To the window, to the fence

The Dating Agency

Kyungsoo fidgeted around in his pants.

Dongwoo eyed him suspiciously.

"What's on your pants?"

"I-I don't know." Kyungsoo stammered.

Dongwoo frowned

"A good stripper always knows what is on his pants. Kai, didn't you teach him this?"

Kai shook his head condescendingly.

"Tsk. This is why he needs help."

Kyungsoo shot him a quick, scathing glare.

Dongwoo swished away, towards the stage. "Sure does. Are you going to come up here?"

Kyungsoo hurried onto stage.

"So how much do you know?"

Kyungsoo looked over at Jongin with widened eyes as a plea for help.

Jongin sprang in.

"Uh, he's here to learn the basics."

Dongwoo smacked the pole.

"Here is the pole. This is your new friend."

Dongwoo reached into his pocket and tossed a small bottle at Kyungsoo.

"Here is some pepper spray. Congrats, that is also your new friend."

Kyungsoo nodded and mentally sighed. 


Minseok guffawed at Sehun's story.

"How the does that happen?"

"Beats me," Sehun shrugged. "But it happened."

"What happened?" Yixing questioned as he looked up from the pile of papers on a desk.

"Some retarded kid at Sehun's school tried to hop a fence." Luhan explained. "He didn't quite make it over and well, he basically ripped his ballsack open."

"." Yixing said emphatically.

Kris winced. "That sounds so painful. My balls hurt when I think about it."

"Wait. So is he able to like, do it still?" Luhan asked hesitantly.

Sehun shrugged again. "They sewed him up, so once it heals it apparently will be as good as new?"

"A ripped ballsack. What a story to tell your kids." Minseok sighed.

"If he has kids," Yixing commented. "No offense, but who wants to get ed or be ed by a guy with some ed up set of balls?"

"No one..." Luhan trailed off thoughfully. 

He shook his head. "Unless it was Sehun. I would still love him even if his balls-"

Kyungsoo stumbled through the front door, his face highlighted by shimmery gold and silver dust.

His cheekbones glittered in the light.

He tripped over air and landed on his beautiful, glitterfied face.

"Dude, what happened to you?" Sehun sniggered.

Kyungsoo mumbled from the floor,"Please, like Luhan doesn't look like he came right out from a shoujo manga and sparkles and , you really can't judge."

Everyone looked back at Luhan.

"Huh. He does kind of look like he came from a shoujo manga." Yixing nodded.

"How do you even know what a boy from a shoujo manga looks like?" Minseok questioned.

Yixing slowly raised an eyebrow.

"How do you not?"

Minseok huffed and puffed out his cheeks.

"Aw, look. Baozi is coming out." Luhan cooed.

"Don't call me that." Minseok protested.

"But you do look like a baozi."



"I said-"

"Bao. Zi."


Sehun stared at Minseok with judging eyes.

"Did you just say sigh?" 


A/N: Really short OTL i'm so sorry you guise i've been super super super busy but i'll try to update as soon as possible


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Are you abducted by an alien?? :0
OMG just started like at 9am and I'm hooked!! Update soon :33
Chapter 38: Lol joonmyeon wouldn't wear that.. right? >_<
onewjr #4
Chapter 7: I mean I kinda just smorted when I read what the jazzercise instructor was wearing but I died when I found out it was joonmyeon like Ewww lol
onewjr #5
Chapter 6: Joonmyeon as the jazzercise teacher? ewwwwwwww dying lol
Chapter 38: Omg omg! I cantwait to see what happens next! XD hope you update soon!
no jk, i love you and this story, really.
Chapter 38: dayum I read this again and like omg xD