Forgive and forget

My Girlfriend is a Puppy.


It has been 3 days since that `scene` with Kwangmin. Actually, I wasn't really mad, I just wanted to make the scene...let's say more dramatic? LOL. But half of what I said was true. Like me liking Kwangmin more than Youngmin. Aish~ Why did I even said that to him. It's like I confessed to him infront of my ex-boyfriend. Oh wait. I DID confess to Kwangmin in front of my ex-boyfriend. Speaking of ex-boyfriends......

"~~~~ -ah?" I held up my head and saw Youngmin infron of me. When did he get here?
"You have a minute?" Youngmin asked. What does he want?
"Sure. Shoot!" I said telling him to get tot he point on whatever he wants to talk about.

"you brother's been.....not....well ever since that day...." Youngmin explained, scratching the back of his head.
"what do you want me to do?" I asked him with a cold expression.

"Uh...try to listen to what he has to say?"
"Did you forgive him?"
He nodded and you sighed and got up.
"Araso. I'll talk to him. If he's not reasonable, then your in trouble." I threatened him.

I walked towards the Jo's humble home. I wonder what I should do? Forgive him? hmm... Once I reached their front house, I knocked hesitantly. I made a soft knock so I guess nobody heard it. I knocked louder and heard heavy footsteps going down the stairs. After a few seconds, someone opened the door. Oh no....not him.

"Annyeo- Oh! Noona~" Minwoo sang and ran to me for a hug but I dodged him. He almost fell down the porch steps. Once he regained his balance, he faced me and glared.
"Noona,why'd you do that?" Minwoo pouted.
"It's...awkward. I mean. We just met once." I looked down the grass and rubbed I arm.
"Araso~ What made you come here anyways noona?" Minwoo smiled.
"Is Kwangmin home?"
"Ah Kwangmin hyung? He's been sleeping all day. I wonder what's up with him. youngmin hyung won't even tell me what's going on." Minwoo explained scratching his head in confusion.
"Can I see him?" Minwoo nodded and lead me to their room.

When I went inside their home, I suddenly missed this place. I remembered everything from when I stayed here when I was ing dog. I still don't get how Jae hyun did that. is he a magician or something? I remembered him saying that he's some kind of wizard. Tch. More like a witch. Anyway, after a few steps, we made it in front of their bedroom.

"Noona, you go alone. I don't wanna go inside." Minwoo said.
"Waeyo?" I tiltedmy head in confusion.
"That room...feels...weird these past 3 days." I saw Minwoo shivered and left.

Hmm. What does he mean by weird? I shook my head and turned the dorrknob to open the door slightly. I peeked through and saw Kwangmin covered with a blanket with his back facing me.

"Kwangmin-ah?" I called him with a soft voice. He didn't budge. I guess he didn't hear me. I stepped inside the room and closed the door silently. I tiptoed to Kwangmin and climbed the double'decker bed. 

"Kwangmin-ah." i called him again but this time I poked his back.
"mmmm" Kwangmin mumbled and turned. He is now facing me.
"Kwangmin-ah. Wake up~" I sang as I poke his cheek. He tried to slap my hand but ended up slapping his face. But he still didn't wak up. Man this kid is one heay sleeper. I poked his cheek one last time but this time he didn't slap it. He bit it. He ing bit it. He ing bit my finger.

"Aaaaaaaaaah!!!" I screamed because of the pain. I jumped down the ladder and held my hand in the air...still screaming the pain out. I was running al over the rum that I didn't notice Kwangmin sitting up. I stopped and glared at him.
"Oh? ~~~~ -ah? What are you doing here? *gasp* Are you here to slap me again?" Kwangmin gasped and grabbed a pillow in front of him to protect him.
"Neo!" You stomped your way back tot he ladder, still holding your throbbing finger.
Kwangmin hid himself with the pillow more.
"At first Iwasn;t gonna but after what you did to me just now...."
"Mwo? What did I do?"
"You don't know?" Kwangmin shook his head.
"You really don't know?" I raised an eyebrow. Kwangmin shook his head again.
"you see this?" I held your finger in front of him to let him examine it.
"Omo~ ~~~~ -ah. What happened? You're finger's really red."
"Tch. You ing bit it you finger biiting jerk." I hissed.
"I did that? Mianhae. I caused you so much trouble." Kwangmin bowed.

I sighed. "Araso. I know you didn;t mean it." Kwangmin smiled and I smiled back.
"Oh. Why are you here in the first place? Aren't you mad?" Kwangmin questioned. I coughed three times and ignored the pain on my finger. God Kwangmin, you're such a rat.
"I'm here to talk to you about that." I stepped down the ladder once again and sat on the empty bed below. I felt Kwangmin hung his neck to talk to me properly. There was a long silence in the room until I decided to speak up.
"Why'd you do it?"
"I wanted you to be happy."
"Am I happy now?
"Ani." Kwangmin answered softly but enogh for me to hear. "Why aren't you happy? I thought you loved my twin." He continued.
"I was dating you right? Of course I loved you more than him. Actually, not at first. To be honest, I only thought that you'll just helpme forget about youngmin but I was wrong. I ended up falling for you." I confessed......I DID WHAT?! WHAT DID I SAY?!
"~~~~ -ah" I guess I also surprised Kwangmin.
"Tch. What am I saying. It sounds like me confessing to my ex. Oh wait. I AM." I stood up and faced him with my hands on my hips. I saw him smile and I rolled my eyes.
"Kaja. Let's go down. Begupa~" I grabbed Kwangmin's arm and pulled him down. It's a surprise that he didn't fall. THAT would be so funny.
Kwangmin opened the door and we went down the stairs.
"So you forgive me?" Kwangmin asked.
"I was never mad."
"MWO?! Then why'd you slap me?!" Kwangmin yelled wide eyed.
" create a scene?" I looked at his face to see his expression. His face looks like the forever-alone meme. I laughed so hard and he pouted like a big baby. Omo~ This is so funny. He really did look like the forever alone meme. I sighed and stopped laughing I saw Youngmin and Minwoo sitting on the dining table eating breakfast.

"Noona~ Let's eat!" Minwoo cheered and Youngmin smiled at us.
"Kaja~" Kwangmin grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the kitchen.
We sat on our chair. Me sitting beside Kwangmin and youngmin and Minwoo sat across us. It's like we created a family breakfast with me and Kwangmin as the parents and Youngmin and Minwoo as our children. Eew. Imagine me and Kwangmin gave birth to two idiots. I chuckled at this thought. We have enough idiots in this world.

"Umma~ Pass me the bacon." Minwoo whined.
"Umma?!" I laughed. I did pass him the bacon but...I was too lazy to give it to him so I threw it and it landed on his head. Me, Youngmin and Kwangmin laughed our asses off until gas went out.
"Kwangmin-ah. That stinks!" youngmin teased.
"YAH! That wasn't me!" Kwangmin yelled. This time me and Minwoo were laughing our asses off. Oh my. My stomach hurts so muuuuch. I wish this day would never end.


HI READERS! Thank you so much for not unsubscribing and understanding my situation.
I'm really sorry I just updated now.
And I'm truly sorry if this chapter bores you or whatsoever.

Heartstrings ended yesterday. Aww :(


sakura_ryuu: hahaha at first you were cheering for him but now you're calling him an idiot. (well he is one) XD

clangmin: Well, I'll update once or twice a day don't worry ;) Won't be long.

YamaTen_andromeda: Thank you for reading :) Enjoy^^ I hope I won't disappoint you or whatsoever. :)

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kwangminshypika #1
Laughing so hard on chapter 3 x'D
cute ^w^
maxxichu #3
cute (^-^)
sweet story
awwww that was prettty cutee! but i kinda thought her days as a dog would last awhile. who would've thought that it ended to fast. xD
lov4ever #6
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
Waaaa. HAPPY EVER AFTER ♥ Love this. Ppyong! =))
great story....i love the ending...KWANGGIE team won.....
wahahahahahahaha and i ended up laughing like youngmin and ~~~~~ on the first chapters.. i'll continue reading it.. :DDD kkk~ I'll comment again soon C: