Opening up

One month to live


He tugs at my arm and I sway forwards by accidents but regain myself but stepping forwards. I follow him into the house and notice that I'm in the living room. With his hand still with a tight hold of my wrists he pulls me towards the couch allowing me to sit. He stands in front of my with a alarmed and confused face, as if he has no idea about what he's doing.

"Y-Yuki... what are you doing?" I say with a shaky voice and I can tell by nervous look on his face I'm not helping at all.

"N-nothing... um, I-... I wanted to a-"

"Apologise? Yuki, you don't have to... I mean I should apologise. Afterall, I was the one who was wrong..." I say and he looks at me with worry filling his eyes. He sits besides my and cuffs his chin with his hand, covering his mouth. "Y-you don't have to apologise... I have to."

I've never seen Yuki in this light before. I think he's trying to open up to me... but why? I don't deserve it... I can tell that there's a reason he doesn't want to tell me anything.

"L-look... I should have told you when you asked and all. I was an idiot alright?" he says with an discering look.

"Yuki, you really don't have to..." I try to comfort him but I can tell he won't listen. "Yuki..."

"Nami look, all my life... I've been an outcast. My family didn't even want me, only my mother did... but she's gone. She's ing gone. A-and all I have left is my brother... a guy that's hated me ever since I was born! The only reason I can be here right now is because he's in ing China!" he says and I can tell that every word he's saying is the truth.

"W-what about your father?"

"My father...? What about him?! He's a ing drunk who cheated on my mother... he left her for a ing . A ing ! He left me and my sick mum with an of a brother. This is all when I was only thirteen! Four ing years ago... then after that my mother dies! She ing dies... Who the hell do I have now?!" he continues and I feel the tears slowly welling up in my eyes. My eyes glued to his, knowing how lucky I am for even having my family. "Y-Yuki... you have me."

His eyes slowly travel up to meet mine and I feel an immense stabbing at my chest as I await his answer. I see the moonlight gleam in his eyes as the tears start to slowly build up. Every second causes another lethal pull at my chest as he doesn't answer. I could feel my throat closing not allowing my to speak another work but only let out a mumble. "...Yuki...?"

"Nami..." is all he manages to say and I walk forwards towards him landing into his arms. The grasps around my shoulders becomes tighter with each waking second and I feel the burden being lifted off my chest slowly... but I know the mark is still on Yuki. It always will be, no matter what i do.

Yuki Sakou:

I feel the warmth that escapes from her body and into mine. She slowly inhales and exhales as we stand there quietly in one anothers arms. I feel the tears still in my eyes and I shut them tightly allowing the tears to roll down slowly. Only one or two drops roll down, creating what seems to be small rivers that disppear dropping onto the carpet. I look up, lifting my head to face the ceiling on an angle. Nami's head is placed under my chin and she seems to fit perfectly in my arms. I feel her hands holding my tightly around my back, filling the coldess of the air. 

She shifts back and steps out of my grasps. I feel the warmth from the mark of her arms on my back, the dry river that flowed down my cheeks just a few seconds ago. Her eyes travel up to meet mine and I feel the temperature in the air lowering with each second. She smiles and I turn my head, breaking off our eyes. I open my mouth to find something to say but all I can think of is running.

"Nami... you should go. I'm kind of tired and all... so um, you should go home" I manage to say and I look up to see her smiling once again.

"Yeah sure... I'll um, see you tomorrow Yuki?"

"Yeah... sure" I say softly but it echos in the room. I lean in and give her a small kiss on the forehead. She smiles and hugs onto me and I turn my back and roll my eyes. "God... it's just one day. I'm going to see you tomorow"

She chuckles lightly and looks up at me. "You're a jerk!"

"If I'm a jerk then why do you like me so much?" I whisper into her ear and she just smiles and walks towards the front door.

"I'll miss you... you jerk."


He opened up to her, but did he open up fully? what about the mysterious girl from three years ago?! :O

thank you for reading and i hope you liked the chapter~  and sorry for the shortness ! :)

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premiummilk #1
awesome story!!
wowowowow awesome endings >w<
mhnstory #3
omg it is so super duper good!
Nana-Kudo #4
Oh and I forgot : the poster is beautiful !<br />
Which one is Yuki ?? >_<
Nana-Kudo #5
Oh My God... I love you so much, phungies... !!!<br />
I'm sure you made Yuki live because you were afraid of me haunting you..! (What ? That's not it ? So what ??? XD)<br />
<br />
Anyways !<br />
<br />
This story was... Awesome... Amazing... I don't really know how to describe it, besides my English isn't perfect > <"<br />
Sorry !<br />
<br />
But I wonder what happened to Jin !<br />
<br />
I loved the way you wrote it, the feelings and all... It's as if I was the different characters at the same time !<br />
<br />
You did a GREAT work !<br />
Congratulations on the ending of your First story, One month to live !!<br />
<br />
And FIGHTING~ !!!<br />
<br />
xxxxx <3
Nana-Kudo #6
Aww I missed 3 chapters ! ><<br />
I'm so sorry !<br />
Your story is just like a drama ! I feel like I'm watching a drama on TV ! XD It's awesome !<br />
Thunder is just sooo adorable ! <3<br />
I hope you're not going to let Yuki die or... I'll kill myself to haunt you ! Mwahaha è.é (joking)<br />
Fighting~ ! :D
aigoo Yuki dont die<br />
Nami's coming!
can't wait for the next chapter.<br />
wow this is intense^^<br />
and please please don't let Yuki die >< *haha just an opinion* ^^<br />
keep going xDD
update. update xDDD