Why am i worried?

How did i fall for you?


Jaehyo's and Minhyuk's conversation.

They were both walking in awkward 
silence because of what had just
happened earlier.

"minhyuk-ah, dont you think you are
 abit harsh to ______ earlier ?" 
Jaehyo broke the silence.

Minhyuk didnt answer instead he
just continued walking and pretending
to be playing with his phone.

"yah! minhyuk-ah! 
Are you listening to me?" 
Jaehyo nudged Minhyuk's arm.

"nae.. Can we talk about something
else that doesnt concern her?
 It just pisses me off!" 

Minhyuk looked at Jaehyo 
straight in the eye.

Jaehyo kept quiet. 
*why does he seems to hate 
her so much? She isnt all that bad*
 Jaehyo thought to himself.

Back in your room.

You couldnt believe that Minhyuk 
will actually say like that to you.

*am i really that dumb?* 
you sat near your bedroom's window.

Then you realised that maybe you 
should called your best friend, Sooyoung.

"sooyoungie! i'm freaking 
pissed right now!" you ranted on the phone.

"CALM DOWN! breathe in and out~
 okay tell me what happened?" 

so you told her everything that 
happened about Minhyuk and 
you situation.

"______ah, HOW COULD DO THAT? 
okayokay, i think maybe he just got a bit agitated. 
Yes i know,he is kinda arrogant in 
school but HE IS LIKE MY IDOL MAN!
okayokay, maybe you should just apologize.
or both of you should to each other." 

"really sooyoungie!?"you scoffed.

"okay maybe you are right.thank you ,
Good night sooyoungie" 
you put down your phone.

*yeah, i should probably just apologize 
because i was kinda rude to him as a junior.*
and then you went to sleep.

The next day,

"_____-ah, is your friends coming
again today?" your mom asked.

"yes.They are." you groaned 
and quickly finished your cereal.

It was 11. Then there was a knock 
on your door, you got up from 
your seat and went for the door.

"who is it?" you shouted while 
running towards the door.

You opened the door and saw that 
Jaehyo was standing alone at
your doorway without Minhyuk.

*So i guess he didnt wish to come 
today after all.* 
you sighed as you are 
unable to apologize to him.

"annyeong _____-ah, i'm sorry 
Minhyuk is unable to come
today because.." 
you could see that Jaehyo is lying. 
"because he is feeling rather unwell" 
Jaehyo scratched his head.

"its okay then. Come on in" 
you ushered him in.

Then both of you headed 
towards your room. 
Because you told him that it is big enough
and much more peaceful there.

"so.. What are you going to teach
 me today Jaehyo sunbae?"
 you looked up to him.

He sat infront of you and 
placed unfamilar books on top 
of your table. "this."

You face turns blank. 
"seriously? I know none of them."

"well. Now you will." 
Jaehyo tapped your head
 with the back of a pencil.

You nodded your head then you 
cant help yourself by wondering
 why didnt Minhyuk came today?

*Yah, ______-ah 
why are you so worried about him?* 
you hit your head. 

But cant stand it much 
longer you had to ask.

"erm.. Jaehyo op-" 
you stopped yourself just in time
before the word oppa comes out.
" jaehyo sunbae..
is Minhyuk sunbae mad at me?"

Jaehyo let out a tiny smirk
when he realised that you wanted 
to say oppa before changing it to sunbae.

"ani.. Why will he be mad?
I guess yesterday he wasnt 
just in the mood. Maybe he was feeling 
tired because of his band practice. why?" 
jaehyo looked at you with a worried llook.

You never ever yelled at anyone 
before like you did to Minhyuk so you 
felt guilty for doing so but a part of you said
 it was right of you to do that 
because what he did was wrong.

"ah nothing, just thinking about yesterday.." 
You held your face in between your 
hands and stared at numbers Jaehyo
is writing.

"Dont worry too much about it okay?, 
i'll talk to him , let me give you my number 
just in case, if you need anything."
he passed to you the little piece of paper.

You jerked because this is the 
first guy to give you his number.

"thank you Jaehyo sunbae" 
you bowed your head and 
slipped it in your pocket.

"let's start and dont worry" 
Jaehyo smiled and you nodded your head


*maybe me and Jaehyo sunbae might really be good friends* you smiled to yourself but your mind still thinking

about Minhyuk.


ooo someone is worried for minhyuk it seems :O

i'm done with the another chapter today ^^

i'm sorry if you think this chapter is boring but i will make sure i'll do even better 

on the other chapter! (:

but thank you so much for reading ^____^ 

*bows* hehehe.

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Glad you like it^-^ hehehe.
New reader here!!!!! I'm on chapter 14 and I'm loving this story!!!!
Look at the poster, its cnblue minhyuk ^^ Hehehehe <3
starjokes85 #4
i just read till chp 4- kinda confuse, the minhyuk is frm block b or cnblue?
Dang! Do a sequel!! I'll read it!;) hmm write abt jaehyo and ____ later life;) like kids?;) will LOVE it!^^ rated!;)
minew328 #8
xoRynoa #9
Awhh! It ended so fast ;( I'm hoping for a sequal? Hehe, loved this FF veryy much<3