
A Werewolf Boy
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5DiFqiOGJg  - t-Yoon Mi Rae~ Touch Love 


After the Long deepness, Luhan had removed himself from Mihyun quickly and mumbled a small ‘sorry’ to her, before he was gone like the wind to his usual gym lesson. The others around them had already forgotten it, after gym. But not Mihyun. She was still a bit taken back from the scene earlier. He had rescued her. And that was amazed her. He was in a nanosecond by her and it was that fast, she couldn’t even realize the moment.

You are really one of the good kinds. Thank you,Luhan,… Mihyun smiled as she changed back into her school uniform. 

Luhan had to clean up all the balls, after gym, because he was ‘disturbing’ the girls’ class. He was actually not allowed to go there, but if it wasn’t him, Mihyun would be at the infirmary right now. Exo was also still taken back, because they couldn’t explain how Luhan could be that fast by Mihyun. They were at least two fields far from them and Luhan had just been there in one or two seconds. But as they saw that he was just protecting her from that ball, their thoughts about him faded. Mihyun was in danger and Luhan had helped her.



Loud chattering, laughter and sounds of clinging cutlery were to hear. It was Lunchtime. One of Exos’ most favorite times. Hungrily and impatient they stood at the long line and waited for their turn. Mihyun was of course with them.  She noticed that Luhan was missing, but kept quiet. He will anyways appear, sooner or later, she thought.

‘todays meal is….ramyun!’ chanyeol read the menu, excited about the lunch today

‘what? Ramyun? Oh no…not again!’ Chen sighed

‘didn’t we just have this yesterday?’ sehun frowned

‘what is wrong about it? I like it’ lay said

‘you like nearly everything!’ tao pointed out

‘no I don’t!’ lay defended himself

‘boys quit it!’ suho quickly stopped them

‘pabos’ kai whispered to mihyun, caused her to chuckle


Lunch time included every student of the school, also the other half of exo. Which was actually handy. Mihyun was about to get her tablet but Kai was faster and handed him and her one.

As everyone had their food, they sat at an empty table. They had luck today, actually the canteen was always so full, that some students had to get their seats somewhere else. That included the school garden, library and bleachers also.

‘here, I got you cutlery’ kai smiled and gave it to Mihyun, who thanked him

‘what about us?’ baekhyun asked as he noticed his was missing

‘get it by your own’ kai answered coolly as he turned back and smiled innocently at Mihyun

‘mean dongseang. Pfff…. ah sehunnie! Be nice and get your hyung cutlery. Thanks’ Baekhyun ordered the youngest, as he was about to place his tablet down.

‘oh me too!’ xiumin added as he noticed his was also missing

Sehun pouted and used his ‘aegyo’ to their hyungs. He walked over to Baekhyun and touched his arm.

‘hyung, I don’t want to!’ he playfully hit baekhyun at his shoulder several times

‘oww, oww, okay, okay, okay! You don’t have to! ‘ baekhyun quickly changed his opinion as he watched his dongsaeng in horror

Sehun glared at xiumin who was also quickly nodding. Satisfied he sat at his seat and ate in peace.

‘good’ he mumbled

‘what for a weird boy…Come on hyung, let’s get it by our own’ baekhyun pulled xiumin and they were walking back to the line

‘we are surrounded from fools’ kai joked and mihyun smiled

‘heard that!’ suho glared at kai, who was still watching MIhyun carefully. His head rested at his palms, as he watched Mihyun eating. Kai was a quickly eater, so his cup of ramyun was already empty.

‘hey guys! We have a new student in our class and he is really nice! His name is Luhan and he is Chinese and he-‘ chanyeol excited told his friends as Mihyun suddenly cough.

‘mihyun!’ kai immediately patted her back carefully as he gave her, her water, which she gladly took it. She had just swallowed the spicy part to fast, caused her to cough a little.

‘are you okay now?’ d.o asked as she stopped coughing

She nodded and faked a smile.

‘I’m fine, thanks’ she mumbled

‘don’t eat that anymore. Here’ kai fumbled in his bag to get her something better. Where? Ah there, kai took it and turned back to Mihyun as he placed the apple in her palms

‘eat that. It is good for you’ he smiled

‘no really, it’s okay’ she rejected the apple. I’m okay. I just swallowed, that’s all. Mihyun thought. She was prized their worry, but she hated over worrying.


‘kai’ lay calmly gave him a warning glare

Kai nodded and sighed. They all knew her hate about over worrying, so they stopped it. But Kai just couldn’t help. He was a little different than the others.

But just because of worrying mihyun wasn’t allowed to do nearly anything. Her parents are either too over protecting among her, because of her weak lung or just acted like that. They had forbidden her so much, like sport, going outside and other important things.

Every single day she wished to be normal or hoped that her sickness will someday, somehow magical disappear. But we all knew Life wasn’t a desired concert, same like she knew.



There done. Now I can eat. Luhan clapped his palm. Quickly he changed back into his uniform and left the gym as fast as possible. The last one who arrived and the last one who could leave. What for a victim I am…. Luhan unhappily hurried over to school. The gym teacher also ordered him to clean the boys cabin bathroom, and hell, was it dirty! What for a devil! Luhan always repeated in his mind as he cleaned up.  Exactly a half hour had passed, as he was done.  His stomach was already shouting for food.

I think its lunch time now, so they must be in there, luhan thought as he watched through the wind

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Chapter 23: Holy Hotdogs!! Gikwang don't you dare try and kill Mihyun or else IMMA CUT YOU!!! Nah..I can't I love you too much, maybe a slap will do. *^_^*
Hurro_ashley_here #2
Chapter 30: Omg please update I wanna know wut happens next! The story is sooo good! Fighting author-nim
loveUso #3
Chapter 29: yay!! u finally updated i was waiting for the continuation of this story i hope u will update soon. also keep up good work ><
loveUso #4
Chapter 28: i enjoy reading this story, its awesome
Chapter 28: It's like wolf drama !! love it.. update soon
Chapter 27: a werewolves boy. Huhu update soon
Chapter 24: ah seriously..fei was such a ..now minhyun..aigo poor luhannie and minhyun >.<
Chapter 23: I not really understand but I really enjoy this story...keep it cool...
I love this story, update soon !! ^^
Chapter 21: OMG!!(So LuHan saved her!! :) But Kai though..,) he friggin' confessed!! What if Kai was watching them from afar? O.O!!!! It would totally break his heart.. D; I love it, though!! Update soon! *winks*
Chapter 20: OMG!!! Kai saved her!!(? Or LuHan did? Where was he!??!?!???!?!!!!!?!??!?!?!!) OMG, Kai, such a romantic man.. He loves mihyun soooooo much!! Seriously!! Where is LuHan!!?!?!?? OMG what will happen next? What will happen next? OO