Chapter 10- Best 'Boyfriend'

Change of Heart

Chapter 10-
Best 'Boyfriend'

"Sungjong-ah!" Minchae waved over to the little one at his desk. 

"Oh, Noona! What are you doing here? Class is about to start." Myungsoo looked up from his desk that was next to Sungjong's. Minchae waved to him and he nodded briefly in acknowledgement before going back to what he was doing. 

"I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hang out today, cuz you know, we couldn't yesterday and I felt really bad to turn the opportunity down." 

"Oh sure! But wouldn't hyung just pull you away?" Sungjong questioned.

"That's why we're not telling him." She snickered. "Anyways, the mall? Great! Meet me at the front after school. See you at lunch Jongiee!" She smiled, waved, then left. 

"Boy, you guys are sure getting comfy."

"Huh?" Sungjong looked up from his desk.

"Just saying, you guys are getting really close lately." Myungsoo commented, not looking up from his book. 

"Well yeah, we are friends after all." Sungjong smiled to himself. *Yeah... we sure are.*

"Yah, where were you this morning?" Chanmi asked right when Minchae arrived at her desk in class. 

"Just went to talk to someone next door." She smiled, but it disappeared once she looked to her left. 

"How could he be sleeping? Class is starting soon." She scoffed. 

"He's been like that since he got here this morning and that was like half an hour ago. Well, at least half because that's when I got here." Chanmi commented. "Well I should get back to my desk. Talk to you later Chae." She waved and left, receiving a nod in return.

*What's got this boy so tired in the morning? We left the library early last night.* Minchae thought, but shook her head. *I shouldn't be caring about that chipmunk jerk.*

"Ready to go?" Sungjong asked as he met Minchae at the front of the school.

"Yeah, let's go." She smiled. They started walking and as they stepped out the gates someone was speeding by in roller skates. As soon as the person passed by Minchae, he pulled out a pie from his back and slapped it right into her face. 

"Ah!" She yelped as she wiped whip cream off her face. *Who the heck would- Lee Sungyeol.* She quickly looked towards the person in the distance and sure enough the familiar figure was Lee Sungyeol.

"Noona! Are you okay?!" Sungjong pulled out napkins from his bag and helped her wipe the pie from her face and clothes. 

"LEE SUNGYEOL!" She yelled and he turned around skating backwards. 

'What!?" He yelled from afar, quickly turning around and skating towards her. "Did you enjoy the pie?" He smiled innocently. 

"What was this for?!" She gestured to her pie covered self.

"Ah, I noticed that my pranks have been lacking lately with you. I needed to brush up on it again, nice one huh? Well I got to go, so see ya tomorrow! Work on our project, eh?" He quickly left before she could whack him. 

*Aishh that Lee Sungyeol!* 

"Noona, we should go, we can buy new clothes at the mall for you to change in! Kaja!" He positively claimed and hooked arms with her.

"This looks pretty! What do you think?" Minchae asked as she held up a white laced cardigan.

Sungjong pondered a bit. "Hmm... I think that the darker colors fit you better. Maybe green? Let's try it in the mirror." 

"Wah, you're right! Dang Sungjong, you have really good fashion sense." 

"Well no duh, why else would you think I'd want to hang out with you at the mall?" He rolled his eyes in a diva-like manner. The latter laughed in response. 

"Noona! This is perfect for you!" Sungjong exclaimed as he gestured for her to come over. He held out an outfit he put together that included white shorts, a gray graphic tee, and a cute and colorful cardigan. Sungjong paused for a moment and laid out the oufit in front of her. "This is it! I'm buying this for you right now!" He ran up to the cashier immediately before she could say a word. 

"Thanks Sungjong, you really didn't have to buy this for me." *But it does fit me well...* Minchae examined the outfit she was wearing. They were now in front of Minchae's home saying their farewells.

"It's no problem Noona. Spending money for you is nothing! I figured instead of food, I should buy you clothes anyway since they last longer, so..." Sungjong pulled out a purple plastic bag from his school bag. "Jjan!" 

Minchae's eyes widened. "I got these for you while you were changing! I had a couple outfits I found as we shopped that were perfect for you and I couldn't just decide on one, so I bought all of them! Think of it as a gift for being my best friend." He smiled.

"Sungjong, I can't accept this, it's too much." She said in awe and disbelief. 

"No, just take it! You deserve it, Noona." He gave her a heart-warming eye smile and laid the bag into her hands. Minchae couldn't help herself from giving him a huge hug.

"Thank you so much Sungjong! Just watch, I'm going to pay back every single ounce of this one day!" She exclaimed as she let go of his hold. 
"Well, it's getting late I should head in now. Thanks so much for today and head back safe Sungjong! Night."

"No problem, Noona. See you tomorrow!" He waved and left.

Minchae went into her house and up the stairs to her room. She landed on her fluffy bed and thought to herself. *That boy is such a sweetie pie. Maybe he is my best 'boyfriend'.* She smiled and closed her eyes.

Ahh, 10 Chapters! I wonder if this story is doing well... lol well I hope it ends well! Sungjong is getting pretty close to her aye? LOL IDK- BVJL7

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Well I decided to hold back on the story hehe, so don't look for it! SORRY FOR FALSE ADVERTISING 1


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Chapter 26: Finallieh I finished read this fanfic
Chapter 26: I finished it!! So sweet!! Yeollie and Minchae!
Chapter 26: I finished it!! So sweet!! Yeollie and Minchae!
lovelyme23 #4
Chapter 26: Haha the ending T T he asked her hand for marriage but she hit him instead. haha so cute. Tears of joy :') *flails arms like a wacko* lmao Thank you for sharing the story, author-nim. Thumbs up!
Chapter 26: AWHHHH happy endings<3 gotta love them
Chapter 26: AWW SO CUTE AT THE END~!! WAHHH~ ~I love reading your stories!! Hehehe! Everybody has a happy ending at the end (Especially Sungjong hahaha~) ^^ But im sad its the end *sigh*~ \^O^/
lovelyme23 #7
Chapter 25: OHMI last chapter? T_T haha but anyway, I'm so happy for Sungjong xD he has his happy ending too.
Chapter 25: OMG SOOOOO CUTE!!!!! \(>o<)/ Sungjong finally found a girl... I felt sorry for him (NOT HE HAVE MEI!!IHAHAHHA!! ..........) but why does the next chapter have be the last one? Why? Why? Why?! T^T i LOVE this story~
lovelyme23 #9
Chapter 24: HAHA SUNGJONG FINALLY FOUND THE GIRL FOR HIM HAHA SO CUTE [sorry for the allcaps I just can't contain my feels] I DIDN'T EXPECT THIS CHAPTER YAY~~!
Chapter 24: OMG i just found out that i missed this chapter!! LOL!! lol... Sungjong... *smashes computer* *Filps table* he does deserve a girl yh i know.. ARGHHH~ but why do i... feel... so...IDC!! i love this FANFIC!! i wonder what happens ARGHH i just can't, i don't want to read the part where they will fall in love but i still want to read it lol... andwe.. wae? SUNGJONG IS MINE (i have a huge crush on sungjong yes.. in case you haven't noticed.. XD)Sungjong your my destiny~