
A Werewolf Boy
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFnXQgAyr34 - Seo in Guk ~ Tease me     'w-wh-at?' she asked a bit shaky as she gave him an odd look. Did she just hear him right? His voice was deep and husky, sending Mihyun shiver down her whole body. What is he meaning? I won’t let go of you. These words replayed in her head as their eyes met and Mihyun could swear they got darker than before. She remembered clearly that they have been lightly brown, just like reindeers eyes. How?she watched his eyes closer, like they were an interesting movie to her. Luhan noticed it, so he quickly pulled away from her and let go of her wrist. He turned quickly around, so that she was watching his back. . Did she notice my eyes colors? Aish, why am I so careless today?! He ruffled his hair in frustration and let out a heavy sigh, before he turned back to face her again.  ‘ya!’ he said harsh to her, get her back to reality. Mihyun rapidly blinked at him as she lightly shook her head. A slight blush flashed her cheeks. Oh my, he had seen how I watched him! How awkward! Her eyes widened in shock as she locked eyes with him again. Then she noticed his eye colors got back to the usual color. Reindeer eye colors. T-t-hat! Is it because of the lights? She wondered ‘tsk’ luhan turned his head to side and crossed his arms. He was annoyed. Great, now she saw my eyes getting back to usual color….he turned his head back and glared at her. ‘YOU’ he spoke a bit louder than usual ‘huh?’ Mihyun glanced to him innocently and Luhan had to swallow before he could go on with talking. She looked so innocent and angel-like right now. ‘are you avoiding me?’ he asked as he frowned  ‘I do, what?’ her eyes widened as she got closer. Avoiding him? I do not! ‘ignoring’ he answered her slowly ‘I-I do n-ot!’ she defended herself a little shaky ‘oh? Why are you running away then, when I’m talking to you?huh?’ he asked a little harsh as he crossed his arms. She had ignored him third times of the day. Once, in the first class, when he asked for a pen, once in biology as he asked for the permission for that seat and once just a few minutes ago. When he had asked if she was okay, after he had rescued her from Tiffany. There was just a feeling inside him, telling him just to help her if she was in need. But why? Why do I always help a human girl, whom anyway ignore me and is rude to me? I haven’t even heard one nice word from here to be honest, even when I had help her so much today, he wondered ‘yeah…I didn’t even hear a ‘thank you’ for saving your so many times!’ he noted as he tapped his chin, before he raised an eyebrow at her and gave her a skeptical look. But Mihyun kept quiet. She avoided eye contact and was deep in her thoughts. He’s right. He had saved me twice today, but brought me also in trouble…so? What is he expecting? A thank you?.... What the hell am I doing here at all? I should be at my place now, so if he excuses me…  Mihyun was about to turn around and walked inside, but Luhan quickly grabbed her arm again and pulled her back to him. Her eyes widened in shock as he lowered his head to be in the same level as she. She swallowed as she looked in his dark eyes with a hint of red?  ‘I didn’t hear an answer.’ He glared at her as he tightened his grip. She gulped again as she shook her head. Her heart skipped a beat. ‘It hurts, please, let go…’ she begged him as she locked eyes with him.  ‘no.’ he careless said holding her tighter She winced at the pain in her arm as she looked at him with bleeding eyes, but Luhan won’t let go of her arm. But still, he softened a bit, only because he knew he was hurting her.  ‘listen’ she tried to sound calm as she took a deep breath ‘I have never told you to rescue me’ she directly said and it felt like someone had just shot in Luhan’s chest. WHAT?!?! SHE’S NOT SERIOUS! SHE CAN’T BE SERIOUS!! I’M SAVING HER AND SHE IS SAYING THAT?! ....really, if I could, I would yell at her right now! He exploded right now inside, but outside he was looking usual. ‘what?!’ he gave her a look and a his eyes were about to appear in full red, but he was calm enough to stop himself. ‘I mean, I didn’t ask you for…what do you expect? Because of you, I have detention, which I’m still mad at you, you know? We are quit.’ And just like that she shook her arm easily free, her heels and went inside the classroom, leaving the furious Luhan standing there.      The last lesson was still on and it was art. Mihyuns favorite subject. Luckily art was the only subject where everyone had single seats, meant no partners. Glad for Mihyun, because she would have to sit next to Luhan again. They haven’t talked to each other, not even glance at each other, since earlier. They are both upset. Luhan, because he still didn’t get his ‘thanks’ and Mihyun because she had detention after school… ‘so class, since it is fall season, I want everyone to go outside and draw the landscape. Take a notebook and pencils. Please stay at the school ground and don’t leave it, or else, trouble. Okay time will be the whole lesson. Good luck’ mrs. Han wished and slowly everyone stood up and left the room. One after one.  ‘woah! Great idea!’ ‘yeah, lesson outside is always the best!’  ‘mrs. Han is so cool’  The class chattered around as they were outside, walking around the school ground. Most of the students were at the school garden, just like Mihyun. She too, loved lessons outside.  A tree in the school garden had been always getting her attention and she always wanted to draw it. Now she had the chance. It was a cherry blossom tree. A really beautiful one. Mihyun sat at the grass and leaned against a rock. Her concentration was all by the tree, that she didn’t even note exo coming to her.  ‘Mihyun, here you are. We were looking for you!’ Baekhyun snapped at her as he took a seat next to her. ‘oh, sorry. I thought you guys were at the sea’ she told honestly, not looking away from her drawing. ‘it’s okay’ Baekhyun grinned widely, but pouted as she didn’t give him attention. ‘are you drawing that tree?’ chanyeol asked as he leaned over her and peeked at her picture.  But before he could get a clear look at her picture, she quickly closed the notebook. She hated it when someone were watching her drawing pictures. It made her uneasy and nervous. 'YA!' she lightly hit chanyeols head with the notebook playfully 'oww! That hurts!' he pouted as he rubbed his head, made her chuckle 'Great done! High five!' Tao stretched his hand out and Mihyun high five him. Chanyeol shot him a glare and let out an annoyed sigh. 'sorry Chanyeol, but you know how much i hate this...' Mihyun mumbled as she turned back to him and gave him a quick, small smile, making Chanyeol immediately forgiving her. There she noticed Luhan standing there and watching her peacefully, but as soon as she looked at him, he quickly looked away. Suddenly she felt bad for him. She felt miserable. He just wanted to help me. I should show my manners to him. I owe him something. MIhyun thought as she watched him with pity eyes. Why is she starring at me like that? Is she thinking about to going to apologize later? She better is or i'm gonna- 'Guys, look who there is.' chen cut luhans mind off before he could think to the en
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Chapter 23: Holy Hotdogs!! Gikwang don't you dare try and kill Mihyun or else IMMA CUT YOU!!! Nah..I can't I love you too much, maybe a slap will do. *^_^*
Hurro_ashley_here #2
Chapter 30: Omg please update I wanna know wut happens next! The story is sooo good! Fighting author-nim
loveUso #3
Chapter 29: yay!! u finally updated i was waiting for the continuation of this story i hope u will update soon. also keep up good work ><
loveUso #4
Chapter 28: i enjoy reading this story, its awesome
Chapter 28: It's like wolf drama !! love it.. update soon
Chapter 27: a werewolves boy. Huhu update soon
Chapter 24: ah seriously..fei was such a ..now minhyun..aigo poor luhannie and minhyun >.<
Chapter 23: I not really understand but I really enjoy this story...keep it cool...
I love this story, update soon !! ^^
Chapter 21: OMG!!(So LuHan saved her!! :) But Kai though..,) he friggin' confessed!! What if Kai was watching them from afar? O.O!!!! It would totally break his heart.. D; I love it, though!! Update soon! *winks*
Chapter 20: OMG!!! Kai saved her!!(? Or LuHan did? Where was he!??!?!???!?!!!!!?!??!?!?!!) OMG, Kai, such a romantic man.. He loves mihyun soooooo much!! Seriously!! Where is LuHan!!?!?!?? OMG what will happen next? What will happen next? OO