Kikwang over the phone.

“She’s all good. Got a few scratches. She was saved by Taemin.” Kikwang answered.

“Okay. Call me if there is an update.” Sohyun said and hung up.

‘She was saved by Taemin.’ Kikwang’s voice echoed over and over.

‘No, he’s mine.’ Sohyun thought.


“Hyung! What!” Taemin said annoyed at Jonghyun.

“Tell me. Do you like Minji?”

“What! Why would you ask that question?” Taemin asked. ‘I have enough thoughts to deal with because of her and what Minjae said. You don’t have to add on it. Sheesh!’

“Damn it, Taemin! Do you like her or are you just playing with her?” Jonghyun said annoyed. 

“What the hell is wrong with you, hyung?” Taemin asked with a confused look on his face.

“Kikwang just confessed to her, right after you left her.”

“You saw us?”

“Yeah. I saw the two of you making out. But that’s not the deal now. Didn’t you just hear me? Kikwang confessed to her.”

“What are you talking about, hyung?”

“You stupid idiot!!” Jonghyun whacked his head. “He hugged her and said ‘I don’t want you with Taemin. I want you to be with me.’”

Taemin blankly looked at Jonghyun. “You should get her before Kikwang does!”

“Why should I do that?” Taemin said. Jonghyun was taken aback.


“If I told her I’m in love with her and she isn’t, we will go our separate ways. Remember hyung, we still have 52 days left with the contract.”

“This isn’t the time for that stupid contract!! You like her, like her enough to kiss her with that passion that I haven’t seen in a while, Taemin. Get her before it’s too late!”

Taemin looked at Jonghyun if he’s saying the truth or just playing around with him. 

“Why are you so fervent on making me get Minji as my girlfriend? What’s in it for you?” Taemin asked.

“I want you to be happy like now when you are with her and I like her as my sister-in-law.” Jonghyun said. Taemin looked at his hyung to check if Jonghyun hit his head on something. 

“Taemin-ssi? It’s your scene with Minji now.” A crew member said. 

“Go. We’ll continue this later.” Jonghyun said. With thoughts came swirling in his mind, Taemin is distracted. Jonghyun’s voice playing in his head, “He hugged her and said ‘I don’t want you with Taemin. I want you to be with me.’” 

He shook his head in annoyance. ‘Focus. This is work.’ However his determination to focus crumbled when he saw the scene before him.


Minji, focus. Professionalism is the key.’ She thought. The scene was a flashback when she and Kikwang became best friends back in high school. 

She acted like she didn’t hear Kikwang’s confession a while ago. They were eating spicy red cakes. They were feeding each other and teasing each other but her focus faltered a little when she saw Taemin. He was looking grim, anger written all over his face but his eyes bothered her because there’s a hint of sadness with it. She felt a stab of pain and guilt in her chest. Then his voice echoed again, ‘You are mine and I don’t want any guys teasing you or hanging around you.

“And cut! That was good! Minji-ssi, you go change first, we will be shooting Sohyun and Taemin’s scene next.” The director said. 

Before Minji left, she looked at Taemin but he ignored her. ‘What the hell? He’s ignoring me? He’s the one kissing me out of nowhere and making my knees weak? Hmph!’

She changed into her character’s college look clothes. When she went back to the scene, it was a date between Sohyun and Taemin. It was a sweet date and the writer was smiling. It was nearing the end of the date rather the scene that was written in the script, when Taemin said in his most gentle voice, “Thank you for being with me, Sohyun.” Sohyun was shocked but quickly recovered, “I should be the one thanking you, Taemin.” Taemin leaned to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead, nose then on her lips. Then, he looked at Minji with cold eyes. 

Minji felt another stab of pain. She touched her chest as if nursing it.

“That wasn’t on my script.” The writer said. The crew was even shocked however the director was smiling. 

“Cut! That was a good adlib, Taemin and Sohyun. It’ll definitely raise the ratings!” The director said. 

“I’m glad to be of help, director.” Taemin gave a fake smile. He went back to the dressing room and changed his clothes.

The crew went outside the MBC building and went to a park near them. The two were to walk hand in hand and just having a peaceful date in the park. 

However, it got them several takes that the writer and director are puzzled. Minjae, Sooyoung, Jonghyun, SeungRi, Sohyun and Kikwang were also watching. 

“Cut! Did something happen between the two of you? Why is the atmosphere between you are cold and angry?” The director said.

“Nothing happened.” The two said together. 

“All of you, did something happen while I was eating lunch?” Sooyoung said as she pointed to all of them and all shook their heads. 

“Not talking are we?” Sooyoung said as she started cracking her knuckles.

“Let’s start again! 3, 2, 1, start!” The director said

The two acted like lovers and the writer seemed satisfied. When the scene was about to end, Taemin hugged Minji. 

“This isn’t in the script.” Minji whispered.

“Don’t go to him.” He whispered back.

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t go to Kikwang hyung. Didn’t I tell you, you are mine?” Taemin said. 

“And, cut! That’s more like it. We are done for the day. The next shooting will be next week.” The director said. Taemin released Minji, said goodbye to the crew and went to SHINee’s van. Minji was in daze.

What are you trying to say? Lee Taemin. Why are you driving me crazy?’

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Chapter 29: and i'm here to reread this story again <3
Chapter 5: Aaaakkhhhh andwaeyooooo aaaakkhhh
Chapter 3: Aigooo,,
L.o.v.e to kikwang..
Right minji stay way from taemin.
And just love kikwang..
Flowergirl_18 #4
I really love this story ^_^
k-pop_navia #5
Chapter 18: Omg nooooo !!!!
k-pop_navia #6
Chapter 13: Omg i love it!
Chapter 29: Omg. I love them kkkk. I cant even take my eyes from this story omg. Fighting for your next story authornim
minchubz #8
Chapter 29: nice fic... thank you for sharing :D
monica7_nicamo #9
Chapter 29: