Chapter 25

What About Us

Sweat run's down my both of my palms. As much as I fuss with rubbing my hands on my jeans to get the sweat off it just creates more. Im clamy handed and completely nervous. He stand's there waiting for me to say what I have to say. I came all the way to his dorm to tell him something, yet when I'm finally face to face with him, I can't do it. Before I got here, I was so determined, so ready to tell him the truth. Just do it Sulli, just get this off your chest already. Chanyeol standed there patiently at the front of his door waiting for my response. "Is everything okay?" He asks once again. "No" I respond. "Everything is not okay and I don't think thing's will be after I tell you this." An confused expression shows on his face. "What do you mean Ssul?" I take a deep breath in and release slowly. "Chanyeol do you have feeling's for me?" I ask before I get myself into anything I might not want to continue on with. His face immediantly reddens and just by that, telling the truth became a much lot harder. "W-why would you think of such a thing?" He stutters as he rubs the back of his neck. "Be honest Chanyeol. Just tell me the truth" He slowly shifts his gaze away from me and nod's a yes. "Amber told you didn't she?" He asks. "She gave me hint's here and there but I was oblivious to it." I answer. "If you don't mind me asking, I'm wondering why this topic is being brought up?" He asks trying to lessen the awkward air. "Well I- I'm" I try saying the words but they don't come out. "Do you have the same feeling's?" He ask trying to figure out my words. I stay quiet. From my silence I can see the sadness that now fills in his eyes. "Chanyeol your always there for me, always nice and kind, always there to go to. I would never want to change that. I would never want to change the amazing bond that we have. I really do treasure our friendship" I state letting out my feeling's. Tears begin to build up in his eyes even though you can tell he's trying really hard to hide it. "It's him isn't it. You like Kai" He states with an upset tone. "How-" "People talk Sulli, I heard the news from around school, I didn't want to believe it but what's happening right now just explains it all" He says cutting me off. "Why did't I hear about this earlier? Why wasn't I told before the whole school found out?" He asks still upset holding in his tears. "I tried to but it just didn't feel like the right timing. I'm not even completely sure how the whole school found out, Kai and I didn't tell anyone at first" I say trying to defend myself. "At first? Wow I really didn't expect something like this to come from you. If you didn't like me then why did you lead me on all the time?" He asks now with more anger. "Lead you on!? If being friendly is leading you on then you must not know what being kind is" I retort. "How could you say that Chanyeol? Your my friend in fact one of the closest one's I have. I would not do anything to jeprodize our friendship"I state. Tears begin to fall down. "Well you just did" He says as he walks inside his dorm and slams the door close.

As I walk back to my dorm I can only think of what horrible thing I have just done. The one thing that I was trying to avoid happening just unveiled itself right infront of my eyes. The feeling of guilt and sadness are filled within me. Our whole argument was my fault. Everything that happened was my fault. I slightly hit myself aside my head trying to knock some sense into it or something. I stop hitting myself when I notice something from across the hall that catches my eye. I saw a person like figure hiding in one of the empty corners of the hallway and then moving away when I take notice. I slowly approach the corner and catch to my surprise a familiar looking person standing there looking down in embarassement. Of course she eventually look's up not wanting to show her true weak side but put up a front as if I didn't see her. "What are you doing?" I ask seriously. "Who are you to question me?" She asks right back. "Krystal cut the crap. Why are you spying on me?" I ask still with a serious tone. Still being stubborn and difficult as always she answers "Your not that important to spy on Sulli. I lost something here and was just looking around to see if I'll find it" She answers irritatedly. "What did you loose?" I ask not fully believing her story. "My earring" She answers covering one of her ears as if she's trying to act like it's not there. She begins to look around aimlessly for the so called earring's. I look around with her and point at a random spot on the ground as if I find them. She look's over there and removes her hand from her ear revealing the so called missing earring. "I have to start heading back. Good luck finding your earring's. By the way, I love how sparkly they are" I say as I walk away. She takes notice of the earring on her ear and only heaves out a sigh in frustration.

When I enter my dorm I see Amber sitting on the couch doing nothing. She must have found out about what happened earlier and is going to cut my head off. "Before I die, May I just say that I didn't intentionally mean for him to get like that" I state. She nods in understanding. "I'm not going to kill you Sulli. In fact, I just wanted to warn you." She answers. "Warn me? Warn me about what?" I ask very confused. "Sulli when I met up with him, he wasn't himself. He's an heartbroken raging kid right now. He doesnt think about his actions and will do whatever feels right at the moment. He's still that smart good guy, but his emotions have tooken over him Sulli.

She walks with a fast pace down the hall trying to hurry to her destination. She knocks on the door multiple of times before he finally answers by opening the door. "What do you want?" He asks with a fully irritated expression. His eyes have dark bags under them and you could tell he's been crying alot. "Well hello to you too" She responds. "What the hell do you want Krystal?" He asks ready to close the door. "Well I was hoping that maybe we could talk about some very important things, privately" She says referring to inside his dorm. He does't move but keeps his gaze still fixated on Krystal. "Or not" She murmmurs. Just as he's about to close the door Krystals puts her foot in and stop's it from closing. "You don't have to be so gloomy all the time" She states. "I know what happened between Sulli and you, I know the feeling of havinf someone you like not return the same feeling's." She adds on. "What are you trying to say Krystal?" He asks not fully grasping her point for being here. "I just have a couple ideas for you to get over this whole depressed stage. You wouldn't want to be known as that kind of guy. Plus, wouldn't you want her to understand what your going through right now, instead of her spending her time with Kai. I my friend have many ideas to help you accomplish such a task." She says with a smirk. He takes a minute before opening the door wider and letting her enter. Once the door close's the new event's that are possible to happen are now open.

*Author's Note*

I am so sorry for not updating in so long. I really hope that you guy's arent to mad becuase some really exciting chapters are about to come. Anticipate and enjoy the story. Boo Bye :D

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Chapter 34: Omgg i have been searching for kailli ff and I'm glad that I found yours! Yours is just too amazing! Hope you'll write more about them. I'm a strong kailli shipper! WOhhoo
nyyxoxo #2
StephanieTran #3
Chapter 34: i just love the ending!
louisa_marie #5
Chapter 34: how sweet!! :))
i love your story :))
foreverjonginjinri #6
Chapter 34: KAILLI is in the air yow! Lol btw thanks for wrote this awesome story, authornim! /bow/ Please make another kailli fanfic as good as this or even more keke^-^

update soon author-nim♡
foreverjonginjinri #8
Chapter 33: HUAAA SOOOO SWEET!!!:') Ahh it's sad to know this story will come to an end soon:(
foreverjonginjinri #9
Chapter 32: Omo I feel like cryin' now because these latest chapter are beautiful I cant;AAA;
zangsia1 #10
Chapter 32: so glad they are together and so sad he is leaving how will Sulli cope?
thanks authornim with the update