Camp day 2.2

I'm not your oppa
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 a/n: text in black is Korean, in blue is English, red is Chinese



~ Chanyeol’s p.o.v ~



“Babe we’re here”


“Can you not call me that when people are around?”


“Sorry dear”





She got down and looked around. She turned to me.



“Sunbae. Something horrible just happened”




“There’s no bathroom” she looked at me in horror.


“There is but it’s a little far from here”


“I see.. Wait! What if I need to pee at night? You know me.. I’m scared of dark…”


“Hmm.. Great. I’m babysitting my girlfriend now?”


“Bwoya!” she playfully slap my arm.


“Kidding! I’ll accompany you okay? Now help me set up the tent” 


“We’re sharing tent? Isn’t it going to be cramped?” she looked at me with puppy eyes.


“Gezz princess tell me something I don’t know”


“Yah! I’m not princess! Ermmm…” I looked at her who was fidgeting with her fingers.


“Don’t tell me.. You don’t know how to set up the tent?”


“Don’t blame me! You never bring me to your camping trips” she pouted.


“My fault than?” I playfully scolded back.




“For a brilliant girl like you who doesn’t know how to set up camp. Hmm” 


“What? You don’t like it? Fine go get your Hana or something. Maybe she’s better” she sulked.



I watched her walked away and sat on the grass. I shrugged and set up our tent. Once it was done I turn back to her who was happily talking to Kai. Aish! I went closer to them and listened to what they were saying.



“And than there’s this frog that came out of his pants!” frog? pants? Wait! That was what happened to me last year!


“Hahah! Eww!! That’s disgusting!”


“Yah! Kai what are you saying about frogs and pants?” I asked him.


“Just telling her about your camp trip last year with Chen hyung”


“HAHAHAHA! Sunbae! HAHAHA!!!” she’s laughing at me! I’ll show you who’s laughing at who later.


“Kai.. Why aren’t you helping D.O with your tent?” I asked 


“Ah.. Oh I forgot. I’ll come back for you babe” Babe? BABE!!!!



I watched him walked back to D.O. I mentally kicked his ! That ! I looked at Krystal who was holding her laughter.



“Laugh all you want”


“Hehehe! Frog.. Hehehe.. Pants.. hahaha!”


“Yah! Why are you laughing?”


“You told me to laugh!” she laughed again.


“Laugh at me again and I won’t accompany you to the bathroom” she stopped laughing and glared at me.


“You wouldn’t”


“I would” I said to her.


“Fine. Than I’ll just ask Kai or Sehun to accompany me. I know they would be willing to”


“Aish. Fine fine”


“Assa!” she pumped up her fist in the air.


“You’re lucky you’re cute”



She looked left and right than mentioned me to come closer.






She pecked my cheek and walked away. Oooooo! She. Just. Kissed. My. Cheek. I squealed alone like a fangirl who met her idol until someone clear his throat. I turned and saw Kris hyung raising a brow at me.



“Sorry to interrupt your spazzing. Here tell that princess to use this” he handed me a mosquito repellant.


“She’s not complaining about mosquito bite” I said to him.


“Oh she will”



He walked back into his tent.



“SUNBAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” well that was fast.




“Mosquitoes! I forgot my repellant” she said scratching her arms and legs. Even when she’s doing that she looks cute.


“Here. Your brother just passed it to me” 


“HAHA! DIE YOU EVIL MOSQUITO!” she laughed evilly. What’s wrong with this girl?!


“Honey it only repel not kill” 


“Thoes filthy bloodsuckers can’t touch me and they’ll go hungry! HARHARHAR!” I passed her the repellent and she looked at me.




“Aren’t you going to put it on for me?” she asked me.


“You expect me to put it on for you?”


“Yes! What kind of brother are you!”


“I’m not! Yah! You’re even more annoying than Kris hyung”


“But you love this annoying girl” she grinned



I kneel in front of her and squeezed out some of the repellant and put it on her legs. This girl can be a princess sometimes. 



“Yah. Krystal how old are you? 5? Can’t even put on repellent yourself? Look at me. I don’t even need repellent”


“I’m 17. Got a problem with that old hag?” she replied. I restrained myself from laughing.


“I’m not old! I’m same aged as Chanyeol oppa! Are you calling him old?” interesting. Keep going.


“If he’s the same age as you, why are you calling him oppa? He’s not even your boyfriend” wow sassy.


“Than what about you? You’re just his ex girlfriend” 


“Ahjumma. For your info I’ve been his sister for 10 years. Have you forgotten? Hello I’m Park YuMi the girl you kicked in the stomach” 


“Of course I remember a like you”


“Than stop bugging me and Chanyeol oppa before I kick your stomach” she gritted her teeth.


“Stop acting tough. We’ll see how tough you are later”



She walked away. I looked at Krystal who’s face is red. Ooo you wouldn’t want to mess with her now. Suddenly something was thrown into her face. I looked at the culprit. Oh hyung.



“Yah! Yi Ling. Stop being lazy and cook for me” 


“Cook yourself idiot”


“Cooking is not my style. But it’s sure to be your style. Palli I’m hungry”


“Than this should be your style!” she snapped back.



I looked at Krystal who pounced on her brother. Oh look two koala bear fighting each other. Interesting. 



“YAH! Get off me! You’re heavy as !” he said trying to wiggle Krystal off him.


“Oho! You’re using vulgar with me? I’m telling Ma!”


“Tell her all! I don’t care you big baby!”


“YAH!” she pulled on his hair harder.



One thing for sure. She doesn’t like to be called a baby. Soon people started gathering.



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ChangMi-ah #1
Chapter 35: So cute!!!I love this story!!
WuMorgeshia #2
great authornim!!!
FidyaBKS #3
Chapter 33: Authornim are u malay???
AsawaNiSuho #4
Chapter 34: ^.^ I'm so shy to tell this....(ㅇㅈㅇ) ...I really love this chapter.Nice story though.
Chapter 55: How could you! it was acting. noooooo whyyy. I didnt see that coming. T_T. this story was awesome though.... thank you for writing this author-nim ♡
gemmymars #6
Chapter 41: Kris and Jaein are gonna end up together aren't they!!! :D I have a feeling... ;)
I feel sad for Kai, I hope he finds a girlfriend! :D
gemmymars #7
Chapter 34: I wanna know what Hana's twin is gonna do!! I'm slightly scared... ;)