Taemin's 1st Flashback 2nd part

My Girlfriend is a Puppy.


"Noona....She-she's....Sulli-ah....Sulli-ah. She's...gone. She....left me noona, Sulli......" He can't even finish his own sentence and just continue on with his crying. You went inside your room so that your parents won't know what's going on. You lead him to your bed to sit and just stayed there for a while waiting for him to calm down. After an hour, he stopped and continued on with the results.

"The doctor said that the tumor spread on her brain fast. Noona....what should I do now?" He asked you looking at you with watery eyes.
".....Taeminnie, you just have to be strong. you can't cry every time. Would Sulli like that?"
He shook his head.
"There we go~ You can cry just for now, but when the sun comes, I want you to smile. Sulli-ah fell in love with you because of your smile. I should now that. If you're not my dongsaeng I would date you for your smile." I said jokingly.
He chuckled a little.
"Show Sulli your smile. araso? She'll be watching over you." you smiled at him expecting him to smile a little. It was successful. He smiled and nodded at you.

"Ne~ Komawo Noona..." He said with gloomy eyes.
"What for?"
"For staying with me during my hard times. I can;t imagine my life without you." He gave you a big hug.
"Araso, go to your room and take some rest okay?"
"Ne~" He bowed as he left your room.

Taemin laid down on his bed and rested his arm on his forehead.
"Sulli-ah, I hope you're happy there. Please don't forget me. Saranghae~" He whispered to himself and closed his eyes. A tear suddenly fell from his eye and he quickly drifted to sleep.

"Taeminnie, I won't ever forget you. You're really special to me. I'm sorry for leaving you here. I'm realy thankful to your sister. She's right. You should smile tomorrow, I want to see that smile again, araso?" A voice said. Sulli's soul appeared in Taemin's room and wiped the tear on Taemin's cheek. She kissed his forehead. "Saranghae.....Oppa."

Taemin smiled and slept well.
He woke up the next morning with swollen eyes.
He missed breakfast and went straight to school.

"You should smile tomorrow, I want to see that smile again, araso?" the voice played in Taemin's head repeatedly. Upon remembering this, he smiled.
"AAAH~ Such a beautiful morning" He said to himself trying to cheer himself up.

When he got to school, his smile disappeared. In the front gate, he saw a banner that read "LEE TAEMIN, YOU KILLED THE SWEET AND INNOCENT SULLI." and on the front door, he saw a poster saying "DON'T EVER GO IN HERE. YOU MIGHT KILL US ALL"

He looked behind him and saw people whispering about him.
"Look, Key-sshi, it's the murderer better stay away from him."
"Murderer? I never did such a thing!" He thought to himself.

A tear fell from his eye and Krystal, the school's queenka, approached him.
"YAH! What did you do to the sweet and innocent Sulli. The other week, you guys were together then the next day she never came back and now you guys tell us SHE'S DEAD?!" She shouted.
"I did no such thing....Sulli..she...." Taemin got cut off when Krystal pushed him down.
"Don't ever come to this school again, ARASO?!"

Taemin ran and hid in the alley nearby.
"Gwenchana Taemin-ah. you can't tell Sulli's secret. You just have to take the blame for now...." He lowered his head between his knees and hugged his legs and sobbed.


"...and that's why I never came back to school and asked my umma I want to attend home schooling instead." Taemin explained.
"Taemin-ah, you should have told me the truth." You said (but remember, you're a puppy so whining sounds just came out XD)
"I lied to noona, because I was embarrassed. After I promised that I would smile again, I cried instead...*sigh* Mianhae noona." Taemin sighed.
"It's okay taeminnie" You his hand and he patted your hand and gave you a fake smile.


"Ne?" Their umma opened the door to see who it was.
"Annyeong haseyo, eomonni, is ~~~~ home?" A voice asked from outside.

Taemin picked you up and ran downstairs to see who the visitor was.
"OH? ex-boyfriend hyung!" "Youngminnie?!" You and Taemin said at the same time.
"Annyeong Dongsaeng. Long time no see~" Youngmin waved.


Last update for today.
Saaad, we have an assignment in Calculus.
but I finished it LOL.

But we have CSAT tomorrow. (something like college preparation test)
I'm gonna study a bit JUST A BIT.

See you guys tomorrow.
Oh and, I added taemin's profile in the description hihihi.
And just wanted to inform you guys that all of the upcoming chapters will be NO ONE'S POV so I won't be putting ~~~~'S POV or YOUNGMIN'S POV or something like that.

Kinda hard to explain XD HIHI

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kwangminshypika #1
Laughing so hard on chapter 3 x'D
cute ^w^
maxxichu #3
cute (^-^)
sweet story
awwww that was prettty cutee! but i kinda thought her days as a dog would last awhile. who would've thought that it ended to fast. xD
lov4ever #6
(•̪┌┐•̪) ♥
Waaaa. HAPPY EVER AFTER ♥ Love this. Ppyong! =))
great story....i love the ending...KWANGGIE team won.....
wahahahahahahaha and i ended up laughing like youngmin and ~~~~~ on the first chapters.. i'll continue reading it.. :DDD kkk~ I'll comment again soon C: