
My Electric Heart

swing, my lady

Taemin caught me, his strong hands firmly gripping my shoulders, and he said, "Let me get her out of here." 

Everyone moved out of the table to allow us to leave, and I felt Taemin guiding me away, toward the exit. "Ya, how did you not know that was alcohol." he said, obviously annoyed. He grabbed my arm and put it around his neck, and I regained some balance.

I said nothing, but felt my energy suddenly die down, and I became tired. My head was pounding. "Ya, be hurts..." I said.

"Wait!" We heard. Taemin turned his head and Jonghyun ran to us. "Let me take her back."

Taemin cringed. "Why you?" he asked, holding on to my waist tightly.

Jonghyun ran his hands through his hair nervously. "Just let me-"

"What did you tell her anyway? What? That Hee Young is my noona?" He laughed as if this was an absurd idea and continued, "Why would you tell her that?"

With the little consciousness I still had, I overhead the conversation and listened in curiously. What did Taemin mean?

Jonghyun eyed me. "She's just confused. Look, the drink is getting to her. She doesn't--"

"Confused? How? Because you lied to her and told her Hee Young is a noona? Of course she'd be confused if you told her that!" I widened my eyes. She wasn't his noona? I thought, trying to hear more. "And what did she say, something about Hee Young comi--"

"Let's just focus on getting her home okay?" Jonghyun said. Why did they have to keep interrupting eachother? "Taemin, she's drunk. She doesn't know what she's talking about. Why would I lie?" Jonghyun gave a sweet smile and grabbed my hand, pulling me away from Taemin. "Let me just take her home now."

Taemin ran his hands across his hair stressfully and shook his head. "No. Hyung, I don't trust you with her." he said, grabbing my other arm and ing me into his chest. I felt my face against his body and his arms wrapped around me as if to protect me. "Just go back and enjoy yourself, hyung."

I heard Jonghyun grumble something but I wasn't able to make out what the exact words were. He left, marching away angrily, leaving me alone with Taemin.

"Come on, let's get out of here." Taemin said, sighing and walking me outside. He called a taxi and helped me in, shutting the door behind us. He instructed the driver where to go, then said, "And quickly please."

The car started and we were headed home, and Taemin sighed in relief. I had fallen over and my head was rested on his shoulder, and he leaned forward slightly to look at me. He smiled weakly, whispering, "Let's just get you home."

I moaned, my head aching, and I felt my impared balance take over as I fell straight onto Taemin's lap. I looked up at him, and he frowned nervously, my hair. "You don't drink often huh?" He said, shaking his head. "You got drunk all too quickly."

I nodded, closing my eyes slowly...

I woke up on the couch with no memory of the night before.

Sitting up, I reached for my head as I felt a huge headache. "Aigo, why does my head hurt so much" I complained, looking around. I was alone, and the lights were on, all too bright. I squinted. "Why am I out here anyway"

Taemin promptly walked in with some tea on a platter and sat down next to me, reaching his hand out to give me a glass of tea. "Here. Drink this." he said bluntly.

I obeyed him, taking the glass and sipping it. "What am I doing out here?"

"You don't remember? Geez, how did you get so drunk?" He laughed, retreating his hand and using it to rub his eyebrows.

A flashback of the restaraunt ran through my mind and I remembered drinking the wrong drink. "Oh....I drank alcohol..." I said innocently, setting down the cup and biting my lip. "Did I do anything crazy?"

Taemin sighed and turned toward me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Let's just say, you said some things that you might regret." He stood up, patting my head and saying, "Drink up. You'll feel better in a little bit."

I nodded and took some more drinks, looking away to do so. When I looked back, Taemin was gone.

What happened last night? Bits and peices came back to me and I finally remembered the full incident. I gasped, realizing what I had done, and remembering the conversation between Jonghyun and Taemin. In the middle of this realization, Jonghyun walked in with a glass in his hands.

"I brought you some tea." He said, smiling at me, then noticing the cup already in my hands, he continued, "Oh. I see you already got some. Well, I'll just have to drink this then."

He sat down next to me and I felt my heart speed up angrily. "Jonghyun."

He smiled kindly. "Yes?"

"Hee Young isn't Taemin's noona, is she?" He bit his lip, his face turning sour. He said nothing for a moment, causing me to ask, "Well?" He sighed, looking down at his cup and sipping it, ignoring me.

Finally he answered. "No."

"Why did you lie?!" I said immediately, angry.

"I'm sorry. I just...I thought you might take it better if you thought she was older. I thought it would give you hope. I didn't mean to upset- I mean....I didn't want you to get hurt even more if you thought you didn't have a chance."

What? He thought I didn't have a chance? "With Taemin?" I asked. He nodded. " lied, telling me she was a that I would think that by some miracle, Taemin would realize she's too old for him and come running back to me? Why? Why do you care?"

He continued to say nothing, and I shook my head. This was all too confusing. "No. I'm tired of not knowing the truth." I couldn't take it any longer.

I grabbed Jonghyun's hand and pulled him out of the room. "Come on. I don't care how much it hurts me. We're going to find Taemin and figure this out, once and for all."

A/N phewww this chapter was hard to write ><
hope you enjoy
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Chapter 29: What a sweet sequel :)
Chapter 29: What a sweet sequel :)
shineegirl18 #3
Chapter 30: Please part 3 haha XD their married life lol! But i wanted to. Thank you author-nim i just read the first one and now this, i just finished them in one day. Really great story. I love the way, taemin protect his GIRL and it's me haha XD
Chapter 29: OMG AUTHOR-NIM THIS IS SUCH A GREAT STORY<3 I love it, you know~ At the first of the chapter, I thought I'm gonna read Tae-OC-Jjong fict. I thought it's a triangle love story. tbh I don't really like to read a triangle love story between SHINee members and OC/you bcs I don't like any other member getting hurt at the endT_T but at chapter 8 (if I'm not mistaken) I really thought you will make Jjong ends up with Hee Young. So I thought about that and I continued to read again. but then, I realized that Jjong likes her. So I thought he will hurt at the end. BUT I'M VERY HAPPY YOU KNOW, YOU MADE HIM ENDS UP WITH HEE YOUNG<3 I JUST LOVE IT, AUTHOR-NIM~~
Hohoho sorry for the long comment and sorry for ma bad english hehee:D
Anyway happy new year 2014, author-nim<3
Chapter 20: Hahahahaa I'm at chapter Get Down and the same song just started playing on my playlist xD
Pfff just randomly posting lame stuff here so sorry xD

But since I am already writing a comment I'd just like to say I read the last fic and it was amazing and it is very interesting also to read~~
kpoppys #6
Chapter 29: SUCH A GREAT STORY!!!!!!!! really good writing too !
You really knew how to write wonderful stories.. Keep it up.. 2 thumbs up for your Taemin stories :)
victorykorea10 #8
YAYYY JUST FINISHED CHAPTER 24 AND I REALLY LOVE WHERE ITS GOING!!!!! sorry didnt mean to leave so many messages lol....
victorykorea10 #9
Oh my gosh I'm only at chapter 23 but i really hope she chooses Taemin!!!!!