Chapter 27: Inkigayo Special Finally Arrives!! Jong-In’s Prank, The Reappearance of Someone Vital, and Kikwang’s lie.

DJ got us falling in love


Chapter 27: Inkigayo Special Finally Arrives!! Jong-In’s Prank, The Reappearance of Someone Vital, and Kikwang’s lie.

We both know that we’ll mess up in our joint stage. How could I even say sorry to her? If I do that, it’ll be me giving up on being with her. Me and Kikwang have a deal. Man to man. I pace back and forth in our dressing room as I try to think of a plan to get her awkwardness away, how will I take those feelings away and make the stage filled up with excitement and fun? I am perfectly aware that Kibum hyung is looking at my actions, thinking that maybe this selective amnesia thing is all a bluff but I couldn’t care less of it right now.

Just how will I let her trust me to lead her? In this dance, how will she hesitatingly seduce me while I try to take her heart with small actions? It was really wrong timing when she heard me in that phone call and I have to hurt her by saying I still love my ex.

Now, I couldn’t even shake the image of her and Jong In dancing in the manner I wanted to be us dancing that routine. That is why I thought of that. It’s a way for me to be close to her. Through dancing, I could express my feelings for her without Kikwang knowing. At the very least fans would know, right? If they look closely enough, that is.

“Taemin, I’m getting dizzy. Sit down!” Jonghyun hyung finally said it and dragged me to the couch to sit down. But still even while sitting down, I couldn’t contain myself. With every minute passes, I fidget in my seat more.

“Taemin-ssi, please go onstage now, your joint stage will be a live broadcast. Please don’t make any mistakes.” The staff said. Oh great. Way to make me even more nervous and problematic about it. Damn you, sir.

As I made way to the familiar hall going to the stage, I saw Minji walking with Jong In. Oh this guy, he’ll get seriously beaten up by me after this ordeal is over. He even tickles her!! What the hell!! KIM JONG IN!!!

Now that they arrived at the side of the stage, he whispered something to her and she laughed. This is not good. I’m being angry when I’m not supposed to be.

“Oh, hyung, you’re here already?” Oh yes, I’m freaking here for a long time now, Jong In. I was busy contemplating on how I will orchestrate your death. He was still smiling at me as I nod at him.

“Minji, I’ll see you later, ‘kay? You owe me some coffee.” He said then he went to pat my shoulder.

“Taemin hyung, I hope you’ll like my surprise. Break a leg.”


“Oppa, you wouldn’t do something that would make me lose respect for you right?” I asked him. He smiled at me.

“Why would I do that, Sohyun? And do tell me what is that something?” He asked.

“Like lying for instance, or getting credit for something you didn’t do. Those kind of things. Also, manipulating people to get what you wanted.”

I observed his reactions but it remained expressionless. Though his left hand kept trembling, it meant he really did it.
“Oppa, Hyunseung oppa told me that he’s still angry with you. He said you did something unforgivable that you could go to jail. You still haven’t properly apologized about that.” I said casually.

His phone dropped and his face went pale.

“But oppa didn’t say the details. If in any case Big Bang oppas knew about it, you’ll be dead. That’s what he said. What did you do actually?” I asked. To be honest, it’s making me curious.

He stood up and went out of the door. So, what the hell did he do?


“PD-nim, please, just this once. They’ll dance to it when they hear it. It’s an impromptu gift for the fans. Please grant it, just this once.” I pleaded. PD-nim was still skeptical about my plan. Well, if they didn’t do as I hoped to, no, as I expected them to do, My bum will be on fire by PD-nim but if it is a success, it’s a win-win situation for the both of us.

“Okay. This better work or you’ll really get it from me.” YES!! FREAKING YEAH!! Okay, relax, Jong In. Pray that Taemin hyung and Minji will know what to do when the song starts.

Taemin hyung, you better do this right. It’s my bum on the line here. Literally.


I was really nervous. It’s our joint stage in about what? 2 minutes? We haven’t even perfected the routine because of me being awkward after what happened. He’s just standing there without a care in the world on what mess we are in. I faced the wall and bumping my head against it thinking on how to resolve this matter.

Jong In said, relax and trust him and Taemin? HOW COULD I EVEN RELAX?? Just look at the guy, he’s just there occupying space , looking at me weirdly and motioning me to stop what I am doing. Wait, what? He’s looking at me? OH CRAP! CRAPPITY CRAP!! He’s walking towards to where I am!! SHOOT! First option: Hide. Not possible. Second Option: Runaway. Can’t do that at the moment. Minji you are running out of options. Damn it! Think faster!

Third option: Act like you didn’t just go bump your head on the wall twenty times.

“Let’s go.” He said and dragged me under the stage where the performers go when they will enter by the use of the elevator stage.

“Wait, I thought we are just going to walk onstage.” I said. He looked at me frustratingly.

“You weren’t listening to the staff? They said that we are going to enter via the elevator stage. Get your head in the right track.” He said.

“You know, no need to act like a prick. I was thinking on not to mess onstage. Sorry for being so space headed.” I said right back at him but he wasn’t listening and he just went on fixing his clothes and accessories.

“Taemin-ssi, Minzy-ssi, you’ll be on in 2 minutes, take your positions. Remember, no mistakes.” One of the crew said. Oh crap. I’m not usually nervous before performances but if you are not prepared like now, you’ll be. We took our positions but we were still awkward.

“Standby.” One of the staff said then I can feel that we are going up. He suddenly held me so close to him that I could almost feel his heart beating erratically just like mine. “Trust me, Minji. I won’t let you go.” I looked at him with shock but the lights blinded me then I could hear the music start. I can’t move at that moment but he smiled at me.

All I could hear is my heart pounding in my chest and suddenly his lips are on my own signaling me to move.

“It’s time.” I said to him. I don’t care if it’ll trigger fear on Minji’s part but we have to do this for the truth to spill out. It’ll be one heck of the day for all of us.

“We’ll just sneak you to the studio. Then we’ll leave. Seunghyun, it’s up to you.” Heechul hyung said. We can’t afford to make any mistakes regarding this plan.

“Is he there? Are they all there? Minji?” He asked. He’s really looking nervous and also afraid to hurt her again. He went overboard and he admitted to it. Even if Minji’s family and the company decided not to press charges while he was hospitalized, it was still a crime to take her against her will.

“You’ll not lose yourself this time around. The doctor even said you are good and even if you’ll go haywire, I’m here to stop you. Besides, I don’t care if you lose yourself again as long as you beat up Kikwang in his game.” I said to reassure him.

“We are here.” Jungsu hyung said as we arrived in the parking lot.

“Just about time for Minji and Taemin’s performance.” Heechul hyung said.

“Show time.” We all said.


Fans shouted as the spotlight shown Taemin kissing Minji lightly on the lips as the routine started. Some were profanities, others were giddy shrieks and others gushes on how cute they are.

Taemin smirked as he saw her shocked face at the gesture. He started the routine by touching her upper thigh slowly upward and just waiting for her to react to it. He was hoping it would be different the way they practiced. Let’s just say he’s doing an impromptu tango dancing. May it be his pride to surpass Jong In’s dancing with her or his jealousy over the fact that they nailed the routine perfectly or his cocky self wanting Kikwang to see how he can turn Minji to be his in a manner of minutes, but as of now he wants to do this with her.

Minji didn’t disappoint when she stopped his hand from further going up on her thigh and gently caressed his face as she locked her right leg to his left hip as he turned both of their bodies to the music. Never leaving their eyes off of each other. He tried to keep her closer but he failed as she escaped his grasp with a revenge of a peck on his cheek.

He was disappointed but felt her warmth from behind as her hands were on his chest as they both swayed their bodies to the Spanish music.

Some fans were fanning themselves as well as the MCs who were watching. Kikwang was fuming as he watched through the monitor in their dressing room while Sohyun was observing his reactions. She couldn’t help but smirked at her bestfriend’s reactions over her soon-to-be lover gestures but never the less she was reacting accordingly.

