Truth or Dare.

My Girlfriend is a Puppy.


Your POV
We were just sitting on the couch wacthing M-countdown. Me sitting between the twins and Minwoo sitting on the floor. Hyuna and Zico were so hot and Super Junior made me crazy. I keep squealing in the house and the three of the guys were covering their ears and ignoring me.
"KYAAAA OMG. HEECHUL OPPA WENT LIKE THAT *imitates heechul* THEN SUNGMINNIE OPPA DID THE THINGY LIKE *tried to do what singmun did but failed* AND HYUKKIE OPPA'S HANDSTAND OMG! KYAAAAAAAAAA *Does handstand but fell on your head* apaa~" I rubbed my head thinking that the pain might go away.
"Aigoo~ My princess is so careless." Kwangmin stood up and went towards me and rubbed my head as well. "Gwenchana?" Kwangmin eyed me.
I blushed and nodded slightly. Youngmin went to the kitchen and came back holding a pack of ice.
"Here. It'll decrease the pain." Youngmin offered me the ice pack without looking at me. I took it and thanked him. Hmm.. I guess it's still a little awkward between us when it comes to being helpful or something.
After a few minutes, the pain started to go away. We were getting bored and there was an awkward atmosphere in the room. no one dared to talk. We can only hear the birds chirping outside, the sniffing Minwoo was doing (guess he got a cold), sometimes Kwangmin coughs to break the silence. Should I talk?
"Umm.." I started.
"Should we play a game?" Minwoo suddenly speaked.
"What now?" Youngmin roled his eyes in irritation.
"What's with your tone hyung?" Minwoo whined.
"You suggest childish games."
"When did I?"
"That time when you asked us to play treasure hunting and found nothing but a stupid white feather."
"It wasn't stupid. It's rare for us to find a feather lying on the ground."
"Yes it was!"
"no It wasn't"
"uhm..Minwoo-sshi, it's kinda stupid." I whispered. I felt Minwoo glared at me. I looked at him and he pouted. Aish~ This little thing is so cute. I can't resist him. I want him to be my dongsaeng. Yeah. Him and Taemin would make a good pair of dongsaengs. The house would be a lot livelier.
"what about Truth or dare?" Kwangmin proposed. Me and Youngmin looked at each other and grinned.
"CALL~" We sang while Minwoo pouted and the "hmph" sound was heard. "Fine."
We sat in a circle on the floor. I was still sitting between the twins and Minwoo is sitting across me. He was still glaring at me. Aish~ When will he get over it? I was just being honest. Plus they were noisy, it's irritating.
"Who'll start?" youngmin asked.
"Me~" Minwoo said it too quickly.
"hm..okay. ~~~~ -sshi!" I furrowed my eyebrows. Why'd he pick me first?! Aish~ He's so annoying.
"Truth or dare?" He asked me.
"Dare." I don't want to tell him my secrets that's why I picked dare.
"Okay~" Minwoo stood up and left the room and when he came back he was holding a bottle of ketchup.
"What's that for?" I asked him pointing at the thing in his hands.
"Here. Put to drops on both of your s." Minwoo said handing me the kecthup bottle.
"MWO?!" Me and Kwangmin yelled.
"Want me to do it for you?" Minwoo smirked. I thought this guy was innocent.
"Aish~ Give me that!" I hissed snatching the bottle away from his hands. I placed two drops of ketchup on my index and middle fingers. I applied them on both sides of my.....uhm...chest. But on the shirt.
"No fair! i wanted to see your......." Min whined but got cut off when Kwangmin started giving him the laser eyes.
"My turn!" I said. I tapped my chin teasingly. I looked at Youngmin who swallowed his saliva, then at Minwoo who rolled his eyes and smirked then at Kwangmin who's just smiling there....weird. I turned my head back to Minwoo and wore an evil smirk.
"Neo~" I pointed at Minwoo who stared at me boredly.
"What?" Minwoo blinked twice and pouted. I'm starting to think that this guy is bipolar.
"Truth or dare?"
"hmm...Dance twinkle twinkle by Girls's day in the middle." I smirked at my dare.
I never expected Minwoo to do it but....he did. OMG He's really gonna do it. Man, he'll be so embarrassed. He just stood there and...started.....dancing.....OMG HE'S GOOD. HE'S EVEN IER THAN GIRLS DAY OMG. FJDASLFJASLDJASLDJLASDJASLDJAS After he finished he looked at me and smirked at my 'o' face. God why didn't i know he was a good dancer?
I looked at Kwangmin. I saw him laughing at me. Aish~
"HAHAHA! Can't believe you didn't know he's a dancer like your dongsaeng." I pouted at his comment. Jo KWANGMIN! I will hate you forever if you won't stop laughing at me.
"You have a dongsaeng?" Minwoo asked as he sat down on his previous spot.
"Ne~ Wae? You gonna embarrass him too?" I raised my eyebrows and eyed him then rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"What's his name? What school does he goes to?" Minwoo asked nonstop. Man, this is getting irritating. 
Before I could answer all his questions, something hit me.
"NE~ I LOVED HER! BUT YOU KILLED HER. YOU KILLED YOUR OWN GIRLFRIEND!" Minwoo pushed Taemin which caused Taemin to fall on the ground, you wanted to help him but you noticed Minwoo was crying.
"Minwoo-ah, what the hell happened?" You thought.
(flashback: see chapter 19)

"MWO?! You did that to me?!" Taemin shouted.
"WAE?! Isn't it true?!" Minwoo argued back.
"ANI! ALL LIES! THEY'RE ALL LIES!" Taemin can't take it anymore and ran away. Minwoo sat on the couch and just laid there to clear his mind.

"Minwoo-ah, because of you, my dongsaeng can't go to school anymore, because of you, he still carries that burden in his heart. I can;t believe you were this cruel. and I thought you were sweet, guess I was wrong." You said to yourself.



"Taemin." I answered. I wonder what he'll think. Haha! Look at his face it's so priceless. His eyes are so big when I said Taemin's name.
"Ahh. I-isee." He answered back.
"Wae? You know him?" I raised my left eyebrow and smirked.
"Then why are you shaking?"
"I-i'm not.....ARASO! KWANGMIN HYUNG! YOUR TURN!" Minwoo evaded my question and changed the subject. Hahaha! This is so funny. Time for my precious revenge. Mehehehehe.

"mmm...I'll pick ~~~~ -ah! Truth or dare?" Kwangmin pointed and grinned at me. Why does everyone pick me?!
"Fine. truth." I'm too scared to pick dare again. Kwangmin is scarier than Minwoo. He might tell me to kiss him or do weird stuff that's more humiliating than what Minwoo made me do.

"What's the weirdest thing that has happened to you this year?" Kwangmin asked.
"Mwoya? What kind of wuestion is that?" I chuckled.
"Just answer it. Palli~" Kwangmin whined pusheing my knee telling me to answer.
"Hmm....I met him!" I pointed at Minwoo.
"Aish~ That's what everyone says. now tell us something we DON'T know." Kwangmin emphasized the "DON'T".
"Yah! What do you mean-"
"Palli ~~~~ -ah!" Kwangmin interrupted Minwoo's whining.

"Hmmm... Really wanna know?"
The three of them nodded.

"I......turned into a dog."
"MWO?!?!?!?!? HAHAHAHA Don't kidd us~" They said in unison.
"I'm not. Remember Chichi?"
"Where is she?"
"I don't know...Maybe she ran- Wait. Don't tell me...." Youngmin thought for a while and stared at me in shock.
"YEs. You're right. I'm Chichi" I giggled.
"Aish~ what nonsense are you talking about." Minwoo and Kwangmin rolled their eyes. they just looked at me like I'm some kind of a crazy woman.

"It's true!"
I jumped in shick and turned around. Who the hell said that?!
"Jae Hyun-sshi~" I stared at him for a long time..I thought he wasn't in Korea.
"Annyeong ~~~~ -ah! Long time no see~"


"Yah! Who are you? How'd you get in here? I didn't hear the doorbell rang." Kwangmin stood up and crossed his arms.
"What ~~~~ -ah said was true." Jae hyun ignored Kwangmin's whining and tried to explain.
"You don't have proof."
"Yes he does. You do right?" I furrowed my eyesbrows and looked at Jaehyun. Please have something. Please prove it to them.
"Araso." Jaehyun nodded and snapped his fingers. What happened? We were scanning the whole room if something unusual happened.

"Mwoya? nothing happened." Minwoo smirked.
"Kwangmin-ah?" I was trying to look for Kwangmin. Youngmin turned around and saw a cat behind him.
"K-kwan-min?" Youngmin stared ta the cat wide eyed. Jae hyun snapped his fingers again and the cat turned into Kwangmin.

"You guys believe me now?" I chuckled and crossed my arms and looked at them. They nodded slightly. They were still in shock. HAHAHAHA. I wanna take a picture of this.

"T-then that means......" Minwoo started to talk.
"You....." He pointed at me with shaking hands.
"Uh, I know what you did to my dongsaeng you bastard!" I muttered. Minwoo gulped and took a step back. I glared at him and walked towards him sloly then increasing my speed, Minwoo ran away and I ran after him. We were chasing each other around the house. We were running all over the place.

JO TWIN'S POV (A/N lol yes since their twins, i guess they share the same thoughts....sometimes.)

"S-so..that means........She..heard our conversation?" They though to themselves.
" you think she...heard what we were talking about back then when we were fighting?" Kwangmin asked youngmin.
"Maybe~ Chichi was there when it happened....eo-eottoke?"

"So embarrassing." They sighed and sat back down, waiting for you and Minwoo to finish your chasing game.


LOL OKAY another lame chappie. XD Why do I :| I don;t know how to end this. LOL Maybe next chapter will be the last.
I was actually thinking of another plot a while ago....It's about minwoo. I can;t choose between Minwoo and youngmin and since I'm already writing about youngmin, maybe it's time for Minwoo to be the lead :3

Here's the forward or something XD

Kang Nana (you) grew up in an orphanage. She was adopted by a wealthy family when she was 2. The mother was pregnant and the father looked very hardworking. After 6 months, they gave birth to a very handsome boy named No Minwoo. Their parents didn't tell them that Nana was adopted. Nana and Minwoo were very close. They always share things with each other, may it be stories, love stories or een their food. They will fight but will apologize to each other after a few hours or maybe minutes. When Nana turned 18 and Minwoo was 16, Minwoo became cold towards his sister. Nana became cautious and tried everything to be close to his brother once again. Will they regain their sibling friendship, or gain something more than friendship?

Haha so what do you guys think? If you think it'll be nice or something, please comment. I'll try to make a fanfic out of that story line. Okay? okay.

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kwangminshypika #1
Laughing so hard on chapter 3 x'D
cute ^w^
maxxichu #3
cute (^-^)
sweet story
awwww that was prettty cutee! but i kinda thought her days as a dog would last awhile. who would've thought that it ended to fast. xD
lov4ever #6
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
Waaaa. HAPPY EVER AFTER ♥ Love this. Ppyong! =))
great story....i love the ending...KWANGGIE team won.....
wahahahahahahaha and i ended up laughing like youngmin and ~~~~~ on the first chapters.. i'll continue reading it.. :DDD kkk~ I'll comment again soon C: