Getting ready

A Werewolf Boy
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Early in the morning the happy, fresh in love wolf got ready for school. Today was different than the other mornings he had, because he would finally see his love again. It wasn’t even 6 hours ago since he had visited Mihyun last night, but he already missed her. I can’t wait to see her again, a big grinned brightened his face as he looked in the mirror. He had pepped his uniform a bit and changed it more ‘cooler’. His hair was styled up like always, making him looking irresistible. And he was wearing a grey beanie, since it had gotten colder these days. Even though he had always a hot body temperature and a good Immune system, he caught colds easily. One last check in the mirror again and then he left the house. He was even earlier than usual today, because he was excited.

As he arrived at the gate, already girls were surrounding that handsome boy. Some of them didn’t even go to that school. That had gotten regularly and it was getting naughty.

‘good morning oppa! Did you have a good day start? You look so happy today.’ a girl smiled as she bracketed at his arm. Immediately the huge scent of perfume hit his nose and he disliked the terrible scent. She batted her false lashes as she flirted with him. It was Park Nicole, he knew her, one of the Queenkas here at his school. Super pretty, super cool and super fake.

Luhan felt uncomfortable and awkward with such a close skin ship with strangers. ‘uh, yeah…’ he quickly mumbled as he released his arm as fast as possible and escaped the group of girls after him. With quick steps he went direction school garden. He heard Nicole’s voice calling after him and he prayed that they wouldn’t follow him. As he arrived at the garden, he dared to look back and to his relief, they weren’t following him. A relived sigh escaped his mouth as he hung his head low and shook it slightly. That’s so annoying…he thought. If this was Mihyun, it would be definitely better, he smirked at the Imagination of her doing all this things instead of all the strange girls. Suddenly his ears caught the voice of Chen and immediately his eyes searched for his friends. They are here! That means that Miyhun is also here! The thought of Mihyun made his heart skipped a beat and he felt happiness. As he spotted them, far away from him, he ran over to them, overloaded with excitement and happiness.

‘good *breath* moring’ Luhan greeted them with a huge grin as he tried to catch his breath. His hand was placed over his fast heart beat and he tried to calm down.

Exo were surprised at Luhan’s good mood as they shot him a weird look. Lay went over to him with a blank face as he patted his back carefully. ‘wow, dude. Did you just run a marathon?’ Lay joked, still blank. Luhan laughed and shook his head as he faced Exo. And only Exo. Mihyun is still not here? He felt a huge disappointment.

‘someone is in a good mood here’ Kai smiled at his friend and put an arm around him. However, Luhans’ face changed to the total opposite. It got disappointed, sad and worried. Luhan’s smile and good mood disappeared as he didn’t see that person he hoped to see. Where is she? Maybe she is still sick? What if my healing powers weren’t enough yesterday? Is she okay? Worried minds filled his head as he left a disappointed sigh. He blew air in his cheeks and furrowed his eyebrows.

Exo exchanged clueless glances at each other of Luhan’s strange behavior today. ‘Luhan?’ D.O called him ‘umm…are you okay?’ he asked calmly. ‘huh? What?’ Luhan looked in the confused eyes of his friends and quickly faked a smile. Why are they staring at me like this? Am I strange? Luhan kept his fake smile as he tried to think for a lie.

‘umm, yeah. I, umm…just, I think I don’t feel very well today’ Luhan lied as he touched his not-sick forehead.  ‘why? Did something happen?’ suho asked curious as he tended his upper body a little to get closer to Luhan.

Chanyeol, without hesitation, pressed his palm against Luhan’s forehead and his other palm against his own to check if he was sick. Not even one second passed, as Luhan slightly slapped his hand quickly away, earning more confused gazes from Exo. But Luhan didn’t let them know that he was nervous, so he kept his fake smile.

But it was too late. Chanyeol didn’t really need one second anyway, a half would be also enough to check if he was sick. And he wasn’t.

‘you ‘re not hot. So you’re lucky. No cold’ Chanyeol smiled. I’m trapped. There it goes…Luhan thought tiredly.

‘yeah, because I have….headache’ Luhan whispered the last word as he nervously bit his lower lip.

Their faces stayed blank and they didn’t know what to say expect a ‘oh’ and buying his lie. Gosh, that was close, Luhan let out a small sigh secretly.

‘but you’re still going right?’ Chanyeol asked Luhan. Where? He wondered. His questioned face let Chanyeol’s mouth dropped.

‘don’t tell me you forgot!’ He spoke outraged from that fact, that someone had forgotten such an ‘important’ thing.

He searched in their faces for some tips, what Chanyeol possible could mean. Chen made some gestures that should represent a celebration and Tao joined him. It was like pantomime. ‘ummm…Happy Birthday?’ Luhan guessed as he frowned.

Chen slapped his face as he shook his head and the others started to laugh at the funny guessing.

Chanyeol’s eyes widened in horror and he grabbed Luhan’s collar slightly. He acted like Luhan had killed someone.

‘HOW.CAN.YOU.FORGET.THE.HALLOWEENPARTY??!’ there was more then outraged in his voice. There was furious. Baekhyun and Suho pushed the mad Chanyeol away from Luhan and Suho hit his head playfully. ‘Chanyeol, calm down’ Suho told him.

‘YA! YOU!’ Chanyeol glared at Luhan as he pointed a finger at him accusing. Luhan wasn’t angry that he had grabbed him by the collar and yelled at him, in fact, he was amused, because he knew Chanyeol was just joking around. Like always….

‘YA! Get your head right!’ Baekhyun shook Chanyeol widely as he yelled at him

Suho gave him a did-you-go-insane look as he shook his head. ‘but he-‘

‘what’s up?’ suddenly an angelic voice interfered and Luhan’s head immediately turned to her. Mihyun. She’s here. Oh my god, she is here! And she is healthy! THANK GOD MY POWER HAS SUCCESFUL! Luhan had a really big urge to hug her, but he couldn’t. It would be weird and confusing.

Luhan was about to go to her, but Kai had released his arm around Luhan, passed him and hurried to her. ‘Mihyun! Hey’ he greeted her as he put his hand at her shoulder. Luhans’ jaws dropped lightly and his heart felt heavy. He knew the relationship between Kai and Mihyun. And to be honest, he didn’t care at all at the start, but now, it was completely different. He hated it. He hated it, how Kai could be touchy with her whenever he wanted to, while Luhan couldn’t, because it would be just weird. Since Kai knew her longer, of course he could touch her. He hated it how close they were. And he couldn’t believe that he was right now, Jealous.

‘ya, are you okay?’ Lay touched Luhan’s shoulder and got him back to reality. Luhan turned his head to Lay and nodded with a fake smile.

‘oh, yes. Why?’ his voice asked nervous. Did he notice that I am staring at them? Luhan worried.

‘because you were glaring there’ Lay pointed at Mihyun and Kai, who happily chatted, but he didn’t point at them. He poin

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Chapter 23: Holy Hotdogs!! Gikwang don't you dare try and kill Mihyun or else IMMA CUT YOU!!! Nah..I can't I love you too much, maybe a slap will do. *^_^*
Hurro_ashley_here #2
Chapter 30: Omg please update I wanna know wut happens next! The story is sooo good! Fighting author-nim
loveUso #3
Chapter 29: yay!! u finally updated i was waiting for the continuation of this story i hope u will update soon. also keep up good work ><
loveUso #4
Chapter 28: i enjoy reading this story, its awesome
Chapter 28: It's like wolf drama !! love it.. update soon
Chapter 27: a werewolves boy. Huhu update soon
Chapter 24: ah seriously..fei was such a poor luhannie and minhyun >.<
Chapter 23: I not really understand but I really enjoy this story...keep it cool...
I love this story, update soon !! ^^
Chapter 21: OMG!!(So LuHan saved her!! :) But Kai though..,) he friggin' confessed!! What if Kai was watching them from afar? O.O!!!! It would totally break his heart.. D; I love it, though!! Update soon! *winks*
Chapter 20: OMG!!! Kai saved her!!(? Or LuHan did? Where was he!??!?!???!?!!!!!?!??!?!?!!) OMG, Kai, such a romantic man.. He loves mihyun soooooo much!! Seriously!! Where is LuHan!!?!?!?? OMG what will happen next? What will happen next? OO