As the music was about to end, Taemin couldn’t stop smiling and neither Minji. Both knew too well that their stage was perfect in every beat, step, action they do. One person was smiling from behind the camera guy. It was Jong In.

“3, 2, 1. Cue.” He said through the mike then the music changed to Taeyang’s I Need A Girl. It was a momentary confusion on both Taemin and Minzy’s parts. Now that they noticed, it was weird that the crew put on mikes on them yet they never asked why because one of them said it was just props.

In ear piece, the PD said, “Taemin-ssi, this is a surprise act on both of you guys. We both know you could pull it off.”

The fans were confused as they were that was until Taemin finally got what Jong In has said before they went on stage. 'I'll be whacking his head hard till it falls off. Kim Jong In'

He scanned the area and saw his best friend smiling all too knowingly and shrugging off as if telling, ‘Gotcha!’

He started singing to the song and Minji smiling awkwardly as she tried to dance Dara’s part on the song. Both were enjoying the stage all too well that the shouts of all the fans were deafening.

In the PD’s room, the PD and crew were shocked on how the ratings shot up high up to 40% and it was just a special episode but the rating were the same of a national dramaor a highly anticipated baseball/soccer match.

The special stage ended but the audience was still shouting for an encore. Both maknaes smiled and Taemin, pecked her right cheek and both bowed to the audience.



That name will be forever infuriate me to no end. Before I knew it, I’m here backstage waiting for them to come down and drag her away from him as possible. There is no way that I have accepted that she broke up with me. Only I will say if the relationship is over.

As I waited for them to come back, I saw a glimpse of a guy. It was a familiar frame and face. He was smirking at me or maybe no one in particular but I know all too well it was directed at me. Before I could take a closer look he disappeared.

I saw the two of them coming down the stage and I immediately grabbed her hand and drag her away.

“Oppa, why are you being like this?” She asked but I never answered.

Someone took her hand off of mine and I know who it is. It was DAMN LEE TAEMIN.

“Yah, hyung, you shouldn’t treat a lady like that in public.” He said full of arrogance in his voice. I couldn’t take it and I punched him straight to his left jaw. I don’t care about the damn agreement.

He looked at me while touching his bloodied lip. Ha! That’s what you get for pissing me off.

However, his eyes turned sharp. He suddenly grabbed her hand and dragged her behind him. That’s when I noticed she was trembling and her eyes was wide with fear.

“You should be dead.” Taemin said. How can I be dead?

“I know.” Another voice said. Someone unfamiliar and that’s when I turned around and saw the guy.

The guy whom Taemin beaten into a pulp and I took credit for. The guy who was supposed to be dead.

Kang Gio.

“Hello, Minji. We meet again. I miss you my dear friend.” He said.

“You can’t touch her. I’ll kill you.” Taemin took the words I was supposed to be saying yet I was frozen in fear that my lie will be revealed. Minji’s gripped on Taemin tightened.

“Lee Kikwang, I heard you took care of me pretty good that I ended up in coma. Funny because I remember it wasn’t you who did that.” He said and my heart stopped. I looked at Minji and her eyes changed from fear to confusion.

“G-G-Gio, what do you mean?” She asked.

“Don’t listen to him, Minji.” I said and he laughed.

“Minji-ah, don’t you remember? Of course you wouldn’t. I drugged you at that time. The person who beat me up and saved you from me was no other than the person shielding you from me right now. Lee Taemin.”

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Chapter 29: and i'm here to reread this story again <3
Chapter 5: Aaaakkhhhh andwaeyooooo aaaakkhhh
Chapter 3: Aigooo,,
L.o.v.e to kikwang..
Right minji stay way from taemin.
And just love kikwang..
Flowergirl_18 #4
I really love this story ^_^
k-pop_navia #5
Chapter 18: Omg nooooo !!!!
k-pop_navia #6
Chapter 13: Omg i love it!
Chapter 29: Omg. I love them kkkk. I cant even take my eyes from this story omg. Fighting for your next story authornim
minchubz #8
Chapter 29: nice fic... thank you for sharing :D
monica7_nicamo #9
Chapter 29: