The teacher's desk

One month to live


"Eh, how you holding up Namster?" I ask cheerily whilst Nami leans over her table, slumping against the chair. Her arms are sprawled out and she watches me as I continue to clean the black board. "I'm fine Thunder.. how'd you manage to get in so much trouble?"

"Well... when you tell the teacher he's fat you usually get in trouble," I say, whilst wiping the black board with a damp cloth. I look over to her and the bucket is right in front of her on the desk. "If your not going to help... could you at least smile for me..?"

"Hm Thunder..." she whines my name once more and I turn around again to face her. "I thought you got in trouble because of the fight"

"Oh that, yeah I did get in trouble for that. But the teacher who was asking me about the fight... well i called him fat, it was an accident I admit but it's true... he is fat.." I lightly say as if I've done nothing wrong. I hear her chuckle a bit and it gives me a reason to smile. "I'm glad you're finally laughing Nami."

"I'm glad you didn't ask if he was pregnant."

"Hm, I would of but I had a feeling that he would have... I don't know thrown my out the window?" I turn around whiping the board and half of it is dark, green because it's wet. The other side is chalky and it still has the class's work written onto it. "Thunder... why do I like Yuki so much?" She continues to whine and I whip around to face her. She slumps back into her chair and pouts her lips at me. "Thunder... ngh, this is gay."

"Hm, maybe because of his good looks. Maybe I should go out on a date with him..." I joke and I see a smile appear from her lips. I walk over and sink down to her level, in front of the table. "So, you like him.. just tell him! Look if I liked Yuki, which would be weird considering I'm a guy, I would go and tell him."

"Then go tell him... go ask him out," she winges avoiding the subject of her meeting him once again. She lifts her chin onto the desk and I look down at her. "I would but my girlfriend would kill me." I say and shake my head lightly. I smirk whilst patting her on the head. "Listen Nami, just go ahead. Ask him while you can before someone else goes and asks him. I might go ahead and ask him out if you don't!"

"Hm because you're so much competition Thunder..." she says sarcastically. She leans further up and slumps back into the chair with a weak grin on her face. I grimace loudly and catch her attention. "I am quite the catch... since we're both girls here, you can tell me anything you want. How much you like Yuki and all. Like all girlfriends do right?"

A grin appears on her face and her elbows lean onto the desk, supporting her head. "I suppse, but it works better when you're actually a girl." I shake my head as if she's said something harsh causing her to chuckle. She places her hand onto mine as to reassure me. "No but Thunder.. we're still best friends! Fine, we're best girlfriends."

"Yah! I like that one, now then, where were we? Hm, tell me about Yuki, he seems hot!" I wink at her seductively and she laughs. "I'm not good at this, am I?"

"No, no you're really good at this Thunder! You're great at this..." I smirk and straighten my back, proud.

"Hm of course I'm good at this.. but seriously Yuki is hot." My tone of voice changes completely and she burst out laughing.

"Hm, for some reason when you say that it sounds wrong."

"Why? He is hot." I get up from my chair and pick up the bucket. She watches my every move as I make my way up to the black board. "Wouldn't mind tapping that!"

"Shut up Thunder.." she jokes and I my slips seductively which makes her laugh. I place the bucket down carefully and walk over to the teacher's desk that sits directly in front of the black board. I look at Nami then back to the teacher's desk. "W-what are you doing Thunder?! You're gonna get in more trouble then before!"

"Meh, I always get in trouble. Now let's see what Mr. Soku has in his desk... hm he probably has condoms in here or something.." I say quietly and Nami gets up from the desk, she leans over to me as I look around inspecting every inch of the desk. I open one of the drawers to see some confiscated items. I open the drawer underneath and see some weird small square packets with english writing on them. "C-o-n-d-o-m... it's a !" I say and pick one up. I inspect it to see that it's a european one.

"Wait, didn't you say that he's fat?"

"Hm, he is.. maybe he likes fat gay ..." I suggest and she looks at me weirdly. "Well... he's more muscley than fat."

"So why'd you call him fat?! W-wait.. fat gay ? Why gay?"

"Think about it... he likes to work out, go shopping and he's good looking!" I argue and she looks at me weridly. "Those, my friend, are the characteristics of a gay guy."

"Hm I suppose.. he is really good looking..." I look at her strangely and she blushes. "He is..!" She says cutely and I shake my head slowly, looking back to the . "Ooh, it's strawberry flavoured.."

"Maybe he took it off a student or something?" Nami suggests and she looks at the pile of them in his desk

"Pft, I doubt it. Who would carry all of these european flavoured ones? You reckon he sleeps with students or something?" I suggest and open the packet lightly smelling it. "Woah! It does smell like strawberry... maybe I should take one so that Yuki and me can go on a date..."

Nami pushes me lightly and I laugh at her. "Shut up Thunder! Here let me smell... woah! It does smell like it.. kind of like a weird strawberry though."

"Maybe he likes to sleep with guys? He has so many flavoured ones... he might like to taste them if you know what I mean?"

"Thunder, he wouldn't sleep with guys..." Nami defends him and I look at her surprised.

"Why do you say that Namster?" I ask sarcastically. I tap my hands onto my lap and await her answer.

"W-well be-because he-.." she stutters and I answer for her.

"Because you'd sleep with him?" I say and drops open. She looks at me as if I got the answer correctly and just smirks. "Fine... he's really good looking okay?! And I wouldn't sleep with him... I'd just consider it.."

"Eh? Well I'd sleep with Miss Chan any day.. except I'd ask my girlfriend first.."

"EH.. you're so whipped!" She makes the fake whipping sound with and fake whips me.

".. Shut up.. anyway, who keeps condoms in their sencond drawer? Wouldn't you hide them or something?"

"Thunder! Put them away.. someone might come!" She whispers and I grab a handful, pretending to put them into my bag. She hits my hand and stares at me blankly. "What, it's for Yuki?" I laugh and I put them back.

"Open the next drawer! I wonder if he has playboy maganzines or something..." Nami suggests cheerily and I obey her words to cheer her up. I slowly open up the drawer but there are just a few pencils and calculators. "Aw gay, I was hoping for something... exotic."

"What, so you can give it to Yuki?" I laugh and she slaps my arm lightly.

"Yeah, totally. So we can go watch together.." she continues to look around the teacher's desk but is disappointed when nothing interesting pokes out. "No! That's what me and Yuki are going to do! Oh and I'm gonna grab some condoms for after.." I laugh and she whines cutely, slapping my arm. "I-I was joking..! We're saving that for later." I open the drawer that's at the bottom. A weird lock is attached to the front but it seems to have broken a bit. "Hm, can you hand me that stapler?"

"Okay... but why do you need a stapler?" she asks curiously. She kneels down beside me as I take the stapler from her hand. I take the metal end and smash it against the lock. "Thunder! W-what are you doing!?"

"Isn't it obvious Nami? I'm trying to break the lock... maybe he stashes his here?" I grunt loudly as I attempt to break the lock once more. It makes a clicking noise and opens up allowing me to pull the drawer out. I open the drawer slowly and find a dew documents, nothing of great interest. "Aw, all for nothing.." I mumble but I feel hands stop me when I close the drawer. I look at Nami who's ruffling around through the documents. "AHA! Look... wait these aren't magazines... these are movies... Thunder what does it say?"

I look over to see the font wriiten in English. "Hm, I guess he likes European girls... or guys. It reads.. t-w-o.. g-e-n-d-e-r p-o-r-n... so put that together and it's 'two g-gender ... translate that to Japanese and.... w-wait! Is sir a bi-ual?"

"I think he is.. I guess that means he's crossed off my list.. anyway, turn it around!" I turn it around to see the back cover. There are pictures of girls and guys. There are three guys and two girls. "Hm, let's just put these back away... I can never look at Mr.Soku the same way again... ever."

"Thunder.. I don't even think I feel safe in his class...." Nami mumbles and she scoots to the other side of the desk where there is only one drawer left. "You think I should open it?"

"If you want... just don't be too surprised if you see some type of... toy." I mention this and her eyes grow wide. She turns to the drawer and opens it very slowly. I gasp at what's inside. "I-it's...."

"What is it...?" Nami whispers and she backs away from the drawer, over to me. She holds my arm tightly as I place my hands inside slowly. "IT'S MY PHONE!" I yell and grab it from the desk inspecting it. "Hm, i guess he confiscated this from last week. I hope he didn't touch it..."

"Oh... you got me excited for nothing.. But, how'd you manage to lose your phone?" Nami closes the drawer and lets go of my arm, leaning against the wall. "I was sending messages in class. And pranking people so their phone went off and they got in trouble too. But one guy told him and I got my phone confiscated... forget who told me in though.."

"Aw, well at least you got it back right?" She gets up from the ground but struggles, allowing her to fall onto her . I stand up beside her and laugh lightly. "Here, my lady." I lend her my hand and she grabs it softly. I pull her up and she smiles at me.

"Hmm, so almost finished your detention yet?" She asks cutely and lifts herself onto the teacher's table.

"Don't have to. I have these.." I open the second drawer and grab a handful of the Eurpean condoms. "I have leverage.."

"Leverage...? What do you mean?" She pouts cutely and tilts her head in a thinking position. I shake my head and point my finger up near my head. I grin slightly on the side of my lip and walk up to her, locking her between my arms. They lock her as I grasps the either side of her on the table. She blackly stares at me as my face is inches away from hers. "Tch, leverage darling. You see.. this is Mr. Soku's classroom right? Now answer me this question for me, my lady; should teacher's have and condoms in their desks?"

"Well.. no that's wrong.. really wrong. Maybe I should tell someone be-.." I grasp her chin, stopping her from talking since she's rambling. "You're cute when you ramble.." I mentions cutely but then I shakesmy head and change back into my previous tone of voice. "A-anyway.. hm what was I saying? Oh I remember, um exactly.. teacher's should not, in any circumstance, have those items.. in their desk unless they were confiscated which I doubt those were seeing as he has so many. I swear it's wrong! A-anyway.. meet me at the cherry blossums?"

"Ngh, not there... I might see Yuki" Nami whines and she looks away from me.

"You can't avoid him all the time.. fine just today?" I give in and see the light smile appear on her lips. "Meet me at the library entrance then. We can go draw on the books and hide it whenever a teacher passes.. like usual?" I ask and she nods. I let go of the desk, allowing her to be free of my grasps. She picks her bag up and smiles at me leaving the classroom. "Now, I'm going to use this... leverage, to black mail the teacher. See you at the library."

"Hm okay, see you there. Don't take it too far.. with the whole black mail thing.." she smiles and skips out of the classroom, sliding the door shut. I smile and sigh loudly. Now.. let's black mail this er.


Thank you for reading! This chapter didn't really have a moral or anything... I kind of just added it for fun.. :)

Hope you're enjoying the story line  :]

Phungies chat:

me: So... what'd you think?

Yuki: Okay.. that chapter.. what the hell is wrong with that teacher?

Thunder: Hey it got me out of detention, so I'm fine with it.

Yuki: It's disturbing... really disturbing. Why you'd even include it? T_T

me: ... funsies?

Thunder & Yuki: Idiot.

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premiummilk #1
awesome story!!
wowowowow awesome endings >w<
mhnstory #3
omg it is so super duper good!
Nana-Kudo #4
Oh and I forgot : the poster is beautiful !<br />
Which one is Yuki ?? >_<
Nana-Kudo #5
Oh My God... I love you so much, phungies... !!!<br />
I'm sure you made Yuki live because you were afraid of me haunting you..! (What ? That's not it ? So what ??? XD)<br />
<br />
Anyways !<br />
<br />
This story was... Awesome... Amazing... I don't really know how to describe it, besides my English isn't perfect > <"<br />
Sorry !<br />
<br />
But I wonder what happened to Jin !<br />
<br />
I loved the way you wrote it, the feelings and all... It's as if I was the different characters at the same time !<br />
<br />
You did a GREAT work !<br />
Congratulations on the ending of your First story, One month to live !!<br />
<br />
And FIGHTING~ !!!<br />
<br />
xxxxx <3
Nana-Kudo #6
Aww I missed 3 chapters ! ><<br />
I'm so sorry !<br />
Your story is just like a drama ! I feel like I'm watching a drama on TV ! XD It's awesome !<br />
Thunder is just sooo adorable ! <3<br />
I hope you're not going to let Yuki die or... I'll kill myself to haunt you ! Mwahaha è.é (joking)<br />
Fighting~ ! :D
aigoo Yuki dont die<br />
Nami's coming!
can't wait for the next chapter.<br />
wow this is intense^^<br />
and please please don't let Yuki die >< *haha just an opinion* ^^<br />
keep going xDD
update. update xDDD