The Deal

Change of Heart
RECAP: "What's wrong Hyung?" asked Jonghyun from behind. "Are you sure this place was for sell?" I wondered. "HYUNGS! TAEMIN! GET DOWN HERE!" screamed Key from downstairs. We rushed downstairs.
The door was opened and a frail pale girl was stood there, expressionless. "What's going on?" Taemin asked. "This girl lives in this house.." Key explained nervously.

_____'s POV

5 guys stared at me. The old me was scared and my outside expression was cold. "Umm, we didn't know someone was living in this house. Our manager said this house was for sell and we had to move out of our new place! I'm sorry for intruding on your property! We'll leave immediately." explained one boy nervously. I was about to opened my mouth, but someone stopped me from doing it. "You already a neighbor?" asked an old man with smile. "Umm, no..  This girl is the current owner of this house." said another boy. He looked at me wide eyed. I glanced at him then back at the guys.


"This house said it was for sell." said the old man who was the manager of these guys called SHINee. I shook my head. "This isn't for sale. I'm still the current owner." I finally spoke. The boys were shocked to hear my voice. "Wow her voice is so angelic." they whispered among themselves. "But it didn't say that. It said it was for sale." the old man fought back. "No. It's my house. Now get out." I replied.

He tried to fight back. I wouldn't let him win. I knew all the people who tried to moved into this house. All of them ended up out by first day they arrived. I wished someone else would live in this pitiful house though. Sure it may looked nice and calming on the outside, but on the inside lie dark painful memories. I would love to get out and live a different life if I could. But no, I'm forced to live here by "him".
"I will pay you as much as you want! These boys need a place to stay." he pleaded. "And why should I let them stay in my house?" I asked. "Because we really need a place. Our old place is going to be demolished. Look I'll make a deal with you. He will pay you as much as you want for us to live here until he finds us a new place to stay." explained another boy. I actually thought about it. Usually I would say hell no, but it would be nice to be accompany by 5 guys. For some reason I felt safe from "him".
"Fine. I'll let you stay here for as long as you need too.." I sighed. "OH THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" shouted their manager. I rolled my eyes. "How much money do you need?" he asked. "Zero. I don't need your money. Now since you're not living here get out of my house. You guys go do whatever you want. Just don't bother me in my room." I said as I headed upstairs.


We watched her disappear. "Wow Hyung you convinced her so well." Taemin exclaimed. "Good job, Jonghyun." smiled Manager. He grinned nervously. "Well if you guys need anything call me! I'll pick you up tomorrow for practice at 7 sharp! And try to make friends with this girl. I think she might be those types girls who are tough on the outside and really sweet on the inside." We waved goodbye to our manager. Now we were alone with that girl. "Well let's try to make it the best experience living here." said Onew as he put his hand out. We placed our hands on top. "FIGHTING!"

The beginning just started!
Good chappie?
Comment pleasee! :)
P.S. new banner! yeah it looks pretty simple but I'm not the type to make it fancy :)
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@Burning91Rose: yeeeaha!!! first commenter! I wanted the plot to be different from other stories I read. Oh don't worry you'll get to know about the main girl throughout the story :)
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pleaseman #1
Chapter 10: i still not done but it so good
So CUTE! Poor Jjongie. Hope he finds someone soon :D
I loved it! Such a GREAT ending! Especially the very last scentence of the story, BESIDES 'THEEE ENDDD!!!'. I LOVE IT!
Awesome! :) Min Ho won in the end, but poor Jong Hyun ;( Great job and you write very well. :D
Alzina #4
i really loved reading this story...i read it one go...<br />
I love Minho...but i still feel sorry jongie!!<br />
<br />
good job ^__^
carmelabiancx #5
omg i cried T.T haha i was really happy and feel sorry for jongie oppa :) but i like this :)
bluecheese #6
I cried. ;_________; <br />
SJASKLJFKHS THIS WAS THE BEST THING EVER. ^^ I really love this, I think i was a silent reader. of SHIZZ I'M SORRY. :[ I'm such a bad person, I'm always a silent reader. gahh, I really loved this though. :D
yuki92 #7
awww. sweet ending=DD
TT^TT it was such a beautiful ending<br />
I acutally had tears coming out when i saw it say completed<br />
Yes you need to update your big bang one