Chapter 13: A New Person Appears! Taemin Jealous?

DJ got us falling in love


Chapter 13: A New Person Appears! Taemin Jealous?

“Sohyun?” Taemin said in surprise. He held Minji’s hand unconsciously. Minji held his too, absentmindedly. The other three saw this and Sooyoung smiled at the gesture. 

“And Cut! You did well! Good work! We’ll have a one-hour break.” The director said. The writer went to them and said, “Seriously, you all are amazing. You make the story better than what I have imagined. Taemin and Minzy, you two have chemistry. If I didn’t know you two are acting, I would’ve thought that the two of you are going out. You two even held hands as if supporting each other.”

When they heard this, they immediately let go of each other’s hands. “Unnie, I thought of that too but it’s always like that when you are too immersed to your character that the awesome writer made.” Sooyoung said. 

“Aigoo, Sooyoung, you are too kind. Okay, go on, have your break.” The writer said and left the five of them alone.

Sohyun immediately grabbed Taemin’s arm and said, “I miss you, oppa. Did you miss me?”

Sooyoung and Kikwang’s eyes narrowed into slits at the scene while Taemin look surprised however Minji is worried.

“Lee Taemin.” Sooyoung said in a low voice.

“Kwon Sohyun.” Kikwang said.

Both Sooyoung and Kikwang dragged their maknaes away from each other and Kikwang also dragging Minji away. ‘Why am I being dragged as well?’


“I am so bored!!!” SeungRi shouted at their dorm.

“Stop shouting maknae! I’m getting some work done!” Jiyong said annoyingly.

“Are you really bored?” Seunghyun asked as he went out of his room.

“I’M SUPER BORED!!” SeungRi shouted.

“I’ll definitely relieve your boredom!” Seunghyun said and he started creeping on Seungri puckering his lips and was about to kiss SeungRi teasingly.

“Yah! Hyung! Stop it with your identity crisis! I’m not bored anymore.” SeungRi said as he tried to get away from Seunghyun while Jiyong was laughing at the background.

“If you are really that bored, why don’t you visit maknae on her set?” Jiyong said.

“Don’t leave SeungRi or I’ll be the one who’ll be bored.” Seunghyun said teasingly.

“I better ca—“

“Hyung!” a guy entered Big Bang’s dorm so casually.

“You! You should go with SeungRi. He’s going to see Minji on the set of her sitcom.” Jiyong and Seunghyun said.

“This isn’t good.” SeungRi said and he called someone.


“Is she your new conquest?” Sooyoung asked Taemin. Her voice dripping of sarcasm and venom, as she asked the maknae.

“Was. I broke up with her last night.” Taemin said truthfully.

“So, why is she clinging to you like you two are still together?” Sooyoung interrogated further.

“I don’t know.” Taemin said. Sooyoung looked at him and, “Okay, I believe you. Tell me how did you break up with her?”

“No. Seriously, noona I don’t like telling anyone my break-up stories especially to girls. Especially you.”

Sooyoung pushed Taemin on the wall and then she threw a punch on the wall, about 5 centimeters away from Taemin’s face. Taemin’s eyes widened. Sooyoung wasn’t like this to him. He had seen Eunhyuk being trashed by Sooyoung when he stole the hamburger she was about to bite in. It wasn’t a pretty sight.

“Talk. Right now. You know my temper right, Taeminnie?” She said with an evil glint in her eyes. Taemin gulped. He told her everything.

“You and Minji kissed? That’s an info. She initiated?” Sooyoung asked. Taemin just nodded.

“But, why? Why would she go to through that?”

“Because, Sohyun is her close friend and with my reputation as a playboy might’ve triggered her maternal instinct or whatever.”

Sooyoung whacked his head and said, “You are in deep trouble. Nothing is scarier that a woman scorned by the guy she fell in love with and now you even dragged her close friend with it. This is real bad. You’ve ruined her friendship with Minji. I do hope they are fine. Aish!” She whacked his head again. 

“Noona! Stop whacking me!” Taemin said in between Sooyoung’s whacking Taemin’s head game but Sooyoung just gave him another one, “It’s because you deserve it! Jerk! What if they hurt each other? What if Sohyun hurt Minji?”

Taemin stopped nursing his head and he looked at Sooyoung.

“What?” Taemin asked.


“What do you mean she will hurt Minji?”

“A girl could do anything for revenge even hurting her closest friend in the process. Why did you drag yourself into this mess? I’m worried about Minji.”

Taemin felt something he never felt for a long time for a girl. Worry and guilt.


“Seriously, SeungRi, who’s this dude?” Jonghyun asked as he pointed the guy who is about 19-20 years old by his looks.

“Don’t mind him. He was forced by my hyungs to go with me when we visit Minji at the set.”

“We are going to the set of the sitcom? You didn’t tell me that!!” ‘This is bad. Taemin, you better behave and not slip up or SHINee will be dead by tomorrow.’

“Hyung!! Why am I going to see stupid Minji? Aish!” the guy whined at the back of the car.

“Shut up! It’s your damn fault losing to her during the dance off last week.” SeungRi said. ‘Dance off with Minji? Just who is this guy?’

“Hmph! You Big Bang hyungs always dote on Minji when I’m going to be—“ 

“You shut up now or you’ll be skinned alive when I press #3 on my speed dial.” SeungRi said and the guy shut up.


“Kwon Sohyun, you better break up with Taemin right now! He’s playing you!” Kikwang said.

“I know. He’s playing me with Minji.” Sohyun said coolly. Minji was shocked and Kikwang is about get a heart attack.

He shoved Sohyun on the wall. “You better break up with him. I can’t handle protecting the two of you from him.”

“Then, don’t. Just protect Minji. That is what you’ve always done. Oh, by the way oppa, Minji was in a club last night. There she spotted me with Taemin and kissed him like she never kissed him before.”

Minji’s eyes widened at Sohyun.

“You better break up with him, Sohyun. You’ll get hurt.” Kikwang said in restrained anger.

“Oppa. I can handle myself. You just protect Minji, like you always do.” Sohyun said as she took his arms away from her and went inside the dressing room.

Minji made an attempt on following Sohyun but Kikwang’s hand prevented her form doing so. 

“You kissed Taemin? What the hell are you doing in a club in the first place?”

“I was with Bom unnie. Unnie was drunk so I fetch her. I went to the rest room, overheard Sohyun and followed her. I saw her with Taemin. What do you expect me to do? Leave them alone? She’s my friend, I have to protect her.”

“You could’ve called me. You can protect her without kissing a jerk like him.”

“I kissed him to show Sohyun that he’s not to be messed with. She’ll end up hurting far more if she goes with a relationship more intimate with him. At the very least my relationship with him is something I can handle and both of us know better than to fall for each other.”

“You are not making any sense! How could you kiss a guy without feeling something for him?”

“Simple. I kissed him. Big deal. What are you fuming about? Are you even my boyfriend to nag me about that? Oppa, I wish you could see the bigger picture here. Sohyun is hurt and instead yapping about what happened between me and Taemin, you should be just a gentle oppa who just hugs her and comfort her.” Minji said and walked away.

Kikwang entered the dressing room. He hugged Sohyun, “Oppa is here. Don’t worry.”, and she started crying.


“Where is she?” Taemin asked himself. He couldn’t find Minji on the set. He took out his phone and was about to text her when a chicken sandwich and banana milk was shoved to him.

“No need to text me, master. Here’s the delivery of your order.” Minji said. 

Taemin let out a sigh of relief, seeing her okay and all. Minji was confused at his actions. She pinched his cheeks and made him look at her. 

“Are you on drugs or something?” Minji said.

“Yah!! Stupid Minji!!!!” Minji looked at the person who called her stupid and her face turned sour.

“What are you doing here, stupid Minjae?” Minji asked and ran to the good-looking guy.

Who the heck is that?’ Taemin thought. “Hey, Taem!” Jonghyun said.

“Hyung? What are you doing here?” Taemin asked.

“SeungRi dragged me to visit Minji.” Jonghyun said as he pointed to SeungRi.

“Oppa!! Why did you bring this loser here?” Minji shouted at SeungRi.

“Blame your Jiyong oppa. I don’t want to bring him but he and Seunghyun hyung insisted.” SeungRi said as he gave Minji her lunch. 

“What the heck are you not bowing to your sunbae?” SeungRi said to Minjae as he pointed to Taemin.

Minjae bowed to Taemin and said, “Annyoung haseyo, sunbaenim. I’m Minjae. A trainee from YG Entertainment and the one who makes Minji’s life hell.”

Taemin and Jonghyun both have a confused look on their faces. Minji whacked Minjae’s head.

“You make my life hell? Since when? I’m the person who made your life hell! I’m the only person who you can’t beat. How can you call yourself the YG’s maknae when you can’t beat the present maknae?” Minji said full of taunt.

“Remember my relationship with CL? That’s their relationship. The only difference is that guy is in love with her and he doesn’t know.” SeungRi whispered to both Jonghyun and Taemin as they watch the two bicker.

Taemin looked down. Somehow he felt something was taken from him by that guy. He held his cheeks and how Minji pinched them. He misses Minji’s outbursts while teasing her. He miss her being feisty but now it was empty. He could feel his anger rising while looking at Minjae and Minji fighting. Jonghyun noticed this and whispered, “Yah, relax. At least you two kissed and she initiated it first.”

Taemin looked at Jonghyun. “What?” Jonghyun asked.

“You are so stupid Minji! Can’t even tell that Kikwang hyung is in love with you!” 

Minji let out a sigh. “Why don’t you and that blockhead over there bond? You both say ridiculous things regarding oppa and I.” She pointed to Taemin.

“Huh? You too hyung? She’s really stupid right?” Minjae said casually at Taemin.

Taemin was kind of shocked that Minjae was talking to him so casually. SeungRi whacked Minjae. “Yah! He’s your sunbae! Where are your manners?” 

“It’s okay, hyung. I agree with you, she is really stupid.” Taemin chuckled.

Minji just looked at him. “The two of you are the ones that are stupid!” Minji said.

“You are the one that is clueless, stupid Minji.” Minjae teased again.

“Yeah, whatever. At least I’m not like you. Crying over losing to me on the dance off. It’s not my fault that I know the steps of Kan Mi Youn sunbaenim’s song, Papparazzi and you don’t. Hmph!” Minji said and went to the dressing room to eat. Minjae was left furious.

“I’ll be back hyung. Just roam around for a while. I need to change clothes for the next scene.” Taemin lied and went to follow Minji.


“Oppa. I just can’t believe it. He broke up with me. Last night. When Minji kissed him, no one seems to exist and he shoved me away from him when Minji fainted. I felt really jealous. I can’t explain it but I know he likes her.” Sohyun said in between her sobs. Kikwang just patted her back to comfort her. 

I don’t know whether to feel happy that Taemin broke up with her or not. Because, he broke up with her for Minji. He is still a problem because the next person he’ll hurt is my best friend.

I’ll get back at him. I’ll make him regret that he hurt me. I’ll hurt him by taking someone very important to him and break the two of them apart into pieces.’ 


“Hyung, I’ll be back. I’m going to roam around.” Minjae said and ran away to the direction where Taemin disappeared to before SeungRi could stop him.

“Yah! Minjae! You idiot!” SeungRi said but Minjae has sped off. 

“Let him go. He just wants to roam around. Like you didn’t when you were a trainee.” Jonghyun said. 

“Fine.” SeungRi gave up.

“Let’s go greet the director, the writer and the PD.” Jonghyun said and the two walked away.


“Kikwang! Oh, I forgot that you are also in the cast. My bad!” Seungri said.

‘Should I tell SeungRi about Minji and Taemin? For sure he’ll break them up but Minji will be in trouble. Just shut up, Kikwang.’

“Hi, Kikwang!”

“Jjong, my man! How have you been? It has been quite some time since I saw you.” Kikwang said. As they gave each other brother’s hug, Kikwang whispered to Jonghyun, “Will you keep your maknae in line? He broke Sohyun’s heart and now he’s playing Minji. I want to kill him right now.”

“Don’t worry. He’s getting in line thanks to Minji.” Jonghyun whispered back.. 

Kikwang was confused by his statement while Jonghyun just gave him an adorable smile.


Minji just finished changing into a high school uniform. Her hair is tied into pigtails and she wore dorky glasses. She went out of the dressing room only to be dragged by Taemin into an empty room.

“Who did you call a blockhead?” Taemin asked menacingly.

“Oh, it’s you.” Minji said coolly though her heart is beating fast. ‘Calm Minji. He won’t ask you anything that happened last night. Just lie you don’t remember.

“Is that what you call your master? After saving your sorry last night? Looks like I should tell SeungRi hyung about your club escapades.” Taemin said and was about to leave. Minji held his hand to prevent him.

“Sorry for calling you a blockhead master.” Minji said as she bowed her head. Taemin was shocked at the sudden action. 

“Do you think I would do that? Yeah, right.” Minji said suddenly. However as she looked upon his face, her eyes went straight to his lips. The images of the two of them kissing last night came reeling in before her eyes.

Taemin bridged the gap between their faces that their noses are touching. “You little ert slave. You kiss your master last night, insult him by calling him a blockhead, talking back to him and now, looking at his lips.” He said in his low voice. 

Don’t be fazed, Minji. He’s just teasing you.’ Minji thought.

“Master? Huh? Your reputation precedes you. You played my friend’s feeling and kissing you is the only way to save her and I'm not a ert!”

“Minho hyung told me you don’t remember kissing me. You were lying.”

Crap! Busted. Sheesh!

“So, what?” Minji said coolly.

“Your cold woman façade is not working for me anymore, Minji. Who is that Minjae guy?”

“Why should I tell you about that stupid guy?”

“My patience is thinning, Minji. Who is he?”

“Didn’t he introduce himself to you?” She retorted cheekily.

“Who is he to you?” Minji was caught unaware.

“He’s a trainee in the company. He is the next maknae of YG. He’s younger than me. We are just friends.”

“Don’t get too close to him.” Taemin said with his voice dangerously low. Minji took this as a joke. ‘Her hair and glasses isn’t helping. She’s so..

“Whatever. Why don’t you go bald or something?” Minji retorted and touched his hair. ‘Whoa! Soft.’ 

Bald?!? She’s touching my hair. Couldn’t resist.

Taemin suddenly kissed her. ‘What the?’ 

Little did they know, Minjae was watching their interactions. ‘Minji is with sunbae?!? I didn’t know that. But, how? He’s a known player. I’ll keep watch on them. You are in deep trouble Minji. You can’t have a boyfriend. You still have 52 days to your birthday.


“I’ll be changing my clothes for a while. See you later.” Kikwang said to Jonghyun and SeungRi when they reached the director.

“Yah, wait. SeungRi, I’ll be back. I forgot to give Taemin his vitamins. Kibum will kill me if I don’t.” Jonghyun said as he caught up with Kikwang. SeungRi just nodded.

They walked and found Minjae watching something. 

“What is Minjae doing here?” Kikwang asked.

“He came with us. Jiyong sunbaenim made him go.” Jonghyun explained.

“I hate that kid.” Kikwang said.

“Why?” Jonghyun asked.

“He kissed Minji on her right cheek on his birthday last week.” Kikwang said.

“You, jealous? Are you in love with Minji?” Jonghyun asked. 

“Why are people always asking me that? No. She’s my best friend.”

“You wonder why? Because the way you are behaving is like a jealous boyfriend pabo!” Jonghyun said as he whacked Kikwang’s head. 

“What is he watching?” Kikwang said and he and Jonghyun looked. 

They saw the two maknaes bickering.

“That Taemin! He’s harassing Minji again!” Kikwang said and was about to go when Minji said, “Whatever. Why don’t you go bald or something?”. She then touched Taemin’s hair like a person who would taunt a little kid. Taemin captured Minji’s lips with his. Minji unconsciously closed her eyes and her hand touching Taemin’s hair went to Taemin’s neck.

“Whoa! I never watch Taemin’s escapades but this is hot.” Jonghyun said absentmindedly. 

Minji, are you in love with him? I hate this. Why him?’ Kikwang thought as his hand formed into a tight fist.


He’s kissing me. Aggressive yet gentle.’ She closed her eyes and her hand went to his neck. Taemin held her waist. He bit her lip and broke the kiss.

“Your punishment for calling me a blockhead and remember you are my slave. You are mine and I don’t want any guys teasing you or hanging around you.” Taemin said and he walked away. 

He didn’t notice the three guys watching them and was walking in daze. 

Minji’s knees went weak and fell down. She touched her lips. ‘What just happened? Did I just enjoy that?

Taemin went to an isolated room with his hand on his chest. ‘What did I just do? All she did was touch my hair and I freaking kissed her!! What’s happening to me?

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Chapter 29: and i'm here to reread this story again <3
Chapter 5: Aaaakkhhhh andwaeyooooo aaaakkhhh
Chapter 3: Aigooo,,
L.o.v.e to kikwang..
Right minji stay way from taemin.
And just love kikwang..
Flowergirl_18 #4
I really love this story ^_^
k-pop_navia #5
Chapter 18: Omg nooooo !!!!
k-pop_navia #6
Chapter 13: Omg i love it!
Chapter 29: Omg. I love them kkkk. I cant even take my eyes from this story omg. Fighting for your next story authornim
minchubz #8
Chapter 29: nice fic... thank you for sharing :D
monica7_nicamo #9
Chapter 29: