Chapter 10: The Past remembered and a challenge?

DJ got us falling in love

Chapter 10: The Past remembered and a challenge?

“I’m back!!” Minji said but no one answered. ‘Oh, right. I forgot. Dara unnie is filming a drama. Bommie unnie went to record her duet with Daesung oppa. Chaerin unnie is also in the recording studio to record her solo single.’

She went to her room and just lay down on her bed. 

“I said shut up. What do you know about me? Did you think you know me just because I saved you? Think again. Remember, you are my slave. I would forgive you for being late but letting her enter my room without permission is beyond unforgiving. So, you better shut up before you could dig your grave deeper.”

“Aish! How can I be frozen at that moment!!! Why the hell did I cry?!? All because of stupid Taemin! No matter how hurt he is, he shouldn’t have done that to her. But still, I could see pain in his eyes. Evil master is still evil. How could I even thought he’s not 100% evil? Minji, what’s with ‘Am I not needed anymore, Master? If not, I’ll be going now.’, You freaking bowed to Taemin!! Aish!”

“So, Lee Taemin is your evil master?”

“Yes. He is evil to the core. He makes me run to buy banana milk for him within five minutes when the convenience store is ten minutes away. Plus he makes me clean his room, cook for for him and massage me. Wait a minute.” Minji sat down fast and saw Bom leaning on her door.

“So on your rest days, you go to their dorm and be his slave? I wonder why? Now, you two are casted in the same sitcom and saved you from falling boxes. Interesting turn of events, Minji.”

“U-u-unnie.” She said stammering.

“Tell me why you agreed to be his slave in the first place. I won’t tell Chaerin and Dara. I’ll keep it as a secret.”

Minji looked at Bom with scared eyes. ‘Bommie unnie is the last person I want to tell about this.


“You can now go home. Please take care of yourself.” The doctor said to Taemin as he was being discharged from the hospital.

“Yes, sir.” Taemin answered. Minho was the one who fetched him from the hospital. Minho was driving them back to the dorm when Taemin asked, “Hyung, do you mean it?”

“Mean what?”

“Taking Minji away from me?”


“You said it this afternoon. ‘Taemin, just don’t scare her again. If you do, I might end up taking her away from you.’” Taemin said with the perfect impersonation of Minho while looking at the window.

“Oh, that. Why do you think I’m joking around? So take care of her better. You two have a deal right?”

Taemin turned his gaze to Minho. He studied his hyung’s expression if he was telling the truth. Minho’s fixed gaze on the road, gripping the stirring wheel hard, smiling sadly, screamed at Taemin that Minho likes Minji yet he’s determined to give Taemin a chance with Minji. Classic example of a guy who would rather see the girl he loves happy in another guy’s arms and Taemin hated that. He hated that because he was once like him and now he hates that he’s doing the same thing he vowed he would never do to his hyungs.


“Hyung, how could you do that to me? She’s my girlfriend! Why? Why me? Why her? You have a girlfriend, why would you do that?” He shouted at Changmin as he threw a punch at him.

Changmin just laid on the floor and kept accepting Taemin’s punches. “I’m sorry, Taemin.”

“You have a freaking girlfriend!!! Why would you sleep with mine?!?” Taemin shouted.

“Because I’m in love with Sulli and the way you have been taking care of her is making me mad! Why would you make her cry? You fought with her all the time and all the time I’m the one who comforts her. You’ve always hurt her.”

“That doesn’t give you the right to sleep with her!!!! What about your girlfriend?”

“I don’t have a girlfriend. I just lied to her that I have one.”

“Hyung!!!” Taemin screamed at him like a wounded guy.

“Let her go, Taemin. She wouldn’t be happy with you.”

“How can you be so sure? Just because she slept with you? I can take her back because I know she loves me and you just seduced her when she was down.”

“Yes, she slept with me. Do you know why? Instead of giving it to you, she gave it to me because she knows I won’t hurt her like you do.” Taemin’s knees gave up and knelt down at Changmin’s revelation. He didn’t want to believe any of it until Sulli will tell him the truth. This coming from Changmin was quite a blow to him since he never lies to him. His tears came streaming on his face. Rain came pouring in and both maknaes were drenched.

“I’ve trusted the both of you and you came stabbing me from behind. All this time, I would go to you for advice yet you made our relationship worse.”

“Let her go and you’ll see her smiling again. She has been crying because of you. You are the cause of her pain. Let her go and you can see her smiling happily again.”

“You and I are through. This is the last time, I’ll call you hyung. Don’t ever appear in front of me again. Don’t ever let Sulli appear in front of me again. I’ll kill the both of you. Traitors.” Taemin said as he landed his last punch to Changmin’s face.

I’ll be that guy. The guy who would rather see the girl he loves happy in another guy’s arms.

He hid himself when he saw Sulli running to Changmin. “Oppa! I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have dragged you into this. I’ll explain to Taemin oppa.” She said as she cried.

Changmin just held her cheek, “I’m fine. He’s just angry. Don’t worry.”

Tears came flowing in Taemin’s eyes. It hurts that he was holding his chest as if keeping it from falling apart.
Whenever he saw the two, he could see Sulli smiling like before and it never fails to give him the feeling of hurt. He decided not to be affected by this and start playing with girls. No strings attached relationships. If the girl seems to be falling for him, he’ll break it off immediately.

He looked at Minho. How could this be happening to him again? His hyung was in his position before. If only he knew. Minho hyung shouldn’t be hurting like this because of him. He didn’t want to see that. He finally made his decision.

“Hyung, the contract about us falling in love isn’t true.” Taemin said.

“What!?” Minho said as he stopped the car suddenly.

“Remember the day all of us went to the club to celebrate my adulthood? I caught Minji dancing there. I saved her from being caught by the police by bringing her outside. I have the footage of her being in the club and her fake ID. I’m just blackmailing her to be my slave. Nothing else.” Taemin said.

“You are blackmailing her into being your slave?”

“Yup. So you can pursue her. The only thing blocking your way is Kikwang hyung. The guy is oblivious of his feelings to Minji yet you can still catch her and make her fall for you.”

“Taemin! I didn’t mean that I like Minji in that way! I like her as a sister and I really would hate that you two can get hurt because of ‘falling in love’ deal which now turns out as a master and slave contract. What the hell are you playing at? She’s your slave? You better cut it out!”

Taemin was dumbfounded on what Minho said but his actions were more shocking. He hugged Minho. “I thought you like her. I thought I’m stealing her from you. I don’t want that to happen so I told you the truth. You don’t know how happy I am that I’m not hurting you hyung.”

Minho just patted Taemin’s back. This is the first time Taemin became emotional around him after what happened between Taemin and Sulli. After they broke up, Taemin has been cutting and calculating his emotions. He always kept it to himself, that’s why they gave him time till he opened up to them but it took him a long time. 

‘After Minji entered your life, you have been smiling more and now, because of her you’ve opened up to me once again. She really has an effect on you.’

“About your master-slave relationship, I’ll keep it as a secret. Don’t make her do things that beyond her control.” Minho said. He felt Taemin nod.


“You wouldn’t tell huh? How about I tell JjangMae you are always going to SHINee’s dorm during your rest days?” Bom said as she looked at Minji’s expression.

“It’s because I went to a club. He found out and blackmailed me into being his slave.” Minji said finally giving up. Bom can be really persuasive when she wants to. Minji doesn’t want to cross her when all facts have been known by her. She knew Bom wouldn’t hesitate to tell their manager if she didn’t get what she wants to know.

“You went to a club? Why didn’t you invite me? I would be all over dancing on the dance floor.”


“I know that you are going to the club whenever we reprimand you on your dancing or something else.”


“Let’s just say, I followed you one time when you snuck out of the dorm. I was kind of mad at you not inviting me or asking me to take you there. You would’ve seen my mad skills.”

“Unnie!!!” Minji said as she hugged Bom. Bom hugged her back as she screamed, “Maknae!! You know you only have me right? Hehe.”

“Unnie, keep this a secret okay? You know me right? When I make a decision, I always see it through.”

“Okay, but I have a condition.”

“What is it?”

“Never lie to me. Tell me everything.”


“Just tell me anything that is bugging you, feelings, anything.”

“Okay.” Minji said with a hint of confusion in her voice but she’s happy that Bom was looking out for her.

Mission accomplished. Lee Taemin confirmed. I wonder how this would play out. Kikwang and Taemin, best of luck to you.


Taemin was lying on his bed and he kept replaying Minji’s departure from his room. She didn’t acknowledge his existence when he said, ‘You are finally awake.’ Without taking a glance at him, she stood up, looked at her watch, texted someone and fixed herself.

She faced him with her cold eyes and asked ‘Am I not needed anymore, master? If not, I’ll be going now.’ Then, she left. 

Why are her eyes so cold? She looks at me with such tenacity to bring me down every time I that it could get me on fire and make me more. It was a distant feeling.’

He replayed another scene in his mind.

I won’t shut up! She’s your ex-girlfriend! You loved her before! Whatever happened, it’s all in the past and definitely you don’t have the right to treat her like that! Whatever she did to you, you should get over it and move on! You playing with other girls’ hearts is like shouting at her that you need her back and that you still haven’t move on! If you still love her then just get her back and stop being a coward!” 

Her eyes were burning to me that I can’t take it anymore and pinned her down to make her stop. She was very angry. How can she be so spot on how I felt when ‘[b]she’ visited? I don’t know. I don’t know. Who are you Minji to be reprimanding me without paying the price of getting hurt by my hands? Only Luna can get away with it. Who are you?[/b]’

He shook his head and she remembered Suzy. ‘She was the same as Minji. A tough one. I agreed to be her boyfriend. After 2 months of being with her, I saw her with Junho hyung. Both were happy in a bar. It was like a painful memory being recreated with different characters but the scenario was slightly different.’ 

Oppa, I love you. But I’m hurting since I know I couldn’t replace her in your heart. I’m not the one who can erase the pain you are feeling, the bitterness in your heart remains untouched by my actions. It’s better for us to go our separate ways.” She said.

I never told anyone how Suzy and I broke up. Only the two of us knew. However I was angry at her because she couldn’t change me. She couldn’t erase the bitterness and pain that I felt. I thought she was different, but she left me for another guy. Though it was my fault for not truly opening up to her, she gave up on me and in return she just added another pain in my heart. All of them are the same. All girls are. They will just leave you when it’s tough.

Taemin’s arm covered his eyes as he thought about these. ‘All I know now, I could never be happy because of a girl.


Minji laid on her bed. ‘Somehow, I feel the burden was lifted but only just a little. His eyes. Full of pain. Bitterness and pain looms over him like he can’t take it anymore. Stop thinking about it, Minji. You are just a victim of his evilness. If you let your guard down, he’ll bully you. Just sleep and stop thinking about His evilness!

She tried to sleep but to no avail. Taemin’s angry face keeps popping in her mind. ‘Why are you torturing me?

‘Did you think you know me just because I saved you? Think again. Remember, you are my slave.’ His voice echoed in her mind.

Fine! I’ll remember I’m just your slave for a hundred days. Why do I care about your feelings? Hmph! Sleep, come to me.’


Minji arrived early at the set. The PD and the director were surprised. “Minji-ssi, you are early. Are you sure you can film today? You were hurt yesterday. We are sorry we that you got hurt. We made changes for the safety of you and all of us.” The director said. 

“I’m fine, sir. You don’t have to worry about it. Am I going to start filming now?” Minji asked.

“Sure thing. We’ll just wait for Kikwang. You’ll shoot the scene with him first.” The director said.

“Okay, sir.” Minji said.

As the other actors shoot their scenes, Minji just watched them. She studied their facial expressions and was amazed. ‘Whoa! They are amazing. It’s like what Dara unnie said.’

Kikwang arrived and saw Minji. He looked at her. ‘She’s amazed again. Such a child.

He went and sat down next to her. 

“Were you really that amazed?” Kikwang asked. Minji just answered. “Yes. I never thought that acting can be fun too. No wonder Seunghyun oppa and Dara unnie like it.”

“So, what happened when we left yesterday?” 

“Nothing happened.” Minji’s voice suddenly became down.

“So something did happen.” Both just watched their sunbaenims act.

“Minji, you shouldn’t be close to him.”

“Why? Why are you so adamant on me being close to him? I’ll be fine. He can’t hurt me.”

“He can hurt you without you realizing it.”

“Tell me the real reason, oppa. You are not telling me the truth. Your voice now is irritated and angry.”

“You could end up like Suzy!” Kikwang shouted at Minji and made the staff, actors, crew and Minji looked at him.

“O-O-Oppa. Why are you being like this?” Minji stuttered. Minji felt someone held her hand and yanked her. She was now behind someone’s back to be specific, Lee Taemin’s back.

“You have no right to shout at her. Come on, let’s go. We are sorry for interrupting the shooting. We were practicing some angry mood. We are sorry.” Taemin said and bowed. Kikwang bowed to the crew and glared at Taemin. Taemin dragged Minji to the dressing room.

He made her sit on the couch and he got a chair and looked at her. She refused to look at him.

They just stayed that way until a crew knocked on the door and opened it. “Minji-ssi, it’s your turn now.”

“Okay! I’ll be going now. Thank you for the heads up!” Minji said as she stood up and starts to leave when Taemin held her hand to stop her.

“Aren’t you going to say something to me?”

“Is there anything you need for me to do for you, master? If not, I’ll be going.” She said as she yanked her hand out of his. She left the room.

Taemin froze at her actions. ‘Is she trying to piss me off?

He followed Minji but he was too late. She is now in the middle of shooting her scene with Sooyoung. 

“Lee Taemin, you should stay away from her.” Kikwang said but Taemin remains unfazed.

“Why? Why should I stay away from her? She’s not yours. If you want me to stay away, make her yours.” Taemin said with a hint of challenging Kikwang. ‘She’s mine for 84 days left.

“There is one thing that could make you stay away from her but I better not tell you that.”

“Why? Are you afraid to say you are going to make her yours?” Taemin chuckled.

“No. You would stay away from her if you know that she’s falling for you.” Kikwang said. Taemin looked at him.

That’s the magic word for you to stay away from her.

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Chapter 29: and i'm here to reread this story again <3
Chapter 5: Aaaakkhhhh andwaeyooooo aaaakkhhh
Chapter 3: Aigooo,,
L.o.v.e to kikwang..
Right minji stay way from taemin.
And just love kikwang..
Flowergirl_18 #4
I really love this story ^_^
k-pop_navia #5
Chapter 18: Omg nooooo !!!!
k-pop_navia #6
Chapter 13: Omg i love it!
Chapter 29: Omg. I love them kkkk. I cant even take my eyes from this story omg. Fighting for your next story authornim
minchubz #8
Chapter 29: nice fic... thank you for sharing :D
monica7_nicamo #9
Chapter 29: