Talk To You

My Electric Heart

You melt like chocolate candy

"TAEMIN!" I called, at this point my blood boiling in anger and my head still throbbing in pain.

Jonghyun broke free of my grasp and grabbed my arm. "Calm down." he said, turning me around and putting his hands on my shoulders.  He looked at me carefully and said, "Take a deep breath. It's no use to try and talk things through when you're worked up."

I shook him away. "I don't care!" I said, tears filling my eyes. "I'm tired of being lied to." I sobbed. "I'm tired of it.....can't I just know the truth....." I lowered my head.

"You need to calm down first. Let's go get some fresh air." Jonghyun said, concern in his voice. He put his arm around me and started walking me to the door.

I shook my head. "No, where's Taemin." I searched around with my eyes, seeing him nowhere in the living room or hallway. "TAEMIN!" Onew, from the kitchen, came running in.

"What's wrong?" He asked, eyes wide.

"WHERE is Taemin." I repeated.

"He just went out....something about business he needed to take care of or something, he didn't really make it clear where he was going...." Onew said. "What's wrong though?"

"I need to calm her down, why don't you let me take care of it" Jonghyun whispered to Onew. Onew nodded and shrugged, leaving us alone again.

"Let's go outside for a little bit, and let you calm down, eh?" Jonghyun pulled me close, my sobs being buried in his shirt. "Don't you think that's a good idea?"

I stopped crying and sighed. He was right, I didn't want to make things worse, and plus Taemin wasn't even here. I nodded in his chest, and lifted my face away from him. It felt good to be comforted. Even thought Jonghyun had lied to me about Hee Young's age, and who knows what else, something made it impossible for me to be truly angry with him.

Maybe it was because he had been by my side this whole time in Korea.

"Let's go." Jjong said. We walked outside and sat down on the pavement against the building. Jonghyun sighed, rubbing his hand with his neck. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down.

"I'm sorry."

I turned my head, opening one eye to look to Jonghyun. "What?" I asked.

He said it again, "I'm sorry."


He sighed, lowering his head in his hands. "I lied to you." I waited for him continue, and eventually he did. "I didn't tell you Hee Young was Taemin's noona because I wanted to protect you. I told you because......" he stopped, clearing his throat. "I told you because I wanted you to feel like you didn't have a chance."

What? I was now overly confused. "But you said...."

"I know, I know....I said I thought you'd feel like you couldn't beat her if you knew she was younger than him. That was a lie. I knew that if you thought she was'd feel jealous and threatened. I'm sorry."

I tried to understand this. "So.....but.....but why? I mean why did you want me to feel like I didn't have a chance?" It didn't make sense. I looked at him, and he seemed completely sorry.

He moved closer to me and grabbed my hands, looking deep into my eyes and his lips. "Because, I...I love you."

My heart stopped, skipped a beat, and started again beating loud and fast in my head. I swallowed, my mind running like crazy. I tried to say something but didn't know what to say, so I just sat there awkwardly waiting for him to explain.

"I don't know why. But from the moment I saw you...I just...I haven't been able to keep you off my mind. And Taemin always speaks so highly of you, you're just so...." he stopped, breathed out, and then continued, "You're so perfect. I wanted to help you when you met Hee Young because...I just wanted you to be happy. But at the same time, I wanted you to feel like you needed me. It's shameful, I know. I'm so sorry."

My heart couldn't take it anymore. I didn't know what to think or feel. I began to feel overwhelmed, and, as I was already dehydrated enough, my head started spinning and my vision became blurry, almost reminiscent of last night. Not to mention, the hot sun above was not only blinding my eyes, but burning my skin.

"I-" I stared, "I um...I...." I held my head in pain and closed my eyes, groaning.

"Are you okay?" His voice was filled with worry.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine..." I suddenly felt faint and I started to fall sideways. Jonghyun caught me with his hands and he asked, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Mhm..." I said, covering my blinded eyes with my hand.

"Here, let's go inside. Maybe fresh air wasn't the best idea." Jonghyun said, helping me up. I stood up and looked straight, faced with seeing Taemin, who had been walking toward us. He stopped walking and looked to me, to Jonghyun, and back to me.

"What's going on?" Taemin said.

A/N lol im sorry guys for the cliffhanger
OTL i had to :)
ill update asap ^-^
i hope its not confusing; <3

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Chapter 29: What a sweet sequel :)
Chapter 29: What a sweet sequel :)
shineegirl18 #3
Chapter 30: Please part 3 haha XD their married life lol! But i wanted to. Thank you author-nim i just read the first one and now this, i just finished them in one day. Really great story. I love the way, taemin protect his GIRL and it's me haha XD
Chapter 29: OMG AUTHOR-NIM THIS IS SUCH A GREAT STORY<3 I love it, you know~ At the first of the chapter, I thought I'm gonna read Tae-OC-Jjong fict. I thought it's a triangle love story. tbh I don't really like to read a triangle love story between SHINee members and OC/you bcs I don't like any other member getting hurt at the endT_T but at chapter 8 (if I'm not mistaken) I really thought you will make Jjong ends up with Hee Young. So I thought about that and I continued to read again. but then, I realized that Jjong likes her. So I thought he will hurt at the end. BUT I'M VERY HAPPY YOU KNOW, YOU MADE HIM ENDS UP WITH HEE YOUNG<3 I JUST LOVE IT, AUTHOR-NIM~~
Hohoho sorry for the long comment and sorry for ma bad english hehee:D
Anyway happy new year 2014, author-nim<3
Chapter 20: Hahahahaa I'm at chapter Get Down and the same song just started playing on my playlist xD
Pfff just randomly posting lame stuff here so sorry xD

But since I am already writing a comment I'd just like to say I read the last fic and it was amazing and it is very interesting also to read~~
kpoppys #6
Chapter 29: SUCH A GREAT STORY!!!!!!!! really good writing too !
You really knew how to write wonderful stories.. Keep it up.. 2 thumbs up for your Taemin stories :)
victorykorea10 #8
YAYYY JUST FINISHED CHAPTER 24 AND I REALLY LOVE WHERE ITS GOING!!!!! sorry didnt mean to leave so many messages lol....
victorykorea10 #9
Oh my gosh I'm only at chapter 23 but i really hope she chooses Taemin!!!!!