This Cant Be Happening

How did i fall for you?


"______-ah, i may i have a word 
with you?" your teacher 
called you from the door.

You shot up from your seat and went 
towards your teacher wondering 
what does she wants from you.

"yes Ms L-" you were just about to ask 
Ms Lee when you noticed that 
Jaehyo was still there standing
beside your teacher.

Your heart started beating 
like a speeding bullet.

"Jaehyo here will be your maths
teacher from now on.
 I'm sure you will work well with him 
but i'm still finding someone for your
science but that can wait" 
you teacher looked at you 
and went inside the classroom.

You can barely breathe. 
*what the freak is going on right now?*
you cursed in your thoughts.

You looked at Jaehyo and realised 
he still had that same smile 
he gave you when you entered his class.

"well... Kamsammida sunbae" 
you bowed towards Jaehyo.

"i guess i meet you later after school
 _____-ah" and then he went off.

You looked at him walk away and quickly 
rushed back in to class to catch your 
breath and slowed your racing heartbeat.

*now how am i going to face him since 
he is going to be my tutor?* you thought.

Lessons ended soon after and then 
you found Jaehyo and MINHYUK?!?! 

*why is he there waiting for me too?* 
you were furious.

"_____-ah!" Jaehyo waved at you.

Minhyuk gave you that same creepy stare 
as though you did something wrong.
In fact, it looks like he look at
you as though you are disgusting.

"Jaehyo sunbaeee..." you bowed towards him. 
You didnt even greet Minhyuk instead you gave 
him the exact glare.

"Why must my life be so unlucky?!?! You told
me that the girl that  we'll be tutoring is
very pretty but what the hell is this?" pointing 
at you up and down.

you gave him the

"Yah! Minhyuk-ah be nice!" he slapped 
his shoulder. "i'm so sorry _____-ah 
thats just minhyuk being mean" 
Jaehyo apologized to you on Minhyuk's behalf.

You just nodded your head and smile but inside 
you wished you could crack his skull
and throw it far far away from here.

"okay, i'm pretty busy right now and minhyuk too 
because we got dance training after this 
so how bout we meet each other tomorrow? 
Since there is no school? At your house? 
If that is okay with you?" Jaehyo said.

"oh....ohka, sure. 
Goodbye Jaehyo sunbae and --"
you couldnt even let his name out of your mouth 
so you gave jaehyo your address and 
you just walk away from them.

The next day.

"what am i going to wear? Oh, i forgot they are 
coming here. So what is the need to wear so nice?" 
you grabbed along oversize t-shirt and tights.

You bun up your hair and put on your big specs 
and wonder how much longer are you going to wear this . 
Its fake , theres no lense but you prefer to wear it 
because you dont want to expose to much of yourself.

"______! your friends are here!" 
your mom shouted from downstairs.

"coming mom!" you took a good look at yourself
 in the mirror, took your books and
 headed downstairs.

As you reached the living room , you saw them
already sitting down. You felt quite awkward 
because you never seen them wearing 
normal clothes before. 
Jaehyo was wearing 3/4 pants
with a black and white long sleeve 

while Minhyuk was wearing 
skinnys with a polo shirt.

"annyeonghasaeyo sunbaes" you had to call 
minhyuk sunbae because you're mom is there
or else she will think you're being rude.

Jaehyo and Minhyuk both stood up and greeted 
you the same way.
"i'll be going to the supermarket for a while 
so you guyscan just study out here" 
your mom said.

"nae..." both minhyuk and jaehyo
said at the same time.

"well _____-ah let's begin shall we?" 
Jaehyo looked at you.

You nodded your head and sat across them. 
You placed your books on the table.
Then you started to look down.
You cant believe
they are really tutoring you.

"YAH! how are we going to tutor you if 
you keep looking down? Now let's begin!" 
Minhyuk stared at you.

*gosh, he is creepy* you thought.

minhyuk hit the book . 
You stiffen at his sudden tone. 
You cant even retort back.

You much prefer the way Jaehyo taught you
 Maths because he was much calmer and
 less shouting and rantings unlike Minhyuk.

In had been almost 4 hours and all you 
understand in science was just so little
because Minhyuk kept on shouting at you.
But you managed to understand Maths 
even better.

Then you gave up on controling your
anger to Minhyuk " Minhyuk-ah! 
Stop screaming 
for goodness sake?!
I dont even understand a single thing!" 
you looked at him straight in the eye.

Minhyuk's eye grew bigger then "_____-AH! 
Let's make this clear, one, i'm your SENIOR, 
so call me SUNBAE! second,
you are just too slow to learn"
he pointed you and then the book.

*did he just some how just said i'm dumb?*
 you thought to yourself. 
*he is really scaring me*

"i-i-i'm so..sorry... 
I'll call you s-sunbaee 
but i think thats all for now. 
Maybe tomorrow you guys can come back. 
Its been a long day." you stood up .

"FINE, let's go Jaehyo , " 
he grabbed his bag and walked out.

"hey, are you alright?" 
Jaehyo stood up and held your arm.

You simply just nodded 
" goodbye Jaehyo sunbae,
 i'll see you tomorrow" 
you managed a smile.

Jaehyo looked at you and walked out
of the door waving.
You waved back trying to smile.

"Let's go Jaehyo-ah!"
Minhyuk grabbed Jaehyo's hand.

* Minhyuk was too harsh on her* 
Jaehyo thought to himself and
 looked back at your house once 
again before heading off.


oooo is something is going on with Jaehyo , Looks like he cares for ______. 

hehehe ^^ mananged to update another chapter today ^^

hope it was enjoyable! do comment! ^^

thank you thank you for reading ^^ 


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Glad you like it^-^ hehehe.
New reader here!!!!! I'm on chapter 14 and I'm loving this story!!!!
Look at the poster, its cnblue minhyuk ^^ Hehehehe <3
starjokes85 #4
i just read till chp 4- kinda confuse, the minhyuk is frm block b or cnblue?
Dang! Do a sequel!! I'll read it!;) hmm write abt jaehyo and ____ later life;) like kids?;) will LOVE it!^^ rated!;)
minew328 #8
xoRynoa #9
Awhh! It ended so fast ;( I'm hoping for a sequal? Hehe, loved this FF veryy much<3