
A Werewolf Boy
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Late in the evening the lonely boy woke up. His eyes looked around his room and he needed a while before he realized that he was in his new home.

‘What time is it?’ he mumbled as he ruffled his hair sleepy

It was 8pm. The boy yawned and stretched. That was a good nap. No breaking glasses, no stupid human girls. He thought and yawned again. Then his stomach growled, again. Why am I just so hungry today? He asked himself

‘time for dinner.’ The boy went the stairs down and it made a terrible squeaky sound, that he hated it.

‘why is the floor so squeaky?! My poor ears…’ he went over to the fridge and opened it quickly.

Another loud, annoying growl was heard from him. Annoyed he ruffled his hair. REALLY?! THERE’S NOTHING, EXPECT CELERY?!? IS HE ING KIDDING ME?! The boy angrily shut the fridge and it made a loud thump. In the hope there would be a drawer, full with food, he opened every single closet.

‘nothing.’ *thump*

‘here’s also nothing.’ *thump*

After checking the whole empty kitchen, he grabbed the celery, tear it aggressively apart and was about to threw it in the bin, but stopped at his tracks. If I throw it away, I would have to starve…he thought. What time is it? The boys eyes searched for a clock and it showed 8.15pm. Well still early, I think I can still get something from any random restaurants. Carelessly he dropped that celery, grabbed his jacket, put on his shoes and left the house. My stupid brother should have at least left some foods in that old, house for me. That bastard.

The fresh air welcomed him as soon as he stepped out. Dark clouds were filling the sky, which he liked. He opened the gate and it also squeaked awfully. What did that son of just get me?! That house may be older than me! It’s not like we don’t have money, we have money. Aish, stupid boy. The furiously boy nagged his brother in his mind as he walked the dark streets down.

The house may was bright outside, but inside, it was dark as hell. Some light bulbs were there and here, but they didn’t even really work. And it was dusty, but not dirty. It was old-fashioned inside and nearly everything was made out of wood and black. That house reminded him at that house he used to live in 1930 in Paris.

Even though it was already late, many people were still outside. Most of them were students, who were on their way to celebrating or going home. Since he was really hungry, he went just to the next best random local, which was right to his left.

It wasn’t that noble, but he didn’t care. The hungry boy scanned the menu and his tummy told him to just order everything, that local had. But his brain didn’t want to embarrass him, so he just ordered a meal, which was for seven people supposed. The waiter gave him a weird look but just accepted it.

Minutes passed by and the young man got impatient. If his stomach didn’t get something to eat in the next moment, he would destroy that damn local, he was waiting for a very long time.

He shook that mind off and just watched the people, who passed the local. Sometimes I can be really too spirited…he sighed. Other hand, he liked it, but then he disliked himself also for being such a monster sometimes.

A group of laughing boys were passing him. The boy hadn’t noticed them, yet.

‘ya! Byung-hee! What are you doing?’ one of them asked their leader. The leader had stopped and went closer to that boy. Byung-hee blinked a few times at the handsome boy, who was sitting alone and as he finally noticed that he was observed, he looked at the stranger confused.

‘what.’ The boy coldly asked him and he flinched at the coldness in his voice

‘are you gay?’ Byung-hee asked him innocently as he rapidly blinked at him with his big eyes. It was like it was a usual question, you ask people, whenever you see them.

‘WHAT?!’ the boy hit the table with his palms, so that it made a very loud thump and every peoples’ attention were on them now. Byung-hee flinched scared and backed slowly away. Wrong start, he thought.

Is he stupid or does he wants to die?! The boy thought unbelievable. No one had ever dared to insult or ask him such a stupid question until now. The boy prized the courage of him, but he should know that he had to pay hard for such a courage. Very hard. But Byung-hee was just asking him, if he was gay, because he was. Byung-hee was gay and was affected by his beauty. But maybe he should have started different.

Aggressively he packed that Byung-hee at his collar and gave him one of his scary glares. Byung-hees’ eyes were showing fear and regret for asking that boy such a question but he didn’t mean it as an insult. It was mean different.

‘i-i-I’m s-s-o-rr-y-y, i-i-I w-as-s-s j—jus-t…AHHHHHH!’ the boy let out a girlish scream and immediately his friends hurried over to them, even though they were also scared as hell.

The boy glared at his friends as he saw them coming and immediately they stepped one move back. His friends were pushing around until one of them was pushed to the front. He looked fearful in those scary boys’ eyes and started to tremble. The boy noticed his fear and smirked in amusement.

‘l-l-o-ok, we ar-re s-s-orr-y-y o-ka-y-y?’ his voice was terrible shaking

‘is your friend drunk or what? Get him on his right way.’ And with those words, he carelessly pushed the boy to the ground and he hurt his as hell.

His friends quickly helped him up and together they ran as soon as possible away from that scary boy. He smirked evilly as he sat down again. Tsk, tsk…that human is stupid for sure. He should watch his words, otherwise he would get in more trouble in the future. The boy shook his head and seconds later his food finally arrived.

‘h-her-e’ the waiter stuttered, still affected what had happen before. The boy liked it.

‘en-j-oy. And c-c-al-l m-e if you nee-d somet-h-n-nin-g’ the waiter quickly bowed and left.

Humans can be really fearfully if they want, he thought.

Eagerly he reached for his food and ate it heart full.


Home again…he sighed as he opened the old wooden door into his gloomy home. Good thing he had sharp eyes, nose and ears, so he could survive in that dusky home. It’s goofy to be always alone, he thought as he walked the unsafe steps up. I need someone in my life…the boy hung his head low. His old pack appeared immediately in his mind, but he shook it off.

Sadly he went to his bathroom and got ready for bed.

Tomorrow I have school, maybe I can win there some new friends, he thought and just that mind made his mood better. His behavior among random people may are not the best, but if it was something about friendship, he was a master in that. They just have to give him a chance and be patient with him. Quickly he stole a last glare at the picture of him and his brother at his night table and drifted then to a peaceful sleep.

Exactly at 7am he woke up. No alarm clock, no person, nothing had woken him. It was himself. He had lived alone so often, that he knew himself the best. He has cared for himself alone all these years. So he didn’t need anyone and never did need anyone. If he was in danger he would always manage it to get out somehow. He was a loner.

Since he was too lazy to get his uniform or his books yesterday he would needed, he just went with his usual clothes and his backpack. Today’s outfit was a grey sweatshirt, some pair of his black jeans, many necklaces around his neck, some metal rings, his black chucks, his long, dark coat and at least his dark sun glasses. Quickly fixing his hair with some gel and then he was done.

He ate his cereals peaceful as he was reading one of his favorite books. Yes, he had a book. Reading belonged to one of his favorite hobbies. It may sound weird for someone like him, he knew. Many people were also shocked.

As he was deepening in his book, he forgot the time once again. It was 7.55am. Oh , I’m going to be late! He thought as he hurried over to the door. Hasty he hung his bag over his shoulder and went to school, like an innocent boy. Since he didn’t get any books, his bag was light as a feather. There were only his lunch, key, phone and his book.

A good ten minute walk was necessary to be at school from his house. He had inquired the city yesterday after he has eaten. He has been also shopping groceries! So now his fridge and cabinet was full with snacks, junk foods and meat. He loved meat.

On his way he noticed that many girls had been whispering and squealing at him, but his perfect ears have been of course heard that all.

‘waah! He’s so cute!’

‘I wonder if he goes to our school’

‘he looks so mystery and hot!’

‘he reminds me of that boy in that new band! But he’s way hotter than them!’

‘where is he going?’

‘Should we follow him?’


And more crazy things were talking and gossiped about the new mystery boy.

He went through the school gate and different as by him, it didn’t squeak.

‘Room 13, room 13’ he mumbled as he tried to figure out where it was positioned.

He was 5min. late on his first school day, but to be honest, who cares? He smirked.

‘excuse me.’ Fake coughs were heard behind him. The boy coolly turned around and was surprised by a little, skinny, neatly man. He wore round glasses and his nose was the most standing-out, because it was long and sharp. His eyes were small and he looked strict. Funny man, maybe in his late fourteens, he thought.

‘yes?’ he politely asked

‘are you that new student from China?’ he raised an eyebrow and seemed to be annoyed.

‘yes.’ He answered

‘I’m mr. lee and you’re late. That’s making you look bad at your first day already.’ His highly voice spoke seriously, but the boy just wanted to laugh at him hardly. What for a loser, he smirked.

‘I’m sorry’ he said calmly and bowed politely. He was trying not to lose his temper, not here, he thought and stayed calm. In his whole Life he had never to apologize, but this one was not meaning serious, so it didn’t count.

‘Whatever.’ The man suddenly noticed something and eyed his whole body and raised an eyebrow.

‘where’s your uniform, may I ask?’ he said strictly

‘umm,…I didn’t have time. But I will get it today’ he lied

‘I hope so. And get your sunglasses off. They are not allowed here.’ Then the teacher turned around and made quick steps to his new classroom. The boy followed him bored, still with his sunglasses on and just watched his surrounding in curious. The most corridors were empty, since the class had already started. And if there were some students, the teacher would hush them to their lessons. Not huge, not very modern, but it has something magical, he thought. A weird feeling suddenly grew inside him and his stomach was getting hotter. What’s that? He wondered. Ah, it will go away sooner or later anyways, he guessed as he ignored that feeling that was excitement.

The man suddenly stopped in front of a door.

‘your new class is here and wait for me outside, until I call you. Understand?’ the man asked

He nodded and gave him an ok-sign.

‘good and take your sunglasses finally off! Didn’t I say it before? It’s not even shining much today…’ the man mumbled as he stepped inside the room

The boy just shrugged and didn’t take his glasses off. Bad luck for you, he chuckled.

As he heard him calling him inside he opened the door. It opened slowly and squeaked a little, when it usually didn’t.

He made one step inside and suddenly a new scent hit his face that made his body getting hotter. His heart started to beat faster out of blue. What’s that? And what’s that beautiful scent?

Another step, the scent got stronger. That scent must be from that room, he thought. A few more steps and he finally stood completely in that room. He was standing in front of the class. Many different people were sitting in that class with different scent, but just one person had immediately caught his eyes and nose. The first person he saw, since he was here. That scent belongs to her, he thought and considered her a little. She had pitch black hair, a small, cute nose, full lips, long lashes, milky skin and her big, chocolate eyes were really beautiful. But her eyes weren’t watching him, like everyone did. And he guessed, her minds were also somewhere.

‘may you start introducing yourself now? And take your glasses off! Aigoo, that boy...’ the man annoyed said but he ignored the last command.

‘Annyeongseyo, I’m Luhan. Please take care of me.’ Luhan simply said and bowed lightly, with his eyes still glued at her. She’s beautiful, his mind replayed over and over.



Luhan. The name echoed in her mind. Mihyun looked up and met an unknown face. She eyed the boy closer and his hair was the first thing she noticed. He had platinum blond hair, which was styled highly up. His skin was fair, flawless and beautiful shining against the sun. The boy didn’t wear his uniform, like he should. Instead he was wearing simple clothes and she had never seen someone was fitting so well in such simple clothes. If only his eyes weren’t cover from his sunglasses, she could have seen what eye color he had. Probably brown, she guessed.

‘luhan’ the girls dreamily repeated. Mihyun looked around her and noticed that every girl was immediately over heels into that Luhan. Some were even drooling. Eww, how disgusting, she thought. But she must agree to them, he was really good-looking. Maybe he was even the handsomest boy she had ever seen, but it was just a boy. And she wasn’t interest at him at all unlike the other girls.

Mihyun was a cold girl. She was a hard to get type. Her face had always a poker face on, which she was also known as the ice princess sometimes. Ice, because she was cold and princess, because her behavior reminded everyone at one. Mihyun didn’t smile often nor showed many feelings. Why should she even? There weren’t any reasons in her Life to be happy for, expect her friends. When she was with her friends, she showed most of all her emotions. Happiness and Sadness. They have known that girl since 5th grade and even though it wasn’t a long time, they had known her the best, from head to toe. She was their little princess.

Mr. Lee, the teacher noticed the strange behavior of all the girls, so he gave them a weird glare and shook his head.

‘Behavior, girls.’ He warned them, caused some boys to chuckle. One of them was Chanyeol for example. He was always laughing so much, making Mihyun sometimes confused.

‘go and take a seat luhan. And take your sun glasses off for heaven’s sake! My last warning or detention. Your choice.’ Mr. Lee crossed his arm as he watched Luhan making his way.

‘here! Sit here!’

‘no, sit here!’

‘Luhan! Come to me!’

All the girls squealed making Mihyun headache. She hated it when girls were using their pitchy voice. The boys were getting jealous and glared at their new classmate.

Luhan ignored them all and had already chosen where he wanted to sit. Without asking for permission, he just plopped at the only empty seat here,next to her. All girls’ eyes widened and their jaws dropped. Also Mihyuns’ eyes widened as she faced the angelic face of the boy next to her. He took off his sunglasses and his innocent, reindeer-reminding brown eyes were shining bright. Their eyes met and they had their first eye-contact. Well actually their second. Earlier they had also one, but Mihyun didn’t know, because of his glasses. Her heart skipped a beat. What’s that with my heart? She wondered. Am I sick?

‘you don’t mind do you?’ he asked and smirked his killer smirk. She needed awhile before she realized that he had just spoken to her. Mihyun was too lost in his eyes that she didn’t hear.

Mihyun was about to answered it but he was faster.

‘no? good.’ He answered his own question, smirked again and looked away. What kind of boy is he? He is so….weird? she thought as she looked out the window again.



The whole lesson, Mihyun couldn’t concentrate, even if she wanted to. Not even thinking could she, like she always did! And that was all because of Luhan. She didn’t know, but she felt nervous around him. They had exchanged some little glances there and here, but it was enough to made Mihyuns heart going crazy. She had count the seconds how long her heartbeat was beating that fast and it was acting like that the whole lesson! When he looked at her, it speeded up twice. I should take my medicine after that lesson, she nodded. Luhan had watched her secretly and smiled at her cuteness. She is for sure one of these weird-kind girls, he smiled.

‘so class, please take notes and learn good for the exam tomorrow. We’re done. Good-bye’ Mr. lee adopted his class and left.

Mihuyn pouted as she had to write an exam again. Sure, she would anyways get her A again, but exams are exams. And everyone disliked them.

‘Could you borrow me a pen, please?’ Mihyun suddenly felt a hot breath tickling her ear and a very low voice. Out of blue she started to blush heavenly. Her heartb

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Chapter 23: Holy Hotdogs!! Gikwang don't you dare try and kill Mihyun or else IMMA CUT YOU!!! Nah..I can't I love you too much, maybe a slap will do. *^_^*
Hurro_ashley_here #2
Chapter 30: Omg please update I wanna know wut happens next! The story is sooo good! Fighting author-nim
loveUso #3
Chapter 29: yay!! u finally updated i was waiting for the continuation of this story i hope u will update soon. also keep up good work ><
loveUso #4
Chapter 28: i enjoy reading this story, its awesome
Chapter 28: It's like wolf drama !! love it.. update soon
Chapter 27: a werewolves boy. Huhu update soon
Chapter 24: ah seriously..fei was such a poor luhannie and minhyun >.<
Chapter 23: I not really understand but I really enjoy this story...keep it cool...
I love this story, update soon !! ^^
Chapter 21: OMG!!(So LuHan saved her!! :) But Kai though..,) he friggin' confessed!! What if Kai was watching them from afar? O.O!!!! It would totally break his heart.. D; I love it, though!! Update soon! *winks*
Chapter 20: OMG!!! Kai saved her!!(? Or LuHan did? Where was he!??!?!???!?!!!!!?!??!?!?!!) OMG, Kai, such a romantic man.. He loves mihyun soooooo much!! Seriously!! Where is LuHan!!?!?!?? OMG what will happen next? What will happen next? OO