Chapter 12: Feelings Awakened and Revenge Brewing

DJ got us falling in love


Chapter 12: Feelings awakened and Revenge Brewing

‘Ugh. She’s like every girl. Sickly sweet. Can’t there any variations? Let’s get this over with, Taemin. You have to break it off.’Taemin thought.

“Shall we go?” Taemin asked.

“Oppa, I’m scared but it’s okay if it is you.”

“I’ll be gentle. How can I hurt you?” They stand up and was about to exit the room.

Someone just came into the VIP room. ‘What the hell? Where is the service and privacy here?’ He looked up to see who it is.

“Yah!! Lee Taemin! What about our deal?” Minji shouted ‘What the? What is she doing here? Did Kikwang hyung give her another fake ID?’

“What are you doing here?” He asked.

“Minji, you are not supposed to be here.” Sohyun said. ‘She’ll be in trouble. Minkki leave before anybody sees you.’

“And so are you, Sohyun. You are playing me with her? How could you? She’s my friend.” ‘What? Playing her with me? What is going on?’

“Playing? Minji, I don’t understand.” Sohyun said.

“I’m his girlfriend and he’s two-timing me with you.” ‘What the hell is she talking about?’

“Don’t mind her, Sohyun. She’s bluffing.” ‘Now, I get it. Sohyun is her close friend. What a way to take off you cold façade. I just have to do this to have you being feisty.’

“Oppa. Minji.” ‘What the heck is going on? Oppa is with Minji? She didn’t say anything and definitely oppa didn’t say anything. Which is the truth?’

“If I’m really her boyfriend, she would kiss me right now to prove I’m hers. So, she’s lying.” Taemin said as he smiled to Sohyun.

‘What are you going to do now? You are such a naïve girl.’

‘Right. Oppa is right. She has to mark him as hers as soon another girl takes her man away. She’s bluffing. I know Minji. You just want to protect me.’

Minji dragged Sohyun away from Taemin and give him a look that says, ‘Stay away from her.’ Taemin gave her a smile.

“Minji, don’t be like this. He’s my first boyfriend.”

“He’s your first that’s why I’m acting like this. He’s my first too. He stole my first kiss.”

“Sohyun, don’t listen to her. I told you right? Oppa loves you.” ‘What? No fight?’

“Minji, leave the two of us alone.” Sohyun said she yanked her arm away from Minji’s hold. Taemin was about to grab Sohyun.

Minji grabbed Taemin’s t-shirt and pull him close to her. Taemin and Sohyun looked at her. “What are you doing Minji?” Sohyun asked. ‘Minji, take off your hands away from my boyfriend!!!!’

What are you going to do now?

“Proving he’s mine.” Minji said and kissed Taemin. ‘Whoa!’

Taemin was shocked. At first, he didn’t know what to do. He froze for a second but his arms s into Minji’s waist pulling her close to him. Minji’s arms instinctively went to Taemin’s neck as if to bring him closer to her as possible. As if time stood still, they kissed each other passionately. 

Taemin’s heart starts beating fast. His mind was going haywire. ‘What is happening? Screw it!’

Sohyun couldn’t take it any longer, pulled Minji’s right arm to break them off. As if she had broken the trance between the two of them, Minji looked at Taemin then to Sohyun while Taemin was only looking at her.

“What the hell are you two doing? Oppa!! Explain this. Are you really two going out? Is Minji really your girlfriend? Minji!! How could you do this to me?” Sohyun said as her tears start streaming upon her face. 

“Why? Why Taemin oppa? Why Minji?” Sohyun said as she starts to hit Taemin on his chest. Taemin was still looking at Minji.

Minji just stood there and can only say, “I..” ‘I’m feeling really dizzy. I think I’m going to…’ Minji was wobbling and about to faint.

“Minji!!” Taemin shouted and shoved Sohyun away from him as he went to catch Minji from falling.

Sohyun was shocked. “Yah! Wake up!” Taemin said as he shook Minji’s arms. ‘What the? She’s drunk?’

Someone opened the door and it was the manager. “Taemin, the police is coming. You have to get that girl out or we are gonna have problems.” He pointed at Sohyun.

“Hyung, can you bring her home? I have someone to take care of.” Taemin said. Sohyun’s eyes widened.

“Sohyun, I’m sorry. Let’s break up. I’m supposed to break it off to you when we go out of here.”

“Why? Were you really playing me and Minji?” Sohyun shouted. The manager was confused.

“We fought when I met you. I was just having fun with you and I never thought she would found out.” Taemin lied. 

“Come on, miss. You have to go. Your career will be over if the police finds out you are here.” The manager said as he dragged Sohyun out. Sohyun was crying. “I’ll never forgive you, Lee Taemin.” 

Taemin carried Minji on his back and made out of the club through the back door. His heart stopped when Minji hugged him hard as if securing herself on him. "Don't let me fall, oppa." Minji said while in her drunken stupor. Unknown to himself, Taemin smiled.

He hailed a cab, got Minji and him inside the cab. He told the driver to drive them to his dorm.


2NE1’s dorm:

"Minji isn't here and it's about one in the morning." Chaerin said. 

"Bom too." Dara said.

The doorbell rang and Chaerin opened the door. She was surprised to see Seunghyun carrying a very drunk Bom. 

"Chaerin, where is her room?" Seunghyun said and Chaerin led the way. Dara saw Bom and followed them.

“Seriously!! Bommie acts like a child.” Dara said as she took off the blanket on Bom’s bed and Seunghyun settled Bom there, then Dara covered her with the same blanket.

“Did you two fight?” Dara questioned Seunghyun in which he answered, “No. All I did was to receive a call from her saying I have to pick her up because she’s drunk.” 

Chaerin came with a cup of tea and gave it to Seunghyun. “Sorry and thank you oppa.”

“It’s okay, Chaerin.” Seunghyun said as he took the cup from Chaerin. 


As Taemin entered their dorm, Kibum and JinKi were fuming and, “YAH! LEE TAEMIN!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?”

“Umma, can you stop shouting?” Taemin said as he put one hand on his ear.

“Why are you carrying Minji on your back? Did something happen? Is she hurt?” Minho asked as he came to stop Kibum from launching at Taemin. All boys looked at Minji. Taemin just ignored them and went straight to his room. Before his hyungs can enter his room, he closed and locked the door. He settled Minji on his bed. 2NE1’s maknae was fast asleep despite the banging on the door and the shouts of the SHINee members demanding an explanation from Taemin. Taemin was just gazing at her. He was gripping his phone hard. ‘I told Kikwang hyung to stop you going into the clubs but I found you again in a club. On top of that, you are drunk.’ He gently brushed her bangs away from her face. His eyes went to her lips. He unconsciously touch his lips. ‘Just who are you really, Gong Minji?

Kibum finally opened Taemin’s door. He went near the maknaes and his blood pressure shoot up. He dragged Taemin out of the room.

“You better explain.” Kibum said with his voice full of venom.

“She found out that I’m going out with Sohyun. She just claimed me in front of Sohyun. She is drunk.” Taemin managed to say.

“She claimed you? How did she claimed you?” Jonghyun asked his face became playful and he earned a nudge from Kibum to shut up.

“She kissed me in front of Sohyun.” Taemin answered.

“She kissed you? Is she falling for you?” JinKi asked. All of them looked at him. “What? Did that mean she’s jealous of you going out with other girls? Think about it.”

Taemin’s heart started to beat faster. ‘Is she really? But she knows better than that.

“Also, you told us she’s drunk. Does it really mean she fell for you? She drunk alcohol because of you. Oh, shoot. We are freaking screwed. 2NE1’s maknae and G-Dragon sunbaenim favorite dongsaeng drunk. We are screwed.” JinKi said as he paced. Minho just pulled him down to sit.

Taemin was kind of lost. This wasn’t new to him. He dealt with this many times but somehow this one is different. Rather, Minji is different. She wasn’t dating him. The two of them are bounded by a contract he made for her to obey his every orders. He knew that she despises him with every inch of her body that is why he enjoyed teasing her. He remembered their intimate kiss. How natural it was for her to put her arms around his neck to keep them closer and his arms around her waist as if they are doing that for years. 

“Taemin, why are you blushing?” Jonghyun asked. That question snapped him out of his reverie. He answered his hyung, “Huh?”

“Taemin, are you falling for Minji?” Minho asked. Now all of his hyungs are looking at him with curiosity.

‘Minji is the only girl he brought to our dorm despite my rules against that kind of thing. Sulli can enter the dorm when they were together but not his room. So, she's the exception?’ Kibum thought.

Taemin could feel the gaze of his hyungs burning holes in his face. 

“Are you, Taemin? Are you finally falling for Minji?” Jonghyun asked.

“No. I’m not.” He answered but his voice quivered. He stood up and was about to go back to his room.

‘His voice shaking? So she finally cracked your heart?’ Jonghyun thought.

“Where are you going?” Kibum asked.

“To my room.” He answered. He was confused. He needed the comfort of being alone in his room to think.

“You are not sleeping at your room tonight. You are going to sleep in my room. I am not allowing you to sleep next to Minji. Not with you being confused right now.” Kibum said. Minho and Jonghyun held Taemin’s arms and put him into Kibum’s room. Kibum’s phone rang and he answered it.

“Hyungs!” He said.

“We have the same thoughts as Kibum.” The three of them said. 

“Chaerin, calm down. Tell me what happened.” Kibum said and the other four looked at him.

“What do you mean Minji is missing?”

“We thought she was here because it’s her rest day. Whenever she goes out, she’ll tell us. I know she’s behaving weirdly but this time is taking too far.” All of them could hear her voice.

“Don’t worry. She’s here. She was practicing with Taemin about her lines for the sitcom. She’s fine so stop worrying.”

“Can you tell her to come home? It’s already late.” Chaerin said.

“She fell asleep in Taemin’s room. I’ll just send her there tomorrow morning. She looks really tired.” Kibum lied. He looked at Taemin saying, ‘You owe me for this one, son.’

“Okay. Thanks, Kibum. Take good care of her, she's my maknae.” Chaerin said and she hung up.

“Not one step to your room.” Kibum said sternly.

“How am I going to change my clothes?” Taemin said as an excuse. His heart becoming erratic by the second. Something isn’t right. His confusion grows stronger by the minute. Kibum rolled his eyes to him. He entered Taemin’s room rummaged some clothes and got his essentials.

All the while that Kibum is in his room. He was angry. ‘How could hyung be in my room at this moment? I should be the one in there. Why am I being banned in my own room?’

“Being jealous now? You said you are not falling for her.” Jonghyun teased. JinKi smacked him on the head. Jonghyun was about to yell at JinKi but judging by the looks of their leader, this is serious. 

Kibum came out of the room and shoved Taemin’s things onto his chest. “You wash up and go to my room. Minho and Jonghyun will be guarding your room so you can’t enter.”

Taemin followed Kibum’s orders. Even JinKi was observing his every move. He’s being under surveillance. 'This is serious. Even JinKi hyung is following me with his eyes.'

In Kibum’s room, both of them tried to sleep. Kibum was thinking how to keep Taemin on his toes while Taemin kept thinking of Minji. The way she said, “Proving he’s mine.” His hearts starts to beat faster again.

She has this effect on me? No, you are just surprised by what she did. That has no meaning, Taemin. She was just saving Sohyun from you. But why is it that it felt so natural?

He replayed the kiss scene on his head. His hand held his left chest as if slowing his heartbeat. He tossed and turned trying to calm down however, “Yah!! Just sleep!! You are making it more harder for me to sleep!” Kibum snapped at him. Taemin laid still on bed but his heart can’t contain itself.


“Why am I doing this? Who is Minji have me protect her and missing my bed?” Jonghyun asked.

“Then, would you rather want to be beaten into a pulp by TOP sunbaenim? G-Dragon sunbaenim? Then you cannot see your bed forever?” Minho said pointedly.

“Touche, Minho. Hey, do you think Taemin is falling for her?” Jonghyun asked.

“Judging by his behavior a while ago, kind of. He wasn’t like that to the girls he is playing with. But still. He is confused.” Minho said.

“Will the two maknaes fall for each other?” Jonghyun asked.

“Only God knows his plan.” Minho said.


I can’t take this anymore!! She doesn't affect me in any way! Only way to find out is to be with her.’ He shouted in his mind. He looked at Kibum if he was fast asleep now and Kibum was.

He stood up and not making one sound he left Kibum’s room. He saw Jonghyun and Minho guarding his room. Jonghyun and Minho were asleep. He tip-toed and entered his room. He locked the door. His heart calmed down when he saw her sleeping.

He lay down beside her. He put his arm under her head for it to be her pillow. ‘Why the hell am I doing this? Right. To check if I’m still the same me.’ Minji sound asleep, hugged him like she would to her pillow. His heart stopped for the second time then again started to beat faster. ‘Taemin, blame it on your hormones. Right. Hormones.’ As he watched her sleep, he fell asleep holding her. 


Taemin woke up earlier than usual. He looked at Minji who was still hugging him, fast asleep. Unconsciously, he smiled at the scene he was seeing first thing in the morning. ‘Lee Taemin! Get a hold of yourself.’ He removed himself away from Minji as gently as possible. He checked if all of his hyungs are still fast asleep and they were. He got some clothes from his closet and went to the bathroom. He took a shower. He prepared honey water for Minji, set the cup on his bedside table and went out. 


Minji woke up. ‘Ugh, my head. Never drink again. Even if Bommie unnie’s life depended on it. Where am I?’ She looked around and recognized the place. She remembered what she did. ‘I.Am.Freaking.Screwed.’

Kibum came rushing to the room and saw Minji alone drinking honey water. “Oppa, I’m sorry for crashing in and giving me this. It helps my headache.”

“I didn’t prepare that one, Minji. Taemin prepared that for you. Ugh! He escaped from me again. Why were you drunk last night?” Kibum said.

Minho and Jonghyun entered the room when they heard Kibum. “Yah! You didn’t guard the door. He entered here without you two knowing.” He reprimanded the two of them.

“Oh, shoot! Chaerin unnie will be dead worried!”

“It’s okay. I’ve explained it to her. I told her you were practicing lines with Taemin and fell asleep. Why were you drunk last night? You caught Taemin cheating on you with Sohyun? Tell us.”

“What he said was true oppa.” ‘He made a story right away.’

“You better wash up, Minji. We’ll take you to your dorm. I see that Taemin left you some clothes to change into.” Minho said as he saw Taemin’s shirt and pants laid on the bed.

Minji washed up. She looked at the mirror and noticed her lips were kind of bruised and red. She remembered she kissed Taemin. She blushed. ‘I was drunk not knowing anything. Minji, you were drunk that's why you did that and for Sohyun. Forget about it.’ She hypnotized herself that she didn’t do that on her own free will.

She shrugged the thought off and changed her clothes. 

She then ate breakfast with SHINee minus Taemin. 

“Uhm, Minho oppa, where is Taemin oppa?” Minji asked but she secretly prays that Taemin wasn’t in the dorm.

“We don’t know. Taemin isn’t here when we all woke up.” Minho said.

‘Good. I don’t have anything to say to him as an excuse for what I did last night yet.’ She thought as she drank her orange juice.

“So, Minji, are you falling for Taemin?” Jonghyun asked casually. Minji choked on her juice and JinKi and Minho took care of the maknae. Kibum and JinKi giving Jonghyun the evil stare.

“Oppa, I’m sorry I’m just startled. What was it that you ask?” Minji said to Jonghyun.

“Are you falling for our maknae?” Jonghyun said.

“Hm, nope. He hasn’t made any moves to make me fall for him.” Minji said. 'As if I'll fall for him when he's lording me with orders. If you all only knew.'

“Then, why are you drunk and kissed Taemin last night?” JinKi asked.

“I was drunk because I saw him with Sohyun. He is playing my friend. I could deal with him but not my friend. She is very fragile.”

“What about the kiss?” Jonghyun asked.

“Hm. I don’t know? Did we kiss? I can’t seem to remember.” Minji lied.

SHINee was confused on her statement but they shrugged it off. Minho send her back to their dorm. In the car, Minji kept touching her lips and Minho noticed. 'Minji, you are lying that you don't remember when you keep touching your lips like that.'


Ugh! My head hurts! I’m not drinking again. Ever.’ Bom woke up. ‘I remember I am in a club with Minji. Why am I in my room?’ She remembered what happened and, “MINJI!” She scrambled out of bed so quickly that she fell. 

“Don’t worry. I’m here, unnie. Just came back.” Minji said. 

“Why are you wearing that? I didn’t know you own that clothes?”

“Because it’s Lee Taemin’s clothes.” Bom’s eyes widened and “You and Taemin did? You!” Minji covered Bom’s mouth.

“I was drunk because of you, unnie. Lee Taemin saw me there and carried me out to safety but I passed out. I slept in their dorm. Chaerin unnie only knows I was practicing lines with Taemin and because I’m tired I fell asleep. Kibum oppa told her that story so you know nothing about what happened to me.” Bom nodded and Minji released her hand. Bom noticed Minji’s lips.

“Maknae, are you wearing any lip balm or gloss?” Bom asked.

“No, why?”

“Then, why are your lips pinkish red or something? Did you and Taemin kiss?”

“N-no. We didn’t.” Minji said and went out of Bom’s room quickly.

‘You two did. No point denying maknae. Lips are always like that when people kiss each other passionately.’


At the sitcom set, Minji was really nervous. ‘Why is it that today that we have a scene together? Aargh! Calm down, pretend you didn’t know what happened last night.’

She felt at tap on her shoulder and, “Minji, do well. Though I don’t like it you are acting as his girlfriend.” Kikwang said.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” ‘I do hope so.

Taemin arrived and saw Minji and Kikwang talking to each other. 
‘He’s talking to her again. Seriously, why don’t he just tell her he’s in love with her? Or did he backed out when he saw my mark on her?’

“Taemin, why are you looking at Kikwang like you are going to murder him?” Sooyoung asked.

“Oh. Nothing. Just guy stuff, noona.”

"Guy stuff or plain jealousy? I've never seen you look at a guy like that since, never mind I won't say his name or you might flare up again." Sooyoung said.

“Minji-ssi, Taemin-ssi, it’s your scene now. Oh. I forgot to tell you guys, never mind just follow what I say later.” The director said.

The two acted their scene which is the flashback on how they’ve met. Minji was a university student and Taemin was the senior that everyone adores. Minji was being the nerdy type of student. She bumps onto Taemin causing all of her things to fall including her. Taemin catches her upon reflex and look into each other’s eyes. They were lost in each other’s eyes that the director thought they forgot their lines and was about to shout “NG!” when, 

“Are you okay?” Taemin said his line. Minji snapped out of her trance though the two of them still looked at each other.

“Yes, sunbaenim. I’m sorry for not looking.”

“How could you see if you are carrying these heavy books?” Both chuckled. The crew were amazed at the two. 

“It seems real. Better than what I have imagined.” The writer said.

“CUT! Good work!” The director said. However the maknaes are still in that position.

“Taemin, you can let go of Minji.” Sooyoung said snapping them back to reality.

Taemin helped Minji up to her feet and the two were awkward with each other.

“Am I missing something here or the two of you are just awkward?” Sooyoung asked with a grin forming on her face.

“Next scene, the four of you. Kikwang and Sooyoung, Taemin and Minji.” The director said.

“Before anything, there will be a new character on this upcoming scene, so for the four of you to be genuinely surprised, you’ll be meeting her in the middle of the conversation. She’ll act as Taemin’s ex-girlfriend.” The director said and the four nodded.

"Okay, action!" the director said.

“So, that’s how you two have met. You are like a manga heroine.” Sooyoung said.

“Unnie, you are making me blush. It’s nowhere between you and my best friend.” Minji replied while looking at Kikwang and Sooyoung. Her gaze began to shift to Taemin but she averted her eyes quickly.

"I still don't approve of the two of you. He looks suspicious." Kikwang said.

"I even ask myself why do I deserve a goddess like her?" Taemin said while looking at Minji tenderly. Kikwang cringe seeing Taemin act like that.

“Taemin?” a girl’s voice said.

All of them looked at the source of the voice and shocked.

“Sohyun?” Taemin asked.

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Chapter 29: and i'm here to reread this story again <3
Chapter 5: Aaaakkhhhh andwaeyooooo aaaakkhhh
Chapter 3: Aigooo,,
L.o.v.e to kikwang..
Right minji stay way from taemin.
And just love kikwang..
Flowergirl_18 #4
I really love this story ^_^
k-pop_navia #5
Chapter 18: Omg nooooo !!!!
k-pop_navia #6
Chapter 13: Omg i love it!
Chapter 29: Omg. I love them kkkk. I cant even take my eyes from this story omg. Fighting for your next story authornim
minchubz #8
Chapter 29: nice fic... thank you for sharing :D
monica7_nicamo #9
Chapter 29: