Chapter 23

Bad Boys vs Bad Girls
I wake up and stratch my body. I look around with a smile cause i have the best sleep ever ! 
I go to the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth. After that i went down to eat but i didnt saw Jiyong. I think he is still asleep. I look at the time and saw it was 1 in the afternoon. I cook for myself when i heard someone walking down the stairs. 
" hey, i thought you were asleep, i was gonna make food for you " Jiyong said 
" i already cook for me and you. " i said and i place his food and mine at the table and we sit while eating
" after i finish eating im going home " i said and he nodded
" on Mon i will return your clothes " i said again and he nodded 
after we finish eating, i take my things and he drove me to studio building since i left my car at the basement. 
" thanks Jiyong but it doesnt mean im being nice to you. " i said when we arrive
" whatever, hey today are you gonna go out ? " Jiyong said
" i dont know, maybe im gonna come to the studio to practise with the girls or alone. " i said and Jiyong stare at me
" yah, didnt the doctor said u have to rest for 1 week ." 
' chill, yeah im gonna rest but i have to go somewhere. " i said
" whatever, if you need to go somewhere tell me arraso " he said
" and why should i " i ask 
" just tell me " he said with annoyed
" okok, i will " i said and walk to my car. When im inside, i saw Jiyong car not moving. 
what is wrong with him over protective over me. jeez, i check my phone and i receive 2 text. one is from Alen and one from Lime.
i open Lime text first
To unnie
From dongseng
unnie i'll be going out with Ljoe. heheh
What ?! my dongseng now dating with Ljoe ! good for her than but i hope Ljoe wont hurt her feeling or i will kill him
To dongseng
From unnie
Have fun you two ! :)
after replying her text i open the another text
To Ah ra baby 
From Alen
are we gonna meet ?
impatient much? i rolled my eyes and i think im gonna make him jealous. Revenge time
To Alen
From Ah ra
Sure, let's meet at XX restaurant. I'll meet you at 8. See you later and dont be late.
hahaha, but now i have to find someone to pretend to be my boyfriend. So i text CAP and Taeyang to see one of them are free. After few minute, both of them said they are not free. Great ! just great ! now who am i gonna ask....
Hell no i aint gonna ask that jerk, but maybe he not free ? Well there no harm to ask right. So i walk out of my car and knock on his window car. When his window down, he smirk at me.
" miss me already ?" Jiyong said while i rolled my eyes.
" dream on jerk " i said
" ok so what do you want ?" he said
man do i really have to ask him ? maybe i just ask other like Daesung, Seungri or others. Yeah, maybe i should.
" nothing " i said before i walk to my car, Jiyong hold my arm. I look at him 
" tell me what you want ? maybe i can help " Jiyong said 
" nope, i wont " i say stubbornly 
" cute but im more stubborn than you so dont dare to challenge me " he said 
i just sigh and i went in the passenger side to talk to him. 
" ok, my ex boyfriend just text me and he want to meet me. I feel like he want me back but i dont want him cause i know he pretend to love me cause of my money. So i want to have a fake boyfriend to get my revenge but CAP and Taeyang oppa not free to be with me " i said in one go but i think he caught it.
" ohh, so you want me to be your fake boyfriend ? " he said and i nodded slowly 
" If you not free, dont worry i can ask other to be my fake boyfriend " i said and was ready to go out when he said 
" ok sure i'll be your fake boyfriend " he said cooly
" you sure ? " i said back
" when is it ? " he ask 
" today at XX restaurant " i said
" so what's the plan ? " he said and i tell him. After we done talking, i went home.
Wow, is so quiet. Oh yeah i forgot, today is Saturday. Oppa will always go to the gym to workout, Seorin and Rara will go to their parent home to spent time with them and Lime is out dating with Ljoe. I shake my head and quickly went up to bath. After bathing i check the time and is 7pm. I change my clothes and look at myself in the mirror.
Nice, i walk down to the kitchen and paste a piece of paper at the fridge to tell oppa that i'll be out with Jiyong. I text Jiyong where he is and he said he is at my entrance. I went out and saw him leaning on his car while folding his arm. I look at him and i dont think he notice me since he is looking at the ground. i chuckle, he look kinda a cute ? no,no,no his not. I shake my head and walk to him. I clear my throut and he look at me head to toe. 
" done staring ?" i said while he rolled his eyes.
" come on, i dont want to be late. " i said excitedly
" why are you so excited for ? " he said when we are inside his car.
" i dont know i just feel excited. " i said and he start the engine, the car was so slient that is making me sleepy.
" can i on the radio. Is kinda boring in here " i whined. He look at me and than back at the road.
" okok sure " he said and i smile. i quickly on and my favourite song was on.
We listen it all the way till we reach to the restaurant.
"ok you know the plan right " i said and he nodded 
" ok than see you in few minute. I will text you when you will go in " i said
" arraso, now go " he said and we do our handshake.
Yes, me and Jiyong are now finally being nice since he help me well atleast being his friends is alright right ? 
anyway, when i went in i saw Alen smiling at me. I walk to him and sit down. 
" so what do you want ? " i said 
" you look pretty as always babe " he said
" cut the crap and tell me quick my boyfriend is outside waiting for me. " i said and saw his expression didnt change.
" you joking right. I know you been single ever since i break up with you " he said and i raise my brow
" ohh so you dont believe me huh ? " i said and he just chuckle.
" come on we both know you havnt move on " he said and try to hold my hand but i quickly move and take my phone. 
" ok than, let me text him to come in " i said and text Jiyong
To Jiyong
From Ah ra
Yo~ come in now ! ppali 
To Ah ra
From Jiyong
arraso, jeez 
I close my phone and smirk at him.
" Why dont you tell me infront of my boyfriend what you want to say to me ok " i said and wink at him.
" hey babe " Jiyong said behind me. 
I smile at Alen and turn around to face Jiyong.
" Jiyongie, Alen want to say something to me but i want you to hear it too " i said cutely at Jiyong and turn back to face Alen
" so what's up i think we meet before right? so what do you want to talk about with my babe ?" Jiyong said and sit beside me. 
" ohh, well i want to tell you that i'll be in the same school with you from next week onward " he said while looking at me.
" well than hope to see you on Monday than, hope you guys have a great day " he said while standing up and walk away leave me and Jiyong.
" what the hell, why must he be in the same school with us ? " i said and Jiyong just shrugged his shoulder.
" since we are here let's eat " i said 
so Jiyong sit facing me and we order our food. While waiting we didnt talk and i was curious about him. 
" hey you know we have to act like a couple in front of him and our friend at school you know " i said and he nodded.
" you ok with it ? " i said
" yup, is kinda fun you know " he said and i just do a "O" while nodded.
" since we gonna be a "couple" for who know how long, how about we know each other better " i said and Jiyong raise his brow.
" ohh please dont think im intrested in you ok. We have to know each other better to make Alen think we are really together " i said while rolling my eyes.
" i didnt say anything " Jiyong said.
When the waitress arrive with our food i start to tell him my story.
" when i was a little, i love people calling me princess cause i believe fairytale was real. When i was in tenth grade i meet Alen. We start dating for 1 years when i was only 16 years old. One day he broke up with me when i caught him with another girl, he said he pretend to love me cause im rich and i pay all his bill for him. I was so stupid and that is where i start to change. I involve in fighting, being mean to people when im outside but whenever im at home im still the same girl who is heartbroken. I move on and my oppa and the girls help me. I was being mean to people but ever since i meet you guys, the old Ah ra was back. If not because of you guys, i'll be alone forever in the dark. " i said while my tears start to fall. 
"im sorry to hear that " Jiyong said. 
I wipe my tears away and try to act strong
" ohh yeah, i almost forgot, i like ramen, my favourite cartoon is patrick and my favourite colour is green and black ." i said.
" umm, so what about you ?" i said while eating.
" well, my family is at US with my sister while im here cause i want to have freedom. My dad actually want me to take over his company which i dont want. So we qurrel till my dad give up and they allow me to do anything i want as long i dont make trouble or they will take me back to US. " he said while i eat and nodded. 
" my favourite cartoon is spongebob and my favourite colour is black " he said
" well atleast you still have your parent. My grandparent take care of me and oppa and three of my best friends since our parent are no longer with us, when they were having a relax they while my grandparent took care of us but while they were going to the place where they want to go but a lorry bang with my dad cars. The police said that the driver was drunk and didnt pay any attention where he was driving. Last year me, the girls and my oppa move house so that we wont burden our grandparent but ofcourse we will visit them and is our habit to call them omma and appa since they took care of us " i said 
" sorry to hear that " Jiyong said 
" is ok, anyway let's go have a walk at the beach before we go home. " i said and we went to Jiyong car.
He drove till we reach to the beach. I went out and start to walk while feeling the wind. Jiyong follow behind me. I turn to him and smile. 
" hey come here and sit beside me. " i said to him when i sit on the sand.
When Jiyong sit beside me, i put my head on his shoulder and sigh.
" hey what's wrong ? " Jiyong said 
" is nothing, im just tired. " i said and look at the ocean
" i cant believe that i really actually telling you everything about me " i said and look at Jiyong
" me too. " he said and we smile at each other.
" Ah ra, i want to ask you something" Jiyong said when he look at the ocean
" what is it ? " i said and still look at him.
" why do you hate me ?" He said
i look at the ocean " cause after i heard about you being a player and like to hurt girls heart it remind me of him and i hate it so that is why i hate you but i guess  i was wrong" 
he nodded and i sigh " what about you, why do you hate me ? " 
" i dont actually hate you. I just pretend to hate you cause is fun teasing you. Do you know, you are the first person to step on my feet. " he said while we both chuckle.
" well than how about we start all over again ? " i said and he nodded with agree.
i stand and smile at him while stick out my hand at him. " Hi, im Ah ra do you want to be my friend ? " 
Jiyong chuckle, he stand and shake my hand " Hi im Jiyong and no i dont want to be your friend but i want to be your bestfriend "
we chat alot and laugh alot too. We start to feel comfortable with each other and talk about ourself more. While talking i start to yawn.
" look like someone is sleepy, come on let's go "Jiyong said. we stand up and walk to his car. 
they continue talking till they reach to Ah ra house. 
" hey thanks for everything " AH ra said
" anything for my friend " Jiyong said and he mess her hair, before Ah ra open the door she look at Jiyong and kiss his cheek. Jiyong was shock and Ah ra giggle
" thanks again " she said and quickly ran inside. Jiyong smile and shake his head. 
" she is sure a strange girl " he said and drove off.
Ah ra smile brightly without realising Seo rin, Rara and oppa look at her.
" i guess someone have a great day " oppa said teasingly 
Ah ra quickly change to her poker face " pfft, i just went out having dinner with Jiyong is that something wrong ?" 
" yeah whatever Ah ra, tomorrow you have to tell us everything cause tomorrow is girls out " Seorin said.
" arraso, im sleepy night guys '' Ah ra said and quickly went up. She bath and change to her pajamas.
While she dry her hair and watch tv in her room, her phone vibrate. She take her phone and saw Jiyong text her
To Ah ra 
From Jiyong 
I had the great day 
She smile and reply him while laying down on her bed.
To Jiyong 
From Ah ra
me too ~ dont forget about our plan on Mon. Should we tell the others about this ?
To Ah ra
From Jiyong
I think we should, they can help us you know
To Jiyong 
From Ah ra
You right, i want to sleep now annyong ^^
To Ah ra 
From Jiyong
Night ^^
Ah ra and Jiyong smile and touch their chest cause their heart start to beat faster than usual
" what is this feeling im getting " they said together
" but whatever it is, today is the best day " they said together
They smile and they go to their dreamland with a smile.
Good they didnt kill each other but i feel so sorry for them since Ah ra ex boyfriend will be same school as them.... Well hope she wont do anything that makes other worry for her....... 
here another chapter for today ^^ i know you guys are waiting for the dance batttle but you guys have to wait for it. Sorry again.........
Annyong~ ppyong~
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Chapter 40: i love this story i cried cuz i thought that they was really dead but they was not so i was happy :) p.s. love ur stories
Chapter 40: aiisshhh jjinja ?? T.T
you made me cry for the last two chapter.. i thought that they really died.. I'm crying like a crazy in my room, and my roomate just give me a confuse look, but after i told them the whole story, they follow me crying..
it was really really great story. i didn't know how you do it, but my heart beating like crazy when i read your story..
*speechless* i just can say this is daebak..
ppyong :)
Chapter 39: Update soon.
Luna_BeeDee #4
Chapter 29: I felt like my heart just broken apart <\\\3
That's so....argh!!!!
fix this soon please </3 update soon~ <3 it
this looks really cool; i love your writing style! keep updating <3
Luna_BeeDee #6
Chapter 28: Thx for the update <3
I wonder what's hyuna up to??
CSHaelyn #7
Chapter 27: Happy advance birthday author-nim!!!
Byunghyunnie1999 #8
Chapter 25: AWWW how sweet i wish ljoe will wake me up THANK YOU pls update !! what happen in the cafeteria ??!!!