Two different Worlds

A Werewolf Boy
Please Subscribe to read the full chapter - Exo K~Heart Attack     'That needs to be more colorful...' Mihyun mumbled as she painted the trees with the green pen. 'there, done' she smiled saitisfied as she holds the picture up. Pride can be seen on her face, as she stares at her creation of the forest.  'it looks nice' Mihyun praised herself. Suddenly her phone rung. She puts the picture down and looked for her phone in her bag. As she got it, she saw who the ID-Caller was. It was Jinnie, one of her maids. Why is she calling? She thought and answered it. A weird feeling grew inside her. 'hello?' 'Heiress, excuse me that i'm disturbing, but you have to hurry home. Your parents could be at home any moment!' Jinnie said nervously. 'what? I'm on my way' she hung up and quickly packed everything togther in her bag. Then Mihyun started running through the forest. I have to hurry, my parents would be mad at me again, if they know that i'm not at home. And with that in mind, she accelerated.     'YA! GET HIM BEFORE HE ESCAPED!' he yelled at his crew, furiously. They immediatly started to chase after him. But he was fast. Too fast. They hunted after him in an abandoned building. He turned to the left, to the right, jumped down and up, in the hope, they would lose him, but he was wrong. His eyes transformed into a dangerous red. He fastened his speed twice and just ran without looking back.      Mihyun hadn't noticed that it got already dark. She hoped that mom and dad weren't at home yet. As she arrived at the familiar street, relief washed over her. But still, she wasn't at home yet, so she kept running. And then Mihyun finally arrived in front of the biggest mansion in this street. But her hope faded as she spotted mom and dads' car. She frowned. Great. With shaking hands and a deep breath she knocked at the door. Immediatly the door was open by Jinnie. 'Heiress, you're home!' Jinnie gladfully said. 'Yes and I guess so are my parents?' her voice was trembling of fear Jinnie gave her a sad look and she took another deep breath, before she stepped inside.   'DO YOU KNOW HOW LATE IT IS?! WHY CAN'T YOU BE FOR ONCE AND BE A GOOD CHILD?! HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TELL YOU. YOU.ARE.NOT.ALLOWED.TO.GO.ANYWHERE.' Dad yelled angrilly at Mihyun 'i'm sorry' she quietly said, that it was more like a whisper. Tears built in her eyes, but she bit her lips and swallowed it down. 'Next time, think about your actions, before you do it.' Mom coldly warned her. 'Now go to your room and stay at home until you have school again. Until then, you are not allow to go anywhere. Did you hear me? Otherwise, you will see the consequence.' Dad told her harshly. She swallowed hard again and nooded, thinly noticeable.  'what? I can't hear you!' he yelled at Mihyun again and went closer to her face 'USE YOUR MOUTH CHOI MIHYUN!' mom angrily hissed at her and was close to slapping her again, but held back. 'y-ye-s. I'm s-s-orry' she bowed and was close to crying. Not now, she thought and hold her tears back. 'go to your room now. I don't want to face you now.' dad commanded her and turned his back to her. Mom crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. Mihyun bowed again and left the living room.  Wait a little more, she thought and as she arrived in her room, she closed the door and let herself fall on her bed. Mihyun buried her head into one of the pillows. Now, she lets her tears out, falling as harshly as her parents voice.

'WHERE DID HE GO?!?' one of them yelled with frustration, as they had lost his track. 'i don't know...i think maybe that way' one of them pointed to the left.  , he thought. Did he spot me? His heart was beating faster and he held his breath and didn't dare to move. Not even a little. He was hiding behind the wall, just a few meters away from the chasers. But as he heard their steps becoming faint and no voice could be witnessed, he slowly dared to move. He wasn't reliefed at all, yet. Nothing was still safe. Carefully and quietly peeked behind the wall. No one in sight. Good, he thought. Then finally he could breath again. Gosh, this was close. Those damn bastards will never leave me alone, will they? Aish! I'm in big trouble. Frustrated he left his place and started running again. Where? He didn't know. He was just running endlessly, wherever his feet brought him.
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Chapter 23: Holy Hotdogs!! Gikwang don't you dare try and kill Mihyun or else IMMA CUT YOU!!! Nah..I can't I love you too much, maybe a slap will do. *^_^*
Hurro_ashley_here #2
Chapter 30: Omg please update I wanna know wut happens next! The story is sooo good! Fighting author-nim
loveUso #3
Chapter 29: yay!! u finally updated i was waiting for the continuation of this story i hope u will update soon. also keep up good work ><
loveUso #4
Chapter 28: i enjoy reading this story, its awesome
Chapter 28: It's like wolf drama !! love it.. update soon
Chapter 27: a werewolves boy. Huhu update soon
Chapter 24: ah seriously..fei was such a poor luhannie and minhyun >.<
Chapter 23: I not really understand but I really enjoy this story...keep it cool...
I love this story, update soon !! ^^
Chapter 21: OMG!!(So LuHan saved her!! :) But Kai though..,) he friggin' confessed!! What if Kai was watching them from afar? O.O!!!! It would totally break his heart.. D; I love it, though!! Update soon! *winks*
Chapter 20: OMG!!! Kai saved her!!(? Or LuHan did? Where was he!??!?!???!?!!!!!?!??!?!?!!) OMG, Kai, such a romantic man.. He loves mihyun soooooo much!! Seriously!! Where is LuHan!!?!?!?? OMG what will happen next? What will happen next? OO