Chapter 24

What About Us

"Your all good to go. Have yourself a good day" The nurse say's as she put's away all of the used materials. I bid her a polite goodbye before walking out of the room. Yes, I can finally walk freely without a cast. My leg has finally healed up which mean's I can return to my regular daily activities. I reach the main hallway of the campus and make my down the hall to visit Kai. He doesnt know I had an appointment to get this tooken off so he might be surprised at the exciting new's. At this time the classe's are in session and in only a few more couple of minutes class will end. Focusing on the good news so much makes me unaware of the person who from afar is trying to catch my attention. I feel a light tap on my shoulder and turn around to see that face that I haven't seen in awhile.

"Hi Channie" I greet him in a hug. He has this wide smile plastered on his face. "I see you have your cast off. Congratulation's!" He cheer's for me happily. I thank him. "Wait. Aren't you supposed to be in class right now?" I ask noticing he is the only student out of class right now. "I had a substitue this period. Nothing too important is going on" He stutter's out. I nod in understanding. "So what are your plans since you don't have a cast to hold you back?" He asks excitedly. "Well I first want to tell and show people" I respond. His face instantly lights up signaling an idea has come about. "No" I state before he can say anything. A confused look is written over his face. "No party's Chanyeol. A surpirsed yet sad expression show's on him. "But why?" He mumbles in dissatisfaction. "I want to tell people on my own term's. I don't want a celebration or anything of some sort, I just want to keep thing's normal." I state trying to sink these word's into his head. "I understand." He say's. "But..." "Nope" I say cutting him off. "Seriously Sulli? This could be the coolest party I've ever created. It would be amazing...just like you" He states. I catch onto his last word's. "Sulli I need you to know something" He states a she take's a nervous gulp. The bell ring's signaling that the class has ended. This is also a signal for me to leave. "I-I have to go. I'll see you around Chanyeol" I say as I make my way toward's Kai's dorm. He's left there feeling a bit of hope left. A bit of hope left of having of what he want's.

When I reach the room, I see Kai already waiting there. Still thinking about Chanyeol's words from before has my mind occupied. I had an idea of what he was going to say and I couldn't bear with it. The thought of having to tell him about my relaionship with Kai would hurt him. Kai embraces me in a hug snapping me out of my thought's. "Why didn't you tell me you were getting your cast tooken off. I would have ditched class to go with you" He state's with a grin. "I wouldn't want you to miss your classe's becuase of me. Plus, it's not a big deal really." "A big deal? My girlfriend can now walk properly. That sounds pretty big, don't you think?" He asks. I think back to when he said girlfriend. I am his girlfriend which is news that would hurt Chanyeol. "Are you okay?" He asks noticing my attention fully focused on something else. I nod in assurance. He 's me inside the dorm and prepare's something to drink for us. With this time I take a seat on the sofa and try to get myself calmed down. In order for him to not question my thought's and have to worry I have to keep calm.

Kai come's and sit's down before me and examine's me closely. "What happened Sulli?" He asks with an concerned tone. "Nothing." I deny. "Seriously Sulli. You can't lie to me. I know when something's wrong, so tell me" He responds with the same tone. I stay silent thinking of how to get out of this. With my silence signaling my answer he scoot's closer to me and places my hand in his. "If your not comfortable to talk about it yet, Then I'm not going to push it any farther. I- I just dont want you to loose you Sulli" He states as his attention focuses on our hands. Not only do I feel guilty but now I feel bad for making him think that I don't want to be with him. This feeling just keep's getting worse and worse. "It's not you Kai. It's just something else that I don't really want to discuss as of right now" I  state trying to lighten the mood. He look's back to me and nod's in understanding. I give him a simple kiss on the lips for him to know that I still want this. I still want us. When I break off the kiss he kisse's me instantly back sealing the gap that I had created between us before. It wasn't just some regular kiss it was passionate. "I've been missing you ever since classe's started" He mumbles through the kiss. Slowly he makes me lay on the couch with him on top of me. Not knowing what to do I just focus on the kiss. He slowly traces the kisses down to my neck. Satisfaction is what I am feeling and I bet he is too. My phone ring's disturbing the moment. Of course I take it and on the other line is an Amber. She tells me that she need's me to go grab something for her. I turn back to Kai and realize he's a bit upset about the disturbance too. "I-I-I have to go help Amber with some stuff. I'll call you later" I unkowingly stutter out and head towards the door to leave. When I open the door his hand stop's me from fully opening it. I turn to him and his lip's crash on mines once again. "Good night" He says as he walk's me out the dorm. Still a bit shocked at his action's I say the same and rush my way to find Amber and get the stuff she needed.

"So you two had a make-out session?" She asks as she play's around with some of the clay on the table. Yes, Amber has now tooken another class and this one is art. I nod at her answer. I hand her the towel and bottle of water she asked for. "So was it good. I mean the kiss and everything?" Amber asks with a grin as she wipes her hand and drink's some water out of the bottle. I slowly nod a yes. "Thats great Ssul, you don't look to happy though. What's wrong?" She asks as she messe's with the clay. "Well I actually had something to ask you but I don't want you to take it a wrong way or anything." I mention before I ask. She nods. "Does Chanyeol have feeling's for me?" Her finger's stop creasing the clay and her attention is tooken by my word's. "Did he confess to you?" Amber ask's. "Not exactly he was about too. Did you know about this before?" I ask confused on how she know's. "I really wish he would have tld you before you and Kai had happened but then again he was just waiting for the right time." She responds. "Look whatever you do, try being nice when you tell him." She says alread avoiding the question I was about to ask her. "I don't know how you will tell him but just don't shatter his heart Ssull. The once sarcastic and smiling Chanyeol will be gone" She states. I take in her word's and try to think of how to respond. "Thankyou Amber" I state.

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Chapter 34: Omgg i have been searching for kailli ff and I'm glad that I found yours! Yours is just too amazing! Hope you'll write more about them. I'm a strong kailli shipper! WOhhoo
nyyxoxo #2
StephanieTran #3
Chapter 34: i just love the ending!
louisa_marie #5
Chapter 34: how sweet!! :))
i love your story :))
foreverjonginjinri #6
Chapter 34: KAILLI is in the air yow! Lol btw thanks for wrote this awesome story, authornim! /bow/ Please make another kailli fanfic as good as this or even more keke^-^

update soon author-nim♡
foreverjonginjinri #8
Chapter 33: HUAAA SOOOO SWEET!!!:') Ahh it's sad to know this story will come to an end soon:(
foreverjonginjinri #9
Chapter 32: Omo I feel like cryin' now because these latest chapter are beautiful I cant;AAA;
zangsia1 #10
Chapter 32: so glad they are together and so sad he is leaving how will Sulli cope?
thanks authornim with the update