In Laws

I'm not your oppa
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a/n: text in black is Korean, in blue is English, red is Chinese


- Saturday -


~ Kris’s p.o.v ~ 


I woke up feeling like I just ran a thousand mile. Sweating like I’ve never before. I had the same dream I had before I found Krystal. Why am I having that dream? My sister is right here with me living under the same roof. I went to wash up before heading out. I was about to enter my car when Krystal called my name.



“Where are you going? We have dinner later”

“It’s still early in the morning I’ll be home before dinner”


I didn’t wait for her to reply me back and drove off. I really need some fresh air. My parents already had everything ready, from the wedding date, the honeymoon and even our own apartment. Yes. After today I’ll be staying with my future wife. I drove off trying to calm myself and stopped at a nearby park. I watched as the kids run around the park chasing each other. I remember that was me and Krystal before the kidnap happen. I still can’t figure out why am I still having the same dream? I closed my eyes for a while breathing in fresh air. After a few take in I opened my eyes over hearing two familiar voices shouting at each other playfully. Heartbreaking scene but the question that’s in my brain right now is why are they here? They look like a couple. 


- Dinner -


It’s finally dinner. This is it. After today I’m engaged. It’s heartbreaking. I still remember the scene this morning at the park. It never left my mind. I know YuMi and Chanyeol are siblings but they were never that close. Are they together? But what about Sehun? Or is he trying to mess with me?


“Ba why are they so late”

“Yi Ling be patient”


We waited a few more minutes until Ba’s friend and his wife came.


“I’m so sorry for being late. My daughter and her brother caught up in a traffic they will be here very soon”

“Your son and daughter are so close even though they aren’t blood related” wait not blood related?


Soon there were sound of footsteps coming towards us.


“Sorry for being late. We were caught in a traffic” I looked up meeting her eyes.

“It’s okay we were just about to start ordering. Have a sit” she looked at me in shock.


“Oh so you know each other. Even better” Ba said.


Once we were done eating our dinner the waiter served our desserts and our parents started chatting. I wasn’t paying attention to them as I was looking at her. I’m marrying her? I’m so lucky but she seemed like she doesn't’t have a clue about why we’re here.


“So Kevin, this is my youngest daughter YuMi. YuMi, this is my friend Kevin” her Appa introduce her.

“Nice to meet you” she is so polite.

“So polite. Kris you are one lucky guy”

“I guess I am” I said smiling at her.

“So when is the date?” Ba asked.

“Wait. What date?” Chanyeol asked.

“Oh. Chanyeol you friend here is going to be your brother in law”

“Wait you’re marrying YuMi off?”

“What’s wrong?”

“She- - agh! Ouch” he glared at YuMi. What’s going on?

“Nothing. He said nothing”

“Once Kris graduate they will get married. For now they can live in the apartment that I’ve bought for them” I don’t mind if it’s her.

“You’re letting her live with him? They’re not even married”

“Chanyeol can you stop it”

“Bwoya. She’s still young”

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ChangMi-ah #1
Chapter 35: So cute!!!I love this story!!
WuMorgeshia #2
great authornim!!!
FidyaBKS #3
Chapter 33: Authornim are u malay???
AsawaNiSuho #4
Chapter 34: ^.^ I'm so shy to tell this....(ㅇㅈㅇ) ...I really love this chapter.Nice story though.
Chapter 55: How could you! it was acting. noooooo whyyy. I didnt see that coming. T_T. this story was awesome though.... thank you for writing this author-nim ♡
gemmymars #6
Chapter 41: Kris and Jaein are gonna end up together aren't they!!! :D I have a feeling... ;)
I feel sad for Kai, I hope he finds a girlfriend! :D
gemmymars #7
Chapter 34: I wanna know what Hana's twin is gonna do!! I'm slightly scared... ;)