
I'm not your oppa
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 a/n: text in black is Korean, in blue is English, red is Chinese



- Sunday, Somewhere in Gangnam -



~ Krystal’s p.o.v ~




We’ve been walking all over the mall. I’m so tired! There’s so many things that Ma bought. Seriously. 



“Ma why did you bought all this?”


“Oh dear. This is for your camping trip”


“There’s a camping trip?”


“Yes. Your Ge told me the other day”


“Do I have to go?”


“Yes you have to”




I heard her talking and talking but I wasn’t paying attention because of the crowd that was making a lot of noises at the lobby. Seems like there’s a fan meeting. Hmm. I turned around to look for Ma but I panicked when she wasn’t there.






Oh boy. This is why I don’t like shopping. The mall is so crowded. Stupid crowd! Stupid fan meeting! Stupid fans Urgh!! I went out of the mall and texted Ma telling her I’ll be at the nearby cafe. I was walking towards the cafe but suddenly someone covered my mouth and pulled me into an alley.



“CHANYEOL OPPA HELP!” suddenly those words came out of my mouth.




~ Chanyeol’s p.o.v ~




I looked around as Baekhyun kept on jumping when he see’s Taeyeon.  Someone pushed me from behind and I glared at him. With my height I’m intimidating alright. I turned back to look for Baekhyun but that shortie is no where to be seen in the sea of people. I started to feel uncomfortable and went out of the mall. I texted him telling him to meet me at the nearby cafe after he was done. 



“Finally freedom!”



I walked towards the cafe but I kept on hearing someone calling for help. I ignored it as it wasn’t any of my business.




“CHANYEOL OPPA HELP!” my heart stopped for awhile.




Krystal? Why does that sound like her? No it can’t be her. I must be hearing things. I walked away from the sound. But my heart kept on telling me that I should go. I went to the alley and followed the voice,




“Hoya! Get off me!” sounds like her.


“No I won’t you’re mine!”




I looked at the girl who was under him. Hoya. I went to him and pulled him away from her.



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ChangMi-ah #1
Chapter 35: So cute!!!I love this story!!
WuMorgeshia #2
great authornim!!!
FidyaBKS #3
Chapter 33: Authornim are u malay???
AsawaNiSuho #4
Chapter 34: ^.^ I'm so shy to tell this....(ㅇㅈㅇ) ...I really love this chapter.Nice story though.
Chapter 55: How could you! it was acting. noooooo whyyy. I didnt see that coming. T_T. this story was awesome though.... thank you for writing this author-nim ♡
gemmymars #6
Chapter 41: Kris and Jaein are gonna end up together aren't they!!! :D I have a feeling... ;)
I feel sad for Kai, I hope he finds a girlfriend! :D
gemmymars #7
Chapter 34: I wanna know what Hana's twin is gonna do!! I'm slightly scared... ;)