Not my style

I'm not your oppa
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a/n: text in black is Korean, in blue is English, red is Chinese


~ Jaein’s p.o.v ~ 



I decided to went out for dinner since I have nothing left to eat at home. I want to asked Jongin to accompany me but I bet he is busy with his homework or something. I walked slowly to the street vendor.


“Ahjumma one ddukbokki!”



I waited until my ddukbokki arrived and savoured the flavours until I felt someone towering over me. I looked up and saw that giant face.


“Ah.. Alone?” he asked I just nod.

“You have a mouth. Or is it too heavy to be opened?” he asked. I swallowed my food.

“I guess you’re so blind that you can’t see I was eating”

“Ah.. I see”

“You’re not eating?”

“Ddukbokki is not my style” he said. Tch!


“Aren’t you going to offer me something to eat?” is this guy weird or weird?

“Yah! I never invite you here. Go away”

“It’s not good to be alone at night”

“Don’t you have a sister to take care of?”

“She has her fiancé. I’m bored”

“That’s your problem”

“Hey.. you’re pretty..” I almost choked on my ddukbokki.

“Bwoya.. I just complimenting you’



After I was done I payed the ahjumma and left without waiting for that jerk. I walked around feeling free as no one was following me, or so I thought.


“Well well.. What do we have here?” .

“What do you want?”

“Oh baby did you forget me that fast?” damn you for falling for this guy.

“I don’t even know you” I said backing off.

“Oh honey. Did you forget all those times we had together?” he smirked.

“Go away before I shout” I tried to threaten him.

“Kim Jaein. Do you want me to expose you to your parents?”

“Don’t you dare”

“Oh than it’s easy. Marry me like what our parents suggested”


“Do you have a boyfriend?”

“Yes” you mouth.

“Oh really? Than where is he? You know you can only escape me if you have a boyfriend. Which obviously you don’t”

“I have or not is none of your business. You’re not my style why should I marry you?”

“Too bad I’m your parent’s style. Now come back and marry me!’

“Go away Minho!”


He pulled my hand but than someone stopped him. I looked at him wide eye.


“Babe where have you been? I was looking for you”


I looked at him in confusion. He mouthed ‘play along’ and I got what he meant.


“I was looking for you but I got lost” I said standing close to Kris.

“You know this area is dark.. And you are?” he looked at Minho.

“I’m the man her parents want her to marry”

“Well I’m her boyfriend so back off”

“Tch. You think you can get away with this Jae? We’ll see”


I watched as he left us. My legs weaken and I almost fell but his strong arms caught me and led me to the bench.


“Are you okay?” he looked at me.

“Yeah.. I am.. thank you”

“I think he knows that we’re faking”

“Yeah. He’s not that stupid”

“What are you going to do?”


I don’t know what I’m going to do! jump off a building? Stand in front of a fast moving car? Suddenly something came into my mind. No Jae. You still have your pride.


“Yoohoo galaxy to Jaein”


I looked at him and bit my lips. Sigh…


“Can you help me?”


“Be my boyfriend”

“Oh ho ho. And I thought I wasn’t your style?”

“You’re not okay. Just help me until I find a boyfriend and besides I know about you. You need to find a girlfriend yourself or your sister will spread to the world that you’re gay”

“Yyy-o-uu!” he stuttered.

“Well? Want to help each other out? It’s only until once of us finds ourself a partner”

“Hmmm… I’m worried that you might fall for me”

“I won’t you’re not my style”

“Well you’re not my style either”

“Okay. I’ll help”


Thank god!


“But one condition”


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ChangMi-ah #1
Chapter 35: So cute!!!I love this story!!
WuMorgeshia #2
great authornim!!!
FidyaBKS #3
Chapter 33: Authornim are u malay???
AsawaNiSuho #4
Chapter 34: ^.^ I'm so shy to tell this....(ㅇㅈㅇ) ...I really love this chapter.Nice story though.
Chapter 55: How could you! it was acting. noooooo whyyy. I didnt see that coming. T_T. this story was awesome though.... thank you for writing this author-nim ♡
gemmymars #6
Chapter 41: Kris and Jaein are gonna end up together aren't they!!! :D I have a feeling... ;)
I feel sad for Kai, I hope he finds a girlfriend! :D
gemmymars #7
Chapter 34: I wanna know what Hana's twin is gonna do!! I'm slightly scared... ;)